310 research outputs found

    Investment Process and Problems of its Regulation in Developing Conditions of Innovative Activity of Enterprises

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    The article describes the tasks that need to be solved when developing a system for stimulating investment processes, for which, it is noted in the work, it is necessary to create conditions under which enterprises producing qualitatively new products would be in an advantageous position compared to enterprises that do not produce such products, as well as suggestions are made that it is precisely to solve the above problems that the investment work of enterprises adapted to the introduction of innovative products should be directed, first of all

    Political culture as a factor of spiritual development of sotsium ( example of Uzbekistan)

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    In this article the concept, essence, structure of political culture, its role as a factor of spiritual development of east society (on the example of Uzbekistan), and also its value in the course of political socialization of the personality are opened.В данной статье раскрыты понятие, сущность, структура политической культуры, ее роль в качестве фактора духовного развития восточного социума (на примере Узбекистана), а также ее значение в процессе политической социализации личности

    Comparative measurement of concentration of lithium, circulating immune complexes and complement activity in blood and lymph in experimental anaphylactic shock and Arthus phenomenon

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    Aim. Comparative measurement of concentration of lithium, circulating immune complexes and complement activity in animals’ blood and lymph in experimental anaphylactic shock and Arthus phenomenon. Methods. Experiments were conducted on 27 chinchilla rabbits in double series. The studied values of lithium, concentration of circulating immune complexes and complement activity in intact animals were used as controls. Results. On day 7 of sensibilisation before anaphylactic shock the titer of complement components in the blood decreased by 1.4 times (p <0.001) compared to parameters of intact animals, at the stage of anaphylactic shock sharp decrease of its concentration to undetermined values was observed (p <0.001). The blood concentration of circulating immune complexes increased by 4.4 times, and at the stage of anaphylactic shock (day 21) its increase by 7.1 times was observed (p <0.001). Lithium concentration decreased to 0.03 mmol/L at the stage of anaphylactic shock (p <0.001). In Arthus phenomenon at the stage of sensibilisation (day 5) the blood complement titer decreased by 1.1 times (p <0.001), during resolution period - by 10.1 times (p <0.001). The blood concentration of circulating immune complexes increased by 4.5 times (p <0.001) at the stage of sensibilisation (day 5), and at the stage of Arthus phenomenon - by 11.8 times compared to intact animals (p <0.001). Conclusion. The concentration of circulating immune complexes increases in anaphylactic and immunocomplex reactions, besides, more significantly in Arthus phenomenon (23 r.u. in anaphylactic shock versus 38.1 r.u. in Arthus phenomenon); lithium concentration in anaphylactic shock decreases by 5.2 times which is indicative of inhibitory action of this microelement in allergic reactions

    Acid-Resistant Liquid Glass Coatings Using Soda Ash Production Waste

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    The article presents the results of research on the topical problems of protection of building structures, structures and products of various purposes operated in aggressive, mainly acidic environments. The existing scientific bases of obtaining high-performance acid-proof cements on the basis of liquid glass with the use of local raw materials and secondary resources of various industries are developed. Questions of increasing and improving the properties of acid-resistant liquid glass compositions by changing the input components: a primer, a filler and a hardener by introducing various active and inert additives, modifying the liquid glass, optimizing curing regimes, selection of compositions for specific operating conditions are considered

    Treatment of injured with severe polytrauma in a trauma center

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    The article deals the importance of providing primary delivery of emergency victims from the scene of the accident by specialized emergency medical teams to the trauma center of the 2nd and the 3rd levels. The results of a retrospective study of patients are presented.В статье изучена значимость оказания первичной доставкитяжелых пострадавших с места происшествия специализированными бригадамискорой медицинской помощи в травмоцентры 2-го и 3-го уровня. Представленырезультаты ретроспективного исследования пациентов

    Pulmonary placental transmogrification.

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    The article is devoted to the phenomenon of lung placentation, this problem is poorly studied and requires further research. The article summarizes the material of domestic and foreign scientific publications on the topic over the past five years. Comparison was literature data with own research data. In the article was analyzed the various views of researches on placental changes of the lung tissue, and also considers the real clinical cases of «placental transmogrification» from various lung diseases in different age groups of patients.Статья посвящена феномену плацентоподобной трансформации легкого, данная проблема мало изучена и требует дальнейших исследований. Обобщен материал отечественных и зарубежных научных изданий по исследуемой теме за последние пять лет. Произведено сравнение литературных данных с данными собственного исследования. В статье проанализированы различные взгляды исследователей на плацентоподобные изменения легочной ткани, а также рассмотрены реальные клинические случаи «плацентоподобной трансформации» ассоциированные с различными заболеваниями легких у разных возрастных групп пациентов

    Hygienic assessment of nutrition of women outside and during pregnancy

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    This study showed that in the nutrition of girls of the reproductive period there are significant deviations from hygiene standards. The study draws attention to the need for more careful monitoring of the nutrition of expectant mothers in order to maintain the health of newbornsДанное исследование показало, что в питании девушек репродуктивного периода имеются существенные отклонения от гигиенических норм. Исследование обращает внимание на необходимость более тщательного контроля за питанием будущих мам в целях сохранения здоровья новорожденны

    Renalase – a new instrument in multicomponent heart failure assessment

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    Heart failure (HF) remains a serious problem in Russian and world health care due to the growing morbidity and mortality from complications of heart failure, despite the development and implementation of programs for the early detection and treatment of heart failure in asymptomatic patients. Currently, a large number of new biological markers have been studied that could serve as a laboratory tool for diagnosing and predicting the course of heart failure, but only brain natriuretic peptides have found application in real clinical practice. Renalase is a recently discovered cytokine that is synthesized by the kidneys and released into the blood. To date, seven subtypes of renalase have been found, each of which plays a different physiological role in the human body. Renalase is usually positioned as a signaling molecule that activates cytoprotective intracellular signals, leading to a decrease in blood pressure and protection of the heart muscle. The concentration of renalase freely circulating in the bloodstream of an adult is approximately 3–5 ng / ml. Currently, the level of renalase is determined by the enzyme immunoassay with a detection range of 3.12 to 200 ng / ml, while the minimum detectable concentration of the marker is less than 1.38 ng / ml. The presence of missense polymorphism of renalase is associated with myocardial dysfunction. Data from animal and human studies have shown that renalase plays a key role in the metabolism of catecholamines and in cardioprotective processes. Studies have shown the contribution of renalase to the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases: ischemic heart disease, arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and aortic stenosis. Moreover, detailed protocols of multicenter prospective studies have demonstrated that functional polymorphism of the renalase gene was associated with myocardial hypertrophy in patients with aortic stenosis, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, unstable angina pectoris and stable forms of coronary artery disease, as well as in patients receiving renal replacement therapy. Based on these data and further studies, renalase has been proposed as a predictive biomarker of ischemia in patients with coronary microvascular dysfunction, as well as a predictor of clinically significant progression of chronic kidney disease in patients with cardiovascular diseases.Our review presents data on the role of renalase in heart failure. Further study of the structure and function of renalase, as well as future clinical studies, will allow determining the diagnostic, prognostic and, possibly, therapeutic significance of this biological marker in HF and other cardiovascular diseases

    Evaluluation of risk factors for the development of uterine fibroids in patients with a history of pregnancy and without, for whom surgical treatment of the tumor is indicated

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    The article describes a study evaluating the factors of development of uterine fibroids in patients with a history of pregnancy and without, who are shown surgical treatment of the tumor. The study included 45 women of average reproductive age 31-43 years. The participants were consistently stratified into two groups: women with uterine myoma requiring surgical treatment, who have a history of pregnancy; women with uterine myoma requiring surgical treatment, who have no history of pregnancy. In patients with uterine fibroids requiring surgical treatment, childbirth occurred in 68 % of cases, miscarriage in 18 % of cases, and medical abortions in 38.5 % of cases. Risk factors for the development of uterine fibroids, regardless of the presence of pregnancy in the anamnesis: obesity (more than 30) and the beginning of sexual activity before the age of 18В статье описывается исследование, оценивающее факторы развития миомы матки у пациенток с беременностью в анамнезе и без, которым показано хирургическое лечение опухли. В исследование включили 45 женщин среднего репродуктивного возраста 31-43 лет. Участниц последовательно стратифицировали в две группы: женщины, больные миомой матки, требующей оперативного лечения, у которых есть беременность в анамнезе; женщины с миомой матки, требующей оперативного лечения, в анамнезе у которых нет ни одной беременности. У пациенток с миомой матки, требующей оперативного лечения, роды встречались в 68 % случаев, невынашивание беременности в 18 % случаев, медицинские аборты в 38,5 % случаев. Факторы риска для развития миомы матки вне зависимости от наличия беременности в анамнезе: ожирение (ИМТ более 30) и начало половой жизни до 18 ле

    Web Based Postgraduate Thesis/Dessertation System - A Prototype

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    With the advancement of information communication technology in Malaysia, education field should take advantage to upgrade their learning and management techniques. Students should be allowed to learn anytime, anywhere and at their own place. However administration and lecture should be able to manage their work more effective and flexible. The web-based system is effective way to learning and managing education works. This report outlines the development of a web-based postgraduate thesis/dissertation management system (WPTS), which aimed to assist thesis/dissertation administration, supervisor and students in the better integration during students doing the thesis/dissertation works. This prototype system base on case study with a group of MSC(IT), administration, lecturer and students who participate in thesis/dissertation management activities. This report also presenting the tests conducted with users, it also contributed some perspective regarding benefits that gain by administration, supervisor and students, and recommends future application of the approach