2,533 research outputs found

    Monetary-fiscal-trade policy and economic growth in Pakistan: Time series empirical investigation

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    This study empirically examines the effect of monetary, fiscal and trade policy on economic growth in Pakistan using annual time series data from 1981 to 2009. Money supply, government expenditure and trade openness are used as proxies of monetary, fiscal and trade policy respectively. Cointegration and error correction model indicate the existence of positive significant long run and short run relationship of monetary and fiscal policy with economic growth. Result also indicates that monetary policy is more effective than fiscal policy in Pakistan. In contrast, trade policy has insignificant effect on economic growth both in the short run and in the long run. In light of the findings, it is suggested that the policy makers should focus more on monetary policy in order to ensure economic growth in the country. It is also recommended that further research should be conducted to find out such components of exports and imports which lead to the ineffectiveness of trade policy to enhance economic growth in Pakistan.Monetary, Fiscal, Trade, Economic Growth

    Dot-to-Dot: Explainable Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for Robotic Manipulation

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    Robotic systems are ever more capable of automation and fulfilment of complex tasks, particularly with reliance on recent advances in intelligent systems, deep learning and artificial intelligence. However, as robots and humans come closer in their interactions, the matter of interpretability, or explainability of robot decision-making processes for the human grows in importance. A successful interaction and collaboration will only take place through mutual understanding of underlying representations of the environment and the task at hand. This is currently a challenge in deep learning systems. We present a hierarchical deep reinforcement learning system, consisting of a low-level agent handling the large actions/states space of a robotic system efficiently, by following the directives of a high-level agent which is learning the high-level dynamics of the environment and task. This high-level agent forms a representation of the world and task at hand that is interpretable for a human operator. The method, which we call Dot-to-Dot, is tested on a MuJoCo-based model of the Fetch Robotics Manipulator, as well as a Shadow Hand, to test its performance. Results show efficient learning of complex actions/states spaces by the low-level agent, and an interpretable representation of the task and decision-making process learned by the high-level agent

    Development of Fuel Briquette from Palm Oil Mill Waste Mixed with Other Biomass Fuels

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    Palm oil is extracted from the fresh fruit bunch (FFB) by using mechanical process, where a mill commonly handles 60 to 100 mt per hour of FFB. The modern palm oil mill is based on concepts developed in the early 50’s. An average size of FFB weights is about 20-30 kg and contains about 1000-2000 fruits. They are harvested based on harvesting cycles, and delivered to the mills on the same day. The proper handling of FFB will determine the quality of crude palm oil. The products generates from palm oil mill are crude palm oil and kernels, as primary product and biomass as secondary product. A typical mill has many operation units. This comprises of sterilization, stripping, digestion and pressing, clarification, purification, drying and storage. Palm oil industry generates vast amount of palm biomass. Converting palm biomass into a solid fuel through briquetting process should be attractive in upgrading its properties and add value. The major by products produced by the production of crude palm oil (CPO) are palm oil mill effluent (POME), empty fruit branch (EFB), palm kernel shell and mesocarp fibre. Mostly, this biomass, especially EFB, palm kernel shell and mesocarp fibres are utilized as fuel in the mill [1]. Realizing the potential of EFB to generate fuel, briquettes will produced by mixing the EFB with rice husk and coconut shell. Their physical and chemical properties, mechanical strength and burning characteristics will be analysed. In this research, the author will study the characteristics of these biomasses and their potential to yield biomass energy [1]

    The Strategic Impacts Of Deregulation Of Civil Aviation Industry: Modernization Of Air Navigation Technology On Saudi Air Navigation Services

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    Civil aviation industry is in conversion from a strictly government-controlled transport sector to a much more competitive, liberalized operating environment. For many years the air navigation services has been under pressure to adapt to new institutional arrangements and increased operational requirements. Air traffic management must meet the challenges of the twenty-first century - in which a global, seamless airspace is developed, based on cost-effective and efficient services, with sufficient capacity to meet the world's air transport needs. Modernization of air navigation services technology is intended to give users new abilities such as flexible departure and arrival routes and increased usage of preferred flight trajectories. The goal of air navigation technology modernization is to increase the flexibility and efficiency of the air navigation services by improving traffic flow and reduce user operation costs. CNS/ATM systems are global in nature and usually planned and implemented at a regional or global level, in some cases by collective regional entities or commercial service suppliers. The result of the proposed development would combine space and computer technology, which would render obsolete much of the existing system ground based equipment. This study has developed a better understanding of the new uncertain environment for air navigation services from global perspective through the analysis of the deregulation of civil aviation industry and the new air navigation technology

    Robust Techniques for the Optimal Operation of Photovoltaic Systems

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    Photovoltaic (PV) energy has witnessed tremendous growth in the recent past to meet the growing energy demands. PV system exhibits the (current-voltage) I-V curve, which varies non-linearly according to immediate weather conditions. Considering the high initial capital cost of PV system and its low conversion efficiency, it is imperative to operate the PV array under optimal condition on consistent basis. For this purpose, maximum power point tracking (MPPT) technique plays a pivotal role in the PV system. The main role of the MPPT is to track the unique maximum power point (MPP) on the I-V curve, when PV array is under uniform condition. On the other hand, during partial shading, the matter is further complicated as the I-V curve of PV array is transformed in to the shape containing multiple local maxima, one of them is global maximum. In that scenario, a specialized MPPT is required to search the global maximum. The main aim of this thesis is to design the robust MPPT techniques for PV systems in order to harvest the maximum energy from PV plants. In this work, two novel techniques are designed: one is specialized for uniform conditions and other one for non-uniform conditions, i.e. partial shading. The design procedures, working principles and formulations of the MPPTs are discussed in detail with the help of various simulation models, figures, graphs and tables etc. Numerous simulation studies and experimental tests have been conducted to confirm the efficient operation of proposed MPPTs. Also, based on these tests, comparative analysis has been carried out, which reveals that the proposed MPPTs exhibit superior performance compared to past-proposed MPPTs. In addition, a new modulation control scheme to vary duty cycle of the DC-DC converter is presented, which will assist the MPPTs in their operations. A load criteria for resistive and battery loads is also defined for the stable operation of PV systems

    The Challenges and Opportunities of Implementing an Islam-Based Education System in Canada’s Multicultural Society: The Case of the British Columbia Muslim School

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    Abstract This dissertation explores how the British Columbia Muslim School (BCMS) re-sponds to the tension between preserving and promoting an Islamic worldview and values and the challenge to correspond to the norms and values of the dominant soci-ety in the context of Canada’s multicultural society. The dissertation further focuses on how the school teaches students the principles of Islam to strengthen their faith and identity while providing a safe environment in which to practice their faith and adopt an Islamic way of life. It also discusses the challenges faced by students and teachers of the BCMS in practicing Islam in public. In addition, the dissertation analyses perspectives on developing multicultural com-petence; how the BCMS deals with the issue of isolation, and the compatibility of an Islamic education with Canada’s multicultural system. This dissertation argues for the development of a more open and inclusive Islamic education curriculum for the BCMS as an alternative to the present exclusive cur-riculum that, as Ramadan (2004) observes, emphasises the differences between Islam and the mainstream society. If there is a hope of creating better integrated students, the Islamic education curriculum should find a balance between preserving students’ beliefs and Islamic identity, and enhancing their multicultural competence. To this end, the Islamic education program should expand the concept of respect to in-clude non-Muslims’ beliefs and cultures, and define good Islamic practices to include good citizenship in the multicultural context. In return, this dissertation argues, Canada’s public schools, government agencies, and media outlets should develop policies aimed at challenging Islamophobia and present Islam from a perspective of peace and social justice, and not from the nega-tive images which present Islam as a religion based on extremism (Zine, 2004). Finally, the dissertation offers some recommendations for finding a balance between preserving students’ faith and identity, and enhancing their multicultural competence

    Penguatan Pengetahuan Kewarganegaraan (Civic Knowledge) Sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Pendidikan Politik (Studi di SMAN 1 Cikalong Wetan)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan: 1) Upaya guru PPKn dalam menginternalisasi pendidikan politik melalui pembelajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan di SMAN 1 Cikalong Wetan, 2) Hambatan-hambatan yang dihadapi guru PPKn dalam menginternalisasi pendidikan politik melalui pembelajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan di SMAN 1 Cikalong Wetan, dan 3) Solusi yang dilakukan guru PPKn untuk menghadapi hambatan-hambatan dalam menginternalisasi pendidikan politik melalui pembelajaran kewarganegaraan di SMAN 1 Cikalong Wetan. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif.Subjek penelitian ini yaitu guru PPKn SMAN 1 Cikalong Wetan dan peserta didik. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1) Upaya guru PPKn dalam menginternalisasi pendidikan politik melalui pembelajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan di SMAN 1 Cikalong Wetan dengan cara memberikan praktek seperti simulasi pemilihan umum, peserta didik mengikuti praktek tersebut agar mereka tahu bagaimana cara-cara atau langkah-langkah saat pemilihan berlangsung dan peserta didik berpartisipasi aktif dalam pemilihan. 2) Hambatan-hambatan yang dihadapi guru PPKn dalam menginternalisasi pendidikan politik melalui pembelajaran Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan di SMAN 1 Cikalong Wetan mencakup kendala internal dan eksternal. 4) Solusi yang dilakukan guru PPKn untuk menghadapi hambatan-hambatan dalam menginternalisasi pendidikan politik melalui pembelajaran kewarganegaraan di SMAN 1 Cikalong Wetan yakni dengan meningkatkan keteladan, meningkatkan efektivitas dan kreativitas, dan memberikan suatu pengertian
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