14,962 research outputs found

    Gravitational wave detection by a spherical antenna: the angular sensitivity of resonators in the TIGA configuration and its variation with sidereal time and galactic longitude

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    Experimental projects using spherical antennas to detect gravitational waves are nowdays a concrete reality. The main purpose of this paper is to give a possible way of interpreting output data from such a system. Responses of the five fundamental quadrupole modes and of the six resonators in TIGA collocations are shown as a function of the incoming direction of the incident wave. Then, for a source lying in the galactic plane, sidereal time and galactic longitude dependence is given. Thus, once a candidate source of gravitational waves is considered, we can exactly predict the resonators' response as a function of time.Comment: 30 pages, 7 figure

    Detecting Emotional Involvement in Professional News Reporters: An Analysis of Speech and Gestures

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    This study is aimed to investigate the extent to which reporters\u2019 voice and body behaviour may betray different degrees of emotional involvement when reporting on emergency situations. The hypothesis is that emotional involvement is associated with an increase in body movements and pitch and intensity variation. The object of investigation is a corpus of 21 10-second videos of Italian news reports on flooding taken from Italian nation-wide TV channels. The gestures and body movements of the reporters were first inspected visually. Then, measures of the reporters\u2019 pitch and intensity variations were calculated and related with the reporters' gestures. The effects of the variability in the reporters' voice and gestures were tested with an evaluation test. The results show that the reporters vary greatly in the extent to which they move their hands and body in their reportings. Two gestures seem to characterise reporters\u2019 communication of emergencies: beats and deictics. The reporters\u2019 use of gestures partially parallels the reporters\u2019 variations in pitch and intensity. The evaluation study shows that increased gesturing is associated with greater emotional involvement and less professionalism. The data was used to create an ontology of gestures for the communication of emergenc

    FDR, an easier way to NNLO calculations: a two-loop case study

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    In this paper we illustrate the simplifications produced by FDR in NNLO computations. We show with an explicit example that - due to its four-dimensionality - FDR does not require an order-by-order renormalization and that, unlike the one-loop case, FDR and dimensional regularization (DR) generate intermediate two-loop results which are no longer linked by a simple subtraction of the ultraviolet (UV) poles in epsilon. Our case study is the two-loop amplitude for H -> gamma gamma, mediated by an infinitely heavy top loop, in the presence of gluonic corrections. We use this to elucidate how gauge invariance is preserved with no need of introducing counterterms in the Lagrangian. In addition, we discuss a possible four-dimensional approach to the infrared (IR) problem compatible with the FDR treatment of the UV infinities.Comment: 34 pages, 8 figures, version enlarged to be published in EPJ

    Matched filter for multi-transducers resonant GW antennas

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    We analyze two kinds of matched filters for data output of a spherical resonant GW detector. In order to filter the data of a real sphere, a strategy is proposed, firstly using an omnidirectional in-line filter, which is supposed to select periodograms with excitations, secondly by performing a directional filter on such selected periodograms, finding the wave arrival time, direction and polarization. We point out that, as the analytical simplifications occurring in the ideal 6 transducers TIGA sphere do not hold for a real sphere, using a 5 transducers configuration could be a more convenient choice.Comment: 15 pages and 4 figures, version accepted for publication in PR

    Income Differentials on Regional Labour Markets in Southwest Germany

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    The aim of our paper is to identify explanatory variables for income disparities between women and men across different regional types. Using data from the BA Employment Panel (BEP) descriptive statistics show that the gender pay gap grows wider from core regions to periphery. The main explanatory variables for the income differentials are vocational education in the mens case and size of enterprise in the womens case. Whereas in the case of women the importance of vocational status increases and the importance of size of enterprise decreases from rural areas to urban areas.Regional economics, Regional data, Wage differentials, Wage gap

    A Importância dos Portfólios para o Desenvolvimento Vocacional na Infância

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    p. 71-85O presente artigo pretende estabelecer uma analogia entre as competências que se podem desenvolver com a elaboração de portfólios de crianças em contexto de Educação Pré-escolar e as competências que alicerçam o desenvolvimento vocacional. Para este estudo procedeu-se a uma pesquisa bibliográfica focalizada no desenvolvimento vocacional e portfólios, em simultâneo com uma análise de portfólios de crianças de 3 a 5 anos de idade desenvolvidos com alunos do 4º ano do curso de formação inicial de Educadores de Infância da Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti, ao longo do estágio profissionalizante

    An accidental diagnosis of optic nerve meningioma in a patient affected by thyroid eye disease

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    A 42-year-old woman presented to our hospital owing to a history of right-sided proptosis of 4 months duration, reporting no previous trauma, fever, or recent sinusitis. Her medical record included a diagnosis of Graves’ disease. The best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was 20/20 and a 30.2 visual field test was normal. A 3-Tesla magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) revealed an orbital apex meningioma approaching the walls of the sulcus chiasmaticus. A subsequent 60.4 perimetry test showed bilateral nasal visual field defects, thus confirming the involvement of the optic nerve. The reported case focuses on the differential diagnosis with Thyroid Eye Disease (TED) and the subsequent follow-up

    Gerard BĂ©hague: from Panamericanism to Multiculturalism [abstract only]

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    This paper discusses Gerard Béhague’s scholarly work in the light of the changing ideological and political context, concerning (ethno)musicology’s agenda vis a vis U.S. international relations. Panamericanism was crucial to the shaping of Béhague’s comprehensive knowledge of Latin American music and culture at the early stage of his academic career in the U.S. in the 1960s and 1970s. The legacy of former Latin American, Latin Americanist, and Americanist scholars who endeavoured the pioneering musicological studies on different countries provided the basis for Béhague’s formative years and further development of his career. In the context of UNESCO’s policy to respond to cultural diversity, the 1980s and 1990s saw a change in U.S. domestic policies and international politics upholding multiculturalism as the new basis on which world democracy must take place. Accordingly, American (ethno)musicology’s ideological and political agenda have changed, and Béhague was continuously engaged in updating his scholarly proposals. Multiculturalism has brought new ways of placing cultural relativism in (ethno)musicology’s agenda, and Béhague’s keen sense of current critical issues gave a remarkable contribution to the discipline. This paper will examine selected works by Béhague aiming to show that his all comprehensive scholarly work, concerning both historical musicology and ethnomusicology, epitomizes music-research endeavour coined by panamericanism as well as makes the transition to the new ideological and political framework of multiculturalism

    The upgrade paradox : are better products bad for consumers ?

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    Este trabalho investiga como o lançamento de upgrades influencia o bem-estar dos consumidores. Especificamente, explora como a exposição dos consumidores aos upgrades determina sua trajetória hedônica com a versão dos produtos que possuem (status quo). Através de uma análise de sentimento de tweets sobre iPhones, uma pesquisa com proprietários de iPhone e sete experimentos empregando uma variedade de estímulos, os resultados apoiam a conclusão de que consumidores expostos aos upgrades apresentam um declínio hedônico mais acelerado com o status quo do que aqueles não expostos aos upgrades. Os resultados também fornecem evidências por meio de moderação e de mediação de que o declínio hedônico dos consumidores acelera porque sua atenção se desloca do status quo para o upgrade. Esses resultados chamam atenção para o potencial dano do lançamento de novas versões para o bemestar dos consumidores. Embora os lançamentos de atualização impliquem a oferta de produtos melhores, a exposição dos consumidores a upgrades os leva a sofrer um declínio hedônico mais acelerado para a versão do produto que possuemThis work investigates how the release of upgrades influences consumers’ well-being. Specifically, it explores how the exposure of consumers to upgrades determine their hedonic trajectory with products they currently own (i.e., the status quo). Across a sentiment analysis of tweets about iPhones, a survey with iPhone owners, and seven experiments employing a variety of stimuli, findings support the conclusion that consumers exposed to upgrades experience a faster hedonic decline with their status quo than those not exposed to upgrades. Results also provide moderation-based and mediation-based evidence that consumers’ hedonic decline accelerates because their locus of attention moves from the status quo to the upgrade. Taken together, these findings shed light on the potential harm of upgrade releases on consumers’ well-being. Although upgrade releases imply the offer of better products, the exposure of consumers to upgrades leads them to experience a faster hedonic decline for the product version they currently own
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