26 research outputs found

    Оцінка зв'язку між релігійністю, тривогою, депресією та психологічною стійкістю у медсестринського персоналу

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    The nursing profession is considered to be an emotionally demanding profession often lead to various psychological difficulties and extend level stress. Religiosity and religion in general, have been associated with positive outcomes in an individual’s life such as higher self-esteem, better quality of life and psychological wellbeing. The purpose of this study was to examine the relation between nurses’ religiosity, psychological resilience, and psychological wellbeing. In this cross-sectional study, 378 nurses participated. Dada were collected by using Centrality of Religiosity Scale, The Patient Health Questionnaire Two-Item Depression Scale, The Generalized Anxiety Disorder Questionnaire, Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale 25. Percentages, means, and standard deviations were calculated. In addition the parametric t-test and ANOVA were used. Also, logistic regression analyses were used to determine which factors affect the depression and anxiety of nurses. Results indicated differences with a probability of less than or equal to 0.05 were accepted as significant. For statistical analysis, we used the statistical program SPSS 25. According to our results although religious practices can be a protective factor for both depression and anxiety, religious beliefs and experiences can increase the levels of depression and anxiety as well.Професія медичної сестри вважається емоційно-вимогливою професією, що часто призводить до різних психологічних труднощів і збільшує рівень стресу. Релігійність і релігія загалом асоціюються з позитивними результатами в житті людини, такими як вища самооцінка, краща якість життя та психологічний добробут. Метою цього дослідження було вивчити зв’язок між релігійністю медсестер, психологічною стійкістю та психологічним благополуччям. У цьому перехресному дослідженні взяли участь 378 медсестер. Дада були зібрані за допомогою шкали центральності релігійності, шкали депресії з двома пунктами опитувальника здоров’я пацієнта, опитувальника генералізованого тривожного розладу, шкали стійкості Коннора-Девідсона 25. Були розраховані відсотки, середні значення та стандартні відхилення. Крім того, використовували параметричний t-критерій та ANOVA. Крім того, логістичний регресійний аналіз використовувався, щоб визначити, які фактори впливають на депресію та тривожність медсестер. Результати, які вказували на відмінності з ймовірністю менше або рівною 0,05, були прийняті як значущі. Для статистичного аналізу ми використовували статистичну програму SPSS 25. Згідно з нашими результатами, хоча релігійні практики можуть бути захисним фактором як депресії, так і тривоги, релігійні переконання та переживання також можуть підвищити рівень депресії та тривоги

    Association between perceived social support and occupational burnout in Greek nurses: A preliminary study

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    Purpose: To examine the relationship between perceived social support and burnout among nurses. Materials and methods: The participants of this study were 42 Greek nurses of a general hospital which were randomly selected. Data was collected using the Greek version of Maslach’s Burnout Inventory for burnout assessment and the Greek version of ‘The Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support’ for the assessment of participants’ levels of perceived social support. A self-administered questionnaire with questions about socio-demographic and work-related characteristics was used. Descriptive statistics and Spearman’s rho correlation coefficient analysis were conducted. Results: The results showed a negative association between emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and perceived social support, especially from friends. Social support from significant others found to have the highest impact while family support found to have the least impact in nurses’ social support. Conclusions: Findings could be applied to the assessment of burnout in Greek nurses and to future prevention of burnout through the enhancement of perceived social support

    Greek Nurses' Perception of Hospital Ethical Climate: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    The present study aimed to examine Greek nurses’ perceptions about hospital ethical climate and to investigate the possible difference of those perceptions regarding their demographic and work-related characteristics. The cross-sectional study design was employed in this study in which 286 nurses and nurse assistants participated. Data were collected by a sheet containing demographic and work-related characteristics and the Greek version of Oslons’ Hospital Ethical Climate Scale. IBM Statistical Package for Social Sciences 25 was used in data analysis. Frequencies, means, percentages, and standard deviations summarized the data. For the statistical differences, parametric tests were performed. Independent Samples t and Pearson correlation analysis were used to determine the relationship between the ethical climate of the hospital and the nurses’ characteristics. The p-values 0.05 were considered statistically significant. The mean age of the nurses was 44 years (SD: 8.5 years; range 24–66 years). The majority of them were women (77.3%). A percent of 57.7% of the sample was married. Most positive perceptions were concerning managers (4.01) following by peers (3.82), patients (3.69), hospital (3.29) while the least positive perceptions of the ethical climate were concerning the physicians (3.16). The factors associated with hospital ethical perception were: working experience and responsible position. The highest score of ethical climate reported to Managers subscale, while the minimum score was related to Physicians. In general, Greek nurses reported positive perceptions regarding hospital ethical climate. The positive ethical climate is associated with a better working environment, fewer nurses’ experience of moral distress, fewer chances for nursing turnover, high quality of nursing care, and fewer errors in nursing practice

    The effect of the burden of patient care with cancer on family caregivers

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    Cancer is a major problem that affects today's society. Besides patients suffering from this disease, cancer has also a huge impact on the quality of life of the family. This study aimed to investigate the latest bibliography on the effect of the burden of patient care with cancer on family caregivers. Family caregivers face physical health problems such as physical pain, fatigue, sleep disturbances. Moreover, several psychological effects are shown, in which various disorders such as depression are included. Psychological disorders, also, include adjustment disorder, panic disorder, anxiety, and emotional reactions such as anger, frustration, and fear. In the financial sector, caregivers face several problems due to the coverage of medical needs which are reinforced by reducing or stopping their work because of the care burden. At the same time, they are confronted with social impacts in which loneliness and isolation are attributable to the limitation of their social activities. As far as the age group of the patient is concerned, the effects of caring for young patients are more psychological than physical in opposite to the older people. The burden experienced by the family of the cancer patient exhausts family and it becomes necessary to identify problems and assess their needs. Health professionals should strength caregivers with actions such as psychological support, training, and participation in social and supportive programs in order to improve their personal health and quality of life

    Assessment of the relation between religiosity, anxiety, depression and psychological resilience in nursing staff

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    The nursing profession is considered to be an emotionally demanding profession often lead to various psychological difficulties and extend level stress. Religiosity and religion in general, have been associated with positive outcomes in an individual's life such as higher self-esteem, better quality of life and psychological wellbeing. The purpose of this study was to examine the relation between nurses' religiosity, psychological resilience, and psychological wellbeing. In this cross-sectional study, 378 nurses participated. Dada were collected by using Centrality of Religiosity Scale, The Patient Health Questionnaire Two-Item Depression Scale, The Generalized Anxiety Disorder Questionnaire, Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale 25. Percentages, means, and standard deviations were calculated. In addition the parametric t-test and ANOVA were used. Also, logistic regression analyses were used to determine which factors affect the depression and anxiety of nurses. Results indicated differences with a probability of less than or equal to 0.05 were accepted as significant. For statistical analysis, we used the statistical program SPSS 25. According to our results although religious practices can be a protective factor for both depression and anxiety, religious beliefs and experiences can increase the levels of depression and anxiety as well. © Copyright the Author(s), 202

    Film clips smoking behavior and nicotine craving: the interrelationship between stress, smoking cues and craving

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    Αn abundance of research has demonstrated that substance addicted individuals, when they are exposed to a substance related stimulus, show a positive correlation between physiological measurements, such as an increase in heart rate and sweating, and behavioral reactions, that include craving and substance use or consumption. Films depicting smoking behavior are regarded as cues to induce smoking behavior. The current study aimed to investigate the effects of smoking behavior portrayed in movies on actual craving experienced by smokers who watch on screen actors consume tobacco products. In addition, the effects of receiving orally administered nicotine (chewing gum), a regular chewing gum or no additional intervention were examined. In particular, the study aimed to investigate how these factors impact nicotine craving as well as the heart rate and sweating. The majority of the participants were University of Bedfordshire students and staff. Thirty smokers (12 males and 18 females) having received a nicotine gum, a regular chewing gum or no gum, were exposed to a digital video clip showing actors smoking. The participants chose the type of chewing gum they wanted. Heart rate (HR) and galvanic skin response (GSR) were measured during the course of the experiment. Prior to and after watching the movie clip participants completed the Brief Questionnaire of Smoking Urges (QSU-Brief) and the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS). According to the results, the craving was increased when compared to the baseline score (t=-3.76, p<0.001). Additionally, a correlation was found between the baseline level of craving and perceived stress before and after the movie (r=0.39). Nicotine chewing gum was found to have a significant impact on participants' heart rate (p<0.05) but not on GSR. A significant difference was found in participants in the normal chewing gum condition reporting higher levels of craving than the other two groups (p<0.05). Age was found to positively related to post-measures of nicotine craving which was found to be higher for young respondents (r=-0.47, p<0.01). The data further show that the depiction of smoking behavior in the media is likely to have a significant impact on smoking craving, smoking behavior and nicotine consumption. The current study confirms and replicates some of the previous findings within the field of smoking behavior and nicotine craving such as high susceptibility of younger adults to media influence

    Factors influencing the duration of hospitalization of patients with schizophrenia

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    Introduction. Severe mental disorders represent an important and large proportion of healthcare resource utilization and are associated with increased hospitalization rates and costs. Given the high percentage of total hospital days and costs associated with caring for people with psychotic disorders, a better understanding of the factors that determine the duration of hospitalization of patients with such disorders is imperative. Purpose. The aim of the present study was to investigate socio-demographic, clinical and psychosocial characteristics of patients with schizophrenia, admitted to a Greek public psychiatric hospital, and the relationship between these characteristics and duration of hospitalization among these patients. Methods. This is a cross-sectional study. The study sample consisted of 103 patients diagnosed with schizophrenia (F-20). The collection of data was performed by using the NEO-Five Factor Inventory, the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CDRISC25), Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support, (MSPSS), Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS), Global Assessment of Functioning scale (GAF) for assessing key personality factors, psychological resilience, social support, symptom severity and the severity of the disease, respectively. Descriptive analyses and inferential statistic methods were applied. Correlation between sociodemographic, psychosocial or clinical characteristics with the length of stay were explored. In addition, linear regression analysis was performed in order to examine predicting factors for the duration of hospitalization. All statistical analysis was performed using SPSS v.25. Results. The mean age of the sample was 43.9 (SD = ±11.4) years, 67% of patients were men, and the mean length of hospitalization was 40.7 days. Factors found to be significantly associated with length of stay in the overall sample include the previous admissions (p=0.010), the type of admission (compulsory or voluntary) (p=0.017), bed rest (p=0.043) and duration of bed rest (p=0.002), and the existence of social support networks especially from friends (p=0.018). Conclusions. Our findings indicate that basic psychosocial and clinical factors were associated with the duration of hospital stay. Duration of hospitalization results from a complex interface between characteristics and activities of the health system, patient, and clinician’s influence on discharge timing, which requires additional study. Our findings further warrant the need for policymakers to consider sociodemographic status, psychosocial and clinical factors when allocating resources to hospitals caring for patients with severe mental disorders. © 2022. Medicine and Pharmacy Reports. All Rights Reserved

    Perceptions of Caring Behaviors among Patients and Nurses

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    The concept of caring is fundamental to nursing practice. The aim of this study was to investigate patients' and nurses' caring behaviors and the possible differences between the two groups. In this descriptive and comparative study, 310 patients and 329 nurses from six general hospitals from Greece completed the Caring Behaviors Inventory-16. The mean score of Caring Behaviors Inventory-16 for patients was 78.94 (±17.85) and for nurses 80.27 (±9.36). The items "Demonstrating professional knowledge and skills" (Mean: 5.45 ± 3.62) and "Treating my information confidentially" (Mean: 5.34 ± 1.06) were the most important caring behaviors while the items "Including me in planning care" (Mean: 4.36 ± 1.56), and "Treating me as an individual" (Mean: 4.55 ± 1.46) were the least important caring behaviors for patients. For nurses, the most important caring behavior was "Treating patients" information confidentially" (Mean: 5.43 ± 0.94) and the least important was "Returning to the patient voluntarily" (Mean: 4.57 ± 3.68). Significant differences were observed in items: "Attentively listening to me/the patient" (t = -2.05, p = 0.04), "Treating me/the patient as an individual" (t = -7.82, p = 0.00), "Being empathetic or identifying with me/the patient" (t = -2.80, p = 0.00), and "Responding quickly when I/the patient call (t = -2.01, p = 0.04). Respect, privacy, and dignity were the most important caring behaviors for nurses while for patients they were knowledge, skills, and safety

    Assessment of psychological distress in end stage renal disease: is it spirituality related?

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    Introduction. Patients undergoing hemodialysis (HD) are faced with bearing this burden and report poor mental health. Spirituality can be a key factor in managing these problems among HD patients. Aim. This cross-sectional study aimed at exploring possible factors that are associated with psychological distress among HD patients and testing its relation to spirituality. Methods. HD patients were recruited from six dialysis units in Greece. Psychological distress was assessed using the scale Symptom Check List 90-R and spirituality using the Facit Sp-12 questionnaire. In addition, a special design questionnaire regarding demographic, social, and clinical characteristic was administrated. Results. According to the results, factors such age, gender, marital status and area of residence are associated with psychological distress, while dimensions of spirituality such Meaning in Life and Peace can have a positive influence on psychological distress. Conclusion. This study highlights the vital role of spirituality, which can act as a mechanism for managing stressful situations. In particular, this study highlights the positive effect of the meaning and purpose of life, as well as the role of peace and harmony. © 202

    Fatigue and perceived social support as predictive factors for aggressive behaviors among mental healthcare professionals

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    OBJECTIVE Τo examine the relationship of perceived social support and fatigue as predictors of aggressive behaviors among mental healthcare professionals. METHOD A cross-sectional study was conducted between April 2018–June 2018 with 104 mental healthcare professionals who completed three questionnaires online, specifically, the Greek version of the Fatigue Assessment Scale (FAS), the Greek version of the Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS) and the Greek version of the Aggression Questionnaire (G-AQ). The analysis was conducted using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), version 22.0. Descriptive statistics, multiple linear regression analysis, and the Pearson (r) correlation coefficient test were used. RESULTS The mental healthcare professionals reported high rates of fatigue and aggression and low levels of social support. Fatigue was reported by 54.8% (n=57) of the sample. The total score on FAS and its dimensions “mental fatigue” and “physical fatigue” were found to be significant predictors of aggressive behavior, while social support was not. The total score on MSPSS was found to be a significant predictor of “physical aggression”. In addition, a statistically significant relationship was found between fatigue and perceived social support. CONCLUSIONS Mental healthcare professionals present high rates of fatigue and aggression and record low levels of social support. These findings are of importance for developing a model of intervention that can prevent and diminish aggressive behaviors in this grou