6,096 research outputs found

    Kepemimpinan Kepala Madrasah Dalam Implementasi Manajemen Berbasis Madrasah (Studi Kasus di MA Darul Jannah Muara Burnai II Lempuing Jaya Kab. OKI)

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    Kepemimpinan merupakan unsur fungsional utama dalam manajemen. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui, wawancara, pengamatan, dokumentasi. Selanjutnya analisa data dilakukan dengan; (1) Analisa selama pengumpulan data yakni secara induktif dengan menggunakan analisa deskriptif, (2) Teknik keabsahan data dengan menggunakan triangulasi sumber data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa MBM di MA Darul Jannah Muara Burnai II, Lempuing Jaya sudah dapat diterapkan meskipun tidak sepenuhnya, diantaranya dalam pembelajaran yang aktif, kreatif, efektif dan menyenangkan, transparansi manajemen dan peran serta masyarakat. Mencapai tujuan tersebut karena adanya dukungan dari komite madrasah, guru, stakeholder dan masyarakat dalam empat pokok manajemen yaitu: perencanan, pelaksanaan, pengawasan dan pengorganisasian. Tugas dan tanggung jawab kepala madrasah dalam pelaksanaan MBM dengan adanya beberapa program atau kegiatan pada masing-masing komponen MBM di MA Darul Jannah Muara Burnai II, Lempuing Jaya sudah ada peningkatan walaupun masih ada yang kurang atau belum terpenuhi semuanya. Factor pendukungnya adalah di MA Darul Jannah Muara Burnai II, Lempuing Jaya  terdapat adanya kekompakan dan semangat juang yang tinggi  dari sebagian besar elemen-elemen yang ada di madrasah mulai dari SDM guru, karyawan, sarana prasarana guna lebih meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan. Faktor pendukung inilah yang menjadi penunjang implementasi Manajemen Berbasis Madrasah

    Huge Retroperitoneal Lymphangioma Presenting With Duodenal Obstruction: a case report.

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    lymphangiomas are benign tumors caused by the congenital proliferation of lymphatic tissue, causing an obstruction in the lymphatic ducts, producing fluid filled cysts (1). Histologically they are polycystic, with cysts divided by thin septas lined with endothelial cells. Most common presentation of cystic lymphangiomas are in the neck (75%) and axillary region (20%) and only 5% are intra-abdominal, while retroperitoneal lymphangiomas account for only 1% of cases (2). It is more common in children with males affected more than women, while women have shown to encounter pancreatic lymphangiomas more than men (3). Often retroperitoneal lypmhangiomas are asymptomatic but due to their large size they might cause a wide variety of symptoms from mild abdominal distention/discomfort and back pain to duodenal obstruction, sepsis and DIC (4). Diagnostic techniques are ultrasound, CT scan and MRI but often it is found accidentally and definitive diagnosis is made post-operatively. Treatment of choice is complete surgical resection with cystectom

    Effect of the Mechanical and Thermal Stresses of Rotating Blades

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    Rotating blades are the important parts in gas turbines. Hence, an accurate mathematical estimation (F.E.M) of the stresses and deformations characteristics was required in the design applications to avoid failure. In recent years there are researchers interest in the effect of temperature on solid bodies has greatly increased, The main of this study investigated the thermal and rotational effects. So, the thermal stresses due to high pressure and temperature are studies, also determine the steady state stresses and deformations of rotating blades due to mechanical effect. Many parameters such as thickness and centre of rotating are investigated in this paper. The study results can ensure good recommendation for the effect of the mechanical and thermal stresses of rotary blades

    Analisis Pembenihan Ikan Gurami dalam Akuarium di Kota Jambi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya pendapatan yang diterima oleh pengusaha dari USAha pembenihan ikan gurami, dan untuk mengetahui keuntungan dari USAha pembenihan ikan gurami dilihat dari R/C, /C dan BEP di Kota Jambi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dari tanggal 24 Oktober 2013 sampai 24 November 2013 bertempat di Kota Jambi. Data dikumpulkan dengan bantuan kuisioner melalui wawancara dan pengamatan langsung ke objek penelitian, kemudian data disusun, dihitung dan diolah dengan rumus yang selanjutnya dianalisis dengan deskriptif sesuai dengan variabel yang diteliti. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa USAha pembenihan ikan gurami dalam akuarium di Kota Jambi menguntungkan dan memberi manfaat untuk diusahakan. Rata-rata pendapatan yang diperoleh dari penjualan benih telah melebihi biaya yang diperhitungakan. Berdasarkan analisis R/C USAha pembenihan ikan gurami dalam akuarium menunujukan nilai lebih besar dari satu baik penjualan pada tengkulak, perhitungan pengusaha pembenih maupun penjualan pada konsumen. Dari hasil analisis /C diketahui nilai /C penjualan pada tengkulak, perhitungan pengusaha maupun penjualan pada konsumen masing-masing nilainya lebih besar dari bunga bank yang berlaku di bank BRI /siklus produksi, sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa USAha pembenihan ikan gurami dalam akuarium menguntungkan atau akan memberikan manfaat untuk diusahakan

    Management and Complications of Arnold Chiari Hydrocephalus at Tertiary Health Care Center

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    Objective: to investigate the role of CT and MRI in diagnosis of Arnold chiari malformation of hydrocephalus and its treatment with VP shunt along with complications. Study Design: Prospective study Place and duration: Department of Neurosurgery, DG Khan Medical College from May 4, 2018 to May 4, 2019. Methodology: Fifty patients of congenital hydrocephalus who were not treated previously were selected. Detailed history about disease and clinical examination of patients was performed. Follow ups were done at neurosurgery OPD. SPSS software for data analysis was used and mean ± SD, frequency and percentages were calculated for variables. P value ≤0.05 was considered as significant. Results: Treatment in case of congenital hydrocephalus as VP shunt, intra-aneurysmal coiling, excision of meningomyelocele with VP shunt and suboccipital craniectomy + upper cervical laminectomy (scucl) were observed as 10%, 6%, 8% and 8% respectively.  Twelve percent of patients were not treated. Conclusion: CT and MRI are the main diagnostic tools for diagnosis of Arnold chiari malformation and VP shunt is the treatment of choice. Among complications of VP shunt infection of shunt and shunt block are the main complications

    Stability Analysis of Charged Rotating Black Ring

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    We study the electromagnetic field equation along with the WKB approximation. The boson tunneling phenomenon from charged rotating black ring(CRBR) is analyzed. It is examined that reserve radiation consistent with CRBR can be computed in general by neglecting back reaction and self-gravitational of the radiated boson particle. The calculated temperature depends upon quantum gravity and CRBR geometry. We also examine the corrected tunneling rate/probability of boson particles by assuming charge as well as energy conservation laws and the quantum gravity. Furthermore, we study the graphical behavior of the temperature and check the stability and instability of CRBR.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, version accepted for publication in Symmetr

    Global and Local Color Time Scales to Encode Timeline Events in Ion Trajectories for Glassies

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    Glassy compounds lead directly to high ionic conductivity. Ionic conductivity generates ion trajectories. However, these trajectories have been represented by two-dimensional graph in order to visualize the timeline events in ion trajectories. This study addresses this problem by encoding the timeline events in ion trajectories with global and local color scales. Two time scales have been introduced namely Global Color Time Scale and Local Color Time Scale. The rainbow color has been chosen to represent global time scale meanwhile solid color has been used to generate local time scale. Based on evaluation, these techniques are successful in representing timeline events in ion trajectories for understanding the complicated heterogeneous movement of ion trajectories

    Leiomyoma of the Round Ligament of the Uterus : Case report and review of literature

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    Smooth muscle tumours of the round ligament of the uterus are rare and can mimic an inguinal hernia. Preoperative diagnosis can be established by a computed tomography scan of the abdomen or an exploration of the inguinal canal. Surgical excision is the curative treatment
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