73 research outputs found
The article analyses the peculiarities of the anxiety state of professionals of socioeducational activities (social pedagogues and social workers). Employing Spielberger’s and Chanin’s personal anxiety scale, the level of personal anxiety was identified, and, using a semi-structured interview, situations provoking anxiety experienced by professionals of socioeducational activities were identified. Data of anxiety experienced by social pedagogues and social workers in 2011 were analysed employing the factor analysis method of multi-dimensional statistics, the data of the semi-structured interview were processed using the content analysis method. It was identified that about half of the respondents experienced a moderate level of personal anxiety, enabling to mobilise, look for innovative solutions in professional activities. Severe level of personal anxiety was identified for slightly less than half of respondents; it was perceived as dangerous and preventing professionals of socioeducational activities from successful development of professional activities and even warning about possible psychosomatic disorders
Suaugusiųjų mokyklų ugdytinių socialinės adaptacijos problemas lemiantys veiksniai
SummaryIn this paper, we analyze the social and educational problems of adult school students. The students have to overcome the learning failures from the past, to manage the schedules of studies and work, to adapt to the requirements of teachers, to create and sustain the relationships in the class. The aim of this empirical research was to reveal the factors of the adaptation process.Key words: adult school, students, social adaptation.Šiaulių universitetas,P. Višinskio g. 25, LT-76351 Šiauliai. Tel. 8 652 35160El. paštas: [email protected]Šiaulių universitetas,P. Višinskio g. 25, LT-76351 Šiauliai. Tel. 8 685 25992El. paštas: [email protected]
Suaugusiųjų švietimas ir ugdymas tampa svarbia modernios žinių visuomenės sociokultūrine sritimi, skatinančia visuomenės regeneraciją, produktyvumą ir mažinančią socialinę atskirtį. Toks ugdymas visuomenės nariams sudaro vienodas galimybes, skatina socialinę sanglaudą, inovatyvumą, sėkmingą integraciją į nuolat kintamą, sudėtingą socialinį-kultūrinį kontekstą. Straipsnyje analizuojamos suaugusiųjų mokyklų ugdytinių socialinės ir edukacinės problemos, su kuriomis tenka susidurti šių mokyklų ugdymo proceso dalyviams: jiems tenka įveikti anksčiau patirtas nesėkmes, suderinti mokymosi ir darbo grafikus, prisitaikyti prie mokytojų keliamų reikalavimų, rasti savo vietą kolektyve. Straipsnio aktualumą formuoja probleminiai klausimai: su kokiais sunkumais susiduria jaunuoliai, mokydamiesi suaugusiųjų mokykloje? Kaip jie sprendžia kylančias problemas? Tyrimo metu siekiama atskleisti suaugusiųjų mokyklų ugdytinių socialinės adaptacijos problemas suponuojančius veiksnius. Tyrimas buvo atliekamas 2011 m., jame dalyvavo 100 suaugusiųjų mokyklų X–XII klasių moksleivių. Tyrimo duomenys apdoroti naudojant aprašomosios matematinės statistikos bei faktorinės analizės metodus.Pagrindiniai žodžiai: suaugusiųjų mokykla, ugdytiniai, socialinė adaptacija.
Analysis of Social Adaptation Problems in Adult SchoolsDaiva Alifanovienė, Asta VaitkevičienėSummaryIn this paper, we analyze the social and educational problems of adult school students. The students have to overcome the learning failures from the past, to manage the schedules of studies and work, to adapt to the requirements of teachers, to create and sustain the relationships in the class. The aim of this empirical research was to reveal the factors of the adaptation process.Key words: adult school, students, social adaptation
This article presents the analysis of the results of qualitative research about large families’ social, economical situation and possibilities of support in the community. There were 14 respondents of large family members. All families of respondents consist of both parents and three or more children. Respondents answered to open questions. This paper presents research participants’ opinion about the economic situation of large families, family members’ economic migration problems and opportunities of community support for these families. It was found that large family experience finances’ limits and it causes the migration. The activity in community enlarge and it enable support for large families.KEY WORDS: large family, economical situation, migration, community support.DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15181/tbb.v68i3.88
The article analyzes the peculiarities of anxiety experienced by social workers and social pedagogues in their working environment, based on result of surveys and interviews conducted with said specialists. The resulting data describes the relations between anxiety and the age, position, experience of the workers, the type of groups they work with. Moreover, the possible effects on work results and changes in behaviour caused by anxiety experienced by social pedagogues and social workers are analyzed during the interviews. KEY WORDS: reactive anxiety, personal anxiety, social pedagogue, social worker
The article deals with the opportunities of social inclusion of children from families at social risk attending children’s day care centres into community life, social educational and cultural activity, volunteering. The article presents the analysis of a qualitative semi-structured interview. Performing target content analysis of the experiences of the professionals of children’s day care centres (N=10) the main directions of social inclusion of the members of families at risk and their realization opportunities from the aspect of the subjective opinion of the professionals revealing current situation and predicting possible demands are emphasized
Laikinosios vaikų globos plėtros galimybės: darbo su biologine šeima aspektas
Straipsnyje pateikiamas šeiminės globos, socioedukacinio darbo su socialinės rizikos šeima Lietuvoje galimybės, reali šio darbo plėtra, profesionalų, dirbančių laikinuosiuose vaikų globos namuose (LVGN), požiūris į darbo su biologinėmis globotinių šeimomis realijas ir perspektyvas. Laikinoji globa yra daugialypė problema, ir ji turėtų būti sprendžiama kompleksiškai: suteikiant vaikui galimybę šį sudėtingą laikotarpį išgyventi globos institucijose bei globėjų šeimose, taip pat suteikiant įvairiapusę pagalbą biologinei šeimai.The article discusses opportunities for family care, socio-educational work with social risk families in Lithuania; actual evolution of such work; attitudes of professionals working in temporary children foster houses; attitudes towards present situation and opportunities in the field of working with biological families of children in foster care. Temporary foster care is a complex problem, and therefore it should be address in a complex manner: by providing a child with an opportunity to survive this difficult period in foster care institutions or families, also, by providing different kinds of help to a biological family
Theoretical models of socio-educational activity
The article analyses the methodological approaches of social work theory, based on various sciences. It lists the differences of social, psychological and complex models, looking for the reasons of people’s social problems and planning the ways of solving them. Different theoretical models are not being analyzed in terms of their value as being more suitable or less suitable. Their application depends on the peculiarities of people’s social situations. The article treats social work as a young interdisciplinary applied science, the theory of which is still in the stage of creation, and the place of which in the system of social sciences has not settled yet.Straipsnyje analizuojamos socialinio darbo teorijos metodologinės prieigos, paremtos skirtingais mokslais. Pateikiamos sociologinių, psichologinių, kompleksinių modelių skirtybės, ieškoma žmonių socialinių problemų priežasčių bei numatomi jų sprendimo būdai. Skirtingi teoriniai modeliai nėra analizuojami vertybiniu aspektu kaip daugiau ar mažiau tinkami. Jų taikymas priklauso nuo socialinių situacijų ypatumų. Straipsnyje socialinis darbas pateikiamas kaip jaunas tarpdisciplininis taikomasis mokslas, kurio teorija tebekuriama, o vieta socialinių mokslų sistemoje dar nenusistovėjusi
Technological process of social work
The article analyses social technologies as the element of human culture and a certain type of social theories, investigating qualitative and quantitative changes in social environment. This phenomenon is perceived as a certain system of methods and ways, ensuring the successful functioning of a person in social environment. Social work is presented as one the types of human activities. As any other activity it has its structure, where the functions of every component are significant and gain importance in the relationship with other components. Such harmonically operating structures are treated as relatively independent systems, which are incorporated into a general social system and form the harmonious whole. Social work in this context is presented as the whole of relatively independent different social technologies, which forms a unanimous system of various methods and ways of impact, used by social workers in different social, seeking a favorable solution of clients' problems.Straipsnyje analizuojamos socialinės technologijos kaip žmogaus kultūros dalis, tam tikra socialinių teorijų rūšis, tirianti kokybinius ir kiekybinius socialinės aplinkos pokyčius. Šis reiškinys suvokiamas kaip tam tikra metodų ir būdų sistema, užtikrinanti žmogaus funkcionavimo socialinėje aplinkoje sėkmę. Socialinis darbas pateikiamas kaip viena iš žmogaus veiklos rūšių. Ji, kaip ir kiekviena veikla, turi savo struktūrą, kur kiekvienos sudėtinės dalies funkcijos yra reikšmingos ir įgauna prasmę sąveikaudamos su kitomis sudėtinėmis dalimis. Tokios darniai veikiančios struktūros traktuotinos kaip gana savarankiškos sistemos, įsiliejančios į bendrą socialinę sistemą ir sudarančios darnią visumą. Socialinis darbas šiame kontekste pateikiamas kaip santykinai savarankiška įvairių socialinių technologijų visuma, sudaranti vientisą įvairių poveikio metodų bei būdų sistemą, socialinių darbuotojų naudojamą įvairiose socialinėse tarnybose, siekiant palankiai spręsti klientų problemas
Potentiality of socio-educational study programmes' improvement at Lithuanian universities
The article analyses how students of social-educational studies programs of different universities of Lithuania evaluate the choice of their studies and the chosen programs themselves. The research used a written survey method. Senior students from 193 universities and colleges of socio-educational studies participated in the study. The results of the survey showed that most respondents entered randomly, the living environment had influence on their enrolment (closest to the home). This suggests that students have too little information about social education programs or that they have an impact on the image that is not difficult to enter into these study programs. Therefore, students have little motivation. An analysis of respondents' assessments suggests that students value the knowledge-based study modules most favourably, while the lowest are study methods related to practical activities. Such an assessment suggests that universities are more focused on providing theoretical knowledge and insufficient linkage of theory and practice, which students consider as one of the most important subjects in the study process. It is obvious that universities, unlike colleges or vocational training centres, are more oriented towards theoretical, scientific activities. Research data show that students emphasise the lack of teaching aids: they lack the educational books, textbooks, scientific studies. One of the disadvantages is also the improvement of the university's educational environment: students lack the premises for individual work, learning
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