185 research outputs found

    Analisa Penggunaan Solar Cell pada Pju di Pulau Laut Tengah Kabupaten Kotabaru Kalimantan Selatan

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    Secara geografis kabupaten Kotabaru terletak antara 2º 18\u27 44,57" – 5º 0\u27 35,24" Lintang Selatan dan 115º 29\u27 38,36" - 117º 31\u27 29,17" Bujur Timur, Dengan Luas Wilayah 9.422,46 Km2 (lebih dari ¼ Kalsel) dan terdiri dari 1 pulau besar dan 110 kecil serta Panjang pantai 825 Km dan jumlah penduduk yang ada di kabupaten kotabaru adalah sebesar 308.730 jiwa yang terdiri 160.720 laki-laki dan 148.010 perempuan, dengan 18 etnis yang tersebar di 21 Kecamatan, 198 Desa dan 4 Kelurahan. Untuk meningkatkan pembangunan transportasi, baik darat, laut maupun udara, Kabupaten Kotabaru dapat ditempuh dengan melalui jalan darat yang meliputi panjang sekitar 1.000 (seribu) Kilometer, terdiri dari sepanjang 148 (seratus Empat puluh delapan) Kilometer jalan Negara, 134 (seratus tiga puluh empat) Kilometer jalan Propinsi, dan 792 (tujuh ratus sembilan puluh dua) Kilometer jalan KabupatenPembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) pada dasarnya adalah pencatu daya (alat yang menyediakan daya), dan dapat dirancang untuk mencatu kebutuhan listrik yang kecil sampai dengan besar, baik secara mandiri, maupun dengan hybrid (dikombinasikan dengan sumber energi lain) baik dengan metode Desentralisasi (satu rumah satu pembangkit) maupun dengan metode Sentralisasi (listrik didistribusikan dengan jaringan kabel)Besarnya biaya yang harus dikeluarkan oleh Pemda Kotabaru setiap bulanya untuk membayar tagihan listrik dalam penggunaan PJU Listrik PLN di Pulau Laut Tengah adalah Rp 1.675.989. Namun Kenyataanya penggunaan PJU listrik PLN tersebut sudah tidak berfungsi atau tidak menyala, tagihan yang ada ini merupakan tagihan minimum yang harus dibayar oleh Pemerintah Daerah. Adapun besarnya investasi untuk pemasangan jaringan baru PJU listrik PLN dengan daya yang tersambung 3500 VA dengan jumlah lampu 33 titik adalah 54.550.000/33 unit = 16.530.300 per unit.Jadi besarnya biaya tagihan per titik PJU listrik PLN dalam 1 bulan adalah = Rp 21.902, dalam 1 tahun adalah Rp 21.902 x 12 bulan = Rp 262.824 untuk 1 unit PJU listrik PLN menggunakan lampu LHE 45 Watt


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    The position of women in politics seems to play only a secondary role, even though regulatively, women have been given privileges through the arrangement of a 30% quota for the nomination of legislators. This study aims to find out how the representation of women in the Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (DPRD) of Makassar City. This research is a field qualitative research, with a statutory and normative approach to syar'i. Based on the results of the 2019 General Election, the level of women's representation in the Makassar City DPRD reached 26% (13 people) out of a total of 50 people in the number of members of the Makassar City DPRD. Cumulatively, this figure has not met the 30% quota mandated by law. This is due to several factors such as the system of regeneration of political parties, women's interest in getting involved, family support, and the high cost of politics. From the perspective of siyasah dusturiyah, the arrangement regarding the 30% quota for women in the nomination of legislators should not be interpreted textually according to the text of the Qur'an or hadith, but should be based on leadership ability.Posisi perempuan di dunia politik terkesan hanya memainkan peran sekunder, padahal secara regulatif, perempuan telah diberikan keistimewaan melalui pengaturan kuota 30% untuk pencalonan anggota legislatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana keterwakilan perempuan di Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah (DPRD) Kota Makassar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif lapangan, dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan normatif syar’i. Berdasarkan hasil Pemilihan Umum Tahun 2019, tingkat keterwakilan perempuan di DPRD Kota Makassar mencapai 26% (13 orang) dari total 50 orang jumlah anggota DPRD Kota Makassar. Secara kuantitaif, angka tersebut belum memenuhi kuota 30% yang diamanatkan oleh peraturan perundang-undangan. Hal tersebut disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor seperti sistem kaderisasi partai politik, minat perempuan untuk terlibat, dukungan keluarga, dan mahalnya biaya politik. Dalam perspektif siyasah dusturiyah, pengaturan mengenai kuota 30% bagi perempuan dalam pencalonan anggota legislatif hendaknya tidak dimaknai secara tekstual sesuai dengan teks al-Qur’an maupun hadis, tetapi harus didasarkan pada kemampuan kepemimpinan

    Improvement Method of Gene Transfer in Kappaphycus Alvarezii

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    Method of foreign gene transfer in red seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii has been reported, however, li-mited number of transgenic F0 (broodstock) was obtained. This study was conducted to improve the method of gene transfer mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens in order to obtain high percentage of K. alvarezii transgenic. Superoxide dismutase gene from Melastoma malabatrichum (MmCu/Zn-SOD) was used as model towards increasing adaptability of K. alvarezii to environmental stress. The treat-ments were the culture media and recovery duration, and each treatment consisted of three replica-tions. The best method was co-cultivation using liquid media, then recovery was conducted in liquid media for 10 days. That treatment allowed higher transformation percentage (90%), regeneration effi-ciency (90%), putative bud efficiency (100%), number of buds and explants sprouted (100%) and transgenic explants (100%). The transgenic explants showed an amplification PCR product of Mm-Cu/Zn-SOD gene fragment, whereas the non-transgenic explants showed no amplification product. All results revealed that suitable method of transgenesis for K. alvarezii has been developed

    Comparison of Three Different Techniques of Gene Transfer in Humpback Grouper ( ) Cromileptes Altivelis

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    Humpback grouper is one of the most cultured fishes in Asia, including Indonesia. Themain problemfaced by humpback culture is its slow growth rate.One of themethods that willbe more effective and efficient to solve the problem is using transgenic technique. This studywas conducted to determine the effectiveness of transfection,microinjection and electroporationtechniques on gene transfer in humpback grouper. transfection was performed byincubating sperm to the foreign DNA (pktBP-ktGH gene construct)-transfectant complexsolution, while was by injecting those complex solution into testis of mature males.Microinjection was conducted in 2-4 cell stage embryos using 25 μg/ml of foreign DNAsolution, and duration of injection was 1, 2 and 3 seconds. Electroporation by 50 V, 30 ms ofpulse length, 5 of pulse number and 0.1 of pulse interval was performed to sperm using threeDNA concentration of 5, 10 and 20 μg/ml. The incorporation of foreign DNA in sperm andembryos were analyzed using PCR method. Based on PCR analysis, an optimum DNAconcentration for electroporation was 10 μg/ml. Limited number of embryos could bemicroinjected during 20-30 min to reach 2-4 cell stage. Microinjection for 1 second showedhigher survival rate of embryos, although none or very low number of larvae was hatched.Transfast was an effective DNA delivery reagent for humpback grouper sperm. Foreign DNAcould be detected in sperm from two out of ten transfected fish at least 36 hours posttransfection (hpt). By transfection, foreign DNA was detected in sperm at 48 hpt 25 Cincubation temperature. Our study revealed that transfection, microinjection as well aselectroporation could be used as transgenesis methods in humpback grouper. By means ofsimplicity and efficacy, however, electroporationwas an appropriate gene transfermethod.oIn vitroin vivoin vivoin vitr

    Experimental Verification of Many-Body Entanglement Using Thermodynamic Quantities

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    The phenomenon of quantum entanglement underlies several important protocols that enable emerging quantum technologies. Being an extremely delicate resource entangled states easily get perturbed by their external environment, and thus makes the question of entanglement certification immensely crucial for successful implementation of the protocols involving entanglement. In this work, we propose a set of entanglement criteria for multi-qubit systems that can be easily verified by measuring certain thermodynamic quantities. In particular, the criteria depend on the difference in optimal works extractable from an isolated quantum system under global and local interactions, respectively. As a proof of principle, we demonstrate the proposed thermodynamic criteria on nuclear spin registers of up to 10 qubits using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance architecture. We prepare noisy Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger class of states in star-topology systems and certify their entanglement through our proposed criteria. We also provide elegant means of entanglement certification in many-body systems when only partial or even no knowledge about the state is available.Comment: 4.5 pages (two-column) + 9.5 pages (one-column) + 5 figures; Comments are welcom

    Nisbah Panjang Usus Terhadap Bobot Tubuh Ikan Gurami, Osphronemus Goramy Lac. 1801, Yang Diberi Pakan Berkadar Protein Berbeda Dengan Diperkaya Hormon Pertumbuhan Rekombinan (RGH) [Ratio of Intestine Length to Body Weight of Giant Gourami, Osphronemus Goramy Lac. Feed with Different Protein Levels of the Diets Supplemented with Recombinant Growth Hormone (RGH)]

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan pengaruh pemberian pakan dengan kadar protein berbeda yang diperkaya dengan rGH pada nisbah panjang usus dan bobot tubuh ikan gurami. Pakan dengan kadar protein berbeda (21%, 28%, 34%;isoenergi) dibalut kuning telur yang mengandung rGH. Masing-masing perlakuan memiliki kontrol tanpa penam-bahan rGH. Yuwana ikan gurami (bobot tubuh15,83±0,13 g) diberi pakan mengandung rGH dua kali seminggu. Yuwa-na ikan dipelihara dalam akuarium volume100 L dengan padat tebar 10 ekor per akuarium selama 42 hari. Pada akhir perlakuan dilakukan pengukuran bobot tubuh dan panjang usus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada masing-ma-sing taraf perlakuan kadar protein pakan, pemberian rGH berpengaruh nyata (p0,05)

    Penegakan Hukum Terhadap Tindak Pidana Pemalsuan Merek Pasca Berlakunya Undang-undang Nomor 15 Tahun 2001 Tentang Merek

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    In Law No. 15/2001 on brand, the caharacteristics of the criminal act of brand counterfeiting belong to the statement that all criminal act of brand counterfeiting is a violation that it is more to private than public law in nature, the characteristic of criminal law is increasingly less raised, the ordinary offense is changed into a crime on complaint, and the imprisonmentis reduced from 7 years to a maximum of 5 years. The law enforcement resulted in the uncertainty of law and justice. Different court decisions based on different criminal charge and even different imposed articles are given to the matters of the same cases. Therefore, the crime on complaint shall be changed into ordinary offense and the criminal act of brand counterfeiting shall also be considered as a criminal act not as a violation only

    Effect of Temperature on Reproduction and Sex Ratio of Guppy (Poecilia reticulata Peters)

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    Water temperature could affect the reproduction of broodstock and sex ratio of progeny.  In this study, broodstock of guppy (Poecilia reticulata Peters) was reared in different temperature to determine its effect on reproduction of broodstock and sex ratio of their progeny. The result of study show that broodstock reared at 27°C produced more fry (16 males mean) than that of 30°C (10 males), while broodstock reared at 33°C produced no progeny.  Percentage of male fish produced by broodstock reared at 30°C is higher than that of 27°C.  Incubation time of embryo before birth is sorter in broodstock reared at 30°C (4-12 days) compared with 27°C (18-22 days).  However, several progeny of broodstock reared at 30°C had abnormal vertebrae. Keywords: guppy, Poecilia reticulata, sex reversal, reproduction, monosex   ABSTRAK Suhu air inkubasi diduga dapat mempengaruhi reproduksi induk ikan dan nisbah kelamin keturunannya.  Pada penelitian ini, induk ikan gapi (Poecilia reticulata Peters) dipelihara pada suhu 27°C, 30°C dan suhu 33°C untuk mengetahui pengaruhnya terhadap reproduksi dan rasio kelamin keturunannya.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa induk ikan gapi yang dipelihara pada suhu 27°C menghasilkan anak lebih banyak (rata-rata 16 ekor) daripada di suhu 30°C (10 ekor), sementara induk gagal melahirkan pada suhu pemeliharaan 33°C. Proporsi anak jantan yang dihasilkan oleh induk yang dipelihara pada suhu 30°C lebih banyak dibandingkan pada suhu 27°C.  Waktu inkubasi embrio sebelum dilahirkan oleh induk yang dipelihara pada suhu 30°C lebih singkat, yaitu 4-12 hari, dibandingkan pada  suhu 27°C, 18-22 hari.  Namun demikian beberapa anak ikan yang lahir dari induk yang dipelihara pada suhu suhu 30°C mengalami abnormalitas pada bagian tulang belakangnya.  Kata kunci: ikan gapi, Poecilia reticulata, sex reversal, reproduksi, monosek
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