9 research outputs found

    Cnoidal Waves on Fermi-Pasta-Ulam Lattices

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    We study a chain of infinitely many particles coupled by nonlinear springs, obeying the equations of motion [\ddot{q}_n = V'(q_{n+1}-q_n) - V'(q_n-q_{n-1})] with generic nearest-neighbour potential VV. We show that this chain carries exact spatially periodic travelling waves whose profile is asymptotic, in a small-amlitude long-wave regime, to the KdV cnoidal waves. The discrete waves have three interesting features: (1) being exact travelling waves they keep their shape for infinite time, rather than just up to a timescale of order wavelength−3^{-3} suggested by formal asymptotic analysis, (2) unlike solitary waves they carry a nonzero amount of energy per particle, (3) analogous behaviour of their KdV continuum counterparts suggests long-time stability properties under nonlinear interaction with each other. Connections with the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam recurrence phenomena are indicated. Proofs involve an adaptation of the renormalization approach of Friesecke and Pego (1999) to a periodic setting and the spectral theory of the periodic Schr\"odinger operator with KdV cnoidal wave potential.Comment: 25 pages, 3 figure

    Investigation of the [sigma]-to-[alpha]-phase transition in FeCr

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    Das Ziel dieser Diplomarbeit war es, den σ\sigma-zu-α\alpha-Phasen\"ubergang im Legierungssystem Eisen-Chrom (Fe-Cr) zu untersuchen. Dies wurde mittels ex-situ 57Fe^{57}\text{Fe} M\"o\ss bauer Spektroskopie bewerkstelligt, die eine geeignete Methode darstellt zwischen den zwei Phasen zu unterscheiden, da die σ\sigma-Phase paramagnetisch bei Raumtemperatur und die Hochtemperatur-α\alpha-Phase ferromagnetisch ist. Durch Auslagern von Proben unterschiedlicher Zu\-sammen\-setzung, n\"amlich Fe51Cr49\text{Fe}_{51}\text{Cr}_{49} und Fe53.8Cr46.2\text{Fe}_{53.8}\text{Cr}_{46.2}, bei verschiedenen Temp\-eraturen \"uber der kritischen Temp\-eratur von 821∘C821^{\circ}\text{C} erhielten wir Informationen \"uber die Kinetik des Phasen\-\"uber\-gangs mittels der Johnson-Mehl-Avrami-Kolmogorov Methode. Von den ermittelten Werten f\"ur den Avrami-Exponenten konnten wir R\"uckschl\"usse \"uber den Typ des Nukleationsmechanismus ziehen. Der Avrami-Exponent variierte zwischen 11 f\"ur Temperaturen nahe der kritischen Phasen\"ubergangstemperatur und 55 f\"ur h\"ohere Temperaturen. Das bedeutet, dass der Nukleationsmechanismus mit zunehmender Temperatur von heterogen zu homogen wechselt. Dar\"uber hinaus konnten wir eine effektive Aktivierungsenergie von E=10.57±0.92 eVE=10.57\pm 0.92\text{ eV} (1020±88 kJ/mol1020\pm 88\text{ kJ/mol}) bestimmen. Abgesehen davon haben wir ein Ph\"anomen beobachtet, welches bis jetzt nicht bekannt zu sein scheint; die Orientierung der Hauptachse der Magnetisierung ist eine Funktion vom α\alpha-Anteil in der Probe. Sie wechselt mit zunehmendem α\alpha-Anteil von ``out-of-plane'' zu ``in-plane''.The goal of this thesis was to investigate the σ\sigma-to-α\alpha-phase transition in the system iron-chromium (Fe-Cr). This was done by means of ex-situ 57Fe^{57}\text{Fe} M\"o\ss bauer spectroscopy, which provided a well-suited tool to distinguish between the two phases, since the σ\sigma-phase is paramagnetic at room temperature whereas the high-temperature α\alpha-phase is ferromagnetic. We isothermally annealed samples of two different compositions, namely Fe51Cr49\text{Fe}_{51}\text{Cr}_{49} and Fe53.8Cr46.2\text{Fe}_{53.8}\text{Cr}_{46.2}, at various temperatures above the critcal temperature of 821∘C821^{\circ}\text{C}. In that way we gained information about the kinetics of the phase transition in terms of the Johnson-Mehl-Avrami-Kolmogorov-equation. From the obtained values for the Avrami exponent conclusions about the type of nucleation mechanism could be drawn. The Avrami exponent varied between 11 for temperatures near the critical temperature and 44 for higher temperatures. That indicated that the nucleation mechanism changes from heterogeneous to homogeneous. Moreover, an effective activation energy of E=10.57±0.92 eVE=10.57\pm 0.92\text{ eV} (1020±88 kJ/mol1020\pm 88\text{ kJ/mol}) could be determined. Apart from that we observed a phenomenon which seems to have never been observed until now; namely that the orientation of the axis of magnetization is a function of the α\alpha-fraction present in the sample. It changes from ``out-of-plane'' to ``in-plane'' as the α\alpha-amount increases

    Long-time asymptotics for the asymptotically periodic Korteweg-de Vries equation

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    Wir betrachten eines der bekanntesten Beispiele einer vollstĂ€ndig integrablen nichtlinearen Wellengleichung, die Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) Gleichung. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es das Langzeitverhalten von Lösungen der KdV Gleichung zu untersuchen, die kleine Störungen von (quasi-)periodischen KdV Lösungen darstellen. Es ist bekannt, dass im klassischen Fall mit konstantem Hintergrund im Langzeitlimes das Folgende passiert: die gestörte Lösung spaltet auf in eine Reihe von Solitonen (solitĂ€ren Wellen), die den Eigenwerten des Laxoperators entsprechen. DarĂŒber hinaus gibt es einen oszillierenden Anteil, der vom kontinuierlichen Spektrum herrĂŒhrt. Mit anderen Worten, die Solitonen bilden den stabilen Anteil der gestörten Lösung. Wir zeigen, dass, wenn der konstante Hintergrund durch einen (quasi-)periodischen ersetzt wird, fĂŒr große Zeiten Solitonen beobachtet werden können, die auf einer Lösung wandern, die nicht die Hintergrundlösung darstellt. In den ĂŒbrigen Bereichen nĂ€hert sich die gestörte Lösung nicht der (quasi-)periodischen Hintergrundlösung an, sondern einer modulierten Lösung. Die Methode von der wir Gebrauch machen ist das inverse Spektralproblem als Riemann-Hilbert Problem auf der zugrundeliegenden hyperelliptischen RiemannflĂ€che umzuschreiben. Dann werden wir die Methode der stationĂ€ren Phase anwenden. Das ursprĂŒngliche Riemann-Hilbert Problem kann fĂŒr große Zeiten auf ein einfacheres, explizit lösbares reduziert werden, welches nun bei den stationĂ€ren Phasepunkten lokalisiert ist.We will consider one of the most famous examples of a completely integrable nonlinear wave equation, the Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation. The goal of this thesis is to investigate the long-time asymptotic behavior of solutions of the KdV equation which are short-range perturbations of (quasi-)periodic finite-gap KdV solutions. It is well-known that in the classical case with constant background in the limit for long times the following picture appears: the perturbed solution splits up into a number of solitons (solitary waves) generated by the eigenvalues of the Lax operator. Apart from that there exists a decaying radiation part corresponding to the continuous spectrum. In other words, the solitons constitute the stable part of the solution. We will show that, if the constant background is replaced by a (quasi-)periodic one, in the long-time limit one can observe solitons traveling on a limiting solution, which is not the background solution. In the remaining regions the perturbed solution also does not approach the (quasi-)periodic background solution but a modulated solution. The method we will make use of is to formulate the inverse spectral problem as a Riemann-Hilbert problem set on the underlying hyperelliptic Riemann surface. We will then use the method of nonlinear steepest descent/stationary phase. For large times the original Riemann-Hilbert problem can be reduced to a simpler one, which is localized at the stationary phase points and can be explicitly solved

    Long-Time Asymptotics of Perturbed Finite-Gap Korteweg-de Vries Solutions

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    We apply the method of nonlinear steepest descent to compute the long-time asymptotics of solutions of the Korteweg--de Vries equation which are decaying perturbations of a quasi-periodic finite-gap background solution. We compute a nonlinear dispersion relation and show that the x/tx/t plane splits into g+1g+1 soliton regions which are interlaced by g+1g+1 oscillatory regions, where g+1g+1 is the number of spectral gaps. In the soliton regions the solution is asymptotically given by a number of solitons travelling on top of finite-gap solutions which are in the same isospectral class as the background solution. In the oscillatory region the solution can be described by a modulated finite-gap solution plus a decaying dispersive tail. The modulation is given by phase transition on the isospectral torus and is, together with the dispersive tail, explicitly characterized in terms of Abelian integrals on the underlying hyperelliptic curve.Comment: 45 pages. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:0705.034