31 research outputs found

    Liderazgo docente en relación a la disciplina escolar de los alumnos del V ciclo de educación primaria de la Institución Educativa “César Vallejo” del distrito de Los Olivos, 2012

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    Este trabajo tuvo por finalidad determinar la relación que existe entre el liderazgo docente y la disciplina escolar de los alumnos del V ciclo de educación primaria de la I.E. N° 2071 César Vallejo del distrito de los Olivos, 2012. La Institución Educativa cuenta con 700 alumnos en el nivel primaria, así como 26 docentes, 5 administrativos y 7 trabajadores de servicio. Se realizó un estudio de enfoque cuantitativo de manera descriptiva y correlacional para ello se trabajo con una muestra de 150 alumnos, utilizándose como instrumento de recolección de datos la encuesta, las cuales fueron procesadas con el programa estadístico SPSS 18 para su respectivo tratamiento con los estadígrafos establecidos por este, el mismo que como punto de partida dará un análisis de confiabilidad con el método de alfa de Cronbach, el mismo que en la variable de liderazgo docente arroja un índice de 0.743 y en la variable disciplina escolar un índice de 0.717. Se obtuvo como resultado que el nivel de significancia es de 0.981 > α (0.05), llegamos a la conclusión que nuestra hipótesis planteada nos permite afirmar que no existe correlación directa y significativa entre el liderazgo docente y la disciplina escolar del nivel primario de la I.E. N° 2071 César Vallejo del distrito de Los Olivos, 2012. Por lo que p > α. Asimismo, se aprecia también que entre las variables de estudio se manifiesta una relación inversa es decir ambas van en sentido contrario. Respecto al grado de relación se observa una correlación muy débil con un valor calculado de - 0.002 (Rho de Spearman)

    Case report: First documented case of cerebral angiostrongyliasis caused by Angiostrongylus costaricensis in a free-ranging opossum

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    Angiostrongylus costaricensis is a metastrongyloid nematode that primarily infects the mesenteric arteries of wild rodents. This parasite is endemic in several regions of the American continent, and in humans, causes a disease known as abdominal angiostrongyliasis. Despite the important health implications of this nematode, there are limited studies investigating the involvement of wild animals in its life cycle. In this study, we present the clinical manifestations, pathologic findings, and molecular diagnosis, to the best of our current knowledge, of the first documented onset of cerebral angiostrongyliasis because of A. costaricensis infection in a juvenile free-ranging opossum (Didelphis marsupialis). Histopathological findings stress the presence of eosinophilic meningoencephalitis with nematodes present within the lesions, and PCR was positive for cox1 and ITS1 reactions. The obtained sequences for a 279 bp fragment of ITS1 were 100% identical to A. costaricensis from Costa Rica. This case highlights the substantial difficulties in diagnosing neuroangiostrongyliasis, yet underscores the importance of considering A. costaricensis as a potential culprit behind neurological conditions in wild marsupials. It acts as an urgent call to action to improve surveillance programs tracking infectious and parasitic diseases causing mortality in wildlife populations


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    En la actualidad, todas las personas tienen miedo de contagiarse del COVID-19, es por ello que buscan soluciones óptimas y eficientes, que no involucren tanto contacto con otras personas, por medio de las nuevas tecnologías. Además, se ha visto un incremento en el uso de metodologías y sistemas ágiles para acelerar determinados procesos, que involucran gran pérdida de tiempo y dinero. Un gran ejemplo; es el uso de los medios digitales como intermediario para contactar a un experto legal y administrativo con el objetivo de que realice determinados trámites sin necesidad de que el cliente salga de su casa, se exponga al covid y realice colas afuera de la institución para solicitar asesoría; evitando así, pérdida de tiempo y mal humor. Por estas razones, hemos visto una oportunidad de negocio para generar valor en dichas personas; la cual se basa en la resolución de trámites más solicitados en la actualidad con la ayuda de profesionales capacitados y las nuevas redes de contacto, que permiten que todo sea más rápido y eficiente. En este presente trabajo, se procederá a desarrollar una investigación con el fin de ver la viabilidad y rentabilidad de nuestro proyecto con el fin de poder proceder a comercializar dicho servicio. Asimismo, se aplicará y desarrollará los conocimientos aprendidos durante el transcurso de la carrera al tratar temas relacionados a distintas áreas como finanzas, marketing, negocios internacionales, logística, entre otros.At present, all people are afraid of catching COVID-19, which is why they seek optimal and efficient solutions, which are not involved as much contact with other people, through new technologies. In addition, there has been an increase in the use of agile methodologies and systems for certain processes, which involve a great loss of time and money. A great example; is the use of digital media as an intermediary to contact a legal and administrative expert in order to carry out certain procedures without the need for the client to leave their home, expose themselves to covid and queue outside the institution to request advice ; thus avoiding waste of time and bad mood. For these reasons, we have seen a business opportunity to generate value in these people; which is based on the resolution of the most requested procedures nowadays with the help of trained professionals and the new contact networks, which allow everything to be faster and more efficient. In this present work, an investigation will be carried out in order to see the viability and profitability of our project in order to be able to proceed to commercialize said service. Likewise, the knowledge learned during the course of the degree will be applied and developed by dealing with issues related to different areas such as finance, marketing, international business, logistics, among others.Trabajo de investigació

    Experiencias en el desarrollo de un sistema basado en el conocimiento SBC para determinar el pronóstico de ventas en Holasa

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    Durante el proceso de investigación y desarrollo llevado a cabo en la Universidad se viven algunas experiencias que pocas veces son difundidas y resulta importante que otras personas las conozcan

    Hemagglutinin (HA) proteins from H1 and H3 serotypes of influenza A viruses require different antigen designs for the induction of optimal protective antibody responses as studied by codon-optimized HA DNA vaccines

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    Effective antibody responses provide crucial immunity against influenza virus infection. The hemagglutinin (HA) protein is the major target of protective antibody responses induced by viral infection and by vaccination with both inactivated and live-attenuated flu vaccines, but knowledge about the optimal designs of protective HA antigens from different flu serotypes is still limited. In this study, we have significantly improved the immunogenicity of HA-expressing DNA vaccines by using codon-optimized HA sequences for either an H1 serotype (A/NewCal/20/99) or an H3 serotype (A/Panama/2007/99) human influenza A virus and then used these constructs as model antigens to identify the optimal HA antigen designs to elicit high-level protective antibody responses. Two forms of HA antigen, a wild-type, full-length HA and a secreted form with transmembrane (TM) domain-truncated HA, were produced. Both forms of HA DNA vaccines, from either H1 or H3 serotypes, were able to elicit high levels of HA-specific immunoglobulin G responses in immunized rabbits as measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Interestingly, the abilities of H1 HA and H3 HA antigens to elicit hemagglutination inhibition (HI) and neutralizing antibody (NAb) responses differ. For the H1 HA antigens, the full-length HA induced significantly higher HI and NAb responses than did the TM-truncated HA. For the H3 HA antigen, both the full-length HA and TM-truncated HA induced high levels of HI and NAb responses. These data indicate that H1 and H3 antigens have different expression requirements for the induction of an optimal protective antibody response and that the structure integrity of HA antigens is critical for eliciting type-specific protective antibody responses. Our findings will have an important impact on future subunit-based flu vaccine development

    Effects of using mobile augmented reality for simple interest computation in a financial mathematics course

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    Understanding the concept of simple interest is essential in financial mathematics because it establishes the basis to comprehend complex conceptualizations. Nevertheless, students often have problems learning about simple interest. This paper aims to introduce a prototype called ``simple interest computation with mobile augmented reality'' (SICMAR) and evaluate its effects on students in a financial mathematics course. The research design comprises four stages: (i) planning; (ii) hypotheses development; (iii) software development; and (iv) design of data collection instruments. The planning stage explains the problems that students confront to learn about simple interest. In the second stage, we present the twelve hypotheses tested in the study. The stage of software development discusses the logic implemented for SICMAR functionality. In the last stage, we design two surveys and two practice tests to assess students. The pre-test survey uses the attention, relevance, confidence, and satisfaction (ARCS) model to assess students' motivation in a traditional learning setting. The posttest survey assesses motivation, technology usage with the technology acceptance model (TAM), and prototype quality when students use SICMAR. Also, students solve practice exercises to assess their achievement. One hundred three undergraduates participated in both sessions of the study. The findings revealed the direct positive impact of SICMAR on students' achievement and motivation. Moreover, students expressed their interest in using the prototype because of its quality. In summary, students consider SICMAR as a valuable complementary tool to learn simple interest topics