764 research outputs found

    LpL^{p} Boundedness of Riesz transform related to Schr\"odinger operators on a manifold

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    We establish various LpL^{p} estimates for the Schr\"odinger operator −Δ+V-\Delta+V on Riemannian manifolds satisfying the doubling property and a Poincar\'e inequality, where Δ\Delta is the Laplace-Beltrami operator and VV belongs to a reverse H\"{o}lder class. At the end of this paper we apply our result on Lie groups with polynomial growth.Comment: 38 page

    Increasing learner interactions with E-learning systems can either decrease or increase cognitive load depending on the nature of the interaction

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    The effects of increasing interactions between learners and digitally presented subject matter were investigated in Experiment 1 while increasing interactions via a pedagogical agent were investigated in Experiment 2. In Experiment 1, we compared an E-learning system with and without interactive animation to teach software applications to novice users. Interactive animation was found to significantly decrease cognitive load in the learning phase for both low and high element interactivity materials, however, it did not have a significant effect on test task performance. The positive effects of an interactive animation may suggest that embodied cognition effects establish links between mind and body allowing movement to support cognitive tasks. In Experiment 2, interactions between the subject matter and learners were increased by introducing a talking, animated avatar that did not require any additional activity by learners, eliminating embodied cognitive effects. The results showed that when the avatar was used in conjunction with other visual elements, it increased learners’ cognitive load due to the redundancy effect, especially for high element interactivity materials

    Establishing an Integrated Monitoring Concept for the Vienna Lighthouse Project Smarter Together

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    Within the EU Lighthouse Project “Smarter Together”, the City of Vienna has been working during the last three years together with the Cities of Munich and Lyon following a P2P learning process to implement a set of integrated smart solutions with focus on holistic buildings refurbishment for low energy districts, onsite renewable energy supply (RES), e-mobility solutions and ICTs. This endeavour aims to support the city's vision to transform Vienna into a sustainable, resilient and liveable city along the ongoing urban transformations and energy transition. For several demonstration site projects an integrated monitoring concept has been established and tested within a co-creation process encompassing key city stakeholders and various actors from research institutions, industry and building contractors. The developed concept comprises the whole automated process of sensor-based data collection, transfer to, and storage on the city’s Data Management Platform (DMP) and the subsequent processing, visualisation and generation of related key performance indicators (KPIs). The KPI-based monitoring process seeks to track and monitor the impacts of the implemented solutions for the city demonstration sites, besides their potential contribution to achieving the city’s sustainable development targets following an intracity rollout phase and a future replication plan in selected follower cities. The established process highlights the importance of intensive communication among all stakeholders. The generated KPIs for the refurbished buildings demonstrates the importance of establishing a co-creationprocess gathering building owners, construction companies, city governance, research institutions and ICT utilities responsible for developing and maintaining Vienna’s DMP and the following provision of smartservices to third parties. The KPI-based monitoring shows that for the use cases of building refurbishment (comprising 65060 m2 of social housing and 3800 m2 public building) the achieved energy saving by building efficiency measures will reach annually about 4760 MWh. The fossil fuel saving through substitution effect by onsite renewable energy generations (PV, solar thermal, geothermal heat pumps) will reach about 451 MWh. The resulting CO2 reduction by building energy saving and RES will reach about 1423 tCO2 annually. The results underline the importance of the implemented smart solutions in achieving the Vienna Energy Framework Strategy pursuing a clear decarbonisation path and thus supporting its transformation vision towards an inclusive, sustainable and liveable city. The deployment of the successfully implemented and monitored solutions is ongoing. Based on the lessons-learned and the gained best-practices, it is expected that the implementation of an appropriate replication plan will make it possible that by the year 2030 a significant part of the existing old social buildings in Vienna will be refurbished and monitored following the integrated monitoring concept established within the Smarter Together project

    Higher education and Syrian refugee students: The case of Iraq

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    "This report on the tertiary education for young Syrian refugees in Iraq is part of a broader regional study commissioned by UNESCO. The project aims to assess the impact of the conflict in Syria and the results of the crisis on tertiary education in host countries, including Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt and Turkey. This report presents the findings of an investigation that aims to identify major lines of action in tertiary education in emergencies, namely, legal frameworks and policies implemented by key actors within the sector, and it gives insights into the current status of tertiary education for Syrian refugees and displaced persons in Iraq. The report employs a qualitative approach and intends to explore and understand the challenges and opportunities for Syrian refugee students in accessing tertiary education. The study’s findings underline the understanding of the vital role of tertiary education in improving living conditions and giving a sense of hope for the future in the context of protracted situations. The results show that the large number of refugees, who have changed the national demographics within the country, present a challenge for the state and local communities in meeting the needs of both the refugees and the host communities. Several of these challenges pertaining to the education sector are: (1) legal issues including lack of accreditation and citizenship alongside restrictive host country policies, (2) ignorance of university application procedures or lack of academic and career guidance which provide pathways to the labor market or further education, and (3) financial shortcomings. The demand continues to far outstrip the opportunities available. The study offers policy and program recommendations to decision- and policy- makers for the national and international communities, national and international non-governmental organizations (NGOs), donors, education stakeholders and other institutions with the overall goal to improve and guide further practice and research in supporting displaced persons in protracted situations to access tertiary education.

    Contribution pulmonaire Ă  l’élimination systĂ©mique du propofol chez le patient sous anesthĂ©sie gĂ©nĂ©rale

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    Diverses Ă©tudes cliniques ont dĂ©montrĂ© l’existence d’un mĂ©tabolisme extrahĂ©patique du propofol. Le lieu exact de ce mĂ©tabolisme n’est pas encore complĂštement Ă©lucidĂ© chez l’homme. Des donnĂ©es chez l’animal suggĂšreraient que le poumon pourrait contribuer Ă  la clairance totale du propofol. Le prĂ©sent projet vise Ă  investiguer la contribution pulmonaire Ă  l’élimination systĂ©mique du propofol chez des patients sous anesthĂ©sie gĂ©nĂ©rale. Quatorze patients de type ASA I ou II, ĂągĂ©s entre 35 et 70 ans, pour lesquels une chirurgie cardiaque de routine Ă©tait prĂ©vue, ont Ă©tĂ© inclus dans la prĂ©sente Ă©tude. Le protocole a Ă©tĂ© prĂ©alablement approuvĂ© par le comitĂ© d’éthique et les patients ont tous donnĂ© par Ă©crit leur consentement Ă©clairĂ©. Le recrutement des patients a eu lieu Ă  l’hĂŽpital Royal Victoria. Le propofol a Ă©tĂ© administrĂ© en induction sous forme de bolus intraveineux, suivi d’une perfusion continue de 50 g/kg/min. Chez un mĂȘme patient, des prĂ©lĂšvements sanguins prĂ©- et post pulmonaires ont Ă©tĂ© pris simultanĂ©ment de l’artĂšre radiale et de l’artĂšre pulmonaire, sous des conditions de ventilation contrĂŽlĂ©e ou apnĂ©iques, dans le but de mesurer les concentrations plasmatiques du propofol. Le gradient artĂ©rio-veineux a Ă©tĂ© Ă©valuĂ© Ă  l’état d’équilibre afin de dĂ©terminer la contribution du poumon Ă  l’élimination totale de propofol. Nous n’avons pas pu dĂ©montrer l’existence d’une extraction pulmonaire du propofol chez l’humain. Ceci pourrait ĂȘtre dĂ» Ă  plusieurs facteurs mĂ©thodologiques.Several clinical studies have demonstrated the existence of propofol extrahepatic metabolism. The exact nature and site of this metabolism is not fully elucidated in man, however, the lung may possibly contribute to propofol total clearance as suggested by animal findings. In the present study, pulmonary contribution to total body elimination of propofol was investigated in patients during cardio-surgical anesthesia. Following informed consent and research ethic board approval, fourteen patients-ASA category I or II, between 35 and 70 years of age and scheduled for routine cardiac surgery were included in the present study. Patients were recruited at Royal-Victoria Hospital. At induction, propofol was administered as an intravenous bolus followed by a continuous infusion rate of 50 g/kg/min. Arterial and mixed-venous blood samples were drawn simultaneously from the radial artery and pulmonary artery catheters from patients under controlled ventilation or apneic conditions, for measurement of plasma propofol concentrations. Arterio-venous gradient was assessed under steady-state conditions to evaluate a potential contribution of the lung to the overall elimination of propofol. No statistically significant differences were found between both sampling sites, either under controlled ventilation or after a short period of apnea. We were unable to demonstrate the existence of propofol pulmonary extraction in the lungs in humans. This might be explained by methodological factor

    Higher education and Syrian refugee students: The case of Iraq

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    "This report on the tertiary education for young Syrian refugees in Iraq is part of a broader regional study commissioned by UNESCO. The project aims to assess the impact of the conflict in Syria and the results of the crisis on tertiary education in host countries, including Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt and Turkey. This report presents the findings of an investigation that aims to identify major lines of action in tertiary education in emergencies, namely, legal frameworks and policies implemented by key actors within the sector, and it gives insights into the current status of tertiary education for Syrian refugees and displaced persons in Iraq. The report employs a qualitative approach and intends to explore and understand the challenges and opportunities for Syrian refugee students in accessing tertiary education. The study’s findings underline the understanding of the vital role of tertiary education in improving living conditions and giving a sense of hope for the future in the context of protracted situations. The results show that the large number of refugees, who have changed the national demographics within the country, present a challenge for the state and local communities in meeting the needs of both the refugees and the host communities. Several of these challenges pertaining to the education sector are: (1) legal issues including lack of accreditation and citizenship alongside restrictive host country policies, (2) ignorance of university application procedures or lack of academic and career guidance which provide pathways to the labor market or further education, and (3) financial shortcomings. The demand continues to far outstrip the opportunities available. The study offers policy and program recommendations to decision- and policy- makers for the national and international communities, national and international non-governmental organizations (NGOs), donors, education stakeholders and other institutions with the overall goal to improve and guide further practice and research in supporting displaced persons in protracted situations to access tertiary education.
