60 research outputs found

    Stereological estimation of ovarian oocyte volume, surface area and number: application on mice treated with nandrolone decanoate

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    Changes in the number and size of oocytes can lead to fertilization problems. The present study aimed to evaluate the number, volume, and surface area of oocytes in healthy as well as nandrolone decanoate-treated (ND) mice using stereological methods. Five control mice received vehicle, and five ND-treated mice received ND. Using the ‘isotropic Cavalieri’ design’, the ovary was sectioned. The volume of the ovary (cortex and medulla) was estimated. The oocytes’ volume and surface area were estimated using the invariator. The number of the oocytes was estimated using an optical disector. The volumes of the ovary, cortex, and medulla decreased ~50% in the ND-treated mice. The mean number (coefficient of variation) of preantral, antral, and atretic oocytes in the control ovary were 1,690 (0.29), 2,100 (0.52), and 3,900 (0.2), respectively, which decreased ~54%, ~87%, and ~91%, respectively in the ND-treated animals. The mean volume (coefficient of variation) of the preantral, antral, and atretic oocytes were 86,000 (0.27), 110,000 (0.48), and 27,000 (0.33) μm3, respectively. The mean surface area (coefficient of variation) of the three types of oocytes were 9,000 (0.24), 9,900 (0.28), and 4,700 (0.21) μm2, respectively. These parameters remained unchanged in the ND-treated mice. ND induces reduction in the number of oocytes, but not in the volume or the surface area

    Stereološka procjena povoljnih učinaka sulforafana i kvercetina na bubrežno tkivo kod jednostrane opstrukcije uretre štakora

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    Hydrostatic pressure, which is the result of urinary tract blockage, initiates renal injuries. The injuries are characterized by tubular dilatation and/or atrophy, tubular cell death, inflammatory process and progressive interstitial fibrosis with loss of renal parenchyma. The aim of this study was to evaluate the ameliorative effects of sulforaphane and quercetin, the two natural compounds that can be found in vegetables, in unilateral ureteral obstruction (UU O). Three groups of rats underwent surgery to induce UU O. They received distilled water, sulforaphane (500 μg/animal/ day) and quercetin (50 mg/kg/day). Stereological methods were applied in order to obtain accurate, quantitative and comparable data. Less than ~4% of renal structures on average remained intact in UU O rats. After the treatment of UU O rats with quercetin, ~69%, 32%, 65%, 35% and 41% of the volume of the glomeruli, proximal and distal convoluted tubules (PCT and DCT), Henle’s loop and collecting ducts remained intact, respectively (p<0.01). After the treatment of UU O rats with sulforaphane, ~24%, 45%, and 26% of the volume of the PCT, DCT and Henle’s loop remained intact, respectively (p<0.01). After the treatment of UU O rats with quercetin, ~71%, 81%, 51%, and 57% of the length of the PCT, DCT, Henle’s loop and collecting ducts remained intact, respectively (p<0.01). After the treatment of UU O rats with sulforaphane, ~42% and 41% of the length of the PCT and DCT remained intact, respectively (p<0.01). Changes in the length of Henle’s loop and collecting ducts were not significant. In conclusion, quercetin and sulforaphane were found to be effective in preventing some structural renal damage in the direct obstruction model. Quercetin had a more ameliorative role on renal structures.Hidrostatski tlak, koji nastaje zbog blokade mokraćnog trakta, izaziva oštećenje bubrega. Ova oštećenja obilježena su širenjem i/ili atrofijom tubula, smrću tubularnih stanica, upalnim procesom i progresivnom intersticijskom fibrozom uz gubitak bubrežnog parenhima. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je procijeniti povoljne učinke dvaju prirodnih spojeva koji se nalaze u povrću, sulforafana i kvercetina, kod jednostrane opstrukcije uretre (JOU). Tri skupine štakora podvrgnute su operaciji kako bi se izazvala JOU. Potom su primali destiliranu vodu, sulforafan (500 μg/životinja/dan) i kvercetin (50 mg/ kg/dan). Primijenjene su stereološke metode kako bi se dobili točni, kvantitativni i usporedivi podaci. Manje od ~4% bubrežnih struktura ostalo je u prosjeku intaktno kod štakora s JOU. Nakon liječenja JOU štakora kvercetinom intaktno je bilo ~69%, 32%, 65%, 35% i 41% volumena glomerula, proksimalnih i distalnih konvolucijskih tubula (PKT i DKT), Henleovih petlja odnosno zbirnih kanalića (p<0,01). Nakon liječenja JOU štakora kvercetinom intaktno je bilo ~71%, 81%, 51% i 57% duljine PKT, DKT, Henleovih petlja odnosno zbirnih kanalića (p<0,01). Nakon liječenja JOU štakora sulforafanom intaktno je bilo ~42% i 41% duljine PKT odnosno DKT (p<0,01). Promjene u duljini Henleovih petlja i zbirnih kanalića nisu bile značajne. U zaključku, kvercetin i sulforafan učinkovito priječe neka strukturna oštećenja bubrega kod modela izravne opstrukcije. Kvercetin je imao povoljniji učinak na bubrežne strukture

    Is a Team-based Learning Approach to Anatomy Teaching Superior to Didactic Lecturing?

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    Objectives: Team-based learning (TBL) is used in the medical field to implement interactive learning in small groups. The learning of anatomy and its subsequent application requires the students to recall a great deal of factual content. The aims of this study were to evaluate the students’ satisfaction, engagement and knowledge gain in anatomy through the medium of TBL in comparison to the traditional lecture method. Methods: This study, carried out from February to June 2012, included 30 physical therapy students of the Shiraz University of Medical Science, School of Rehabilitation Sciences. Classic TBL techniques were modified to cover lower limb anatomy topics in the first year of the physical therapy curriculum. Anatomy lectures were replaced with TBL, which required the preparation of assigned content, specific discussion topics, an individual self-assessment test (IRAT) and the analysis of discussion topics. The teams then subsequently retook the assessment test as a group (GRAT). The first eight weeks of the curriculum were taught using traditional didactic lecturing, while during the second eight weeks the modified TBL method was used. The students evaluated these sessions through a questionnaire. The impact of TBL on student engagement and educational achievement was determined using numerical data, including the IRAT, GRAT and final examination scores. Results: Students had a higher satisfaction rate with the TBL teaching according to the Likert scale. Additionally, higher scores were obtained in the TBL-based final examination in comparison to the lecture-based midterm exam. Conclusion: The students’ responses showed that the TBL technique could be used alone or in conjunction with traditional didactic lecturing in order to teach anatomy more effectively

    The Influence of Exposure to Stress of Pregnant Rats on the Adrenal Gland Structure of their Offspring. An Unbiased Stereological Study

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    Many factors may interact with normal differentiation and growth of tissues and cells. Stress might be  experienced during pregnancy and it has been shown that stress may cause low birth weight. The effect of  prenatal manipulations on the HPA axis has been focused on physiological and biochemical alteration of  the adrenal gland. A stereological examination of the influences of prenatal stress on the structure of the  developing adrenal gland of one day and 21 day-old rats has now been performed. In this study experiments were conducted to test the hypothesis that exposure to restraint stress during pregnancy  in rat results in structural changes in the developing adrenal gland of their pups. Female rats were exposed to restraint stress from the first day of pregnancy throughout gestation. Male offspring  of stressed rats (PS= experimental) and of unstressed mothers (C= control) who were one day and 21  days of age were selected. Their body weight (BW), crown-rump length (CRL), biparietal diameter (BPD),  volume of the gland and the cortical layers and medulla were estimated using stereological methods. The results showed that the prenatal stress led to a decrease in BW, but CRL and BPD remained unchanged.  Also, a significant increase in volume of the adrenal gland and cortical layers in one day and 21 day-old  offspring were observed. The volume of the medulla of the adrenal gland of neonate rats remained  unchanged but the volume of the medulla in 21 day-old rats was decreased. Therefore, it can be concluded that prenatal stress alters the structure of the developing adrenal gland.

    Using curcumin to prevent structural and behavioral changes of medial prefrontal cortex induced by sleep deprivation in rats

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    Sleep Deprivation (SD) is known to result in a range of neurological consequences in chronically-afflicted subjects. Curcumin, a natural substance, has neuroprotective properties. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of curcumin on the medial Prefrontal Cortex (mPFC) of SD rats. Male rats were arbitrarily assigned to nine groups, including control, curcumin (100 mg/kg/day), olive oil, SD, SD+curcumin, SD+olive oil, grid, grid+curcumin, and grid+ol- ive oil groups. SD was induced by a multiplatform box containing water. After a period of 21 days, the learning and memory of the rats were tested in an eight-arm radial maze. Afterwards, their brains were evaluated using stereological methods. Concomitant treatment of curcumin during SD caused fewer errors during evaluation of the working and reference memory errors in the acquisition and retention phases. The overall volume of the mPFC, Infralimbic Cortex (ILC), Prelimbic Cortex (PLC), Anterior Cingulate Cortex (ACC) and the total number of neurons and glial cells reduced by 20 %-40 % on average in the SD animals in comparison to the control group. This indicated atrophic changes and cell loss in these areas (p < 0.01). The dendrites’ length and the number of spines per dendrite also reduced by 35 %-55 % in the SD rats compared to the ones in the control group (p < 0.01). Yet, treatment of the SD animals with curcumin prevented the atrophic changes of the mPFC, cell loss, and den- dritic changes (p < 0.05). SD induced structural changes in the mPFC and memory impairment in the rats. However, curcumin could protect their PFC

    Using curcumin to prevent structural impairments of testicles in rats induced by sodium metabisulfite

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    Sodium metabisulfite (Na-MBS) is a disinfectant and preservative agent. Some organ including testicle would be in danger in the case of Na-MBS consumption. Curcumin (CUR) is the constituent of turmeric with protective properties. The effect of CUR on testicles in rats exposed to Na-MBS evaluated using stereological methods. Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into eight groups. The rats in groups I to VIII received the following respec- tively: distilled water, CUR (100 mg/kg/day), low (0.7 mg/kg/day: acceptable daily intake), intermediate (7 mg/ kg/day), and high (70 mg/kg/day) doses of Na-MBS, and low, intermediate, and high doses of Na-MBS plus CUR. After 7 weeks, the testicles were analyzed. The volume of seminiferous tubule, tubular epithelium and tubule length reduced (25-40 %) on average in the rats that received intermediate and high doses of Na-MBS, while the connective tissue volume increased (15-20 %) in both groups (P<0.01). Besides, 19-36 % and 41-57 % of the cells (spermatogonia types A and B, spermatids, Sertoli and Leydig) were lost in the rats that received intermediate and high doses of Na-MBS respectively in comparison to the control groups. Nonetheless, all the above-mentioned alterations ameliorated drastically in the rats that received Na-MBS plus CUR compared to those exposed to Na- MBS without CUR therapy (P<0.01). The acceptable daily intake of Na-MBS for 7 weeks did not affect on testic- ular parameters. CUR (100 mg/kg/day) could prevent structural impairments of testicles in the rats induced by Na-MBS (7 and 70 mg/kg/day)

    Stevia aquatic extract protects the pancreas from streptozocin (STZ) induced damage: A stereological study

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    299-307In recent years, among antidiabetic medicinal herbs, Stevia received a lot of attention due to its diverse therapeutic applications. Despite extensive reports on the effects of Stevia on the pancreas, its molecular mechanism is not clear yet. In this study, we investigated the protective and preventive effects of oral extracts of Stevia on the pancreas through the stereological methods in streptozocin (STZ) induced diabetic rats. Thus, 66 adult male rats were assigned to six groups (n = 11) viz., healthy control, healthy Stevia (400 mg /kg), diabetic-control, diabetic-metformin (500 mg/kg), diabetic-Stevia and pre-Stevia-diabetic group. Treatment with Stevia significantly reduced fasting blood sugar (FBS) and MDA compared to the diabetic control group (P <0.05). The results indicated that the weight and the volume of the pancreas increased significantly in all our treated groups compared to the diabetic one (P <0.05). The volume density of the pancreatic islands and the number of beta cells increased in healthy and diabetic groups treated with Stevia (P <0.05). However, the pre-treated diabetic rats with Stevia did not show significant preventive effects on the volume and number of beta cells as well as the volume of islets against destructive effects of STZ. More specifically, our results confirmed the protective effects of Stevia through restoring pancreatic cells and repairing the stereological damage induced by STZ