778 research outputs found

    las redes sociales de internet ¿una nueva adicción? / The use of social networking websites is a new addiction?

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    The use of social networking websites, fixed and mobile internet, has been placed in a situation of global explosion such a degree where the user behaviour is raising some concerns in the mental health community. The article shows the attractiveness of social networks and their consequences. In order to reduce and even eliminate the disorders that sometimes cause the misuse of social networks offer some recommendations to follow, like training of network access, application of codes of conduct and codes of best practices and patterns of use

    La protección de datos: la privacidad en la Biblioteca de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid

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    The object of the article is to give to know the Data Protection of personal character in the library of the Complutensian University of Madrid due to the nonexistence of records on the topic. In order to improve the treatment of the private information resting on the creation of the Protection unit of Information of 2006. It has been had as methodology of base, primary sources, the laws that regulate it, polls and you poll workers and users, monographs and specializing magazines. It has wanted to put of manifest on the need of a real capture of conscience before the problem of the privacy. It concludes with the need of creation of a code of conduct for the rigorous treatment of the personal information where there are gathered additional coverages that assure the confidentiality and reserve of the users

    La cuarta dimensión: ¿geometría que no podemos ver?

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    La geometría tridimensional nos permite entender y razonar sobre nuestro entorno cotidiano. Más aún podemos, conocer, manejar y trabajar con los distintos objetos que cada día nos encontramos, ya sean rectas, planos, esferas o poliedros. Sin embargo, ¿es nuestro mundo realmente un espacio tridimensional? ¿Podemos sólo percibir estas tres dimensiones (alto, ancho y largo)? O contrariamente, ¿existe una cuarta dimensión con sus correspondientes objetos geométricos? Y, en este caso, ¿es la mente humana capaz de imaginarlos

    A Long-Life Predictive Guidance with Homogeneous Competence Promotion for University Teaching Design

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    Even though planning the educational action to optimize student performance is a very complex task, teachers typically face this challenging issue with no external assistance. Previous experience is, in most cases, the main driving force in curriculum design. This procedure commonly overlooks the students’ perception and weakly integrates the students’ feedback by using a non-systematic approach. Furthermore, transverse competences are, unfortunately, typically omitted in this procedure. This work suggests the use of a predictive tool that determines the optimal application time of different methodological instruments. The suggested method can be used for an infinite number of scenarios of promoted competences. The results can be regarded as a guide to modify the course structure, but, more importantly, it offers valuable information to understand better what is occurring in the teaching-learning process and detect anomalies in the subject and avoid the students’ exclusion. The predictive scheme simultaneously considers the teacher’s perspective, the student’s feedback, and the previous scores in a systematic manner. Therefore, results provide a broader picture of the educational process. The proposal is assessed in a course of Electrical Machines at the University of Malaga during the academic year 2021–2022.This research was funded in part by the Spanish Government under the Plan Estatal with the reference PID2021-127131OB-I00, in part by the Junta de Andalucia under the grant UMA20-FEDERJA-039 and in part by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities under the Juan de la Cierva grant IJC2020-042700-I. Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Proyecto de intervención Invernadero de Exhibición (Real Jardín Botánico Madrid) : análisis y modificación de los materiales del edificio para la mejora de su ciclo de vida

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    La intervención consistirá en una sustitución parcial o total de los materiales preexistentes con el objetivo de poder reducir en lo posible el consumo energético y la huella de CO2 producidas por el edificio debido a estos materiales, a su procesamiento, a su transporte y su fin de vid

    Lagrangian submanifolds in complex space forms satisfying an improved equality involving δ(2,2)

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    It was proved in [8, 9] that every Lagrangian submanifold M of a complex space form M˜ 5 (4c) of constant holomorphic sectional curvature 4c satisfies the following optimal inequality: δ(2, 2) ≤ 25 4 H 2 + 8c, (A) where H 2 is the squared mean curvature and δ(2, 2) is a δ-invariant on M introduced by the first author. This optimal inequality improves a special case of an earlier inequality obtained in [B.-Y. Chen, Japan. J. Math. 26 (2000), 105-127]. The main purpose of this paper is to classify Lagrangian submanifolds of M˜ 5 (4c) satisfying the equality case of the improved inequality (A).Fundación Cámara (Universidad de Sevilla)National Natural Science Foundation of Chin

    Lagrangian submanifolds in complex space forms, the Maslov form in S-manifolds, generalized S-space forms and n-Einstein para-S manifolds

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    In this memory we present ve papers which have been published as a result of our researching, part of which has been done at the Department of Geometry and Topology of the University of Seville, thanks to a predoctoral grant of \Fundacion Camara" (1/10/2010 - 31/12/2013) under the supervision of Drs. Luis M. Fernandez Fernandez and Pablo S. Alegre Rueda. These papers are developed in the subject of Semi-Riemannian Geometry being them the following: A. Carriazo, J. Barrera, L.M. Fernandez and A. Prieto-Mart n, \The Maslov form in non-invariant slant submanifolds of S-space-forms". Ann. Mat. Pura Appl., 191 (2012), 803-818; DOI 10.1007/s10231-011-0207-0 B.-Y. Chen and A. Prieto-Mart n, \Classi cation of Lagrangian sub-manifolds in complex space forms satisfying a basic equality involving (2; 2)". Di . Geom. Appl., 30(1) (2012), 107-123; DOI:10.1016/j.difgeo.2011.11.008 B.-Y. Chen, A. Prieto-Mart n and Xianfeng Wang, \Lagrangian sub-manifolds in complex space forms satisfying an improved equality in-volving (2; 2)". Publ. Math. Debrecen, 82(1) (2013), 193-217. A.M. Fuentes, L.M. Fernandez and A. Prieto-Mart n, \Generalized S-space forms". Publ. Inst. Math. (Beograd) N.S., 94(108) (2013), 151-161; DOI:10.2998/PIM1308151P L.M. Fernandez and A. Prieto-Mart n, \On -Einstein para-S-mani-folds". Bull. Mal. Math. Sci. So. (2015); DOI 10.1007/s40840-015-0156-7En esta memoria presentamos cinco art culos que han sido publicados como resultado de la investigacion que estamos realizando, parte de la cual se ha desarrollado en el Departamento de Geometr a y Topolog a de la Universi-dad de Sevilla disfrutando de una beca predoctoral de la Fundacion Camara (1/10/2010 - 31/12/2013), bajo la direccion de los Drs. Luis M. Fernandez Fernandez y Pablo S. Alegre Rueda. Dichos art culos se desarrollan en el ambito de la Geometr a Semi-Rie-manniana y son los siguientes: A. Carriazo, J. Barrera, L.M. Fernandez and A. Prieto-Mart n, \The Maslov form in non-invariant slant submanifolds of S-space-forms". Ann. Mat. Pura Appl., 191 (2012), 803-818; DOI 10.1007/s10231-011-0207-0 B.-Y. Chen and A. Prieto-Mart n, \Classi cation of Lagrangian sub-manifolds in complex space forms satisfying a basic equality involving (2; 2)". Di . Geom. Appl., 30(1) (2012), 107-123; DOI:10.1016/j.difgeo.2011.11.008 B.-Y. Chen, A. Prieto-Mart n and Xianfeng Wang, \Lagragian subman-ifolds in complex space forms satisfying an improved equality involving (2; 2)". Publ. Math. Debrecen, 82(1) (2013), 193-217. A.M. Fuentes, L.M. Fernandez and A. Prieto-Mart n, \Generalized S-space forms". Publ. Inst. Math. (Beograd) N.S., 94(108) (2013), 151-161; DOI:10.2998/PIM1308151P L.M. Fernandez and A. Prieto-Mart n, \On -Einstein para-S-mani-folds". Bull. Mal. Math. Sci. So. (2015); DOI 10.1007/s40840-015-0156-