62 research outputs found

    Enhancement of the Charge Carrier of the Light Emitting Electrochemical Cell by Modification ITO Surface with Organic Semiconductor Nanomaterial

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    The charge mobility of the light emitting electrochemical cell (LEC) device is studied by the Space Charge Limited Current (SCLC) technique. The LEC type diode is constituted as hole only device in order to understand how affect interface modification with the 4-[(2E)-3-carboxyprop-2-enamido] benzoic acid (CABA) on the charge mobility of the device by carried out I-V measurements

    Dirac Particle for the Position Dependent Mass in the Generalized Asymmetric Woods-Saxon Potential

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    The one-dimensional Dirac equation with position dependent mass in the generalized asymmetric Woods-Saxon potential is solved in terms of the hypergeometric functions. The transmission and reflection coefficients are obtained by considering the one-dimensional electric current density for the Dirac particle and the equation describing the bound states is found by utilizing the continuity conditions of the obtained wave function. Also, by using the generalized asymmetric Woods-Saxon potential solutions, the scattering states are found out without making calculation for the Woods-Saxon, Hulthen, cusp potentials, and so forth, which are derived from the generalized asymmetric Woods-Saxon potential and the conditions describing transmission resonances and supercriticality are achieved. At the same time, the data obtained in this work are compared with the results achieved in earlier studies and are observed to be consistent

    Bezmasene čestice spina 1 u rotirajućem prostoru-vremenu

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    We consider the massless Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau equation for the general rotating space-times, then find its second-order form for a given geometry. Using this second-order differential equation for two well-known cosmological models, the exact solutions of the massless Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau equation were obtained. On the other hand, by using spinor form of the Maxwell equations, the propagation problem is reduced to the solution of the second-order differential equation of a complex combination of the electric and magnetic fields. For these two different approaches, we obtain the spinors in terms of the field-strength tensor.Razmatramo bezmasenu jednadžbu Duffin–Kemmer–Petiau-a za opći slučaj rotirajućeg prostora-vremena i nalazimo njen oblik drugog reda za pojedinu geometriju. Primjenom te jednadžbe drugog reda postigli smo egzaktna rješenja Duffin– Kemmer–Petiau-ve jednadžbe za dva poznata kozmološka modela. Pored toga, primjenom Maxwellovih jednadžbi u spinornom obliku, problem širenja valova svodi se na rješavanje diferencijalne jednadžbe drugog reda za kompleksni slog električnih i magnetskih polja. Tim dvama pristupima dobivamo spinore izražene preko tenzora jakosti polja

    Spinless Particles in Exponentially Varying Electric and Magnetic Fields

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    We investigate the motion of the charged spin-0 particles subjected to the space-dependent electric and magnetic fields. By selecting the external fields oriented parallel and orthogonal to each other, exact solutions of the motion are obtained for the nonrelativistic and the relativistic cases. The quantized energy spectrum is determined by using the solutions obtained for the motion of the particles and dependence of the energy on the strengths of the electric and magnetic fields is discussed. We compared the energy spectrum of the nonrelativistic and the relativistic particles by using the numerical results obtained for the first few quantum levels

    The Scattering and Bound States of the Schrödinger Particle in Generalized Asymmetric Manning-Rosen Type Potential

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    We solve exactly one-dimensional Schrödinger equation for the generalized asymmetric Manning-Rosen (GAMAR) type potential containing the different types of physical potential that have many application fields in the nonrelativistic quantum mechanics and obtain the solutions in terms of the Gauss hypergeometric functions. Then we determine the solutions for scattering and bound states. By using these states we calculate the reflection and transmission coefficients for scattering states and achieve a correlation that gives the energy eigenvalues for the bound states. In addition to these, we show how the transmission and reflection coefficients depend on the parameters which describe shape of the GAMAR type potential and compare our results with the results obtained in earlier studies

    Creation of Spin-1/2 Particles in the Hyperboloid de Sitter Space-Time

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    In this work we solve Dirac equation by using the method of seperation of variables. Then we analyzed the particle creation process. To compute the density number of particles created Bogoliubov transformation technique is used.Comment: 5 pages, no figures, presented at the 1st Int. Hellenic&Turkish Phys. Con

    Scattering and Bound States of Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau Particles for q

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