711 research outputs found

    Polynomial Structure of Topological String Partition Functions

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    We review the polynomial structure of the topological string partition functions as solutions to the holomorphic anomaly equations. We also explain the connection between the ring of propagators defined from special K\"ahler geometry and the ring of almost-holomorphic modular forms defined on modular curves.Comment: version 2: references fixe

    Analisis Nilai Tambah Dan Penentuan Metrik Pengukuran Kinerja Rantai Pasok Pepaya Calina (Studi Kasus Di PT Sewu Segar Nusantara)

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis kondisi rantai pasok pepaya Calina, menganalisis nilai tambah yang dihasilkan oleh setiap anggota pada rantaipasokankomoditas pepaya Calina, dan mendesain metrik pengukurankinerja anggota rantai pasokan. Metode Hayami dan Analytic Network Process (ANP) merupakan metode yang digunakan untuk menghitung nilai tambah dan mendesain metrik pengukuran kinerja rantai pasok pepaya Calina. Nilai keuntungan yang diraih oleh mitra tani sebesar 57.74%. Sementara Perusahaan mendapatkan nilai tambah sejumlah 50.7% untuk Sunpride dan 55.56% untuk Sunfresh. Sedangkan bagi ritel dan pasar tradisional, nilai keuntungan yang diperoleh sebesar 36% dan nilai tambah sebesar 16.56%. Dalam penentuan metrik pengukuran kinerja rantai pasok menggunakan ANP, indikator yang dirasa paling berpengaruh dalam menentukan sustainable supply chain menurut para pakar adalah kualitas (0.74). Hal ini disebabkan karena kualitas dianggap mampu dalam menentukan tingkat harga, memberikan kepuasan kepada konsumen dan dalam jangka panjang mampu menciptakan loyalitas konsumen. Oleh karena itu, petani sebagai penentu kualitas dan kuantitas pepaya Calina menjadi pihak paling berpengaruh di dalam rantai pasok (0.287), yang berujung pada keuntungan ekonomi rantai pasok kedepannya

    Traumatic upper cervical esophageal perforation in childhood with door handle

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    Cervical esophageal rupture due to trauma in childhood is an extremely rare entity associated with a high rate of morbidity and mortality if misdiagnosed. There is still no consensus on the assessment and elective management of children with trauma and esophageal rupture. Surgical primary repair is usually not feasible in patients with delayed diagnosis, especially if the period extends over 48 h. We report a case of an 8-year-old boy who suffered a posterior oropharyngeal and cervical esophageal perforation after accidental intraoral penetration of a door handle. Primary repair was avoided because of late presentation of the patient. In nearly 1½ months, the perforation resolved completely without surgical intervention to the primary site.Keywords: childhood, esophageal perforation, traum

    Self-induced penetrating rectal perforation by foreign body: an unusual event in childhood

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    Traumatic rectal perforation is a very rare and dangerous emergency in childhood. We present a case of rectal perforation due to self-induced transanal impalement.Keywords: children, foreign body, rectal perforatio

    Pengaruh Jarak Tanam Dan Defoliasi Daun Pada Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Tanaman Kedelai (Glycine Max L.)

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    Peningkatkan produktivitas tanaman kedelai dapat dilakukan dengan pengaturan jarak tanam. Jarak tanam terlalu rapat berakibat daun pada bagian bawah ternaungi sehingga tidak dapat berfotosintesis dengan maksimal. Daun yang ternaungi akan mengambil hasil fotosintat dari daun di atasnya untuk memenuhi kebutuhannya dalam respirasi, sehingga perlu dilakukan defoliasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh jarak tanam dan defoliasi daun pada pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman kedelai. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan September sampai November 2014 di Kebun Percobaan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Brawijaya, di desa Jatikerto, Kecamatan Kromengan, Kabupaten Malang. Bahan yang digunakan adalah benih kedelai varietas grobogan, pupuk Urea, SP-36, KCL, Furadan. Alat yang digunakan adalah Leaf Area Meter, oven, timbangan analitik, light meter, cangkul, meteran, penggaris, tali rafia, alat tugal, gunting dan kamera. Penelitian menggunakan RAK faktorial, faktor pertama adalah jarak tanam (J) yaitu: J1 = 20 cm x 20 cm, J2 = 25 cm x 20 cm, J3 = 30 cm x 20 cm. Faktor ke dua adalah tingkat defoliasi daun (D) yaitu: D0 = Tanpa defoiasi, D1 = Defoliasi 2 daun bawah, D2 = Defoliasi 4 daun bawah. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa perlakuan jarak tanam tidak memberikan pengaruh yang berbeda pada setiap defoliasi yang diberikan terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil tanaman kedelai. Hasil tanaman kedelai pada jarak tanam 20 cm x 20 cm meningkat sebesar 28,42 % dari perlakuan jarak tanam 20 cm x 30 cm. Perlakuan defoliasi tidak memberikan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap hasil tanaman kedelai

    Analisis Peningkatan Kualitas Pada Rantai Pasok Buah Pepaya Calina

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    Due to the fact that post-harvest handling of local fruits especially in Calina papaya supply chain (IPB 9) has experience problems that can affect the value of its quality appearance, quality improvement is absolutely required. The purposes of this research are 1) Identifying the key attributes of Calina papaya quality improvement based on desires of consumers and to know the level of customer satisfaction using Quality Function Deployment (QFD); 2) Analyzing the causes of Calina papaya quality problems, and 3) Analyzing strategies or ways to improve the quality of Calina papaya in Indonesia. The results of this research show that there are three main attributes of customer satisfaction; namely, the sweet taste, color of fruit meat, and texture of fruit meat. Supply chain activities that have the highest interests of rate based on analysis of QFD are the maintenance (value 521) of cultivation. There are two attributes that have mismatches of quality; bruise and pests-diseases, caused by the raw materials, management, labor, environment, machine and method. The highest priority that can be chosen as the alternative strategy is increasing production capacity, product quality, and food safety assurance by expanding the distribution network

    Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Teman Sejawat (Peer Tutoring) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas Ivc SD Negeri 164 Pekanbaru

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    The problem on this research is the result of students\u27 mathematics learning is still low. The learning process is only centered on the teacher, the teacher uses a language which is difficult to understand the students so that only one-way communication process. This resulted in students\u27 skills tend to be quiet, students are asked a friend who is considered more intelligent. The study is in the form of classroom action research (PTK) with the aim to improve students\u27 mathematics learning outcomes IVC SD Negeri 164 Pekanbaru. The increase in the average student learning outcomes of student learning outcomes before action is 66.9 with classical completeness 47.05% (incomplete). Once applied learning methods peers (peer tutoring) increased student learning outcomes with an average value of 76.3 UH I, a large increase in 14.05% with classical completeness amounted to 64.70% (not completed) and the average UH II 81 , 6 with a big increase from a base score of 21.97% with 79.41% classical completeness (completed). The average percentage of the activity of teachers in the first cycle was 71.87% increased to 82.81% in the second cycle. And the tutorial activity also increased, in the first cycle the average percentage of the activity of the tutorial is a 70.71% increase to 84 , 28% in the second cycle. In addition to the activities of students in each sikusnya also increased, in the first cycle percentage is 66.07% student activity increased by 82.14% in the second cycle. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the application of learning methods peers (peer tutoring) can increase student mathematics learning outcomes fourth grades at SD Negeri164 Pekanbaru

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Langsung Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Siswa Kelas I Sdn 77 Pekanbaru

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    The background of the problem in this research is the low result of learning math grade I SD Negeri 77 Pekanbaru, caused by the applied learning strategies teachers are less precise. The action taken is the implementation of Direct Learning Model. This research aims to improve the results of learning math grade I in the SD Negeri 77 Pekanbaru school year 2014/2015. Design research is the Research Action class (PTK). The research was conducted in two cycle with data collection instruments namely observation sheets teachers and students as well as test results of learning. After the applied learning models direct then the results of the study showed that application of the Model of Direct Learning can improve the results of learning math grade IV SD Negeri 77 Pekanbaru