14 research outputs found


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    Chicken patties were fried in three different vegetable oils i.e. sunflower, soybean and canola to determine the best suitable vegetable oil for frying with prolonged storage stability. The patties were evaluated chemically for moisture, crude protein, crude fat, ash, pH, peroxide value and organoleptically for color, flavor, taste, juiciness, chewability, tenderness and overall acceptability at 15 days interval during 60 days storage. Among all the treatments vegetable oils used for frying and storage interval were found to have significant effect on chemical as well as sensory attributes. However, the chicken patties fried in canola oil offered better characteristics than sunflower and soybean oils. So, it was suggested that canola oil is comparatively the best one for frying of chicken patties among the vegetable oils under investigation with enhanced storage stability, shelf life and sensory attributes

    Molecular probing of Aflatoxigenic fungi in rice grains collected from local markets of Lahore, Pakistan

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    Background: Aflatoxigenic Aspergillus strains have emerged as a serious threat to food safety and quality assurance. The objective of this study was to identify the aflatoxigenic Aspergillus sp. by targeting the amplification of aflatoxigenic genes i.e., aflR, nor1, omt1, ver1, in different fugal strains isolated from the rice grains being marketed in local markets of Lahore city, Pakistan.Methods: Total eleven (11) Aspergillus strains were isolated from rice grains and aflatoxigenic genes i.e., aflR, nor1, omt1, ver1 were amplified to differentiate between aflatoxin producing and non-producing strains.Results: Four (04) out of total eleven (11) strains showed the presence of aflatoxins producing genes, indicating the possible contamination of aflatoxins in rice grains being sold in local markets of Lahore.Conclusion: This research provides the basis for the quantification of aflatoxins; a significant threat to the quality of foodstuffs and consumers. The situation demands the attention of rice growers, processors as well as government officials to tackle the problem to assure the safety of rice eaters.Keywords: Aflatoxins; Aspergillus; Cereal grains; Contamination; Mycotoxigenic

    Indigenous Curd as a Functional Food: A Source of Potential Pathogenic Bacterial Control

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    Background: Dahi is a functional food that is largely consumed in our community.  The current study was designed to explore the efficacy of antibacterial agents that are present in the local indigenous curd of Lahore, Pakistan.Method: Dahi was collected from various areas in Lahore. Bacterial cultures were isolated from this local curd and identified using a molecular technique that used 16S rRNA gene primers in PCR and sequencing. The antibacterial assay was carried out using the agar well diffusion method. Out of all the characterized bacteria isolate P26 displayed the best results for the control of pathogenic bacteria. Bacteriocin from isolate P26 was partially purified and its antibacterial assay was performed against sixteen indicator organisms and kanamycin was used as a standard for this experiment. Characterization of bacteriocin was performed at various temperatures, pH, and treating with enzymes.Result: After the molecular characterization through 16S rRNA, Strain P26 was characterized as Bacillus vallismortis. A protease-sensitive antimicrobial substance was produced by Bacterial strain P26 (Bacillus vallismortis), isolated from local curd (Dahi). This isolate has a broad-spectrum inhibitory activity that can inhibit the growth of both food spoilage and pathogenic bacteria. According to results It was clear that protease-sensitive antimicrobial substance produced from strain P26 is more effective as compared to the antibiotic kanamycin. Maximum activity was shown against Staphylococcus species, a pathogen that is a common cause of gastroenteritis worldwide. This substance was active at 100 ºC for 30 minutes and pH (2-9). The activity was lost after treatment with proteases, so it is classified as bacteriocin.Conclusion: Bacteriocin P26 is a more effective antibacterial agent than kanamycin, and it can be produced cheaply using local cardkey.Keywords: Protease; Bacteriocin; Staphylococcus carnosus; Kanamyci

    Development of Edible Food Wrappers: An Eco-Friendly Approach Towards Sustainability

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    This book chapter is not available on ChesterRepEdible food wrappers are safe packaging systems that can be consumed with food. Edible packaging developed using natural renewable resources come under the category of bio-based and biodegradable packaging. The main components of edible wrappers include a biopolymer solubilized in a solvent to form film casting solution and certain additives to improve functional characteristics of packaging. Biopolymers are frequently used in food packaging applications due to their flexibility in film formation and biodegradability. The development of green packaging materials utilizing discarded edible materials will be beneficial to confront the challenges associated with traditional packaging systems, attaining sustainability, and fostering recycling in the food industry. Edible food wrappers present a number of benefits over synthetic materials. These packaging systems can replace and possibly strengthen the outside layers of packed items in order to elude moisture loss, flavors, and bioactive components from the foods as well as between them

    PCR Primer Design for In-Silico Rapid Detection of Ocular Infection Caused by Candida Species in Humans

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    Background: Computational analyses have shown great potentials for providing tools for the rapid detection and identification of fungi for medical, scientific and commercial purposes. Various bioinformatics tools have been developed for finding the specific regions within the ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene complex. Candida is a genus of yeast that includes about 150 different species and is the most common cause of human ocular infections. In the present study, rapid detection method of Candida, based on specific regions (18S, 5.8S and 28S) of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes of eight (8) species e.g. C. albicans, C. krusei, C. parapsilosis, C. glabrata, C. guilliermondii, C. kefyr, C. lusitaniae and C. tropicalis has been developed. Rapid diagnosis and early identification of causative agent through computational based methods with high accuracy will result in effective treatment.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Objective: Development of rapid detection method and assay for Candida species based on bioinformatics tools.Methodology: Ribosomal RNA (18S, 5.8S and 28S) sequences of eight Candida species were retrieved from GenBank/EMBL databases. A set of unique primers were designed based on the conserved region in the given yeast species. To verify the in-silico specificity of the designed primers, the NCBI-BLAST program was employed to search the primers in short, near exact sequences. The primers were further analyzed by the AmplifX tool to determine their specificity and sensitivity against Candida species.Conclusions: The study resulted in the development of rapid and reproducible detection strategy of Candida species on the basis of computational PCR that will be very helpful for the doctors/practitioners to prescribe targeted medicine against Candida and related causative agents.</p

    A comprehensive review of the therapeutic potential of citrus bioflavonoid hesperidin against lifestyle-related disorders

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    AbstractThe fruits of citrus family are rich in flavonoids with superior antioxidant properties; citrus bioactive components are potentially beneficial without adverse effects or cytotoxicity in healthy individuals. Citrus fruit peel contains ample amount of hesperidin which is flavanone glycoside and has showed effective role in biological systems as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory bioactive compound. Different studies have investigated such roles of hesperidin. Due to superior antioxidant potential of hesperidin and its derivatives, these compounds have been intensively studied for their anti-cancer and cardio protective perspective. This review article is a collection of updated data covering different aspects of hesperidin and its derivatives, like occurrence, physical and chemical composition, pharmacokinetics and safety of these compounds. Moreover, effective role of these compounds against different lifestyle-related metabolic syndromes in mechanistic perspective has also been extensively discussed in this article

    Supplementation of PUFA extracted from microalgae for the development of chicken patties

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    In recent years, there has been a growing interest in development of a diverse range of foods that are enriched with omega-3 fatty acids. It is widely recognized that through dietary interventions, the lipid fraction of food can be modified to enhance its nutritional content. This study is aimed to develop chicken patties enriched with poly unstaurated fatty acids (PUFAs) extracted from microalgae aurintricarboxylic acid (ATA) concentration of 0% (T0), 1% (T1), 2% (T2), and 3% (T3). All treatments were stored at −18 °C for one month and analysed at an interval of 0, 10, 20, and 30 days to assess the effect of PUFAs supplementation on physicochemical, oxidative, microbiological and organoleptic properties of chicken patties. The results revealed that moisture content was significantly increased during the storage; the maximum moisture was observed in T0 (67.25% ± 0.03) on day 0, while the minimun was found in T3 (64.69% ± 0.04) on day 30. Supplemenatation of PUFAs in chicken patties significantly enhanced the fat content of the product the highest fat content was observed for T3 (9.7% ± 0.06. An increase in PUFAs concentration led to a significant increase in thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS). TBARS were increased from 1.22 ± 0.43 at 0 days to 1.48 ± 0.39 at 30 days of storage. The PUFAs incorporation negatively effected sensory acceptance of the product ranging from (8.41 ± 0.17 to 7.28 ± 0.12). However, the sensory scores were in acceptable range for supplemented patties as compared to control sample. Treatment T3 depicted the highest nutritional content. The sensory and physiochemical analysis of supplemented patties suggested that PUFAs extracted from microalgae can be used as a functional ingredient in the preparation various meat products particularly chicken meta patties. However, antioxidants should be added to to prevent lipid oxidation in the product

    Nutritional probing and storage stability of papaya jam supplemented with date pit powder

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    Jam Quality is a factor robustly influenced by storage conditions. The current research aimed to develop papaya jam with improved nutritional attributes, rheological profile, and shelf-life utilizing date pit powder as a functional ingredient. The effect of date pit powder on the formulated product's physicochemical, microbial, and organoleptic properties was analyzed. Results revealed that overall mineral profile (0.35–1.11%), crude fiber (0.56–2.01%), pH (3.51–3.70%), and antioxidant properties (22.97–30.67%) were significantly increased while water activity reduced (0.77–0.73). Moreover, date pit powder improved the color scores like a*(10.10–10.67), b* (8.13–8.78), L* (25.56–28.09), and textural attributes (Cohesiveness: 0.83–0.90; Firmness: 6.82–6.93) of functional papaya jam. Microbial count reduced from 3.60 × 105-3.06 × 105 cfu/ml by adding date pit powder and staying within the acceptable limit (4.13 × 105-3.60 × 105 cfu/ml) during 2-month storage at refrigeration. Organoleptic evaluation depicted that samples treated with date pit powder scored better than the control, and a sample with 75% pectin replacement was considered best