17 research outputs found

    Wireless power transfer: a review

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    The ubiquitous nature and the proliferation of mobile devices has made wireless power transfer (WPT) a very important area of research. The flexibility and cost effectiveness of charging these enormous devices in our world without having to connect physically to any electrical port especially when the user is indisposed to do so is a very attractive characteristic of WPT. Conventional means of charging the batteries of these mobile devices are wired which invariably meansthey requirephysical connection to power sources through electrical cables. Electric power istransmitted wirelessly when a magnetic field produced by the inductive coupling of coils or electrical field produced by the capacitive coupling between electrodes is transferred over a short distance through the air interface and later received by an antenna for utilisation. This article gives a detailed review of the existing wireless power transfer technologies, principles of operation, applications and the opportunities for future research in this area of emerging technology. However, WPT has some drawbacks but it is a disruptive technology with the ability to revolutionise the dynamics of mobile wireless systems, internet of things and otherallied future technologies

    Patterns of Morbidity and Mortality amongst Motorcycle Riders and their Passengers in Benin-City Nigeria: One-year Review

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    Objective: To evaluate patterns of morbidity and mortality among bike riders and pillion seat passengers involved in road traffic accidents in Benin-City Nigeria between August 2003-July 2004. Methods: A total of Fifty-one bike riders and pillion seat passengers, who participated in this study were part of a larger study, involved in a road traffic accident and were brought to the accident and emergency unit of either the University of Benin Teaching Hospital (UBTH) or the State Specialist Hospital between August 2002-July2003.The injured ones were examined and dead patients had an autopsy done on them Results: A total of 51 cases of bikes riders/pillion seat passenger accidents were recorded representing 18% of total accidents. 35 motorbike riders/pillion seat passengers were struck down by cars (68.6%). Seven bike riders/pillion seat passengers (13.5%) were struck by articulated vehicles. 7 bike riders/pillion seat passengers representing 13.5% of cases were stuck by buses, 2 (3.9%) pillion seat passengers fell of bikes from epilepsies and sustained secondary injuries. Males were more in number with a ratio of 2.5; 1. One hundred percent (100%) or all motorcyclist and their passengers did not use helmets. Conclusion: Cars struck down most bike riders and their pillion seat passengers. Males were more than females in number. The commonest autopsy findings as cause of death was intra-cranial hemorrhage preventable by the use of crash helmets.Objectif: pour \ue9valuer la morbidit\ue9 et la mortalit\ue9 parmi les motocyclistes et leur passagers qui sont victimes des accidents de circulation dans la cite de B\ue9nin au Nigeria entre Ao\ufbt 2003 et Juillet 2004 M\ue9thodes: une cinquante des motocyclistes et leurs passagers participants dans cette \ue9tude, \ue9taient victimes d'un accidents de circulation et ont \ue9t\ue9 amen\ue9 a la salle d'urgence et d'accidents du centre hospitalier universitaire du B\ue9nin ou de l'h\uf4pital sp\ue9cialiste de l'\ue9tat entre Ao\ufbt 2002 et juillet 2003. On a examine les blesses et quant aux gens morts, on leur a fait une autopsie. R\ue9sultat: on a not\ue9 une cinquantaine des motocyclistes et leur passagers qui \ue9taient victimes d'accidents routiers. Ce bilan repr\ue9sente 18% de tous les accidents. Trente-cinq motocyclistes \ue9taient renverses par les voitures (68%), sept motocyclistes et passagers 13.5% \ue9taient renverses par les autobus, deux passagers sont tomb\ue9s du moto pendant une attaque d'\ue9pilepsie et \ue9taient gri\ue8vement bless\ue9s Pratiquement tous les motocyclistes se sont m\ue9pris\ue9s de casque protecteur. Conclusions: la plupart des motocyclistes et passagers \ue9taient renvers\ue9s par les voitures. Parmi les victimes, les hommes \ue9taient plus nombreux que les femmes. Partout dans les r\ue9sultats de l'autopsie, la cause la plus courante des morts \ue9tait l'h\ue9morragie intracr\ue2nienne

    Gestational Trophoblastic Disease (GTD): a 10 year review of clinicopathological features of cases seen at University of Benin Teaching Hosptial, Benin City.

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    Gestational trophoblastic disease: a 10 year review of clinicopathological features of cases seen at University of Benin Teaching Hosptial, Benin City.Annals Biomedical Sciences 2002; 1:94-99. Gestational trophoblastic diseases (GTD) are common among Nigerian women in their reproductive life. They are important in that they present a unique opportunity for early detection and cure. This study aimed at identifying the various histological types encountered in Benin City and defining their epidemiology, clinical presentations and management. Forty-eight cases of histologically diagnosed GTD between 1989 and 1998 at University of Benin Teaching Hospital (UBTH), Benin City, were reviewed and analysed. A frequency of 1: 252 deliveries was observed. Hydatidiform moles were the most prevalent (87.5%). Of these partial moles were the commonest (47.9%), followed by choriocarcinoma (12.5%) and invasive moles (2.1%). Over a third (35.4%) of endometrial curratage specimen were not recognized grossly as GTD by the attending physicians. The incidence occurred in 2nd and 3rd decades of life. As high as 35.4% of the patients were lost to follow-up. These findings emphasize the need for careful assessment of all pregnant women in the early trimesters, the importance of histological examination of products of abortion, proper education of these patients before they are discharged and involvement of social workers in contact tracing as a means of preventing the sequele of GTD. Keywords: Female, Conception, Gestational trophoblastic disease. Annals of Biomedical Science Vol. 1 (2) 2002: pp. 94-9

    Morbidity and Mortality Among Road Users in Benin-City, Nigeria

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    Background/objective: Murray and Krug had reported that road traffic injuries are a major cause of death globally, with disproportionate number occurring in developing counties. Seventy out of 308 deaths that occurred in Benin City from August 2002-July 2003, representing 22.7% of all deaths was due to road traffic injuries. Despite this observation, there is a paucity of data on road traffic morbidity and mortality. The aim of this study was to evaluate patterns of morbidity and mortality among drivers and passengers of cars involved in road traffic accidents in Benin-City Nigeria from August 2002-July 2003 as a base line data. Methods: Eighty-seven car drivers and passengers who were studied were part of a larger study, involved in a road traffic accident and brought to the accident and emergency units of either the University of Benin Teaching Hospital or the State Specialist Hospital between August 2002-July2003.The injured ones were examined and dead patients had autopsy done on them. Results: Over all, out of 283 total accidents cases reviewed in the period of study 87 were car occupants representing 30.7% of all accident cases, and 67 patients (23.7%) sustained varying injuries, while 20 patients (7.1%) died. Commercial cars were involved in majority of cases 85%. Males were also more in number. Intracranial hemorrhage was the predominant cause of death. Conclusion: Occupants of cars accounted for the singular most common category of morbidity and mortality among all road users. The male to female ratio was 2.1:1. Windscreen injuries most commonly associated with facial and head injuries represented the commonest cause of morbidity and mortality. The commonest autopsy finding as cause of death was intra-cranial hemorrhage.Contexte/Objectif: Murray et Krug avaient rapporté cela rles dommages du trafic d'oad sont une cause importante de la mort globalement, avec le nombre disproportionné se produisant dans les comtés se développants. Soixante-dix sur les 308 décès qui se sont produites dans la ville du Bénin d'août 2002 à juillet 2003, représentant 22.7% de toutes les décès étaient dus aux dommages du trafic de route. En dépit de cette observation, il y a un manque des données sur la morbidité et la mortalité du trafic de route. Le but de cette étude est 1. Pour évaluer des modèles de la morbidité et de la mortalité parmi des conducteurs et des passagers des voitures impliquées dans des accidents de trafic de route dans la Bénin-Ville Nigéria de Août 2002 à juillet 2003 comme grande ligne données. Méthodes: Les conducteurs et les passagers de voiture d'Eighty-seven qui ont été étudiés faisaient partie de une plus grande étude, impliqué dans un accident de trafic de route et apporté aux unités d'accidents et de secours de l'université de l'hôpital de enseignement du Bénin ou de l'hôpital de spécialiste en état entre l'août 2002 à juillet 2003. Blessés ont été examinés et les patients morts ont eu autopsie faite sur eux. Résultats: Au-dessus de tous, sur 283 cas totaux d'accidents passés en revue dans la période de l'étude 87 étaient des occupants de voiture représentant 30.7% de tous les cas d'accidents, et 67 patients (23.7%) ont soutenu des dommages variables, alors que 20 patients (7.1%) mouraient. Des voitures commerciales ont été impliquées dans la majorité d'affaires 85%. Les mâles étaient également plus en nombre. L'hémorragie intra-crânienne était la cause prédominante de la mort. Conclusion: Les occupants des voitures ont expliqué le singulier la plupart de catégorie commune de morbidité et mortalité parmi tous les utilisateurs de route. Le mâle au rapport femelle était 2.1:1. Dommages de pare-brise le plus généralement associés aux dommages faciaux et principaux a représenté la cause la plus commune de la morbidité et de la mortalité. L'autopsie la plus commune trouvant comme cause de la mort était hémorragie intra-crânienne

    Patterns of Morbidity and Mortality amongst Motorcycle Riders and their Passengers in Benin-City Nigeria: One-year Review

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    Objective: To evaluate patterns of morbidity and mortality among bike riders and pillion seat passengers involved in road traffic accidents in Benin-City Nigeria between August 2003-July 2004. Methods: A total of Fifty-one bike riders and pillion seat passengers, who participated in this study were part of a larger study, involved in a road traffic accident and were brought to the accident and emergency unit of either the University of Benin Teaching Hospital (UBTH) or the State Specialist Hospital between August 2002-July2003.The injured ones were examined and dead patients had an autopsy done on them Results: A total of 51 cases of bikes riders/pillion seat passenger accidents were recorded representing 18% of total accidents. 35 motorbike riders/pillion seat passengers were struck down by cars (68.6%). Seven bike riders/pillion seat passengers (13.5%) were struck by articulated vehicles. 7 bike riders/pillion seat passengers representing 13.5% of cases were stuck by buses, 2 (3.9%) pillion seat passengers fell of bikes from epilepsies and sustained secondary injuries. Males were more in number with a ratio of 2.5; 1. One hundred percent (100%) or all motorcyclist and their passengers did not use helmets. Conclusion: Cars struck down most bike riders and their pillion seat passengers. Males were more than females in number. The commonest autopsy findings as cause of death was intra-cranial hemorrhage preventable by the use of crash helmets.Objectif: pour évaluer la morbidité et la mortalité parmi les motocyclistes et leur passagers qui sont victimes des accidents de circulation dans la cite de Bénin au Nigeria entre Août 2003 et Juillet 2004 Méthodes: une cinquante des motocyclistes et leurs passagers participants dans cette étude, étaient victimes d'un accidents de circulation et ont été amené a la salle d'urgence et d'accidents du centre hospitalier universitaire du Bénin ou de l'hôpital spécialiste de l'état entre Août 2002 et juillet 2003. On a examine les blesses et quant aux gens morts, on leur a fait une autopsie. Résultat: on a noté une cinquantaine des motocyclistes et leur passagers qui étaient victimes d'accidents routiers. Ce bilan représente 18% de tous les accidents. Trente-cinq motocyclistes étaient renverses par les voitures (68%), sept motocyclistes et passagers 13.5% étaient renverses par les autobus, deux passagers sont tombés du moto pendant une attaque d'épilepsie et étaient grièvement blessés Pratiquement tous les motocyclistes se sont méprisés de casque protecteur. Conclusions: la plupart des motocyclistes et passagers étaient renversés par les voitures. Parmi les victimes, les hommes étaient plus nombreux que les femmes. Partout dans les résultats de l'autopsie, la cause la plus courante des morts était l'hémorragie intracrânienne

    Auditory and visual distractors disrupt multisensory temporal acuity in the crossmodal temporal order judgment task

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    The ability to synthesize information across multiple senses is known as multisensory integration and is essential to our understanding of the world around us. Sensory stimuli that occur close in time are likely to be integrated, and the accuracy of this integration is dependent on our ability to precisely discriminate the relative timing of unisensory stimuli (crossmodal temporal acuity). Previous research has shown that multisensory integration is modulated by both bottom-up stimulus features, such as the temporal structure of unisensory stimuli, and top-down processes such as attention. However, it is currently uncertain how attention alters crossmodal temporal acuity. The present study investigated whether increasing attentional load would decrease crossmodal temporal acuity by utilizing a dual-task paradigm. In this study, participants were asked to judge the temporal order of a flash and beep presented at various temporal offsets (crossmodal temporal order judgment (CTOJ) task) while also directing their attention to a secondary distractor task in which they detected a target stimulus within a stream visual or auditory distractors. We found decreased performance on the CTOJ task as well as increases in both the positive and negative just noticeable difference with increasing load for both the auditory and visual distractor tasks. This strongly suggests that attention promotes greater crossmodal temporal acuity and that reducing the attentional capacity to process multisensory stimuli results in detriments to multisensory temporal processing. Our study is the first to demonstrate changes in multisensory temporal processing with decreased attentional capacity using a dual task paradigm and has strong implications for developmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorders and developmental dyslexia which are associated with alterations in both multisensory temporal processing and attention

    Presentation of colorectal cancers in Benin -City, Nigeria

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    Background: Colorectal cancer is a major cause of cancer death worldwide, and the prevalence in Nigeria appears to be increasing due to a shift to western diets. We undertook a retrospective analysis of colorectal cancers seen at the University of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin City from January 1983 to December 2002. Methods: One hundred and two cases involving the large bowel were encountered. These were analysed for age, sex, site, histological type and clinical features. Results: The mean age was 44.5 +/-4.5 years. Males accounted for 56 (54.9%) cases, while 46(45.1%) were females. Seventy two (70.2%) of the tumours were located in the rectum. Adenocarcinoma was the predominant histological type, with 89 (87.2%) cases. Fifty two (51%) cases presented with intestinal obstruction. Conclusions: Conclusion, colorectal cancers are not rare in our environment as previously believed, though, the frequency in Benin City is relatively low

    Visual Distractors Disrupt Audiovisual Integration Regardless of Stimulus Complexity

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    The intricate relationship between multisensory integration and attention has been extensively researched in the multisensory field; however, the necessity of attention for the binding of multisensory stimuli remains contested. In the current study, we investigated whether diverting attention from well-known multisensory tasks would disrupt integration and whether the complexity of the stimulus and task modulated this interaction. A secondary objective of this study was to investigate individual differences in the interaction of attention and multisensory integration. Participants completed a simple audiovisual speeded detection task and McGurk task under various perceptual load conditions: no load (multisensory task while visual distractors present), low load (multisensory task while detecting the presence of a yellow letter in the visual distractors), and high load (multisensory task while detecting the presence of a number in the visual distractors). Consistent with prior studies, we found that increased perceptual load led to decreased reports of the McGurk illusion, thus confirming the necessity of attention for the integration of speech stimuli. Although increased perceptual load led to longer response times for all stimuli in the speeded detection task, participants responded faster on multisensory trials than unisensory trials. However, the increase in multisensory response times violated the race model for no and low perceptual load conditions only. Additionally, a geometric measure of Miller’s inequality showed a decrease in multisensory integration for the speeded detection task with increasing perceptual load. Surprisingly, we found diverging changes in multisensory integration with increasing load for participants who did not show integration for the no load condition: no changes in integration for the McGurk task with increasing load but increases in integration for the detection task. The results of this study indicate that attention plays a crucial role in multisensory integration for both highly complex and simple multisensory tasks and that attention may interact differently with multisensory processing in individuals who do not strongly integrate multisensory information