14 research outputs found

    English Phonetics and Phonology Learning and Its Impact on Studentsā€™ English Pronunciation

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    This study aims to identify students' perceptions and expectations of English Phonetics and Phonology learning, and whether the learning process in this course meets students' needs and expectations for mastering English pronunciation. This research is conducted at the English department of Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, by taking English Department students as research subjects. Students' perceptions and expectations regarding the English phonetics and phonology course are described using a qualitative method gleaned from student interviews. The interviews show students' perceptions of the English phonetics and phonology course that the process of learning the subject is enjoyable, the lecturer's teaching method aids students to comprehend the course material, and the course material was well-explained. While the findings of interviews on students' perceptions of the impact of studying English phonetics and phonology on their English pronunciation show that through this course students gain a better understanding of phonetics symbols, are able to recognize and distinguish various English sounds, are capable of producing language sounds with the proper use of speech organs, can correctly apply stress and intonation to English words and sentences, and improve their English pronunciation. Finally, students have expectations about the teaching and learning of English phonetics and phonology, such as lecturers should use more interesting teaching techniques, provide more practice to students, and ensure students comprehend the lesson learned before class ends

    Lexical Devices in Political Speech (A Study on Gorontalo Mayoral Election 2018)

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    The use of language in political campaign speech is always interesting to be observed. It mostly contains language features which are intended to convince or persuade people to vote someone into power. Therefore, the language used in political speech has always attracted linguistā€™ attention to conduct the study of political discourse. This study is aimed to identify and analyze the lexical devices in political campaign speech delivered by the politicians in Gorontalo mayoral election 2018. The data of the lexical cohesive devices are analyzed based on the theory of lexical cohesion proposed by Halliday and Hasan in 1976. Halliday and Hasan have divided the lexical cohesion into two types; reiteration and collocation. Furthermore, the reiteration has four sub-types; repetition, synonym/near synonym, superordinate, and general word. The data identification reveals that the reiteration and the collocation are both found in the speeches. They are successfully used as the tools to deliver the speakers purposes and intentions. Hopefully, this study gives more knowledge and insight to others, especially to the language learners, about how the lexical devices are used in political speeches, and more importantly about how language plays its roles to make people get convinced and persuaded

    The Persuasive Role of Meta-Discourse Markers in Digital Advertising

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    This study investigates the persuasive use of interactive and interactional meta-discourse markers in digital advertising, employing Hyland's (2005) model. Interactive meta-discourse encompasses transition markers, frame markers, endophoric markers, evidential, and code glosses, while interactional meta-discourse includes hedges, boosters, attitude markers, self-mentions, and engagement markers. The process of data collection includes extracting data from websites with digital advertisements, analyzing the use of meta-discourse markers in these ads to understand their context and purpose, and categorizing these markers into interactive and interactional categories. Data analysis involves identifying and examining the presence of these markers in digital advertising, interpreting how they contribute to persuasion in the text, and presenting the findings by categorizing interactive and interactional meta-discourse markers while explaining their persuasive significance. The research reveals that in advertisements for beauty products and luxury cars, transition markers are the sole category of interactive meta-discourse used. In contrast, interactional meta-discourse exhibits a broader range of categories in advertising, encompassing attitude markers, self-mention, engagement markers, and boosters.


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    This research was aimed at describing the coherence of a discourse supported by grammatical and lexical cohesion in a short story entitled ā€œThe Killersā€ written by Ernest Hemingway. The data of this research were collected through observation method (by reading) and note-taking technique. The source of data was a short story entitled The Killers written by Ernest Hemingway, while the data itself were in the form of clauses or sentences containing the markers of grammatical and lexical cohesion. The data were analyzed by using distributional method and Segmenting Immediate Constituents Technique; afterwards it was continued by applying some continuation techniques such as substitution technique and paraphrase technique. Based on the result of data analysis, it is concluded that The Killers is categorized as a coherent discourse, because it is supported by the markers of lexical and grammatical cohesion. There are four aspects of grammatical cohesion found in this discourse; they are reference, substitution, ellipsis, and conjunction. The grammatical cohesion is dominated by reference amounting to 91,1%, and then conjunction 6,49%, ellipsis 2,04%, and substitution 0,37%. Besides the grammatical cohesion, this discourse also has its lexical cohesion; they are repetition amounting to 22,5%, synonym/near-synonym 20%, hyponym 12,5%, antonym 32,5%, and meronymy 12,5%. Each of the cohesion aspect, either grammatical or lexical cohesion, has its own role in forming the text of discourse, therefore the discourse could be arranged well and coherently. Furthermore, because discourse is a language element which is relatively more complex and complete, then the study of discourse needed to be obligated in language learning process. One case should not be ignored in a discourse study is the comprehension towards the cohesion markers, either grammatically or lexically. It is considered important because cohesion is an aspect forming the physical structure of a discourse. The cohesiveness of physical structure will certainly lead the discourse having a coherent meaning or mental structure. (Key Words: Cohesion, Grammatical Cohesion, Lexical Cohesion, Reference, Substitution, Ellipsis, Conjunction, Reiteration, Collocation

    Inconsistencies and adjustments in language policy: Evidence from the linguistic landscape

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    Taking effect immediately following Tunisiaā€™s independence, Arabization has achieved mixed results with Arabic institutionally empowered but still competing with French. In fact, when examining the linguistic landscape, this monolingual policy is flouted both in terms of the bilingual Arabic-French Street signage but also challenged by peopleā€™s preferences. This paper examines inconsistencies between Arabic as the ā€˜language of the stateā€™ (government-decreed), and the omnipresence of other ā€˜languages in the stateā€™ (observed in representation and practice) in Tunisia. Street signage artefacts and attitudinal data also illustrate how language policies are responded to and experienced by Tunisians. Data consists of different types of private inscriptions and public signs, governmental decrees, as well as attitudinal surveys and interviews. The juxtaposition of urban signs with the official policy on multilingualism provides an illustrative account of the complexities of the linguistic situation in Tunisia, which blends top-down advocacies of Arabization, ambivalent attitudes to Arabic-French Bilingualism, as well as a growing interest in English as the emergent language of globalization

    Descriptive Study on Students' Grammar Ability in Writing Recount Text

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    The objective of this research is to identify the studentsā€™ grammar ability in writing recount text. The grammar is limited on the use of past tense, especially in using past verb. The Subjects of this research are the students in class X IPA 3 of SMA NEGERI 1 GORONTALO that consist of 20 students. The method of this research is qualitative method. The result of this research presents the students' correct verb in using past verb in recount text. As the result, the total of studentsā€™ correct verbs is 157 with percentage 61% and the total of students incorrect verbs are 101 with percentage 39%. Therefore, the percentage of studentsā€™ ability is 61% and can be classified into high level in intensity 61% - 80%. Hence, it is suggested that the school and teachers should provide the appropriate method or strategy which can support the learning process to improve students' motivation and interest in writing recount text

    An analysis of lexical collocation errors in studentsā€™ writing

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    Mastering lexical collocation uses in learning English as a foreign language is absolutely essential to develop studentsā€™ communicative skills and linguistic abilities. Most students, however, have problems with putting words together in a characteristic of ā€œnaturalā€ English native speaker-like manner during writing. Students tend to use strange lexical collocation expressions therefore studentsā€™ language production does not sound natural and carries imprecise meaning. With regard to this underlying issue, the main emphasis of the current study was lying on the investigation of the types and the causes of lexical collocation error committed by EFL students in their argumentative writing. Through a qualitative research approach applying a descriptive-analytic method, sixteen university students were chosen purposively. The data were collected from two principal sources i.e., studentsā€™ writing samples and semi-structured interviews. In terms of data analysis technique, this study employed an error analysis technique developed by Ellis (1994) to analyze the obtained lexical collocation errors and applied a content analysis technique provided by Kumar (2011) to analyze the interview results. The study revealed 54 erroneousness of lexical collocation production consisting of verb + noun/pronoun (PP), adjective + noun, adverb + adjective, noun + noun, and verb + adverb combination. These errors were caused by a lack of collocation competence, native language influence, the use of synonym, overgeneralization, and approximation

    Evaluation of the teaching and learning in listening subject

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    This present study is conducted to evaluate the teaching of listening skills in the English Department at Gorontalo State University. Evaluation in this study is to benchmark the current practice of teaching listening in the English Department of State University of Gorontaloto the research-based practice. Research finding suggests that the teaching of listening to the English Department students partly has followed methodologies proposed by Richards and Goh (2008). This study shows that in general the practice of the teaching of listening at the English Department of State University of Gorontalo is based on research-based methodologies. However, there are some points that need to be improved. Since the result of the study has addressed only some of the issues in the teaching of listening, therefore, future research on other issues of listening teaching needs to be done


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    Ā Ā Abstrak Membaca adalah kebiasaan yang dapat di pupuk dan dikembangkan pada anak. Secara umum memotivasi anak untuk membaca adalah tugas yang sulit, apalagi membaca teks dalam Bahasa Inggris. Oleh karena itu, tujuan dari pengabdian pada masyarakat ini adalah meningkatkan kemampuan anak usia sekolah dasar belajar bahasa Inggris khususnya pada pembelajaran membaca (reading skill) yang salah satu caranya dengan menggunakan teknik Fun Learning yaitu belajar dengan kegiatan yang menyenangkan. Inovasi yang di gunakan pada kegiatan ini adalah menggabungkan ciri belajar cerdas, mudah, cepat dan menyenangkan. Pengabdian ini dilaksanakan sebanyak 4 kali pertemuan. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan berupa model pembelajaran langsung, pemberian tugas, dan demonstrasi. Dengan pelaksanaan pengabdian ini diharapkan dapat memotivasi para siswa agar lebih menyukai belajar Bahasa Inggris, sehingga kedepan mereka lebih bersiap untuk terus belajar bahasa inggris. Oleh sebab itu, media dan strategi penyampaian materi ajar bahasa Inggris harus benar-benar dilakukan dengan cermat dan matang, terutama materi yang akan diberikan kepada siswa level beginner. Dengan demikian literasi Bahasa inggris mereka meningkat sehingga tercapai masyarakat yang berwawasan internasional.Ā Kata kunci: Membaca; Strategi; Media; Fun Learning; Pembelajaran Langsung; Demonstrasi.

    Pembelajaran Menyenangkan sebagai Upaya Memberdayakan Potensi dan Menumbuhkan Minat Belajar Siswa SDIT Quratu Aā€™yun Kota Gorontalo

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    The purpose of this community service activity is to empower studentsā€™ potential in English through fun learning activities, as well as to foster studentsā€™ interest in learning English. This activity is conducted by implementing several games and songs in learning processes. The 5th grade students of SDIT Qurratu Aā€™yun, which was located in Kota Tengah Districst, Gorontalo City, with a total number of 20 students were taken as the sample of this activity. This community service activity was carried out for eight meetings using various methods and materials that were considered fun for the students. The result showed that the students were interested and motivated in learning English that led to their vocabulary improvement