5,629 research outputs found

    Intergenerational Transmission of Healthy Eating Behaviour and the Role of Household Income

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    This paper investigates the possibility of intergenerational transmission of unhealthy eating habits from parents to adult children. It uses the 2003 Scottish Health Survey and estimates the association between the present healthy eating behaviour of adult children and the past parental death from cardiovascular disease (CVD). It uses parental CVD death as an adverse health signal which may cause a healthy eating compensatory response in adult children. This response is due to increased chances and perception of genetic predisposition of adult children as well as an indicator for parental past unhealthy eating habits which may have been passed onto the adult children. Regression analysis suggests that paternal history has no impact on either sons or daughters, and maternal history influences negatively the eating behaviour of daughters only. Unhealthy eating intergenerational transmission appears to be more intense amongst lower household income individuals.intergenerational transmission, healthy eating, household income, cardiovascular disease, public health, gender

    Assessing the environmental sustainability of biofuels.

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    Biofuels vary in their potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions when displacing fossil fuels. Savings depend primarily on the crop used for biofuel production, and on the effect that expanding its cultivation has on land use. Evidence-based policies should be used to ensure that maximal sustainability benefits result from the development of biofuels.E.K. acknowledges funding from the EU FP7 DEMA project (reference number 309086).This is the accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier at http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1360138514002039

    Non-Lawyers in International Commercial Arbitration: Gathering Splinters on the Bench

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    In light of the frequent appearance of arbitration clauses in international contracts, and the volume of litigation handled in this manner, international commercial arbitration\u27 has become a favorite subject of commentators who have primarily focused on the relative benefits of arbitration versus litigation and cross-institutional rules comparisons. One area that has received scant attention is the factors concerning the actual selection of particular individuals to serve as arbitrators. This article looks at how arbitrators are chosen today within the institutional context. Following this are general discussions of selected professions for indications of their members\u27 inherent suitability for and adaptability to arbitration

    A model for tetrapyrrole synthesis as the primary mechanism for plastid-to-nucleus signaling during chloroplast biogenesis.

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    Chloroplast biogenesis involves the co-ordinated expression of the chloroplast and nuclear genomes, requiring information to be sent from the developing chloroplasts to the nucleus. This is achieved through retrograde signaling pathways and can be demonstrated experimentally using the photobleaching herbicide, norflurazon, which in seedlings results in chloroplast damage and the reduced expression of many photosynthesis-related, nuclear genes. Genetic analysis of this pathway points to a major role for tetrapyrrole synthesis in retrograde signaling, as well as a strong interaction with light signaling pathways. Currently, the best model to explain the genetic data is that a specific heme pool generated by flux through ferrochelatase-1 functions as a positive signal to promote the expression of genes required for chloroplast development. We propose that this heme-related signal is the primary positive signal during chloroplast biogenesis, and that treatments and mutations affecting chloroplast transcription, RNA editing, translation, or protein import all impact on the synthesis and/or processing of this signal. A positive signal is consistent with the need to provide information on chloroplast status at all times. We further propose that GUN1 normally serves to restrict the production of the heme signal. In addition to a positive signal re-enforcing chloroplast development under normal conditions, aberrant chloroplast development may produce a negative signal due to accumulation of unbound chlorophyll biosynthesis intermediates, such as Mg-porphyrins. Under these conditions a rapid shut-down of tetrapyrrole synthesis is required. We propose that accumulation of these intermediates results in a rapid light-dependent inhibition of nuclear gene expression that is most likely mediated via singlet oxygen generated by photo-excitation of Mg-porphyrins. Thus, the tetrapyrrole pathway may provide both positive and inhibitory signals to control expression of nuclear genes

    Insulin mediated upregulation of the renin angiotensin system in human subcutaneous adipocytes is reduced by Rosiglitazone

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    Background: Obesity associated hypertension is likely to be due to multiple mechanisms. Identification of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) within adipose tissue does, however, suggest a potential causal role for it in obesity-associated hypertension. Obese patients are often hyperinsulinaemic, but mechanisms underlying insulin upregulation of the RAS in adipose tissue are unclear. TNFα, an inducer of angiotensinogen in hepatocytes, is elevated in hyperinsulinaemic, obese individuals, and may provide a link in mediating insulin upregulation of the RAS in adipose tissue. Further, thiazolidinediones lower blood pressure in vivo and downregulation of the RAS in adipose tissue may contribute to this effect. We therefore examined the effect of rosiglitazone (RSG), on the insulin mediated upregulation of the RAS. Methods and Results: Sera were obtained from the arterial circulation and from venous blood draining subcutaneous abdominal adipose tissue. Isolated human abdominal subcutaneous adipocytes (n=12) were treated with insulin (1-1000nM) and insulin in combination with RSG (10nM), and RSG (10nM) alone to determine angiotensinogen expression, angiotensin II, bradykinin and TNFα secretion. Subcutaneous adipocytes were also treated with TNFα (10-100ng/mL) to examine the direct effect on angiotensinogen expression and angiotensin II secretion. The findings showed that the arterio-venous difference in angiotensin II levels was significant (↑23%; p<0.001). Insulin increased TNFα secretion in a concentration-dependent manner (p<0.01) whilst RSG (10nM) significantly reduced the insulin mediated rise in TNFα (p<0.001), as well as AGT and angiotensin II. TNFα also increased angiotensinogen and angiotensin II in isolated adipocytes. Conclusions: Our in vivo data suggest that human subcutaneous adipose tissue is a significant source of angiotensin II. This study also demonstrates a potential TNFα mediated mechanism through which insulin may stimulate the RAS and may contribute to explain obesity associated hypertension. RSG downregulates the RAS in subcutaneous adipose tissue and this effect may contribute to the long-term effect of RSG on blood pressure

    Enhancing Collaborative Group Processes to Promote Academic Literacy and Content Learning for Diverse Learners Through Video Reflection

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    Research indicates the benefits of collaborative learning for supporting academic literacy in content classrooms, especially for diverse and exceptional students such as students with learning disabilities or English learners (ELs) who can become disengaged in content classrooms if they struggle to access complex, content-related texts. Drawing from Cognitive Load Theory, we argue that collaborative group structures support students in sharing the load of processing these texts across all members, thus ensuring better comprehension of the content. Yet, collaborative structures may not be beneficial to diverse and exceptional learners in the group, particularly if students are not supported in how to engage successfully in collaborative work. Using a mixed-methods approach, we explored the use of video reflection and guided discussions with students using collaborative strategic reading (CSR) in heterogeneous collaborative groups in one seventh-grade general education, social studies class in an urban middle school. Students’ collaborative group work was video recorded pre- and post-reflection sessions to determine change in engagement in shared learning. The reflection session included students watching the video recording of their group work during CSR, discussing their collaboration using guided prompts, and setting goals for improvement. Following the reflection session, findings revealed an overall increase in time on task for all students, with increased participation of diverse and exceptional students in richer content-related discussions. When all students understand how the collaborative group shares the cognitive load and supports each other through discussing and elaborating on ideas, academic literacy and richer understanding of the content can occur

    An Engineered Community Approach for Industrial Cultivation of Microalgae.

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    Although no species lives in isolation in nature, efforts to grow organisms for use in biotechnology have generally focused on a single-species approach, particularly where a product is required at high purity. In such scenarios, preventing the establishment of contaminants requires considerable effort that is economically justified. However, for some applications in biotechnology where the focus is on lower-margin biofuel production, axenic culture is not necessary, provided yields of the desired strain are unaffected by contaminants. In this article, we review what is known about interspecific interactions of natural algal communities, the dynamics of which are likely to parallel contamination in industrial systems. Furthermore, we discuss the opportunities to improve both yields and the stability of cultures by growing algae in multi-species consortia.EK acknowledges funding from the FP7 DEMA project (Reference number 309086). ASR received funding from the People Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013/ under REA grant agreement n° 317184.This is the accepted manuscript. This is a copy of an article published in Industrial Biotechnology © 2014 [copyright Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.]; Industrial Biotechnology is available online at: http://online.liebertpub.com