42 research outputs found

    Certain Differential Subordinations using a Generalized Sălăgean Operator and Ruscheweyh Operator

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    MSC 2010: 30C45, 30A20, 34A40In the present paper we define a new operator using the generalized Sălăgean operator and the Ruscheweyh operator

    Sandwich theorems involving fractional integrals applied to the q -analogue of the multiplier transformation

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    In this paper, the research discussed involves fractional calculus applied to a q q -operator. Fractional integrals applied to the q q -analogue of the multiplier transformation gives a new operator, and the research is conducted applying the differential subordination and superordination theories. The best dominant and the best subordinant are obtained by the theorems and corollaries discussed. Combining the results from the both theories, sandwich-type results are presented as a conclusion of this research

    Differential Subordination and Superordination Results for q-Analogue of Multiplier Transformation

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    The results obtained by the authors in the present paper refer to quantum calculus applications regarding the theories of differential subordination and superordination. These results are established by means of an operator defined as the q-analogue of the multiplier transformation. Interesting differential subordination and superordination results are derived by the authors involving the functions belonging to a new class of normalized analytic functions in the open unit disc U, which is defined and investigated here by using this q-operator

    Fractional Calculus and Confluent Hypergeometric Function Applied in the Study of Subclasses of Analytic Functions

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    The study done for obtaining the original results of this paper involves the fractional integral of the confluent hypergeometric function and presents its new applications for introducing a certain subclass of analytic functions. Conditions for functions to belong to this class are determined and the class is investigated considering aspects regarding coefficient bounds as well as partial sums of these functions. Distortion properties of the functions belonging to the class are proved and radii estimates are established for starlikeness and convexity properties of the class

    New Applications of Sălăgean and Ruscheweyh Operators for Obtaining Fuzzy Differential Subordinations

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    The present paper deals with notions from the field of complex analysis which have been adapted to fuzzy sets theory, namely, the part dealing with geometric function theory. Several fuzzy differential subordinations are established regarding the operator Lαm, given by Lαm:An→An, Lαmf(z)=(1−α)Rmf(z)+αSmf(z), where An={f∈H(U),f(z)=z+an+1zn+1+…,z∈U} is the subclass of normalized holomorphic functions and the operators Rmf(z) and Smf(z) are Ruscheweyh and Sălăgean differential operator, respectively. Using the operator Lαm, a certain fuzzy class of analytic functions denoted by SLFmδ,α is defined in the open unit disc. Interesting results related to this class are obtained using the concept of fuzzy differential subordination. Examples are also given for pointing out applications of the theoretical results contained in the original theorems and corollaries

    On Special Fuzzy Differential Subordinations Obtained for Riemann–Liouville Fractional Integral of Ruscheweyh and Sălăgean Operators

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    New results concerning fuzzy differential subordination theory are obtained in this paper using the operator denoted by Dz−λLαn, previously introduced by applying the Riemann–Liouville fractional integral to the convex combination of well-known Ruscheweyh and Sălăgean differential operators. A new fuzzy subclass DLnFδ,α,λ is defined and studied involving the operator Dz−λLαn. Fuzzy differential subordinations are obtained considering functions from class DLnFδ,α,λ and the fuzzy best dominants are also given. Using particular functions interesting corollaries are obtained and an example shows how the obtained results can be applied

    New Applications of the Fractional Integral on Analytic Functions

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    The fractional integral is a function known for the elegant results obtained when introducing new operators; it has proved to have interesting applications. In the present paper, differential subordinations and superodinations for the fractional integral of the confluent hypergeometric function introduced in a previously published paper are presented. A sandwich-type theorem at the end of the original part of the paper connects the outcomes of the studies done using the dual theories