63 research outputs found

    Peran Kepemimpinan dalam Meningkatkan Etos Kerja Islam

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    Peran kepemimpinan sebagai penggerak dan koordinator dari sumber daya manusia di lembaga keuangan syariah. Etos kerja Islam merupakan cerminan dari besarnya tanggung jawab karyawan dalam lembaga keuangan syariah. Pemimpin dalam menggerakkan kinerja karyawan harus mampu menggunakan peran guna mencapai kinerja yang efektif dan efisien dalam pelaksanaan.  Penelitian ini mencoba mendeskripsikan upaya peningkatan etos kerja Islam yang dilakukan oleh pimpinan BPRS Aman Syariah Lampung Timur. Field research atau penelitian lapangan merupakan jenis penelitian yang digunakan peneliti yang bersifat deskriptif, teknik yang digunakan dalam mengumpulkan data yakni dengan menggunakan wawancara dan dokumentasi, lalu dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif untuk menarik kesimpulan. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan maka, kepemimpinan yang ada di BPRS Aman Syariah Lampung Timur secara keseluruhan sudah cukup memenuhi dari indikator-indikator serta fungsi kepemimpinan berdampak pada etos kerja karyawan yaitu menjadi lebih bersemangat dalam menjalankan tugas maupun pekerjaan yang diberikan serta berpengaruh pada tanggung jawab  kepada lembaga keuangan syariah sehingga karyawan memiliki loyalitas dalam bekerja dan mampu mencapapai tujuan lembaga keuangan


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    ABSTRACTIslamic economic perspective, state finances are the top priority to be able to be pooled from the resources gathered and issued for regional development, so as to bring about the welfare of the people. This paper tries to re-examine the management of the public finances during the Abbasid dynasty at the time of Harun Ar-Rasyid's caliph who ruled for 23 years, the state income came from taxes, zakat, and the spoils of war taken in three categories. The purpose of this writing is to find out how the public finances are practiced by the caliph Harun Ar-Rasyid. The method used by library research, Pustaka research aims to collect data and information from the help of various materials contained in the library room, such as books, magazines, documents, records, historical stories and others. To assist in the administration of the state, the caliph formed Diwanul Kharaj to take care of the country's finances. As for the management of financial problems of the State, a financial institution, Baitul Maal (State Treasury) was formed.Keywords: Harun Ar-Rasyid, Islam, Finance. ABSTRAKPerspektif ekonomi Islam, keuangan negara menjadi prioritas utama untuk dapat dikekola dari sumber-sumber yang dihimpun dan dikeluarkan untuk pembangunan wilayah, sehingga dapat mendatangkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Tulisan ini mencoba menelaah ulang pengelolaan keuangan publik di masa dinasti Abbasiyah pada saat khalifah Harun Ar-Rasyid yang memerintah selama 23 tahun, pendapatan negara berasal dari pajak, zakat, dan rampasan perang yang diambil dengan tiga kategori. Tujuan penulisan ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana keuangan publik yang dipraktikkan oleh khalifah Harun Ar-Rasyid lalu mencoba melihat dengan menggunakan pandangan maqasid syariah. Metode yang digunakan penelitian pustaka, penelitian pustaka bertujuan untuk mengumpulkan data dan informasi dari bantuan bermacam-macam material yang terdapat di ruang perpustakaan, seperti buku-buku, majalah, dokumen, catata, kisah-kisah sejarah dan lain-lainnya. Untuk membantu kegiatan administrasi negara maka khalifah membentuk Diwanul Kharaj untuk mengurus keuangan negara. Sedangkan untuk pengelolaan masalah keuangan Negara maka dibentuk suatu lembaga keuangan yaitu Baitul Maal (Kas Negara).Kata Kunci: Harun Ar-Rasyid, Islam, Keuangan


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    The main problem in the culture of clown loach (Chromobotia macracanthus) is the slow growth rate, which takes about six months to reach its market size (two inches total body length). Slow growth eventually cause a long production time and increase the production costs. An alternative solution can be proposed in order to enhance the growth is by using recombinant growth hormone. The aim of this study was to determine the immersion dose of recombinant Epinephelus lanceolatus growth hormone (rElGH) which can generate the highest growth in clown loach. Larvae at seven day after hatching were hyperosmotic treated with NaCl 2.0% for one minute, then immersed for one hour in water containing 0.3% NaCl, 0.01% bovine serum albumin (BSA), and different doses of rElGH, namely: 0.12 (treatment A), 1.2 (B), 12 (C), and 120 mg/L (D). As control, fish were immersed in water without rElGH and NaCl (control-1), water containing 0.3% NaCl and 0.01% BSA (control-2), and 0.3% NaCl water (control-3). Each treatment was replicated three times. The results showed that clown loach juveniles in treatment B, C, and D had longer total body length (P<0.05) than control-1, while fish treatment A was the same as controls. Survival and body weight were similar in all treatments and controls (P>0.05). In addition, the percentage of large size juveniles increased approximately 5% in treatment B, almost the same as in the medium size, while the small size were decrease compared to the control-1. Thus, the best immersion dose of rElGH was 1.2 mg/L water

    PERAN UANG DALAM PRODUKSI (Telaah Economic Value of Time sebagai Penunjang Faktor Produksi)

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    Uang merupakan media yang menyimpan nilai sehingga dapat mengubah daya beli pada waktu yang akan datang dan memiliki stabilitas yang baik, uang mempunyai peran dalam proses produksi yang bertujuan menciptakan barang atau jasa untuk memenuhi kebutuhan manusia sehingga proses produksi dapat terpenuhi dan terlaksana sesuai dengan tujuan yang direncanakan. Uang sebagai penunjang dalam memaksimalkan faktor-faktor produksi, tanpa peran uang maka akan mengalami kelambatan dalam proses produksi atahu bahkan mengalami kemunduran. Peneliti menggunakan kajian pustaka dengan metode deskriptif-analisis dalam memaparkan analisis yang dilakukan, dengan mencoba membandingkan permasalahan yang ditelaah dengan literaetur yang berkaitan pada masalah yang sedang diamati, penelitian ini menganalisa peran uang dalam produksi (menelaah economic value of time sebagai penunjang faktor produksi), produksi memiliki faktor-faktor yang harus terpenuhi yakni, modal, sumber daya alam, tenaga kerja, dan manajemen produksi, dalam memenuhi faktor produksi acap kali produsen mengalami kekurangan dalam pemenuhan faktor dalam proses produksi, uang menjadi penunjang yang dapat membantu dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan dengan cara mendapatkan dan menggunakan uang sesuai dengan nilai-nilai Islam dan digunakan secara maksimal agar dapat memenuhi kebutuhan manusia.Money is a medium that stores value so as to change the purchasing power in the future and have a good stability, money has a role in the production process that aims to create goods or services to meet human needs So that the production process can be fulfilled and carried out according to planned objectives. Money as a support in maximizing the production factors, without the role of money then will experience slowness in the production process aknew even experience setbacks. Researchers use the review of the library with a descriptive-analysis method to display the analysis done, by trying to compare the problems studied with related Literaetur on the problem being observed, this study Analyzing the role of money in production (studying the economic value of time as supporting the production factor), production has the factors to be fulfilled namely, capital, natural resources, manpower, and production management, in meeting the factors Production often lacks producers in the fulfillment of factors in the production process, money becomes supporting that can help in fulfilling the needs by obtaining and using money in accordance with Islamic values and used To meet human needs


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    Produksi ialah kegiatan proses menciptakan barang atau jasa yang dilakukan oleh manusia untuk memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen, kegiatan produksi jika tidak memperhatikan nilai  etika bisnis Islam maka akan melahirkan eksploitasi pada sumber daya. Produksi yang diiringi dengan nilai etika bisnis Islam pada muara akhirnya akan menjaga nilai keadilan dan moralitas sebagai sarana batasan menuju fallah (kesejahteraan). Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan kajian pustaka dengan metode deskriptif-analisis, penelitian pustaka yakni membaca karya literatur yang berkaitan dengan permasalahan yang menjadi objek diteliti, Penelitian ini mencoba menganalisa etika produksi  dalam pandangan maqasid syariah, menurut Abu Ishaq al-Syatibi, ­maqasid dibagi menjadi tiga bagian dharuriyat, hajiyyat, dan tahsiniyat. Dharuriyat sebagai maqasid yang utama tingkat kebutuhannya harus terpenuhi atau sebagai kebutuhan primer. Jika bagian ini kebutuhannya tidak bisa terpenuhi, bisa menyebabkan kesejahteraan manusia saat ini maupun  di akhirat kelak tidak akan terealisasi, kegiatan produksi dalam rangka menciptakan kemaslahatan bagi manusia, kemaslahatan itu dapat tercipta jika bisa menjaga dan memelihara seluruh unsur pokok, yakni; agama, jiwa, akal, keturunan, dan harta.Produksi ialah kegiatan proses menciptakan barang atau jasa yang dilakukan oleh manusia untuk memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen, kegiatan produksi jika tidak memperhatikan nilai  etika bisnis Islam maka akan melahirkan eksploitasi pada sumber daya. Produksi yang diiringi dengan nilai etika bisnis Islam pada muara akhirnya akan menjaga nilai keadilan dan moralitas sebagai sarana batasan menuju fallah (kesejahteraan). Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan kajian pustaka dengan metode deskriptif-analisis, penelitian pustaka yakni membaca karya literatur yang berkaitan dengan permasalahan yang menjadi objek diteliti, Penelitian ini mencoba menganalisa etika produksi  dalam pandangan maqasid syariah, menurut Abu Ishaq al-Syatibi, ­maqasid dibagi menjadi tiga bagian dharuriyat, hajiyyat, dan tahsiniyat. Dharuriyat sebagai maqasid yang utama tingkat kebutuhannya harus terpenuhi atau sebagai kebutuhan primer. Jika bagian ini kebutuhannya tidak bisa terpenuhi, bisa menyebabkan kesejahteraan manusia saat ini maupun  di akhirat kelak tidak akan terealisasi, kegiatan produksi dalam rangka menciptakan kemaslahatan bagi manusia, kemaslahatan itu dapat tercipta jika bisa menjaga dan memelihara seluruh unsur pokok, yakni; agama, jiwa, akal, keturunan, dan harta

    Persepsi Santriwati Dalam Pembelian Kosmetik Berlabel Halal

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    Halal products have bruised the world of marketing with many products labeled halal. Among them are halal cosmetics, but it is very unfortunate that there are halal products but not labeled halal. One of them is a medical product that has a business license, registered with BPOM, not even harmful by its users but does not hold a halal label permit. The method used is qualitative, using a sociological approach to economics whose purpose is to find out that a product labeled halal or halal cosmetics can not only be seen from the label but certain few that can be used as a benchmark of a halal product. The results of this study show that halal labels in cosmetics on the market provide a choice of buying interest so that with the attitude that there are several roles that occur in halal certification including the role of religious identity, attitudes, subjective norms or perceived behaviour control that can produce a positive or negative role in the interest in buying products.Produk halal sudah memarakkan dunia marketing dengan banyaknya produk-produk yang berlabel halal. Diantaranya yaitu kosmetik halal, namun hal ini sangat disayangkan ada produk halal tapi tidak berlabel halal. Salah satu diantaranya adalah produk kedokteran yang memiliki izin usaha, terdaftar di BPOM, bahkan tidak membahayakan oleh penggunanya namun tidak mengantungi izin label halal. Metode yang digunakan ialah kualitatif, menggunakan pendekatan sosiologis ekonomi yang tujuan untuk mengetahui bahwa sebuah produk yang berlabel halal atau kosmetik halal tidak hanya bisa dilihat dari label tapi beberapa tertentu yang bisa dijadikan tolok ukur dari sebuah produk halal. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa label halal dalam kosmetik yang beredar di pasaran memberikan pilihan minat membeli sehingga dengan sikap bahwa adanya beberapa peran yang terjadi didalam sertifikasi halal diantaranya peran identitas agama, sikap, norma subjektif ataudan perceived behaviour control yang dapat menghasilkan peran positif atau negatif dalam minat pembelian produk


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    This study was aimed to produce recombinant growth hormone (rGH) from giant grouper (Epinephelus lanceolatus), giant gouramy (Osphronemus gouramy) and common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and compare their bioactivity potential by means of inducing the growth hormone of juvenile Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) as the model. DNA fragment encoding mature GH protein of giant grouper (El-mGH), giant gouramy (Og-mGH) and common carp (Cc-mGH) was amplified by PCR method. The purified PCR products were ligated to pCold-1 to generate pCold/El-mGH, pCold/OgmGH, and pCold/Cc-mGH protein expression vector, respectively. Each of the expression vectors was transformed into the Escherichia coli BL21. E. coli BL21 was cultured using 2xYT medium and protein production was induced by cold shock at 15±1oC for overnight. The inclusion bodies of E. coli transformants containing protein expression vector were isolated by sonication method, and rGH production was analyzed by SDS-PAGE. Juvenile of Nile tilapia of average body weight of 12.41±3.28 g was intramuscularly injected once a week for 4 weeks with 1 μg inclusion body containing rGH per gram fish body weight. The result showed that rGH in molecular weight of about 25 kDa was obtained. Fish injected with rGH of El-mGH, Cc-mGH and Og-mGH grew 20.94%, 18.09%, and 16.99% faster, respectively, compared with the control. This result indicated that the three rGH produced in E. coli possessed biological activity when tested on Nile tilapia and further research is needed to find its effect on the growth of other aquaculture fish species


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    Indonesian leaffish, Pristolepis grootii (Bleeker, 1852), is an undomesticated freshwater fish species native to the rivers, flooded swamps, and tributaries of Indonesia. The fish is mainly captured for consumption. In order to prevent its extinction and supply its growing demands, the artificial breeding of the fish should be developed. The purpose of this study was to determine the optimum dose of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone analog (LHRHa) for stimulating the female P. grootii gonadal development at a dosage of 0, 1, 10, and 50 µg kg-1 of fish. Female fish (20.0 ± 0.6 g) were adapted for 30 days in the rearing environment and then separated into 12 aquariums with six fish per aquarium. Fish were then reared for another 21 days and fed with Tubifex sp. The LHRHa injection was conducted twice on day-7 and 14. Fish bodyweight, gonadosomatic index, gonad histology, blood estradiol-17â, and FSH-â and LH-â gene expression were evaluated at day 0, 7, 14, and 21. The results showed that the injection of the LHRHa hormone stimulated the development of fish gonads and was better achieved with a higher concentration of LHRHa. The best treatment was observed by the administration of 50 µg kg-1 of LHRHa that produced the fastest development among all treatments. This study demonstrated that the LHRHa induction could potentially stimulate the gonadal development of the newly domesticated fish. To our knowledge, this is the first study that reported the success of the induction of female gonad development in the Indonesian leaffish P. grooti.KEYWORDS:

    Effect of feedings with different protein levels and dietary supplemental rElGH on culture performances of sex reversed Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758)

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    This study aims to evaluate the culture performance of tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) that have been treated with 17α-methyltestosterone (MT) and without MT (w-MT), feed with different protein levels (20, 24, and 28%) and recombinant Epinephelus lanceolatus growth hormone (rElGH)-diet. The research was conducted in 9 treatments and triplicate. Tilapia larvae were soaked twice, totaling 500 larvae, at the age of 10 days after hatching (DAH) and the age of 14 DAH was soaked for 4 hours using 1/l MT 2 mg/l solution. Fish maintenance was conducted in an aquarium of 1.0x0.5x0.5 m3 in the first month, and three months later in net cages (2.0x2.0x1.5 m3). Daily growth rate (DGR) and biomass gain (BG) were increased in line with increasing feed protein content and rElGH supplementation. The highest DGR and BG values were MT+28+rElGH (P 0.05) treatment. The highest feed consumption and the lowest feed conversion ratio were also obtained in the MT+28+rElGH treatment (P 0.05). Fish survival was ranged from 79.89 to 90.28% (P 0.05). The highest profit potential was found in the MT+28+rElGH treatment. The efficient aquaculture can be obtained by feeding sex-reversed tilapia at a protein level of 28% and a diet supplemented with rElGH.Keywords:Feed conversion ratioGrowth hormoneProtein retention17α-methyltestosteron

    Growth Response and Feed Utilization of Giant Gourami (Osphronemus goramy) Juvenile Feeding Different Protein Levels of the Diets Supplemented with Recombinant Growth Hormone

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of dietary supplementation with recombinant growth hormone (rGH) on the growth and dietary utility of juvenile giant gourami. The rGH was mixed with chicken egg yolk and sprayed on to artificial feed with different protein levels (34, 28, and 21%; isoenergy). Each treatment group of gourami was paired with a control group that received feed of the same protein level, but without rGH supplementation. Juvenile of giant gourami (weight 15.83 + 0.13 g) were fed diets containing rGH, to apparent satiation, 2 times a week. Fish were reared from less than 2 months old  for 42 days in 100 L glass aquaria at an initial density of 10 fish per aquarium. At the end of this period, the biomass and daily growth rate (SGR) of the fish were measured and the feed conversion ratio calculated and compared. Our data showed that fish fed rGH-supplemented diets experienced higher growth than fish in the control groups and showed that fish with higher protein diets experienced higher growth than the groups with less protein diets. The group with the highest biomass gain, SGR, and lowest feed conversion ratio (FCR) was the group fed a 34% protein diet supplemented with rGH. Furthermore, biomass gain, SGR, and FCR in the rGH treatment group with a 28% protein diet matched the measurements of the non-rGH control group receiving a 34% protein diet (P > 0.05). We conclude that giant juvenile gourami given feed supplemented with recombinant growth hormone will experience increased growth and dietary utility compared with gourami given the same feed without supplementation