19 research outputs found

    Geomorphology of the upper Mkhomazi River basin, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa, with emphasis on late Pleistocene colluvial deposits

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    We present a 1:50 000 scale geomorphological map of the upper Mkhomazi River basin, located in the foothills of the Drakensberg mountains in KwaZulu-Natal Province, South Africa. The sub-horizontal strata of the Permo-Triassic Beaufort Group forms plateau interfluves with a concave valley slope morphology. Locally, thick sequences of late Pleistocene colluvial deposits and associated buried paleosols (Masotcheni Formation) infill first-order tributary stream valleys and extend across the adjacent lower slopes. Surface runoff processes preferentially incise into the poorly consolidated, highly erodible sediments causing severe gully erosion that is responsible for widespread land degradation and desertification phenomena. The main purpose of this work is to derive a geomorphological map of the study area focussing on the erosional landforms to understand their spatial distribution and their relation to the colluvial deposits. Finally, a local and regional stratigraphic correlation of colluvial deposits and associated buried palaeosol profiles is proposed

    Evaluation of Gully Erosion Susceptibility Using a Maximum Entropy Model in the Upper Mkhomazi River Basin in South Africa

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    Soil erosion is one of the most challenging environmental issues in the world, causing unsustainable soil loss every year. In South Africa, several episodes of gully erosion have been documented and clearly linked to the presence of Quaternary colluvial deposits on the Drakensberg Mountain footslopes. The aim of this study was to identify and assess the triggering factors of gully erosion in the upper Mkhomazi River basin in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. We compiled a gully inventory map and applied remote sensing techniques as well as field surveys to validate the gully inventory. The gullies were subdivided into slope gullies and fluvial gullies. We derived susceptibility maps based on the spatial distribution of gully types to assess the most important driving factors. A stochastic modeling approach (MaxEnt) was applied, and the results showed two susceptibility maps within the spatial distribution of the gully erosion probability. To validate the MaxEnt model results, a subset of the existing inventory map was used. Additionally, by using areas with high susceptibilities, we were able to delineate previously unmapped colluvial deposits in the region. This predictive mapping tool can be applied to provide a theoretical basis for highlighting erosion-sensitive substrates to reduce the risk of expanding gully erosion

    Digital Mapping of Soil Properties Using Ensemble Machine Learning Approaches in an Agricultural Lowland Area of Lombardy, Italy

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    Sustainable agricultural landscape management needs reliable and accurate soil maps and updated geospatial soil information. Recently, machine learning (ML) models have commonly been used in digital soil mapping, together with limited data, for various types of landscapes. In this study, we tested linear and nonlinear ML models in predicting and mapping soil properties in an agricultural lowland landscape of Lombardy region, Italy. We further evaluated the ability of an ensemble learning model, based on a stacking approach, to predict the spatial variation of soil properties, such as sand, silt, and clay contents, soil organic carbon content, pH, and topsoil depth. Therefore, we combined the predictions of the base learners (ML models) with two meta-learners. Prediction accuracies were assessed using a nested cross-validation procedure. Nonetheless, the nonlinear single models generally performed well, with RF having the best results; the stacking models did not outperform all the individual base learners. The most important topographic predictors of the soil properties were vertical distance to channel network and channel network base level. The results yield valuable information for sustainable land use in an area with a particular soil water cycle, as well as for future climate and socioeconomic changes influencing water content, soil pollution dynamics, and food security

    Hydrological Implications of Recent Droughts (2004–2022): A SWAT-Based Study in an Ancient Lowland Irrigation Area in Lombardy, Northern Italy

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    This study examines the hydrological dynamics of the Ticino irrigation cascade in northern Italy from 2004 to 2022. The region, which is shaped by human activity, is characterized by its flat topography and complex management of water resources, featuring a unique historic irrigation cascade. Utilizing the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT), we investigated the water availability during recent severe droughts in this complex agricultural environment, which lacks natural drainage. This area faces risks due to increasing temperatures and increased rainless days. Therefore, understanding the soil water dynamics is essential for maintaining the system’s sustainability. Calibrating and validating the SWAT model with runoff data was challenging due to the absence of natural drainage. Thus, we utilized MOD16 evapotranspiration (AET) data for calibration. Generally, the calibration and validation of the SWAT model yielded satisfactory results in terms of the Kling–Gupta efficiency (KGE). Despite some discrepancies, which were mainly related to the data sources and resolution, the calibrated model’s outputs showed increased actual evapotranspiration that was influenced by climate and irrigation, leading to water deficits and droughts. The soil water content (SWC) decreased by 7% over 15 years, impacting crop productivity and environmental sustainability. This also resulted in rising water stress for crops and the ecosystem in general, highlighting the direct impact of adverse climate conditions on soil hydrology and agriculture. Our research contributes to the understanding of soil–water dynamics, as it specifically addresses recent droughts in the Lombardy lowlands

    Catastrophic misinterpretation of nicotine withdrawal symptoms: a placebo-control, double blind study

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    Introduction: several studies suggested that smokers who experience nicotine withdrawal symptoms (NWS) are vulnerable to panic attacks. Ithas been hypothesized that this vulnerability may be mediated by a catastrophic misinterpretation of NWS; thus, smokers high in anxiety sensitivity (AS) may be more vulnerable to panic. Although a rich literature supports this hypothesis, no studies have been conducted to verify it.The goal of the current investigation was to test whether AS or somatosensory amplification (SSA) mediate the effect of NWS on test inducing panic-like symptoms via the inhalation of 35% carbon dioxide (CO2). Methods: a placebo-controlled, double blind design was used. Participants were 80 regular smokers who were asked to refrain from smoking for 12 hours and wear a placebo patch (abstinence condition) or a nicotine patch (NRT condition).Therefore, subjects completed a 35% CO2challenge. NA, AS, SSA, heart rate, blood pressure, subjective and objective anxiety, fear and discomfort were measured immediately before and after the challenge. The Mann-Whitney test and a hierarchical regression analysis were conducted to compare abstinence versus NRT response to the test and verify the hypothesis of mediation, respectively. Results: abstinence versus NRT condition did not affect the anxiety response to the test (p = n.s.); AS and SSA did not affect the test response as mediator of NWS. Discussion: AS did not mediate the effect of NWS on the 35% CO2 test response

    Anti-Atherosclerotic Effect of a Polyphenol-Rich Ingredient, OleactivÂź, in a Hypercholesterolemia-Induced Golden Syrian Hamster Model

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    The development of nutraceutical ingredients has risen as a nutritional solution for health prevention. This study evaluated the effects of Oleactiv®, an ingredient developed for the prevention of atherogenesis, in hypercholesterolemic hamsters. Oleactiv® is a polyphenol-rich ingredient obtained from artichoke, olive and grape extracts as part of fruit and vegetables commonly consumed within the Mediterranean diet. A total of 21 Golden Syrian hamsters were divided into three groups. The standard group (STD) was fed a normolipidemic diet for 12 weeks, while the control group (CTRL) and Oleactiv® goup (OLE) were fed a high-fat diet. After sacrifice, the aortic fatty streak area (AFSA), plasmatic total cholesterol (TC), high-density lipoproteins (HDL-C), non-HDL-C and triglycerides (TG), were assessed. The cholesterol efflux capacity (CEC) of hamster plasma was quantified using a radiolabeled technique in murine macrophages J774. OLE administration induced a significant reduction of AFSA (−69%, p < 0.0001). Hamsters of the OLE group showed a significant decrease of both non-HDL-C (−173 mmol/L, p < 0.05) and TG (−154 mmol/L, p < 0.05). Interestingly, OLE induced a significant increase of total CEC (+17,33%, p < 0,05). Oleactiv® supplementation prevented atheroma development and had positive effects on the lipid profile of hypercholesterolemic hamsters. The increased CEC underlines the anti-atherosclerotic mechanism at the root of the atheroma reduction observed

    Surgical access and stimulation of pudendal nerve in pigs to restore the micturition control

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    Pelvic floor disorders (PFDs) are a series of conditions related to weakening and or tears of pelvic muscles and endopelvic fascia, that are generally poorly tolerated, negatively affecting women's quality of life. Among all PFDs, bladder‐related symptoms tend to be the most reported; however, urinary symptoms do not necessarily correlate with an underlying pathology and instrumental findings. Urodynamics is the milestone for the assessment of lower urinary tract dysfunctions but, despite its usefulness, its role has been recently questioned and several attempts have been made to develop models to predict urodynamics findings based on clinical data. Unfortunately so far, predictive models resulted in unsatisfactory performances. Our study aims to evaluate, in a large cohort of patients, the agreement between lower urinary tract symptoms and corresponding urodynamic diagnosis and build predictive models

    HDL metabolism and functions impacting on cell cholesterol homeostasis are specifically altered in patients with abdominal aortic aneurysm

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    The etiopathogenesis of abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is still unclarified, but vascular inflammation and matrix metalloproteases activation have a recognized role in AAA development and progression. Circulating lipoproteins are involved in tissue inflammation and repair, particularly through the regulation of intracellular cholesterol, whose excess is associated to cell damage and proinflammatory activation. We analyzed lipoprotein metabolism and function in AAA and in control vasculopathic patients, to highlight possible non-atherosclerosis-related, specific abnormalities

    Q-PINE: a quick-to-implant peripheral intraneural electrode

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    Objective The implantation of intraneural electrodes in amputees has been observed to be effective in providing subjects with sensory feedback. However, this implantation is challenging and time consuming. Surgeons must be especially trained to execute the implantation. Therefore, we aimed at developing a novel peripheral intraneural electrode and insertion mechanism, which could drastically reduce the overall implantation time while achieving a high neural selectivity. Approach A new insertion method based on hollow microneedles was developed to realize the prompt and effective simultaneous implantation of up to 14 active sites in a transversal manner. Each needle guided two Pt/Ir microwires through the nervous tissue. After the insertion, the microneedles were released, leaving behind the microwires. Each microwire had one active site, which was coated with poly-3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene (PEDOT) to enhance the electrochemical properties. The active sites were characterized by evaluating the impedance, charge storage capacity, and maximum injectable charge. Twelve quick to implant peripheral intraneural electrodes (Q-PINEs) were implanted in four pig sciatic nerves to evaluate the implantation time and neural selectivity. We compared the stimulation of the sciatic nerve with that of its branches. Main results The average surgical access time was 23 min. The insertion time for 12 electrodes was 6.7 min (std. ±1.6 min). The overall implantation time was reduced by 40.3 min compared to the previously reported values. The Q-PINE system demonstrated a satisfactory performance during in vitro and in vivo characterization. The electrochemical results showed that the PEDOT coating successfully increased the electrochemical parameters of the active sites. Significance With an average impedance of 1.7 kΩ, a maximum charge level of 76.2 nC could be achieved per active site. EMG recruitment curves showed that 46% of the active sites exhibited selective stimulation of four out of six muscles. The histological analysis indicated that the microwires successfully penetrated the nerve and single fascicles.ISSN:1741-2560ISSN:1741-255