2,765 research outputs found
Minority’s Representation in Federal Cabinets of Pakistan: A Comparison between Democratic and Military Government (1947-1999)
Pakistan's creation is not solely the achievement of Muslims but also of otherreligious communities from India. Pakistan ensured the representation ofminorities across various social and political domains. This research paper aimsto spotlight the political domain and draw comparisons between parliamentaryand military regimes regarding the inclusion of minority representatives and theirroles in serving the nation and managing portfolios in the federal cabinets ofPakistan. Minority ministers not only received cabinet representation but alsoactively participated in the policy-making process and contributed to thedevelopment of both the nation and their respective communities. They heldministerial positions in crucial areas such as Law, Health, Education, and Labour,playing a significant role in these domains. A comparative analysis of minorityrepresentation in parliamentary and military regimes (1947-1999) reveals thatparliamentary systems were more accommodating towards minorities, particularlyin terms of providing them with opportunities in the cabinet and other politicalinstitutions. However, it should be noted that minority representatives wereallotted lesser space in military governments than democratic governments. Thekey sources of the paper are the parliamentary debates, reliable works of searchand various cabinet documents
Evaluation Framework for Software Security Requirements Engineering Tools
Tarkvaraarenduses on nõuded kui süsteemi vundament, mis vastutavad ka ebaõnnestumiste eest. Valed nõuded võivad viia tarkvara eripäradeni, mis tegelikult ei vasta spetsifikatsioonidele. Sel põhjusel peetakse nõuete koostamist kõige keerulisemaks ja olulisemaks sammuks tarkvaraarenduse elutsükli kõikide protsesside jooksul. Tänapäeval, kus küberrünnakud on \n\rtavalised, mängivad turvalisuse nõuded väga olulist rolli tarkvaraarenduse protsessis. On levimas uut tüüpi tööriistad, mille kasutamist peetakse kõige efektiivsemaks meetodiks turvalisusnõuete väljatöötamisel. Lisaks võimaldavad need tööriistad lahendada turvalisusega seotud küsimusi kasutajal endal, hoides märgatavalt kokku inseneride aega. Siiski on nende tööriistade \n\rareng alles algstaadiumis ning neid ei ole tarkvarainseneride poolt massiliselt kasutusele võetud. Põhjus on väga pikas uue tarkvara õppimise ja sellega kohanemise protsessis, mis põhjustab ajakadu arendusprotsessis ning lisab projektile kulusid. Projekti jaoks konkreetse tööriista valimisel võib tutvumine ja katsetamine võtta inseneridel hulgaliselt aega. Lisaks sellele võib struktureerimata valikuprotsess viia vale tööriista kasutuselevõtmisele, mis raiskab omakorda kõigi aega ja pingutusi. Selles uurimuses kavatseme me koostada struktureeritud lähenemise, mis aitab insenere turvaliste tööriistade valimisel. Protsessile kaasaaitamiseks saavad analüütikud ja arhitektid hinnata tarkvara omadusi, mida nad enda seisukohast olulisimateks peavad. Sellest lähtuvalt saavad nad valida kindlate tööriistade vahel ning teha parima valiku. \n\rAntud uurimustöös konstrueeritud lähenemisega on võimalik säästa aega, vaeva ja kulutusi. Uurimuse koostamise käigus uurime me tarkvaraarenduse turvaprotsesse, meetodeid ja tööriistu ning püüame luua raamistikku, mis oleks inseneridele turvalisusnõuete tööriistade hindamisel abiks.In software development requirements are considered as building blocks of software system, which also are considered to be responsible in event of failure. Bad requirements can lead to software features that are not to the specifications. For that reason requirement gathering process is considered as the most sensitive and complicated process among all software engineering lifecycle processes. In current age where cyber-attacks are common security requirements also comes into place and plays a very important role in software development process. In order to elicit security requirements new type of tools are begin to form a shape called security engineering tools which help in eliciting security requirements. That considered being the most efficient way of eliciting security requirements. Moreover these tools empower users with artifacts specifically to cater security needs, which save time and efforts for engineers in return. Nevertheless these tools are still at their infantry and are lacking mass adoption by software security engineers. Reason because these tools have steep learning curve which can add-up to development time and end up pushing more cost to the project. In order to decide which tool to select for a particular project require engineers to use these tools which in return will consume tremendous amount of time. Moreover using unstructured tool selection process can also leads to wrong tool selection which will be the waste of time and efforts. In this research work we are going to construct structured approach which will help engineers in security engineering tool selection process. In order to aid this process analysts and architects will be able to rate the features they want the most in a particular security engineering tool. In return from this process they will be able to choose between security engineering tools and select the best one. Finally using approach constructed in this research work will save time, efforts, and costs. In our approach we will analyze security engineering processes, methods and tools, to construct a framework that will help aid engineers in security engineering tool evaluation process
Investigation of semi-solid metal processing route
Two main objectives were complete during this work. One was the design and construction of a high temperature capillary viscometer and the second was the modelling of semi-solid metal flow with a view to aiding the design and providing data for comparison purposes. The high temperature capilla ry viscometer has been constructed and has been used for preliminary testing. This device will be used to measure the viscosity of semi-solid metals under high temperature and shear rate conditions, similar to those found in industry. The capillary viscometer is a single point system that can be used to calculate the v isco s ity b y measuring the flow rate and pressure difference between the two end o f the capillary tube as the v isco s ity directly proportional to the pressure drop and inversely proportional to the flow rate. Design criteria included a requirement for a highly controllable temperature up to 800 °C, injection shear rates above 10 ,0 0 0 s '1, and controllable injection profiles. A 2D , two phase theoretical unsteady state model using a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software F LU E N T was developed. This was used to evaluate the v isco s ity o f semi-solid metals passing through the designed capillary viscometer at injection speeds o f 0.075, 0.5, and 1 m/s. The effects o f fractions solid (fs) o f the metal from 0 .25 to 0.50 were also investigated. Strong correlations between these parameters and the resulting v iscosity were noted for the power law viscosity equations which were used to develop the Fluent models
The Impact of Fiscal Policy on Aggregate Economic Activity: A Regime Dependent Impulse Response Analysis
Asymmetries in fiscal policies cannot be captured by linear time series models. In order to examine the asymmetry responses of output in different phases of the business cycle, Markov Regime Switching (MRS) model is an alternative technique that is used to achieve the objective. The main objective of this study is to empirically explore the effects of fiscal shocks (spending and taxes) on Pakistan’s overall economic activity GDP while utilizing Markov Switching MS-VAR model. The model is characterized to allow for the variation in mean, coefficients and in error variances. The study results show that the effect of shocks and the size of multiplier varies across regimes confirming the asymmetric behavior of fiscal policy transmission mechanism. Moreover, the impact of positive spending shock has a stronger effect on output in the recession as compared to boom. One surprising result of the study is that the tax shock increases the output both in recession and boom. Lastly, spending and revenue behave a-cyclically.
JEL Classification Codes: C11; C32; E6
This study was undertaken in Hayatabad Town, Peshawar. The study investigates socio-economic factors affecting invisible child labour. The study was based on a sample of 95 households and the data were collected in July 2006. The study found that although the wages of working children were small but they contributed significantly to their households’ income. More than half of the working children were not satisfied with their present job and their employers and more than half of working children reported that their employers were harsh with them. The regression results showed that household income, landholdings and parents’ education were significant determinants of invisible child labour in the study area.Invisible child labour, poverty, Hayatabad, Pakistan
Autoantibodies and Cytokines in Pathogenesis of Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disorder in which increased autoantibody production and enhanced secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines are the hallmark of the disease. A strictly controlled balance of antibody production and proinflammatory cytokines is the key to the healthy state. A slight tilt in this balance causes proinflammatory diseases. In RA there is an increased production of autoantibodies such as rheumatoid factor (RF) and anti-citrullinated protein antibody (ACPA), anti-cartilage type II antibodies, and etc., which have a prominent clinical significance. Furthermore, there is increased secretion of proinflammatory cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα), interleukin-6 (IL-6), interleukin-1 (IL-1) which have an impact of great magnitude on the RA disease progression and severity. A better understanding of the mechanism of autoantibody production and secretion of cytokines together with crosstalk between immune cells and cytokines can provide us a better insight into the disease pathogenesis as well disease prognosis and management
Cancer morbidity in rheumatoid arthritis: role of estrogen metabolites
Estrogen metabolites have been implicated in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and cancer, although the mechanism remains unestablished. Some estrogen metabolites, which are used for the assessment of cancer risk, play an important role in RA. The pathways by which malignancies associated with RA remain elusive. Possible mechanism involves enzymatic or nonenzymatic oxidation of estrogen into catecholestrogen metabolites through semiquinone and quinone redox cycle to produce free radicals that can cause DNA modifications. Modifications of DNA alter its immunogenicity and trigger various immune responses leading to elevated levels of cancer and RA antibodies. However, the role of different estrogen metabolites as a mediator of immune response cannot be ruled out in various immune-related diseases
CNN Transfer Learning for Automatic Fruit Recognition for Future Class of Fruit
Deep fruit recognition model learned on big dataset outperform fruit recognition task on difficult unconstrained fruit dataset. But in practice, we are often lack of resources to learn such a complex model, or we only have very limited training samples for a specific fruit recognition task. In this study we address the problem of adding new classes to an existing deep convolutional neural network framework. We extended our prior work for automatic fruit recognition by applying transfer learning techniques to adding new classes to existing model which was trained for 15 different kind of fruits. Pre-trained model was previously trained on a large-scale dataset of 44406 images. To add new class of fruit in our pre-trained model, we need to train a new classifier which will be trained for scratch, on the top of pre-trained model so, that we can re- purpose the feature learned previously for the dataset. Transfer learning using our pre-trained model has been demonstrated to give the best classification accuracy of 95.00%. The experimental results demonstrate that our proposed CNN framework is superior to the previous state-of-the- art networks
Assessing the Socio-Economic and Environmental Impacts of 2014 Drought in District Tharparkar, Sindh-Pakistan
Thar Desert constitutes the largest desert of Pakistan. It is the only densely populated desert in the world, whose inhabitants is attached to their location and is unwilling to migrate. In recent past, Thar has been struck three times by droughts, the most recent was of 2014 while, and the most severe was in 1992-2002, following which it was declared one of the food insecure regions of the world e.g. Yemen, Syrian Arab Republic, Sudan, Somalia, Iraq, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Central African Republic, Burundi, Afghanistan. Understanding people perception of drought can assist to identify barriers to and drivers of adaptation that later help to develop adaptation related policies. This study seeks to assess the present condition of Thar natives and to understand from the views of people that how much negative impact of drought has on their lives. Primary data were obtained through personal interviews from local people (N=251) during field survey which was conducted in July 2015. Natives indicated that drought is a natural phenomenon; it does affect their lives, but not to a significant level. Among the affected people, the poor who live in rural areas and depend directly on agriculture have been hit especially hard. The installation of a solar reverse osmosis (SRO) plant that serves District Tharparkar has resolved most of the water shortage issues. However, water quality remains an issue for villagers, dependent on well water that is saline or polluted. Human activities such as deforestation and use of non-renewable resources for fuel are increasing environmental degradation. There is a dire need to establish best medical centers other than urban sites of the district to improve health condition of the native
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