32 research outputs found

    Analyse av organisatoriske endringer i FMC Well Intervention Services (WIS)

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    Denne oppgaven kaster lys på endringsprosessen som er gjennomført i FMC Well Intervention Services (WIS). Det er tre aspekter ved endringsprosessen som settes i fokus; Ledelsens håndtering av endringsprosessen, ansattes opplevelse av endringene og endringens påvirkning av samarbeidet på tvers av organisasjonen. Oppgaven er basert på kvalitativ undersøkelse utført på tvers av WIS våren 2013. Undersøkelsen har en fenomenologisk tilnærming der informantenes egne opplevelser og erfaringer står sentralt. Avdelinger som er med i undersøkelsen er Support Engineering, Operations Stavanger og RLWI fartøyet Island Frontier. Oppgaven bruker John Kotters åtte fasers modell for organisatoriske endringer og Bolman og Deals fire fortolkningsrammer som analyseverktøy. Teorigrunnlaget tilsier at endringsprosesser er tidskrevende, vanskelig å gjennomføre, og stiller store krav til ledelse. Denne endringsprosessen er fremdeles fersk og det vil ta noe tid før man kan konkludere om endringsprosessen har levd opp til visjonen eller ikke. Empirien derimot peker i retning at endringsprosessen har vært preget av manglende kommunikasjon på tvers av avdelingene. Forskningen gir oss en bedre forståelse av de dypt liggende strukturer som eksisterer i organisasjonen og på hjelper oss til å forstå organisasjonssamspillet. Resultatene fra forskningen kan ikke generaliseres

    Economic Diversification and Government Sustainable Supply Chain Governance: An Empirical Approach on Government Expenditure of Iraq

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    This paper examines and analyses evidence pertaining to economic diversification and government sustainable supply chain governance in the Iraqi government expenditure from 2004 to 2016. The purpose of the paper is to test to what extent the government has recognized the importance of economic diversification and government sustainable supply chain governance in the process of growth of government revenue and hence what are the measures adopted aiming at improving government revenue. Based on evidence, the paper goes on to identify the determinants of economic diversification and governance in the Iraq. This paper uses recent growth theories and statistical techniques to empirically test for the association between economic diversification (gross domestic product (GDP), importation, exportation and total fixed capital formation), governance (political stability, quality regulation, effective government, control of corruption, rule of law and accountability) and government expenditure. Results obtained from data analysis indicate a strong relationship between economic diversification and government expenditure. However, the relationship between Iraqi governance and government expenditure revealed a significant relationship which shows that increase in the budget for effective governance did not apparently lead to quality improvement in the government expenditure. Iraq as part of the countries under the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) shares specific structural economic features. The country depends heavily on the hydrocarbon sector despite the huge accumulated financial surplus and the governments investment on the economy; outcomes have fallen short of targets set out for the national visions, while the challenges of economic diversification and governance continue. The overarching focus will be on the challenges of diversification in terms of strategic planning, policy-making, implementation, and global best practices. This study revealed that to achieve these goals, the government in the whole world needs to improve and maintain the government expenditure by diversifying into the economic gross domestic product (GDP), importation, exportation and total fixed capital formation

    Investigating the relationship between sugar and ethanol industries and analyzing the impacts (if any) of ethanol production on the sugar industry in UK and Pakistan.

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    The sugar industry is important to economies; however, health concerns are emerging as a threat in developed countries. The sugar industry can benefit from biofuel, particularly bioethanol. The sugar – fuel relationship and the reverse relation particularly the possible effects of ethanol production on the sugar industry has not been analysed. This study sought to delve deeper into this investigation by comparing the factors influencing sugar production and the effects of ethanol in the United Kingdom and Pakistan. This study is unique in that it examines both an industrial and an agricultural country that are constantly involved in sugar and ethanol production and trade. Since the data collected is ordinal, qualitative, and quantitative, data analysis will use a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. This research study considers the use of primary, secondary, and official sources. A semi-structured questionnaire was used in this study. The survey questions were designed to be open-ended, allowing respondents to express themselves freely. The model was created to perform multiple analyses, such as SWOT analysis, demand and supply analysis, pestle analysis, thematic analysis, technoeconomic analysis, and future scenario analysis, to better understand the factors influencing sugar production in Pakistan and the United Kingdom, as well as to assess the potential impact of ethanol on the sugar industry. According to the findings of this study, several factors influence the sugar industry in Pakistan. Such as a lack of government policy to align prices, control surplus sugar, subsidies export sugar to align with the international sugar price, and a lack of yield in the available variety due to a lack of interest in research for better sugar cane varieties with higher sugar yields, as well as farmer awareness of the crop and transportation. There are several factors affecting the sugar industry in the United Kingdom, including a lack of quotas, being bound by the EU, only being able to buy from certain countries, and paying high taxes on imported sugar. In Pakistan, ethanol is made from molasses, which is a by-product of the sugar industry, whereas sugar is made from sugar cane juice. The study concludes that the impact of molasses- based ethanol production in Pakistan has a positive impact on the sugar industry by creating a lucrative and profitable market for cane growers, sugar industry owners and investors. In the United Kingdom, ethanol is produced from sugar beet (5%) and feed grade wheat (95%). More ethanol produced in the UK from sugar beets will have a negative impact on the sugar industry, reducing sugar production. Because it is a different crop, feed grade wheat or grains for ethanol will have no impact on the sugar industry. The consequences differ for both countries due to a variety of factors. The factors include ethanol and sugar sector production technologies, government policies, the legal framework, and the socioeconomic and environmental environment

    An Empirical Analysis of the Linder

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    This paper presents empirical evidence in support of the Linder theory of international trade for three of the South Asian countries, Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan. This finding implies that these countries trade more intensively with countries of other regions, which may have similar per capita income levels, as predicted by Linder in his hypothesis. The contribution of this research is threefold: first, there is new information on the Linder hypothesis by focusing on South Asian countries; second, this is one of very few analyses to capture both time-series and cross-section elements of the trade relationship by employing a panel data set; third, the empirical methodology used in this analysis corrects a major shortcoming in the existing literature by using a censored dependent variable in estimation.

    Efficient Leading Zero Count (LZC) Implementations for Xilinx FPGAs

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    Leading zero count (LZC) is a fundamental building block in floating-point arithmetic and data sketches. These applications are increasingly being implemented on field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), however, existing architectures for LZC target application-specific integrated circuits and to the best of our knowledge specific LZC implementations tailored to FPGA structures have not been presented. In this letter, the implementation of LZC on Xilinx FPGA is considered and it is shown that by carefully adapting the LZC design to the FPGA structure, more efficient implementations can be obtained. In more detail, LZC designs for different bit widths are presented and evaluated. The results show that significant reductions in the FPGA resources needed are obtained that reach 33% lookup tables (LUTs) saving for 32-bit vectors and 20% LUTs saving for 64-bit vectors.The work of Pedro Reviriego was supported in part by the ACHILLES Project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under Grant PID2019-104207RB-I00; and in part by the Madrid Government (Comunidad de Madrid-Spain) through the Multiannual Agreement with Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) in the line of Excellence of University Professors under Grant EPUC3M21 in the Context of the V Plan Regional de Investigación Científica e Innovación Tecnológica (V PRICIT).Publicad

    IFRS adoption, cost of equity and firm value: evidence from Iraq

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    Purpose: The aim of this study is to examine the effect of adoption of IFRS on the Iraqi environment by studying the relationship between the adoption of international financial reporting standards and the cost of equity and the effect of the cost of equity on the value of the company.   Theoretical framework: The international financial reporting standards (IFRS) are becoming special driver for the convergence of management and financial accounting and as the leading principles for over 120 countries in the world including those that voluntarily adopted the standards.   Design/methodology/approach: The population of the study comprises 17 commercial companies listed in the Iraqi Stock Exchange for the periods of 2011-2013 and 2016-2018 with the exception of Islamic companies due to the difference in the privacy of the applicable regulations   Findings: The results from the data collected through questionnaire survey showed the distinctive effects of financial and management accounting standards before and after the adoption of IFRS. Therefore, there are inconsistencies in the results of the value of the companies between the samples for the periods before and after the application of international financial reporting standards.   Research, Practical & Social implications: The study examined the differences in the outcomes of the years when IFRS was yet to be adopted when the standards are adopted by considering the control variables such as age of the companies, size of the companies and leverages.   Originality/value: the value of the study's originality by measuring adopting IFRS for the first time in Iraqi Banking for the periods of 2011-2013 and 2016-2018 with the exception of Islamic companies due to the difference in the privacy of the applicable regulations

    Genotypic variation for yield and morphological traits in

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    ABSTRACT Genetic variability is the main basis of improvement in crops. An experiment comprising fifteen old and new wheat varieties was planted in randomized complete block design with three replications at the Agricultural Research Farm of NWFP Agricultural University, Peshawar during crop season, 2003-2004. Data were recorded on yield and some other morphological traits. Statistical analysis of the data was carried out and means were separated using the least significance difference test. Correlation coefficients were also determined. Analysis of variance revealed that the varieties differed significantly for days to 50% heading, days to 50% anthesis, plant height and grain yield ha -1 . However, differences were non-significant for physiological maturity, biological yield and harvest index. Days to 50% anthesis showed significantly positive correlations with days to 50% heading, days to maturity and grain yield. Grain yield also exhibited significantly positive correlation with biological yield

    Measuring the Costs of Value Stream by using the Supply Chain Management and its Role in Cost Management

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    The present research aims at studying the knowledge bases of value stream costs, Lean Accounting and supply chain management. Proper supply chain performance plays a crucial role in the success of organizations. Therefore, it is essential to use an appropriate supply chain performance assessment system to continuously improve it. The purpose of this research is to analyze supply chain performance according to the operational reference model of supply chain. In addition to using the tools of Lean Accounting in measuring the costs of value stream so that helps economic units in managing and reducing costs consistent with the requirements of the modern manufacturing environment. The measurement of value steam costs helps to provide appropriate information that can serve the management of the economic unit in decision making process in such a way as to help control all elements of the value steam costs effectively and efficiently. As well as improving and developing value stream reports as a result of the easy understanding of the stream of information and the stream of materials, assets and procedures in a streamlined. The current research has been applied in Al-Zawraa General Company/Power Structured Factory for financial year ended 2017. The research also presented a set of recommendations that emphasize the importance of using Lean Accounting tools in measuring costs of value stream in the manner that is reflected in cost management effectively and efficiently

    An Empirical Analysis of the Linder Theory of International Trade for South Asian Countries.

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    This paper presents empirical evidence in support of the Linder theory of international trade for three of the South Asian countries, Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan. This finding implies that these countries trade more intensively with countries of other regions, which may have similar per capita income levels, as predicted by Linder in his hypothesis. The contribution of this research is threefold: first, there is new information on the Linder hypothesis by focusing on South Asian countries; second, this is one of very few analyses to capture both time-series and cross-section elements of the trade relationship by employing a panel data set; third, the empirical methodology used in this analysis corrects a major shortcoming in the existing literature by using a censored dependent variable in estimation

    TracWork: An On-Field Employee Tracking System

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    The internet has transformed the world into a global village, benefiting our society as a whole and empowering people in a variety of ways. Many mobile applications are becoming a part of people's daily lives and assisting them in their jobs or daily routines, thanks in part to the phenomenal growth of Internet usage over the last 21 years. Previous research has found a scarcity of high-quality apps that cover all bases. This project's primary goals are to combine fragmented market systems into a product capable of performing functions such as tracking an employee's on-field movement using GPS; assisting employees in navigating to their next destination; maintaining and improving productivity levels using indicators such as battery status; current and past location; and so on. We highlight previous work and how we learned to extract a model that harmonises current systems while also improving quality of life in this study. We investigated numerous approaches, methods, and procedures before applying them to the development of the system