1,168 research outputs found

    Quantitative Kinematic Characterization of Reaching Impairments in Mice After a Stroke

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    Background and Objective. Kinematic analysis of reaching movements is increasingly used to evaluate upper extremity function after cerebrovascular insults in humans and has also been applied to rodent models. Such analyses can require time-consuming frame-by-frame inspections and are affected by the experimenter's bias. In this study, we introduce a semi-automated algorithm for tracking forepaw movements in mice. This methodology allows us to calculate several kinematic measures for the quantitative assessment of performance in a skilled reaching task before and after a focal cortical stroke. Methods. Mice were trained to reach for food pellets with their preferred paw until asymptotic performance was achieved. Photothrombosis was then applied to induce a focal ischemic injury in the motor cortex, contralateral to the trained limb. Mice were tested again once a week for 30 days. A high frame rate camera was used to record the movements of the paw, which was painted with a nontoxic dye. An algorithm was then applied off-line to track the trajectories and to compute kinematic measures for motor performance evaluation. Results. The tracking algorithm proved to be fast, accurate, and robust. A number of kinematic measures were identified as sensitive indicators of poststroke modifications. Based on end-point measures, ischemic mice appeared to improve their motor performance after 2 weeks. However, kinematic analysis revealed the persistence of specific trajectory adjustments up to 30 days poststroke, indicating the use of compensatory strategies. Conclusions. These results support the use of kinematic analysis in mice as a tool for both detection of poststroke functional impairments and tracking of motor improvements following rehabilitation. Similar studies could be performed in parallel with human studies to exploit the translational value of this skilled reaching analysis

    Biopsychosocial implications of living with multiple sclerosis: a qualitative study using interpretative phenomenological analysis

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    Background: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is estimated to affect 2.8 million people worldwide, with increasing prevalence in all world regions (Walton et al). While there is no cure for MS, medication and lifestyle modifications can slow disease progression and enhance patients’ quality of life. The biopsychosocial model of health recognises important interactions among biological, psychological and social factors in illness, including those relating to illness management, which contribute to the experience of those diagnosed with MS. Objective: This qualitative, idiographic study aimed to explore the lived experiences of patients in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) diagnosed with S. Methods: Semistructured interviews were conducted with a purposive sample of eight patients with MS ranging in age from 25 to 56 years. All participants were residing in the UAE at the time of data collection. Interpretative phenomenological analysis was used to analyse the data. Results: Three superordinate themes were identified from patients’ candid accounts of their lives with MS, highlighting issues of illness management, acceptance and gratitude, and adaptive coping. These themes broadly illustrate biological, psychological and social aspects of patients’ MS experiences. Conclusion: The study emphasised the importance of adopting the biopsychosocial model to treat and manage MS. Additionally, it highlights the need for routine assessment and early, multidimensional approach with multidisciplinary team efforts to improve patients’ quality of life

    Non supersymmetric strong coupling background from the large N quantum mechanics of two matrices coupled via a Yang-Mills interaction

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    We derive the planar large N non-supersymmetric background of the quantum mechanical hamiltonian of two hermitean matrices coupled via a Yang-Mills interaction, in terms of the density of eigenvalues of one of the matrices. This background satisfies an implicit non linear integral equation, with a perturbative small coupling expansion and a solvable large coupling solution, which is obtained. The energy of system and the expectation value of several correlators are obtained in this strong coupling limit. They are free of infrared divergences.Comment: Latex, 13 page

    Human Pappilomavirus Genotype in Cervical Tissue of Patients with Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia (CIN) 1, CIN 2, and CIN 3

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    Objectives: to determine the genotype of HPV in patients with precancerous lesions of cervical tissue.Materials and Methods: An observational study with cross sectional study of patients paraffin block CIN1, CIN2, CIN3 was conducted in Dr Soetomo Hospital. HPV DNA was extracted from paraffin blocks, then performed PCR and genotyping of HPV. The sample consisted of 28 patients with cervical tissue paraffin blocks CIN1, CIN2 and CIN3. Patients aged between 26-74 years (standard deviation 10,12).Results: HPV genotypes that infect patients with CIN1 were HPV16 and 18, CIN2 were HPV16 and 52 and CIN3 were HPV16, 67, and combined infection HPV16/67 and HPV52/67. HPV genotypes in a single infection were 26/28 (HPV16, HPV18, HPV52 and HPV67), and multiple infections were 2/28 (HPV16/67 and HPV52/67).Conclusion: The most dominant HPV genotypes infect patients with precancerous lesions of the cervix were HPV16, HPV67, HPV52, and HPV18

    Analisis Program Pembangunan dan Pemberdayaan Kewilayahan di Kota Bandung

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    Perbedaan hasil penyerapan anggaran PIPPK Di Kelurahan Cihapit dan Kelurahan Merdeka dapat dijadikan dasar berjalan dengan baiknya suatu program.Terjadinya perbedaan perbedaan penyerapan anggaran antara dua kelurahan antara kelurahan merdeka dan cihapit menjadi fondasi penulis melakukan analis akan inovasi program yang sedang berjalan saat ini, yaitu program PIPPK di kota Bandung. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan data diperoleh dengan studi kepustakaan dan studi lapangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan salah satu penyebab perbedaan penyerapan anggaran antara dua kelurahan tersebut terdapat pada kegiatan dan program yang dilakukan oleh kelurahan dan dukungan yang optimal dari pihak Aparatur dan Masyarakat, sehingga menghasilkan kelurahan Cihapit dengan dukungan aparatur dan desa dapat mengoptimalkan dana dari program PIPPK beda dengan kelurahan Merdeka di mana yaitu kurangnya partisipasi masyarakat dan juga masih kurangnya aparatur di kelurahan merdeka membuat sosialisasi kepada masyarakat menjadi kurang. mengemukakan saran Pemerintah Kota Bandung Perlu peninjauan ulang mengenai tambahan SDM ahli sebagai tenaga pendamping di Kelurahan khusus untuk menangani PIPPK agar hasilnya lebih maksimal mengingat dengan adanya PIPPK tentunya memberikan tambahan beban kerja bagi SDM yang ada di Kelurahan yang jumlah personil nya hanya 7 sampai 8 orang

    Neuroplastic Changes Following Brain Ischemia and their Contribution to Stroke Recovery: Novel Approaches in Neurorehabilitation

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    Ischemic damage to the brain triggers substantial reorganization of spared areas and pathways, which is associated with limited, spontaneous restoration of function. A better understanding of this plastic remodeling is crucial to develop more effective strategies for stroke rehabilitation. In this review article, we discuss advances in the comprehension of post-stroke network reorganization in patients and animal models. We first focus on rodent studies that have shed light on the mechanisms underlying neuronal remodeling in the perilesional area and contralesional hemisphere after motor cortex infarcts. Analysis of electrophysiological data has demonstrated brain-wide alterations in functional connectivity in both hemispheres, well beyond the infarcted area. We then illustrate the potential use of non-invasive brain stimulation (NIBS) techniques to boost recovery. We finally discuss rehabilitative protocols based on robotic devices as a tool to promote endogenous plasticity and functional restoration

    Potential Contribution of Aromatase Inhibition to the Effects of Nicotine and Related Compounds on the Brain

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    Cigarette smoking continues to be a major public health problem, and while smoking rates in men have shown some decrease over the last few decades, smoking rates among girls and young women are increasing. Practically all of the important aspects of cigarette smoking and many effects of nicotine are sexually dimorphic (reviewed by Pogun and Yararbas, 2009). Women become addicted more easily than men, while finding it harder to quit. Nicotine replacement appears to be less effective in women. This may be linked to the observation that women are more sensitive than men to non-nicotine cues or ingredients in cigarettes. The reasons for these sex differences are mostly unknown. Several lines of evidence suggest that many of the reported sex differences related to cigarette smoking may stem from the inhibitory effects of nicotine and other tobacco alkaloids on estrogen synthesis via the enzyme aromatase (cyp19a gene product). Aromatase is the last enzyme in estrogen biosynthesis, catalyzing the conversion of androgens to estrogens. This review provides a summary of experimental evidence supporting brain aromatase as a potential mediator and/or modulator of nicotine actions in the brain, contributing to sex differences in smoking behavior. Additional research on the interaction between tobacco smoke, nicotine, and aromatase may help devise new, sex specific methods for prevention and treatment of smoking addiction

    Diversidad genética de Pinus pinaster en la Península Ibérica: correlación entre isoenzimas y caracteres cuantitativos

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    The estimation of genetic diversity using molecular markers is a major component of genetic conservation programs. However, molecular data are only weakly correlated with adaptive variation, which seriously limits the value of molecular information for guiding conservation policies. In this paper, we used allozyme markers to analyse the distribution of gene diversity in the native range of Pinus pinaster Ait. in the Iberian Peninsula, including seven marginal populations close to the Mediterranean Basin. Then, the variability of three quantitative traits (total height, stem form and survival) was computed using data from a multisite provenance test in central Spain and the two data sets were compared. Within the general pattern of variation, marginal populations presented levels of diversity closely related to those of nearby central populations, clearly suggesting that historical factors were more important than actual population sizes in determining levels of observed diversity. A weak but nevertheless significant correlation between allozymes and quantitative variability was found in maritime pine. Environmental gradients, as measured by geographic variables, are suggested to have selective effects on quantitative traits and to influence effective population size, which might explain the weak correlation found between allozyme and adaptive variability.Uno de los principales componentes de los programas de conservación genética es el uso de marcadores moleculares para la estimación de la diversidad genética. A pesar de ello, la variación observada en marcadores moleculares está débilmente correlacionada con la variación adaptativa, lo que limita seriamente la aplicación de estos estudios en el desarrollo de políticas de conservación. En este trabajo, se compara la distribución de la diversidad genética de Pinus pinaster Ait. en la Península Ibérica obtenida con marcadores moleculares (isoenzimas) y caracteres cuantitativos (altura, forma del fuste y supervivencia). El estudio incluye siete poblaciones marginales. Éstas, muestran valores de diversidad similares a los de poblaciones centrales próximas lo que sugiere una gran importancia de los procesos históricos regionales frente a efectos relacionados con el tamaño efectivo poblacional. La correlación de los marcadores moleculares utilizados con los caracteres cuantitativos medidos en los ensayos de campo es débil, aunque significativa. Esta correlación podría explicarse considerando efectos selectivos en respuesta a gradientes ambientales que afectan a su vez el tamaño efectivo de las poblaciones