142 research outputs found

    Vertical Hydraulic Conductivity of Unsaturated Zone by Infiltrometer Analysis of Shallow Groundwater Regime (KUISG)

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    تم تطوير نموذج هيدروجيولوجي وتنفيذه في ناحية الطليعة وعلى مساحة 67 كم2 . أعتمدت الدراسة تحديد  (KUISG)اعتماداً على موديل للإنفلتروميتر ثنائي الحلقة.  وأجريت الاختبارات في جزء من منطقة ما بين النهرين التي تغطيها الرواسب الرباعية. وبصفة عامة، فإن مستويات المياه الجوفية تبلغ حوالي 1 متر تحت سطح الأرض. نظريا، زاوية الميل لطور المياه المشبعة تلعب دوراً هاماً في تحديد (KUISG) . النتائج التجريبية تثبت أن زاوية ميل المرحلة المشبعة متطابقة مع زاوية الاحتكاك الداخلي للتربة. ويدعم هذا الاستنتاج مقارنة النتائج التي حصل عليها من فحص المنسوب المتغيير وقياسات الإنفلتروميتر لتقدير قيم التوصيلية الهيدرولوجية لعشرة مواقع داخل منطقة الدراسة. إن تحديد الموصلية الهيدروليكية العمودية من خلال نموذج الإنفلتروميتر الحالي مقيد بنظام المياه الجوفية الضحلة فقط.A hydrogeologic model was developed and carried out in Taleaa district of 67km2 . The study adopted a determination of KUISG depends upon the double rings infiltrometer model. The tests were carried out in a part of Mesopotamian  Zone which is covered with quaternary deposits  . In general the groundwater levels are about one meter below ground surface.  Theoretically, the inclination angle of the saturated water phase plays an important role in the determination of KUISG. The experimental results prove that the angle of inclination of the saturated phase is identical to the angle of internal friction of the soil. This conclusion is supported by the comparison of the results that obtained from falling head test and infiltrometer measurements for estimating the hydraulic conductivitiy values for ten locations within the study area. The determination of vertical hydraulic conductivity by current infiltrometer model is constrained to only the shallow groundwater regime.

    Nearest Tri-Points Interpolation (NTPI) Technique

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    تم أقتراح العديد من الطرق للاستكمال الداخلي والخارجي لسلسلة البيانات الزمنية المفقودة مثل هطول الأمطار ودرجة الحرارة والرطوبة والجريان السطحي ...الخ. في حين هنالك العديد من الطرق الاخرى لتقدير البيانات المكانية المفقودة مثل مستويات المياه الجوفية والتضاريس. من ناحية أخرى، تم تطوير العديد من الطرق لتقييم كفاءاتها ولكن نادراً ما يتم حساب عدم التيقن من النتائج. في هذة الدراسة تمت مقارنة ثلاث طرق للإستكمال الداخلي لتقدير البيانات الطبوغرافية المكانية المفقودة في مدينة بابل القديمة. تم تحديد مجال النموذج في عدد من الخلايا الأفقية (19) والخلايا العمودية (23). استخدمت خمس نقاط معلومة الارتفاع لتقدير الارتفاع غير المعروف في 257 نقطة. وتمت مقارنة الطريقة الجديدة (NTPI) مع طريقة ترجيح المسافة المعكوس (IDW) وطريقة السيرفر. تم حساب كفاءة هذة الطرق عن طريق معدل الأخطاء والأنحراف المعياري. تقنية الاستكمال لأقرب ثلاث نقاط اعطت نتائج اقل لمعدل الأخطاء ولمعدل الانحراف المعياري وكذلك دقة أكثر في توزيع إرتفاعات سطح الأرض.Numerous methods have been proposed to interpolate and extrapolate of missing temporal data series such as rainfall, temperature, humidity, runoff storms…etc.  Whereas there are many of other method for estimating spatial missing data such as groundwater levels and topography. On the other hand,many methods were developed to evaluate their efficiencies,but the uncertainty of results is rarely calculated. In this study, three interpolation methods have been compared to estimate missing spatial topographical data in the ancient Babylon City.  The model domain was discretized into a number of horizontal (19) cells and vertical (23) cells. Five observed elevation remarks were used to estimate the unknown elevations of 257 remarks. The new method namely Nearest Tri-Point Interpolation (NTPI) was compared with the Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) and surfer techniques. The efficiency of these techniques was calculated by the Average Error (AE) and Standard of Deviation (SD). The (NTPI) technique offers results of less AE and SD as well as more accuracy in ground surface elevations distribution &nbsp

    Study of the salt tolerance of eucalyptus camaldulensis (dehn)

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    Stabilization of Descriptor System via a Non-Classical Variational Approach

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    The project of this paper is to present asymptotic stabilization controller feedback for descriptor system with non-classical variational approach, it should be mentioned that the sufficient conditions presented in this paper are dependent of the original system matrices and independent of the partion of the original descriptor system. Keywords: Consistent Initial Condition, C-Controllable,  Descriptor System, Non-classical Variational Approach, Regular System

    Solvability of Time-Varying Descriptor Systems Using Non-Classical Variational Approach

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    This paper focuses on studying the solvability of  time varying linear descriptor system.  A non-classical variational approach have been developed for finding an approximate solution for time varying linear descriptor system in the presence of system uncertainty and the existence of a class of consistence initial conditions. Keywords: Consistent Initial Condition,  Non-classical Variational Approach,  Regular System, time-varying linear Descriptor system

    Adjoint Operator in Probabilistic Hilbert Space

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    Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to give a definition for the adjoint operator in Probabilistic Hilbert Space and its properties by using Riesz Representation Theorem.   Keywords: Probabilistic Hilbert Space; Adjoint Operator; properties of adjoint operator

    Random Phase Approximation with High Orbits Configuration for the Low Lying Negative Parity, T = 0 States in 16O

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    Mine Rescue Team Unmanned Rescue Craft (MRTURC) Design Development

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    The project initiated when a meeting was held between our Mine Rescue Team Unmanned Rescue Craft (MRTURC) team and Colorado School of Mine’s Rescue team, in July 2015, stating the requirement for design ideas for an unmanned craft capable of search and rescue reconnaissance into hazardous mines and collapsed buildings. The constraints that were discussed were as follows: Limited Budget, Size Constraint (2ft X 2ft X 2ft) and the availability of only a single radio frequency in those areas, corresponding to 2.4 GHz. The features that were required by the team was: ability to self-stabilize, an infrared sensor for distance measurements, around 45 mins of operation on a single battery charge, ease of control of craft for the operator, ability to operate in severe environment condition of -20oC to 50oC, durability and easy availability of spare child parts if broken during operation. Thus the project started with keeping in mind the above requirement of an unmanned craft for search and rescue of trapped people in collapsed mines and buildings. Computer design soft-wares like Solid-works were used for the design and analysis of the same

    Optimal Control Equivalent Approach to Non-Linear Uncertain Descriptor Systems with Matching Condition

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    In this paper, the solution of the robust control problem of some non-linear semi-explicit descriptor uncertain systems having matching condition and linear algebraic equation with rank deficient of the algebraic coefficient matrix  is considered. An optimal control approach have been developed in the sense that, the solution of an equivalent optimal control problem to the uncertain nonlinear descriptor system, is the solution to the given descriptor one with matching condition. A relation between the robust control problem and its equivalent optimal control problem have been developed with theorems and illustration.

    Solution of Non-Linear Uncertain Descriptor Systems without Matching Conditions via an Optimal Control Approach

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    In this paper, the solution of some (robust) control problem of non-linear semi-explicit descriptor uncertain systems without matching condition by defining an optimal control approach is considered. This approach has been developed in the sense that, the solution of an equivalent optimal control problem is the solution to the given descriptor one without matching condition. A relation between the robust control problem and its equivalent optimal control problem has been discussed with theoretical justifications and illustration