18 research outputs found

    Assessment of Physiological Equivalent Temperature (PET) in Transitional Spaces of a High-Rise Building

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    One passive approach that can significantly reduce energy usage in high-rise buildings is through the creation of non-air conditioned spaces such as transitional spaces. Optimizing passive design would reduce wastage associated with the building’s energy consumption. The study measures the thermal comfort of three types of transitional spaces (sky court, balcony, and rooftop) in a high-rise office building. Based on the assessment of Physiological Equivalent Temperature (PET), the outcome showed significant differences in PET in all locations in both wet and dry season. The effectiveness of such area can be improved with the contributions of landscape, maximizing natural ventilation and day lighting where possible.© 2016. The Authors. Published for AMER ABRA by e-International Publishing House, Ltd., UK. Peer–review under responsibility of AMER (Association of Malaysian Environment-Behaviour Researchers), ABRA (Association of Behavioural Researchers on Asians) and cE-Bs (Centre for Environment-Behaviour Studies, Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, Universiti Teknologi MARA, Malaysia.Keywords: Thermal comfort; transitional spaces; high-rise; Physiological Equivalent Temperatur

    Modeling Of Groundwater By Using Finite Difference Methods And Simulation.

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    In active landslide, the prediction of acceleration of movement is crucial issue for the design and performance of warning systems. Landslide occurs when a sudden increase beyond the critical level of groundwater. This is especially true in tropical weather during the wet season

    JMASM 54: A Comparison of Four Different Estimation Approaches For Prognostic Survival Oral Cancer Model

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    Four types of estimation approaches for prognostic survival oral cancer model building are considered via a SAS algorithm: Efron’s Method, Exact Method, Breslow’s Method, and Discrete Method. Each method is illustrated separately and compared according to their coefficient parameter. An approach is considered by adding a bootstrapping technique for each handling ties method and a complete SAS algorithm is supplied for each proposed method, including methods for handling ties

    JMASM37: Simple Response Surface Methodology Using RSREG (SAS)

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    Response surface methodology (RSM) can be used when the response variable, y, is influenced by several variables, x’s. When treatments take the form of quantitative values, then the true relationship between response variables and independent variables might be known. Examples are given in SAS


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    This paper supplied an alternative method for exponential growth modeling as a technique for regression analysis through SAS algorithm. This alternative method is a combination technique (using bootstrap and fuzzy regression for nonlinear model) for the small data set and gives the researcher an option to launch the analysis even there is not enough data set. This method current method improves the previous methodology with embedded bootstrapping and fuzzy technique to the step of nonlinear regression model. The aim of this principle is to propose an alternative method of doing analysis with better improved results. In our case, we applied this principle to the agriculture data and the gained results were compared by looking at the average width of predicted interval

    Basic concepts in biostatistics with step by step in SPSS

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    Basic concepts in biostatistics using SPSS emphasizes on an early exposure of basic biostatistics in developing the research skill among the early undergraduate undertaking research project. The special of this book is its integration with the SPSS software and friendly. This is to make sure that the readers can easily understand and design the research according to their research objectives. This book is designed with a very basic and intermediate useful technique which includes parametric and nonparametric test, categorical data analysis and regression techniques. This book also provide a clear step by step approach through screenshot in SPSS that are very important for ensuring the readers in gaining a better understanding for interpreting the results. Through this book, it is hoped that the readers could plan their research by choosing the right selections of the right statistical test. Happy reading

    Assessment of Physiological Equivalent Temperature (PET) in Transitional Spaces of a High-Rise Building

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    One passive approach that can significantly reduce energy usage in high-rise buildings is through the creation of non-air conditioned spaces such as transitional spaces. Optimizing passive design would reduce wastage associated with the building’s energy consumption. The study measures the thermal comfort of three types of transitional spaces (sky court, balcony, and rooftop) in a high-rise office building. Based on the assessment of Physiological Equivalent Temperature (PET), the outcome showed significant differences in PET in all locations in both wet and dry season. The effectiveness of such area can be improved with the contributions of landscape, maximizing natural ventilation and day lighting where possible

    Isu-isu dan masalah adaptasi antarabudaya dalam kalangan pelajar Malaysia di United Kingdom dan Australia

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    Kajian ini menerokai proses adaptasi antarabudaya yang dilalui oleh pelajar sarjana dan PHD daripada Malaysia yang melanjutkan bidang pengajian di Australia dan United Kingdom. Kajian ini telah memfokuskan hanya kepada elemen kejutan budaya dan proses penyesuaian di dalam Model Lekuk U oleh Lsygaard (1955). Kajian ini turut memberi fokus kepada cabaran sebagai seorang Muslim dan juga isu-isu yang dihadapi oleh pelajar Malaysia di luar negara. Matlamat kajian ini adalah untuk melihat sejauhmana para pelajar ini mampu mengadaptasi diri mereka dan apakah cabaran yang dilalui sebagai seorang pelajar yang datang daripada budaya yang berbeza. Kajian ini dilaksanakan menggunakan kajian kumpulan fokus. Para pelajar Malaysia didapati menghadapi cabaran sosial, persekitaran dan mengadaptasi diri sebagai seorang Muslim

    Some Results on Statistical Analysis from Unit of Record, Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM)

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    Most of the patients which is visiting HUSM for the treatment at the same time suffer with more than one diseases. Because of that, many of the researchers are trying to find the association of the factor that contribute to such a case. In this case study we are trying to find the association for a certain health factor. It’s contribution will have a major impact in the area of medical statistics