59 research outputs found

    New insights into the key role of HIF-1α in IL-10-producing B cells

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    Hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs) are essential transcription factors for the cellular response to hypoxia. Expression and stabilization of HIFs can be triggered by hypoxia or by other factors under pathological stress such as inflammation and infection. Indeed, regulatory function of HIFs has been implicated in a variety of different immune cells like macrophages and T cells. In our recent study, we delineated HIF-1α and HIF-2α roles in B cells (Nat Commun, 9:251). We demonstrated that lack of HIF-1α in B cells leads to impaired IL-10-producing CD1dhiCD5+ B cells expansion by modulating their glycolytic metabolism. We identified HIF-1α as a critical transcriptional factor involved in IL-10 production by B cells, thereby influencing the course of autoimmune diseases

    Murine Metatarsus Bone and Joint Collagen-I Fiber Morphologies and Networks Studied With SHG Multiphoton Imaging

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    Chronic inflammatory disease of bones and joints (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis, gout, etc.), but also acute bone injury and healing, or degenerative resorptive processes inducing osteoporosis, are associated with structural remodeling that ultimately have impact on function. For instance, bone stability is predominantly orchestrated by the structural arrangement of extracellular matrix fibrillar networks, i.e., collagen-I, -IV, elastin, and other proteins. These components may undergo distinct network density and orientation alterations that may be causative for decreased toughness, resilience and load bearing capacity or even increased brittleness. Diagnostic approaches are usually confined to coarse imaging modalities of X-ray or computer tomography that only provide limited optical resolution and lack specificity to visualize the fibrillary collagen network. However, studying collagen structure at the microscopic scale is of considerable interest to understand the mechanisms of tissue pathologies. Multiphoton Second Harmonic Generation (SHG) microscopy, is able to visualize the sterical topology of the collagen-I fibrillar network in 3D, in a minimally invasive and label-free manner. Penetration depths exceed those of conventional visible light imaging and can be further optimized through employing decalcification or optical clearing processing ex vivo. The goal of this proof-of-concept study was to use SHG and two-photon excited fluorescence (2-PEF) imaging to mainly characterize the fibrillary collagen organization within ex vivo decalcified normal mouse metatarsus bone and joint. The results show that the technique resolved the fibrillar collagen network of complete bones and joints with almost no artifacts and enabled to study the complex collagen-I networks with various fiber types (straight, crimped) and network arrangements of mature and woven bone with high degree of detail. Our imaging approach enabled to identify cavities within both cortical and trabecular bone architecture as well as interfaces with sharply changing fiber morphology and network structure both within bone, in tendon and ligament and within joint areas. These possibilities are highly advantageous since the technology can easily be applied to animal models, e.g., of rheumatoid arthritis to study structural effects of chronic joint inflammation, and to many others and to compare to the structure of human bone

    Advancing oral immunology for improving oral health

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    Although substantial progress has been made in dentistry in terms of diagnosis and therapy, current treatment methods in periodontology, orthodontics, endodontics, and oral and maxillofacial surgery, nevertheless, suffer from numerous limitations, some of which are associated with a dramatic reduction in the quality of life. Many general mechanisms of inflammation and immunity also apply to the oral cavity and oral diseases. Nonetheless, there are special features here that are attributable, on the one hand, to developmental biology and, on the other hand, to the specific anatomical situation, which is characterized by a close spatial relationship of soft and hard tissues, exposure to oral microbiota, and to a rapid changing external environment. Currently, a comprehensive and overarching understanding is lacking about how the immune system functions in oral tissues (oral immunology) and how oral immune responses contribute to oral health and disease. Since advances in translational immunology have created a game-changing shift in therapy in rheumatology, allergic diseases, inflammatory bowel disease, and oncology in recent years, it is reasonable to assume that a better understanding of oral immunology might lead to practice-changing diagnostic procedures and therapies in dentistry and thereby also profoundly improve oral health in general

    An integrative approach unveils FOSL1 as an oncogene vulnerability in KRAS-driven lung and pancreatic cancer

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    KRAS mutated tumours represent a large fraction of human cancers, but the vast majority remains refractory to current clinical therapies. Thus, a deeper understanding of the molecular mechanisms triggered by KRAS oncogene may yield alternative therapeutic strategies. Here we report the identification of a common transcriptional signature across mutant KRAS cancers of distinct tissue origin that includes the transcription factor FOSL1. High FOSL1 expression identifies mutant KRAS lung and pancreatic cancer patients with the worst survival outcome. Furthermore, FOSL1 genetic inhibition is detrimental to both KRAS-driven tumour types. Mechanistically, FOSL1 links the KRAS oncogene to components of the mitotic machinery, a pathway previously postulated to function orthogonally to oncogenic KRAS. FOSL1 targets include AURKA, whose inhibition impairs viability of mutant KRAS cells. Lastly, combination of AURKA and MEK inhibitors induces a deleterious effect on mutant KRAS cells. Our findings unveil KRAS downstream effectors that provide opportunities to treat KRAS-driven cancers

    Directed differentiation of hematopoietic precursors and functional osteoclasts from human ES and iPS cells

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    This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund and is available from the specified link - 2010 by The American Society of HematologyThe directed differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells offers the unique opportunity to generate a broad spectrum of human cell types and tissues for transplantation, drug discovery, and studying disease mechanisms. Here, we report the stepwise generation of bone-resorbing osteoclasts from human embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells. Generation of a primitive streak-like population in embryoid bodies, followed by specification to hematopoiesis and myelopoiesis by vascular endothelial growth factor and hematopoietic cytokines in serum-free media, yielded a precursor population enriched for cells expressing the monocyte-macrophage lineage markers CD14, CD18, CD11b, and CD115. When plated in monolayer culture in the presence of macrophage colony-stimulating factor and receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa B ligand (RANKL), these precursors formed large, multinucleated osteoclasts that expressed tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase and were capable of resorption. No tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase-positive multinucleated cells or resorption pits were observed in the absence of RANKL. Molecular analyses confirmed the expression of the osteoclast marker genes NFATc1, cathepsin K, and calcitonin receptor in a RANKL-dependent manner, and confocal microscopy demonstrated the coexpression of the alpha v beta 3 integrin, cathepsin K and F-actin rings characteristic of active osteoclasts. Generating hematopoietic and osteoclast populations from human embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells will be invaluable for understanding embryonic bone development and postnatal bone disease. (Blood. 2010; 115(14): 2769-2776)This study was supported (in part) by research funding from the Nuffield Foundation-Oliver Bird Rheumatism Program to A.E.G., Arthritis Research Campaign (ARC ref 18197) to G.S., National Institutes of Health grants R01 HL080627 and P20 GM075019 to G.M.K., and Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and Anabonos EU-FP7 to E.F.W

    Soluble CD83 Triggers Resolution of Arthritis and Sustained Inflammation Control in IDO Dependent Manner

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    Interference with autoimmune-mediated cytokine production is a key yet poorly developed approach to treat autoimmune and inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. Herein, we show that soluble CD83 (sCD83) enhances the resolution of autoimmune antigen-induced arthritis (AIA) by strongly reducing the expression levels of cytokines such as IL-17A, IFNÎł, IL-6, and TNFα within the joints. Noteworthy, also the expression of RANKL, osteoclast differentiation, and joint destruction was significantly inhibited by sCD83. In addition, osteoclasts which were cultured in the presence of synovial T cells, derived from sCD83 treated AIA mice, showed a strongly reduced number of multinuclear large osteoclasts compared to mock controls. Enhanced resolution of arthritis by sCD83 was mechanistically based on IDO, since inhibition of IDO by 1-methyltryptophan completely abrogated sCD83 effects on AIA. Blocking experiments, using anti-TGF-ÎČ antibodies further revealed that also TGF-ÎČ is mechanistically involved in the sCD83 induced reduction of bone destruction and cartilage damage as well as enhanced resolution of inflammation. Resolution of arthritis was associated with increased numbers of regulatory T cells, which are induced in a sCD83-IDO-TGF-ÎČ dependent manner. Taken together, sCD83 represents an interesting approach for downregulating cytokine production, inducing regulatory T cells and inducing resolution of autoimmune arthritis

    Neutral sphingomyelinase mediates the co-morbidity trias of alcohol abuse, major depression and bone defects

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    Mental disorders are highly comorbid and occur together with physical diseases, which are often considered to arise from separate pathogenic pathways. We observed in alcohol-dependent patients increased serum activity of neutral sphingomyelinase. A genetic association analysis in 456,693 volunteers found associations of haplotypes of SMPD3 coding for NSM-2 (NSM) with alcohol consumption, but also with affective state, and bone mineralisation. Functional analysis in mice showed that NSM controls alcohol consumption, affective behaviour, and their interaction by regulating hippocampal volume, cortical connectivity, and monoaminergic responses. Furthermore, NSM controlled bone–brain communication by enhancing osteocalcin signalling, which can independently supress alcohol consumption and reduce depressive behaviour. Altogether, we identified a single gene source for multiple pathways originating in the brain and bone, which interlink disorders of a mental–physical co-morbidity trias of alcohol abuse—depression/anxiety—bone disorder. Targeting NSM and osteocalcin signalling may, thus, provide a new systems approach in the treatment of a mental–physical co-morbidity trias

    SIRNA-Directed In Vivo Silencing of Androgen Receptor Inhibits the Growth of Castration-Resistant Prostate Carcinomas

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    BACKGROUND: Prostate carcinomas are initially dependent on androgens, and castration or androgen antagonists inhibit their growth. After some time though, tumors become resistant and recur with a poor prognosis. The majority of resistant tumors still expresses a functional androgen receptor (AR), frequently amplified or mutated. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: To test the hypothesis that AR is not only expressed, but is still a key therapeutic target in advanced carcinomas, we injected siRNA targeting AR into mice bearing exponentially growing castration-resistant tumors. Quantification of siRNA into tumors and mouse tissues demonstrated their efficient uptake. This uptake silenced AR in the prostate, testes and tumors. AR silencing in tumors strongly inhibited their growth, and importantly, also markedly repressed the VEGF production and angiogenesis. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our results demonstrate that carcinomas resistant to hormonal manipulations still depend on the expression of the androgen receptor for their development in vivo. The siRNA-directed silencing of AR, which allows targeting overexpressed as well as mutated isoforms, triggers a strong antitumoral and antiangiogenic effect. siRNA-directed silencing of this key gene in advanced and resistant prostate tumors opens promising new therapeutic perspectives and tools

    Macrophages inhibit Coxiella burnetii by the ACOD1 ‐itaconate pathway for containment of Q fever

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    Infection with the intracellular bacterium Coxiella (C.) burnetii can cause chronic Q fever with severe complications and limited treatment options. Here, we identify the enzyme cis-aconitate decarboxylase 1 (ACOD1 or IRG1) and its product itaconate as protective host immune pathway in Q fever. Infection of mice with C. burnetii induced expression of several anti-microbial candidate genes, including Acod1. In macrophages, Acod1 was essential for restricting C. burnetii replication, while other antimicrobial pathways were dispensable. Intratracheal or intraperitoneal infection of Acod1-/- mice caused increased C. burnetii burden, weight loss and stronger inflammatory gene expression. Exogenously added itaconate restored pathogen control in Acod1-/- mouse macrophages and blocked replication in human macrophages. In axenic cultures, itaconate directly inhibited growth of C. burnetii. Finally, treatment of infected Acod1-/- mice with itaconate efficiently reduced the tissue pathogen load. Thus, ACOD1-derived itaconate is a key factor in the macrophage-mediated defense against C. burnetii and may be exploited for novel therapeutic approaches in chronic Q fever
