266 research outputs found

    ‘Aqidat al-Tawhid wa Ahamiyyatuha al-Ijtima‘iyyah

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     المجتمع المسلم إنما يقوم على  عقيدة التوحيد . فالعقيدة أساس هويته ومحور حياته وهي القاعدة في بناء المجتمع الإسلامي ، وهذا البحث يتضمن :أهمية العقيدة في بناء الأخوة الإيمانية في المجتمع المسلم  وإيضاح منهج الإسلام في تقرير الأخوة  ومن أهم ما تقتضيه الأخوة الإسلامية : المناصرة  والمناصحة . وتضمن أيضا : أهمية العقيدة في بناء الأمن الاجتماعي ومكافحة الجريمة  وقد أوضح أثر الإيمان في الاعتراف والإثبات  وكذلك آثار الإيمان بالله في الوقاية من الجريمة ومن نتائج البحث : إن عقيدة التوحيد توحد الغاية بين المؤمنين ، وتلقي في العقل الجمعي للمتحققين به أخلاقاً عامة في الفكر والسلوك تستمد من معنى وحدانية الله سبحانه ، كما أنها تجعل المجتمع متحابًّا ، أفراده كالجسد الواحد ، وينطلق من عقيدة التوحيد الصحيحة الأصيلة ، وما يندرج تحتها من مبادئ وقيم تضبط الفكر ورؤية الكون والحياة ، في ضوء العبودية الخالصة لله عز وجل ، وما ينجم عنها من آثار إيجابية تنعكس على سلوك الفرد وسلامة الأمة ، إلى جانب نظم الإسلام الشرعية وأخلاقياته السامية التي عنت بالأخوة ووحدة الأمة غاية العناية .The Muslim community is based on the doctrine of monotheism. Faith is the basis of his identity and the center of his life and is the rule in building Islamic society. This research includes:The importance of belief in building faith in brotherhood in the Muslim community and clarifying the method of Islam in the brotherhood report and among the most important requirements for Islamic brotherhood: Advocacy and advice. And also included:The importance of belief in building social security and fighting crime, He explained the effect of faith on confession and evidence, as well as the effects of faith in God in the prevention of crime and results from research. The doctrine of monotheism unites the goal among believers. And receive in the collective mind of those who are investigated by a general ethic in thought and behavior that derives from the meaning of the oneness of God Almighty. It also makes society more tolerable. Its members are like one body. It stems from the authentic, tawhid doctrine. The principles and values that fall under its control thought and see the universe and life. In the light of the exclusive slavery of God Almighty. And the resulting positive effects on the behavior of the individual and the safety of the nation. Besides Islam’s legal systems and lofty ethics, which meant brotherhood and the unity of the ummah are very caring

    Real Time Vehicle License Plate Recognition on Mobile Devices

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    Automatic license plate recognition is useful in many contexts such as parking control, law enforcement and vehicle background checking. The high cost and low portability of commercial systems makes them inaccessible to the majority of end users. However, current mobile devices now have processors and cameras that make image processing and recognition applications feasible on them. This thesis investigates high accuracy real-time license plate recognition on a smartphone, taking into account device limitations. It first explores how, using the minimal image processing and simple configurable heuristics based on plate geometry, license plates and their characters can be detected in an image. Then, using minimal training data, it shows that a character recognition package can achieve high levels of accuracy. This approach accurately recognized 99 percent of plates appearing in a test set of videos of vehicles with New Zealand license plates

    The Semantic Prosody of Natural Phenomena in the Qur’an: A Corpus-Based Study

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    This thesis explores the Semantic Prosody (SP) of natural phenomena in the Qur’an and five of its prominent English translations [Pickthall (1930), Yusuf Ali (1939/ revised edition 1987), Arberry (1957), Saheeh International (1997), and Abdel Haleem (2004)]. SP, scarcely explored in Qur’anic research, is defined as ‘a form of meaning established through the proximity of a consistent series of collocates’ (Louw 2000, p.50). Theoretically, it is both an evaluative prosody (i.e., lexical items collocating with semantic word classes that are positive, negative, or neutral) and a discourse prosody (i.e., having a communicative purpose). Given the stylistic uniqueness of the Qur’an and considering that SP can be examined empirically via corpora, the present study explores the SP of 154 words associated with nature referenced throughout the Qur’an using Corpus Linguistics techniques. Firstly, the Python-based Natural Language Toolkit was used for the following: to define nature terms via WordNet; to disambiguate their variant forms with Stemmers, and to compute their frequencies. Once frequencies were found, a quantitative analysis using Evert’s (2008) five-step statistical analysis was implemented on the 30 most frequent terms to investigate their collocations and SPs. Following this, a qualitative analysis was conducted as per the Extended Lexical Unit via concordance to analyse collocations and the Lexical-Functional Grammar to find the variation of meanings produced by lexico-grammatical patterns. Finally, the resulting datasets were aligned to evaluate their congruency with the Qur’an. Findings of this research confirm that words referring to nature in the Qur’an do have semantic prosody. For example, astronomical bodies are primed to occur in predominantly positive collocations referring to glorifying God, while weather phenomena in negative ones refer to Day of Judgment calamities. In addition, results show that Abdel-Haleem’s translation can be considered the most congruent. This research develops an approach to explore themes (e.g., nature) via SP analysis in texts and their translations and provides several linguistic resources that can be used for future corpus-based studies on the language of the Qur’an.

    Patient Satisfaction Visiting the Dental Clinics, Faculty of Dentistry, Najran University

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    Objectives: To find out the level of patient satisfaction visiting the dental clinic of faculty of dentistry, Najran University, Saudi Arabia. Providing quality in health care is very important and it can be assessed by evaluating the patient satisfaction seeking dental care. Materials and Method: A cross sectional study was conducted at the dental clinics of faculty of dentistry at Najran University. A simple random sampling technique was used. A questionnaire consisting of twenty two questions was used.Results: A total of 160 patients participated in this study. The highest proportion (40%)of the patient belonged to the age group of 18-25 years. The most common reason to visit a dentist was found to be for restoration of teeth(35%).Majority of the participants (93.75%) said that they would recommend the treatment provided at the clinics, College of dentistry to others.Conclusion: The survey showed that most of the patients were satisfied with the dentist-patient domain. Keywords: dentist, patient, satisfaction, dental clinics, Najran Universit

    The impact of ChatGPT on blended learning: Current trends and future research directions

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    Designing sustainable and scalable educational systems is a challenge. Artificial Intelligence (AI) offers promising solutions to enhance the effectiveness and sustainability of blended learning systems. This research paper focuses on the integration of the Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer (ChatGPT), with a blended learning system. The objectives of this study are to investigate the potential of AI techniques in enhancing the sustainability of educational systems, explore the use of ChatGPT to personalize the learning experience and improve engagement, and propose a model for sustainable learning that incorporates AI. The study aims to contribute to the body of knowledge on AI applications for sustainable education, identify best practices for integrating AI in education, and provide insights for policymakers and educators on the benefits of AI in education delivery. The study emphasizes the significance of AI in sustainable education by addressing personalized learning and educational accessibility. By automating administrative tasks and optimizing content delivery, AI can enhance educational accessibility and promote inclusive and equitable education. The study’s findings highlight the potential benefits of integrating AI chatbots like ChatGPT into education. Such benefits include promoting student engagement, motivation, and self-directed learning through immediate feedback and assistance. The research provides valuable guidance for educators, policymakers, and instructional designers who seek to effectively leverage AI technology in education. In conclusion, the study recommends directions for future research in order to maximize the benefits of integrating ChatGPT into learning systems. Positive results have been observed, including improved learning outcomes, enhanced student engagement, and personalized learning experiences. Through advancing the utilization of AI tools like ChatGPT, blended learning systems can be made more sustainable, efficient, and accessible for learners worldwide

    Preparing ESL students for university level writing : the influence of using an electronic portfolio as a learning tool on ESL students' writing motivation and perforrmance

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    Thousands of English as a Second Language students in Western universities strive to meet the daily challenge of preparing written assignments. These texts need to comply with the demands and preferences of their university lecturers with regard to clarity of meaning, the logical flow of ideas and the use of an academic vocabulary. However, a characteristic of ESL students’ written work is a weakness of content and a lack of logical organisation of their ideas (Roberts and Cimasko 2008). In many intensive English language programmes, students are taught to use the process-writing approach, the success of which is related to how it is perceived and introduced to the students (Lefkowitz 2009). Atkinson (2003) emphasised that the process-writing approach perceives writing to be a cognitive process that is highly private or individualistic, where writers use specific cognitive phases, such as pre-writing, drafting, and revising, to generate their text. However, writing has been increasingly recognized as a socially and culturally situated activity connecting people with each other in ways that carry particular social meanings (Hyland 2003). Despite this view of writing as a social act, Lefkowitz (2009) claimed that many English Language Programme Centres (ELPCs) superficially implement process-writing in class by aiding students in revising their essays to achieve grammatical accuracy; however the generation, formation and revision of ideas are considered to be of less importance. This study investigates the use of an electronic portfolio (TaskStream e-portfolio) in an ESL writing course as a tool to support students as they work through the key phases of the writing process. The aim was to help them adopt a consistent approach to their writing practice (self-consistency), to encourage a positive view of the value and importance of writing (self-belief), to foster a realistic appraisal of their strengths and weaknesses as writers (self-judgement), and to examine the relationship between these characteristics and the students’ overall writing performance. To that end, the study addressed four main questions: • Does utilising a web-based learning platform encourage a change in ESL learners’ writing self-belief? • Does utilising a web-based learning platform encourage a change in ESL students’ writing self-efficacy? • Does utilising a web-based learning platform encourage ESL students to consistently apply a process approach to writing? • Does utilizing a web-based learning platform lead to a change in ESL students’ overall writing performance? Using a non-equivalent pre-/post-test quasi-experimental research design, 46 ESL students from the same English Language Centre were recruited. The students were divided into a control group and an experimental group and the study ran during the spring and summer terms of 2010. A mixed methodology was used, consisting of an online questionnaire, writing sampling, online tracking and interviews in order to collect relevant data. The findings from the pre-test showed no significant differences between the participants in the two groups. The post-intervention results indicated no significant improvement among the control group’s motivational constructs and performance in writing, whereas significant differences were found in the experimental group’s writing performance and in the students’ perceived value with regard to writing, writing self-concept, writing self-efficacy and writing process approach self-consistency, following the implementation of the web-based course. However, no significant differences in ESL students’ anxiety about writing were observed. These findings suggested that e-portfolio software has the potential to promote change in ESL students’ writing self-belief and performance. Limitations of the study are discussed, implications of the findings explored, and recommendations for further research in this field are suggested.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    An Internet of Things Based Air Pollution Detection Device for Mitigating Climate Changes

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    Climate Change, a key stabilizing factor, has now exceeded critical thresholds. The high energy consumption of cities is a major contributor to climate change because of CO2 emissions. In addition to the rise in urban populations throughout the worldwide, the complexity of todays cities and the strain they put on limited resources means that the causes and consequences of climate changes become even more concentrated. Internet of Things (IoT) advancements provide several possibilities for reducing the effects of climate change by merging existing information, design techniques, and breakthrough technology. The current state of monitoring technology is subpar; it is insensitive, inaccurate, and requires laboratory examination. Consequently, new, and better methods of surveillance are required. Air pollution is one of the main causes of climate change. We suggest a new IoT-based monitoring device for air pollution to address the shortcoming of the current setup. Gas sensors, Arduino IDE, and Wi-Fi module were used to assemble the IoT kit. The air is analyzed by the gas sensors, and the results are sent to the Arduino software development environment. By using a WiFi module, the Arduino IDE may send data to the monitor. The resulting device may be deployed in different cities to monitor the levels of air pollution with little cost, easy to use and high accuracy

    Visual Domain Ontology using OWL Lite for Semantic Image Processing

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    In this paper, a visual domain ontology (VDO) is constructed using OWL-Lite Language. The VDO passes through two execution phases, namely, construction and inferring phases. In the construction phase, OWL classes are initialized, with reference to annotated scenes, and connected by hierarchical, spatial, and content-based relationships (presence/absence of some objects depends on other objects). In the inferring phase, the VDO is used to infer knowledge about an unknown scene. This paper aims to use a standard language, namely, OWL, to represent non-standard visual knowledge; facilitate straightforward ontology enrichment; and define the rules for inferring based on the constructed ontology. The OWL standardizes the constructed knowledge and facilitates advanced inferring because it is built on top of the first-order logic and description logic. The VDO then allows an efficient representation and reasoning of complex visual knowledge. In addition to representation, the VDO enables easy extension, sharing, and reuse of the represented visual knowledge

    Oralne manifestacije u pedijatrijskih bolesnika zaraženih virusom humane imunodefi cijencije na antiretrovirusnoj terapiji i bez nje: presječno istraživanje

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    The aim of the study was to assess and compare oral manifestations of human immunodefi ciency virus (HIV) infected pediatric patients undergoing antiretroviral therapy (ART) and those not undergoing ART. A cross sectional study included HIV positive children (receiving and not receiving ART) aged 5-15 years, registered at the District Hospital ART Centre, Udaipur, and HIV negative schoolchildren. HIV related oral lesions were diagnosed according to the World Health Organization criteria. Sociodemographic and other related information were also recorded. CD4+ cell count was determined in all study subjects. The χ2 -test, stepwise multiple linear regression and logistic regression were used on statistical analysis. In all tests, confi dence interval and p-value were set at 95% and ≤0.05, respectively. A greater proportion of HIV patients receiving treatment had CD4+ cell count of more than 750 cells/mm3 . The majority of HIV patients receiving ART for more than three years and only 20% of those not receiving ART were free from any oral lesions. The results of the present study demonstrated ART to be eff ective in reducing the prevalence of HIV related oral lesions, as already described in the literature; however, unlike previous studies, the present paper reports more valid fi ndings for having included most of the confounding variablesCilj istraživanja bio je procijeniti i usporediti oralne manifestacije u pedijatrijskih bolesnika zaraženih virusom humane imunodefi - cijencije (HIV) koji primaju antiretrovirusnu terapiju (ART) i onih koji ne primaju ovu terapiju. Ovo presječno istraživanje uključilo je HIV pozitivnu djecu (djecu koja primaju ART i djecu koja ne primaju ART) u dobi od 5-15 godina, registriranu pri Centru za ART u Pokrajinskoj bolnici u Udaipuru te HIV negativnu školsku djecu. Oralne promjene povezane s HIV-om dijagnosticirane su prema kriterijima Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije. Prikupljeni su socio-demografski te ostali podaci za svu djecu uključenu u ispitivanje. U svih je određen broj CD4+ stanica. U statističkoj analizi primijenjen je χ2 -test te postupna višestruka linearna regresija i logistička regresija. U svim testovima interval vjerodostojnosti i vrijednost p utvrđeni su na razini od 95% odnosno ≤0,05. Broj CD4+ stanica veći od 750 stanica/mm3 zabilježen je u većem postotku HIV bolesnika na ART. Bez oralnih promjena bila je većina HIV bolesnika koji su primali ART duže od tri godine, ali samo 20% onih koji nisu primali ART. Rezultati ovoga istraživanja pokazuju da ART učinkovito snižava učestalost oralnih promjena povezanih s HIV-om, što je već prije opisano u literaturi. Međutim, za razliku od prijašnjih ispitivanja, nalazi prikazani u ovom radu imaju veću vrijednost, jer uključuju većinu čimbenika koji bi mogli utjecati na rezultate