15 research outputs found

    Molekularna i serološka istraživanja invazije vrstom Neospora caninum u golubova u jugozapadnom Iranu.

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    Neospora caninum is a protozoan parasite with worldwide distribution, mainly implicated as responsible for bovine abortion. There are indications that the presence of birds on cattle farms could be associated with the increase in seroprevalence and abortions related to N. caninum. The present study reports the serological (Neospora agglutination test) and molecular (PCR) presence of N. caninum in pigeons. From the 102 samples analyzed, 31 samples (30.39%) were seropositive for N. caninum and the overall molecular prevalence of N. caninum in the brains of the same pigeons was 9.8% (10/102). This is the first report of detection of N. caninum in Iranian pigeons. The results indicate soil contamination due to N. caninum oocysts, because pigeons feed from the ground, and suggest that the meat from the pigeons may be an important source for infection of dogs.Neospora caninum praživotinja je proširena diljem svijeta koja pretežito uzrokuje pobačaj u goveda. Upozorava se da prisutnost ptica na goveđim farmama može biti povezana s povećanjem serološke prevalencije i broja pobačaja uzrokovanih tom vrstom. U ovom je istraživanju N. caninum dokazana u golubova serološki testom aglutinacije i molekularno lančanom reakcijom polimerazom. Od 102 pretražena uzorka 31 (30,39%) je bio serološki pozitivan na prisutnost N. caninum, a molekularna prevalencija u mozgu istih golubova iznosila je 9,8% (10/102). To je prvo izvješće o dokazu N. caninum u iranskih golubova. Rezultati pokazuju da je onečišćenje tla oocistama N. caninum izvor uzročnika za golubove jer se oni hrane na tlu. Također se upozorava na činjenicu da meso golubova može biti važan izvor zaraze za pse

    Molekularna i serološka istraživanja invazije vrstom Neospora caninum u golubova u jugozapadnom Iranu.

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    Neospora caninum is a protozoan parasite with worldwide distribution, mainly implicated as responsible for bovine abortion. There are indications that the presence of birds on cattle farms could be associated with the increase in seroprevalence and abortions related to N. caninum. The present study reports the serological (Neospora agglutination test) and molecular (PCR) presence of N. caninum in pigeons. From the 102 samples analyzed, 31 samples (30.39%) were seropositive for N. caninum and the overall molecular prevalence of N. caninum in the brains of the same pigeons was 9.8% (10/102). This is the first report of detection of N. caninum in Iranian pigeons. The results indicate soil contamination due to N. caninum oocysts, because pigeons feed from the ground, and suggest that the meat from the pigeons may be an important source for infection of dogs.Neospora caninum praživotinja je proširena diljem svijeta koja pretežito uzrokuje pobačaj u goveda. Upozorava se da prisutnost ptica na goveđim farmama može biti povezana s povećanjem serološke prevalencije i broja pobačaja uzrokovanih tom vrstom. U ovom je istraživanju N. caninum dokazana u golubova serološki testom aglutinacije i molekularno lančanom reakcijom polimerazom. Od 102 pretražena uzorka 31 (30,39%) je bio serološki pozitivan na prisutnost N. caninum, a molekularna prevalencija u mozgu istih golubova iznosila je 9,8% (10/102). To je prvo izvješće o dokazu N. caninum u iranskih golubova. Rezultati pokazuju da je onečišćenje tla oocistama N. caninum izvor uzročnika za golubove jer se oni hrane na tlu. Također se upozorava na činjenicu da meso golubova može biti važan izvor zaraze za pse

    Molekularna identifikacija i filogenetska analiza Trypanosoma evansi u jednogrbih deva (Camelus dromedarius) iz Irana

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    Surra is of great concern to countries in the world such as Iran, which have a considerable camel population. The present study was aimed at determining the prevalence of Trypanosoma evansi in the camels of Iran. A total of 167 blood samples from farmed camels were examined for the presence of T. evansi infection using parasitological and molecular methods. Blood smear examination revealed 10 (6%) positive samples, while the PCR method 14 (8.4%) found positive samples. Age, sex, and region were not determined as risk factors for T. evansi infection in this study. The phylogenetic tree inferred from VSG gene sequences of T. evansi clearly separated the sequences of this study into two clades, A and B, which reflects the intrasequence heterogeneity among Iranian isolates. The phylogenetic tree showed that Iranian T. evansi strains are members of the T. brucei clade.Sura je bolest od posebne važnosti u zemljama kao što je Iran, koje imaju veliku populaciju deva. Cilj ovoga istraživanja bio je odrediti prevalenciju Trypanosoma evansi u deva u Iranu. Ukupno 167 uzoraka krvi farmski držanih deva istraživano je na prisutnost invazije s T. evansi primjenom parazitoloških i molekularnih metoda. Istraživanje krvnog razmaza pokazalo je 10 (6 %) pozitivnih uzoraka, dok je PCR pokazao 14 (8,4 %) pozitivnih uzoraka. U ovom istraživanju dob, spol i područje uzgoja nisu određivani kao rizični čimbenici za invaziju s T. evansi. Filogenetsko stablo izvedeno iz sekvencija VSG gena T. evansi jasno je razdvojilo sekvencije u dvije klade, A i B, i odražava unutarsekvencijsku heterogenost među iranskim izolatima. Filogenetsko stablo pokazalo je da su iranski sojevi T. evansi članovi klade T. brucei

    Art. 110

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    The first synthesis of all five possible monomethylated [4]­dendralenes has been achieved via two distinct synthetic strategies. The Diels–Alder chemistry of these new dendralenes (as multidienes) with an electron poor dienophile, <i>N</i>-methylmaleimide (NMM), has been studied. Thus, simply upon mixing the dendralene and an excess of dienophile at ambient temperature in a common solvent, sequences of cycloadditions result in the rapid generation of complex multicyclic products. Distinct product distributions are obtained with differently substituted dendralenes, demonstrating that dendralene substitution influences the pathway followed, when a matrix of mechanistic possibilities exists. Dendralene site selectivities are traced to electronic, steric and conformational effects, thereby allowing predictive tools for applications of substituted dendralenes in future synthetic endeavors

    Introducing a vector space model to perform a proactive credit scoring

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    Many authoritative studies report how in these last years the consumer credit was up year on year, making it necessary to develop instruments able to assist the financial operators in some crucial tasks. The most important of them is to classify the loan applications as reliable or unreliable, on the basis of the customer information at their disposal. Such instruments of credit scoring allow the operators to reduce the financial losses, and for this reason they play a very important role. However, the design of effective credit scoring models is not an easy task, since it must face some problems, first among them the data imbalance in the model training. This problem arises because the number of default cases is usually much smaller than that of the non-default ones and this kind of distribution worsens the effectiveness of the state-of-the-art approaches used to define these models. This paper proposes a novel Linear Dependence Based (LDB) approach able to build a credit scoring model by using only the past non-default cases, overcoming both the imbalanced class distribution and the cold-start issues. It relies on the concept of linear dependence between the vector representations of the past and new loan applications, evaluating it in the context of a matrix. The experiments, performed by using two real-world datasets with a strong unbalanced distribution of data, show that the proposed approach achieves performance closer or better than that of one of the best state-of-the-art approaches of credit scoring such as random forests, even using only past non-default cases