14 research outputs found

    The role of triple therapy, age, gender and smoking on the genotoxic effects of helicobacter pylori infection

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    The role of age, gender and smoking on both the genotoxic effects of Helicobacter pylori and the efficacy of eradication therapy in a group of patients with gastritis was investigated. Gastritis was confirmed by endoscopy and biopsy, and the presence of H. pylori by urease testing. Pre- and post-treatment peripheral blood lymphocyte cultures were prepared from 17 patients and 25 metaphases per patients were analysed for sister chromatid exchange (SCE), a well-established technique for the evaluation of human exposure to toxic agents. Treatment with omeprazole clarithromycin and amoxycillin triple therapy eradicated H. pylori in 94% of patients and significantly reduced the SCE frequency. Pre-treatment SCE frequency was found to be positively correlated with age. Female smokers tended to have higher post-treatment SCE frequencies than male smokers, and pre- and post-treatment SCE frequencies were higher in older males than in older females. Eradication therapy decreased the genotoxicity of H. pylori, but age in males and smoking in females may decrease treatment efficacy

    Povezanost OGG1 Ser326Cys polimorfizma i razina 8-OHdG u mokraći sa sklonosti obolijevanju od karcinoma pluća: rezultati ispitivanja na bolesnicima i kontrolnoj populaciji u Turskoj

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    High incidence and poor prognosis of lung cancer make it a major health problem worldwide. Although smoking is a major cause of lung cancer, only some smokers develop lung cancer, which suggests that there is a genetic predisposition in some individuals. 8-OHG is an important oxidative base lesion and may elevate due to cancer and smoking. It is repaired by 8-hydroxyguanine DNA glycosylase 1 (OGG1), which has several polymorphisms. Although the Ser326Cys polymorphism is consistently associated with a range of cancers, findings about this polymorphism and lung cancer risk are contradictory. To date, no study has examined this association in the Turkish population. We conducted a case-control study to investigate the association between OGG1 Ser326Cys polymorphism and the risk of lung cancer using PCR-RFLP. We also evaluated gene-smoking interaction and excretion of urinary 8-OHdG. Our results suggest that the OGG1 Ser326Cys polymorphism is not a genetic risk factor for lung cancer, and that the heterozygous genotype is associated with a significantly reduced risk for lung cancer. The levels of 8-OHdG did not correlate with the polymorphism and smoking. Larger association studies are needed to validate our findings, and mechanistic studies are needed to elucidate the underlying molecular mechanisms of this association.Karcinom pluća velik je javnozdravstveni problem u čitavom svijetu zbog svoje visoke učestalosti i loše prognoze. Premda je navika pušenja jedan od glavnih uzročnika karcinoma pluća, od ove bolesti oboli samo dio populacije pušača, što govori u prilog postojanju genetske predispozicije za njezin nastanak. 8-OHG je oksidativno oštećenje baze u molekuli DNA čija se učestalost može povećati zbog zloćudnih tumora i pušenja. U popravku tog oštećenja sudjeluje enzim 8-hidroksigvanin DNA-glikozilaza (OGG1) za koji je dokazano postojanje polimorfizma. Iako se polimorfizam Ser326Cys često dovodi u vezu s različitim vrstama zloćudnih bolesti, dosadašnji su rezultati o vezi izme|u polimorfizma tog enzima i rizika od pojave karcinoma pluća kontradiktorni. Do danas na turskoj populaciji nisu provedena istraživanja koja bi dala jasne odgovore o toj povezanosti. Ovo je istraživanje usporedo provedeno u bolesnika i u zdravoj populaciji primjenom metode PCR-RFLP s ciljem utvrđivanja moguće povezanosti polimorfizma OGG1 Ser326Cys i rizika od karcinoma pluća. Nadalje, istražena je interakcija gena i navike pušenja te ekskrecija 8-OHdG u mokraći. Dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da polimorfizam OGG1 Ser326Cys nije genetski čimbenik rizika od pojave karcinoma pluća, a pokazalo se da je heterozigotni genotip povezan sa značajno nižim rizikom od karcinoma pluća. Razine 8-OHdG izmjerene u mokraći nisu bile u korelaciji ni s polimorfizmom ni s navikom pušenja. Zaključujemo da su za vrednovanje dobivenih rezultata potrebna istra`ivanja na još većem broju ispitanika te mehanistička istraživanja koja bi mogla razjasniti molekularne mehanizme koji su u pozadini ove povezanosti

    Povezanost genskoga polimorfizma OPRM1 A118G s ovisnosti u turskoj populaciji

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    Susceptibility to addiction has a complex genetic basis that includes genes associated with the action and metabolism of drugs of abuse. One important gene in that respect is OPRM1, which codes for the μ-opioid receptor and has an important role in mediating the rewarding effects of addiction substances. The aim of our study was to assess the prevalence of the OPRM1 A118G polymorphism (rs1799971) in Turkish population and to investigate its association with opioid and other substance addiction. In addition, we examined the association of rs1799971 in addicted patients who were also diagnosed with psychiatric disorders. The study included 103 patients addicted to opioids, cocaine, ecstasy, alcohol, lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), cannabis, and sedative/hypnotic substances and 83 healthy volunteers with similar demographic features as controls. rs1799971 polymorphisms were identified with the polymerase chain reaction restriction fragment length polymorphism method (PCR-RFLP). The genotype frequencies were significantly higher in the addicted patients than controls (32.0 % vs 16.9 %, respectively; p=0.027). The prevalence of the G allele was 16.1 % in the addicted group and 8.4 % in the control group (p=0.031). Our study confirmed the association between the rs1799971(G) allele frequency and opioid and other substance addiction, but not with psychiatric disorders.Sklonost ovisnosti ima svoju složenu gensku pozadinu, koja obuhvaća gene povezane s djelovanjem i metabolizmom opojnih tvari i droga. U tom je smislu jedan od istaknutih gena OPRM1, koji kodira μ-opioidni receptor te ima važnu ulogu u nagradnom djelovanju tvari koje stvaraju ovisnost. Cilj je ovoga istraživanja bio utvrditi prevalenciju OPRM1 A118G polimorfizma (rs1799971) u turskoj populaciji te njegovu povezanost s ovisnosti o opijatima i drugim drogama. Usto smo istražili povezanost rs1799971 u ovisnika s dijagnozom psihijatrijskih poremećaja. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo 103 ovisnika o opioidima, kokainu, ekstaziju, alkoholu, lizergidu (LSD-u), kanabisu i o sedativima/hipnoticima, odnosno 83 zdrava dobrovoljca sličnih demografskih karakteristika koji su poslužili kao kontrolna skupina. Polimorfizmi rs1799971 utvrđeni su pomoću metode lančane reakcije polimerazom s obzirom na dužinu restrikcijskoga fragmenta (PCR-RFLP). Učestalost ciljanoga genotipa bila je značajno viša u ovisnika nego u kontrolnih ispitanika (32,0 % odnosno 16,9 %; p=0,027), a učestalost G alela iznosila je 16,1 % u ovisnika, odnosno 8,4 % u kontrolnoj skupini (p=0,031). Time je naše istraživanje potvrdilo povezanost između učestalosti rs1799971(G) alela i ovisnosti o opioidima i drugim opojnim tvarima, ali ne i povezanost s psihijatrijskim poremećajima

    Assessment of abnormal DNA repair responses and genotoxic effects in lead exposed workers

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    Background One of the main sources of occupational exposure to lead (Pb) in Turkey is in workers of battery industries. Genotoxic studies in human populations exposed to this metal have had conflicting results

    Helicobacter pylori and serum kynurenine-tryptophan ratio in patients with colorectal cancer.

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    To evaluate how Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is able to evade the immune response and whether it enhances systemic immune tolerance against colorectal cancer