155 research outputs found

    Youth Perceptions and Motivations Towards Entrepreneurship in Egypt and Their Policy Implications: A Qualitative Study

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    Entrepreneurship is one of the key driving forces for economic development. The entrepreneurship ecosystem in Egypt has been growing exponentially whereas a large number of public and private institutions have been established to support young entrepreneurs to start their own business. Despite of the growing attention towards entrepreneurship, few studies have investigated the real motives of Egyptian youth who decided to join the entrepreneurship field. Thus, this study aims to advise policy makers through studying youth perceptions and motives towards entrepreneurship and the underlying factors that shape their perceptions. The study has been conducted using a qualitative approach and purposive sampling has been applied during the data collection process. Research data has been collected through face to face and phone interviews and was analyzed to generate thematic findings. Three themes have been conceptualized to explain perceptions and motives of Egyptian youth towards entrepreneurship. Findings showed that entrepreneurship is viewed by youth as a “new social trend”, “an alternative to the limited employment opportunities in the labor market and a means of “utilizing market opportunities that comes with a number of cultural, financial, and legal challenges”. Based on research outcomes, some key recommendations have been provided for the consideration of implementers and policy makers such as integration of hands-on experience in the entrepreneurship trainings, inclusion of entrepreneurship education in the general education system and facilitating access to finance for small startups

    Contribution of vaginal infection to preterm premature rupture of membrane and adverse pregnancy outcome

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    Background:Pretermpremature rupture of membranes (PPROM) is the cause of approximately one third of preterm deliveries. Objectives: assess the relation of vaginal infections and their antimicrobial profile with PPROM and pregnancy outcome. Methodology: Case control study of 320 females with PPROM (case) and 320 females with normal pregnancy (control) at 28- 37 weeks of gestation. Vaginal examination, vaginal pH assessment and Whiff test were done. Vaginal swabs were collected and examined microscopically for diagnosis of different vaginal infections. Swabs were cultivated, identification and antimicrobial susceptibility of revealed bacteria were done. Maternal and neonatal outcomes were assessed. Results: Bacterial vaginosis and aerobic vaginitis were identified in 29.1% and 17.3% of all participants respectively. There was statistically significant difference regarding prevalence of different vaginal infections in case and control groups (p < /em><0.001). Aerobic vaginitis and bacterial vaginosis were risk factors for PPROM. Streptococcus agalactiae was the most prevalent organism. Erythromycin and ampicillin were the least effective antibiotics against Gram positive and Gram-negative isolates respectively. There was significant increase of all maternal and fetal adverse outcomes in cases with aerobic vaginitis. Conclusion: Different vaginal infections carry risk of PPROM and adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes. The variation in prevalence of bacterial isolates in different studies and localities notify the lack of standardized treatment for infected mothers. Accurate diagnosis of vaginal infection, precise medical treatment during pregnancy is essential for maintenance of maternal and neonatal health

    A novel technique for measurement of orthodontic mini-implant stability using the Osstell ISQ device

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    © 2019 by The EH Angle Education and Research Foundation, Inc. Objectives: To develop and validate a method for application of the Osstell ISQ device in the assessment of mini-implant stability. Materials and Methods: An adaptor was developed for attachment of Osstell\u27s SmartPeg onto a variety of orthodontic mini-implants. For validation of the adaptor, Benefit mini-implants were inserted into bone blocks that mimicked different stability conditions. The Osstell device was used to assess mini-implant stability with the adaptor (test measurement) and conventional SmartPeg attachment (gold-standard measurement). Implant stability quotient (ISQ) values were assessed for agreement, repeatability, and reproducibility. Results: Strong positive correlations were found between ISQ values obtained using the novel adaptor and the conventional attachment. Repeatability and reproducibility of ISQ values with the adaptor were similar to those obtained with the conventional attachment. Conclusions: A method was developed and validated to assess the stability of orthodontic mini-implants using the Osstell system. The novel mini-implant adaptor provided repeatable and reproducible measurements of mini-implant stability, which agreed with those obtained using a conventional SmartPeg attachment. This adaptor permits noninvasive stability assessment of various designs of mini-implants, most of which are incompatible with the conventional SmartPeg attachment

    Develop a Sensor System to Calculate the Mutual Pressure Between the Socket and Limb in Amputation above the Knee

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    This research aims to develop a system of thin slice sensors that rely on the principle of variable electrical resistors and invested in the calculation of the mutual pressure between the socket and limb prosthesis from above the knee because this pressure is important in determining the efficiency of the prosthesis as the quality of the prosthesis depends on The quality of the socket and the quality of the socket in turn are linked to the optimal distribution of pressure on loadable and non-loadable areas. In five cases of prosthesis alignment through the angle between the knee axis and the socket axis, pressure was calculated for an amputee above the knee at the age of 35 years. The patient was satisfied and it was found that the most suitable angle or the studied condition ranged between 14 - 16 degrees in the front direction corresponding to the direction of normal walking يهدف هذا البحث إلى تطوير نظام من الحساسات الشرائحية الرقيقة التي تعتمد على مبدأ المقاومات الكهربائية المتغيرة و استثمارها في حساب الضغط المتبادل بين الجذمور و قميص طرف صناعي من ما فوق الركبة لما لهذا الضغط من أهمية في تحديد كفاءة الطرف الصناعي حيث أن جودة الطرف الصناعي تتوقف على جودة القميص و جودة القميص بدورها ترتبط بالتوزع الأمثل للضغط على المناطق القابلة للتحميل و المناطق غير القابلة للتحميل .تم حساب الضغط لمصاب بالبتر من ما فوق الركبة يبلغ من العمر 35 عاماً و ذلك في خمس حالات لتسامت الطرف الصناعي من خلال الزاوية بين محور الركبة الصناعية و محور القميص, تم وضع معايير لتقيم كفاءة القميص و زوايا التسامت المثالية بالاعتماد على نظام الحساسات و التجربة و رضى المصاب و تبين أن زاواية التسامت المثالية للحالة المدروسة تراوحت بين 14 – 16 درجة في الاتجاه الأمامي الموافق لاتجاه المشي الطبيعي

    Managing Chronic Diseases in Family Medicine: Best practices and Evidence-Based Approaches

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    The management of chronic diseases within the realm of family medicine presents a multifaceted challenge with profound implications for healthcare systems and patients alike. Chronic diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular conditions, are prevalent and impose a significant burden on individuals, families, and society as a whole. This article explores best practices and evidence-based approaches for managing chronic diseases in family medicine. It delves into the epidemiological landscape of chronic illnesses, emphasizing the need for effective prevention and management strategies. Evidence-based Models, such as The Chronic Care Model (CCM), Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH), and Self-assessment models are discussed in the context of family medicine. The importance of comprehensive, coordinated, and patient-centric approaches is underscored, highlighting the pivotal role of primary care physicians in the ongoing battle against chronic diseases. It is clear, that development in the field of family medicine underscores the importance of patient involvement in diseases management process through shared-decision making model. Although such model require physicans to spend more time educating patients so they can make informed decisions and implement self-management strategies, it has overall better health outcomes and eventually needs to requiring less intervention by physicians

    Qatar before the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

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    Background: The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (the CRPD) is the first human rights treaty of the 21st century and the first binding instrument specifically focused on protecting persons with disabilities within the framework of the UN's universal system of human rights. The CRPD came into force on May 3, 2008, and as of December 3, 2016 it has been ratified by 168 states. The CRPD developed the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (Article 34) to monitor compliance with the Convention by States Parties. The main role of the Committee is to review the reports (both the initial and the periodic reports) submitted by States Parties pursuant to Article 35 of the CRPD. In accordance with the CRPD Article 35, States Parties are required to submit to the Committee “a comprehensive report on measures taken to give effect to its obligations [under the CRPD] … and on the progress made in that regard” within two years after the entry into force of the present Convention for the State Party concerned, and subsequently they must submit periodic reports every four years “and further whenever the Committee so requests.” Qatar ratified the UNCRPD in May 2008 and is obliged as a signatory nation to implement a number of social and legal measures to become fully compliant. Aim: The aim of this paper is to identify Qatar»s degree of compliance with the CRPD as per the last available CRPD reports. Subsequently, we list recommended actions toward Qatar's compliance with the Convention. Findings and recommendations: On June 19, 2012 Qatar submitted its report to the Committee on its compliance with the Convention. Following review of the Qatar report, the committee made six concluding observations. The six observations made by the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities on Qatar's compliance with the Convention: The legislation revolves around a medical (treatment) model of disability, in contrast to the convention's call for a social model and the human rights approach. It is necessary to safeguard non-discrimination, adopting the inclusive social model. Accommodation and accessibility are not in line with the Convention. There is an absence of specific legal and policy frameworks to ensure accessibility for persons with disabilities on an equal basis with others, and reasonable accommodation is not sufficiently guaranteed. Lack of consultation and participation of persons with disabilities in the drafting of regulatory policies that affect them. Lack of systematic information. There is no independent internal mechanism to coordinate policy on the rights of persons with disabilities and monitor the implementation of the Convention. The Committee's six concluding observations on the rights of persons with disabilities indicate that Qatar, similar to many other countries, has a long way to go before reaching compliance with the convention. As a first step towards compliance with the Convention, Qatar action regarding the six issues highlighted here is key, and can be as follows: Adopt a social model whereby the state moves beyond the assistance-based approach to the development of actual individual rights enforceable in a court of law, considers disability rights as validity standards, and regards the field of conflict of rights as other rights or fundamental legal interests. Prevent discrimination by adopting an inclusive social model, as well as via adapting both the situation strategy (equality focused on the situation) and the identity strategy (acknowledging the rights of specific persons or groups). Provide accessibility through universal design and reasonable accommodation. Consult and include persons with disabilities in the drafting of regulatory policies that affect them. Collect systematic (research and statistical) data on persons with disability for use in the development and implementation of policies. Put in place an independent internal mechanism to coordinate policy on the rights of persons with disabilities and monitor the implementation of the Convention. Acknowledgement: This presentation was made possible by the support of the NPRP grant 7 - 380 - 5 - 051 from the Qatar National Research Fund. The statements made herein are solely the responsibility of the authors.Qscienc

    المسح السنوي الشامل : مسح عن الحياة في دولة قطر 2014

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    This Executive Summary presents the highlights of the 2014 Omnibus survey, the fourth in a series of Omnibus surveys since 2010. The surveys were carried out by the Social and Economic Survey Research Institute (SESRI) of Qatar University. Each Omnibus survey interviews a large and representative sample of Qatari citizens, resident expatriates and laborers. In these surveys, we asked a number of questions covering several topics of importance to Qatari society, including their attitudes and behaviors related to media; political values and attitudes; gender; charities and charitable donations; traffic; and laborers. The survey was designed and carried out in accordance with the highest scientific and ethical standards. Respondents were assured that their answers would be confidential and presented in an aggregate format. This project was fully funded by the Social and Economic Survey Research Institute (SESRI) at Qatar University. The findings made herein are solely the responsibility of the authors.يقدم هذا التقرير الموجز أبرز ما في المسح الشامل لعام 2014 ،الرابع في سلسلة المسوح الشاملة منذ عام 2010 .تم تنفيذ البحوث من قبل معهد البحوث الاجتماعية والاقتصادية المسحية((SESRI بجامعة قطر. في كل مسح شامل تم استطلاع آراء عينة كبيرة تمثل المواطنين القطريين، والمقيمين والعمال. في هذه المسوح تم طرح عدد من الأسئلة تغطي العديد من المواضيع التي تهم المجتمع القطري، بما في ذلك المواقف والسلوكيات المتعلقة بوسائل الإعلام؛ والقيم والمواقف السياسية؛ دور الرجل والمرأة؛ المؤسسات والتبرعات الخيرية؛ وحركة المرور؛ والعمال الوافدين. صمم ونفذ هذا المسح وفقا لأعلى المعايير العلمية والأخلاقية. وتم التأكيد على المشاركين بأن إجابتهم سرية ومقدمة في شكل إجمالي. وقد تم تمويل هذا المشروع بالكامل من قِبل معهد البحوث الاجتماعية والاقتصادية المسحية بجامعة قطر. وإن الاستنتاجات الموجودة في هذا التقرير هي مسؤولية المؤلفين وحدهم