38,986 research outputs found

    Employee attitudes as a mediator between HRM and organizational performance

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    Attitude is a power that controls human behaviour. When employee Attitude is positive, it can give impact positive to organization performance. A proper human resource management (HRM) managed by organization, the employee attitude will be affected. HRM practices influence employee attitude positively and there is a mediating role of employee attitude between training and development dimension of HRM practices and organizational performance. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore employee atttiude as a mediator between HRM and organizational performance. A sample of this study was 219 respondents from employee construction in Libya. The data was analyzed using structural equation modelling (SEM) approach. This study showed that employee attitudes is a full mediator between relationship HRM and organizational performance. Therefore, HRM practices influence employee attitude and its give impact to organizational performance for more effective and efficient in achieving organization goal

    Contributing Factors to Under-Five Child Malnutrition in Rural Bangladesh

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    Background and objectives: Bangladesh has the highest malnutrition rates in the world. The main objective of this study is to identify and determine the main factors for child malnutrition among children under the age 5 years in rural Bangladesh. Material and methods: This research was conducted in rural areas at Meherpur district in Bangladesh. Convenience sampling method is used and 85 under 5 child information is collected through a structured questionnaire. The information’s of child’s are gathered from the mothers of the child. Malnourished children is measured by using APLS method and WHO Child Growth Standard Median Index. Binary logistic regression model is used to find out the key factors of malnutrition. Results: It is found that family income, maintain proper diet during pregnancy period, proper diet maintain for children have negative significant (p\u3c0.05) effect on child malnutrition. Conclusion: The magnitude of the child’s malnutrition still is of great concern in Bangladesh. Since, poverty, imbalanced diet during pregnancy period and imbalanced diet for under 5 children influences to malnutrition are significantly associated with high prevalence of malnutrition, so government and people should reduce these factor to reduce malnutrition in rural area of Bangladesh

    Community Knowledge, Perceptions, and Practices Associated with Urogenital Schistosomiasis among School-Aged Children in Zanzibar, United Republic of Tanzania

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    Background: On the Zanzibar islands, United Republic of Tanzania, elimination of urogenital schistosomiasis is strived for in the coming years. This qualitative study aimed to better understand community knowledge, perceptions, and practices associated with schistosomiasis among school-aged children on Unguja and Pemba islands, in order to inform the development of behavior change interventions contributing to eliminate urogenital schistosomiasis. Methodology: In 2011, we conducted 35 children’s discussion groups, 41 in-depth interviews with parents and teachers, and 5 focus group discussions with community members in Zanzibar. Using a modified-grounded theory approach, we transcribed and coded the narrative data followed by thematic analysis of the emergent themes. Principal Findings: Urogenital schistosomiasis is a common experience among children in Zanzibar and typically considered a boys’ disease. Children engage in multiple high-risk behaviors for acquiring schistosomiasis because of poor knowledge on disease transmission, lack of understanding on severity of disease-associated consequences, and lack of alternative options for water related activities of daily living and recreational play. Local primary school teachers had little to no training about the disease and no teaching tools or materials for students. Conclusions/Significance: Conducting activities in open natural freshwater contaminated by S. haematobium larvae compromises the health of school-aged children in Zanzibar. The perception of urogenital schistosomiasis as a minor illness rather than a serious threat to a child’s well-being contributes to the spread of disease. Understanding community perceptions of disease along with the barriers and facilitators to risk reduction behaviors among children can inform health promotion activities, campaigns, and programs for the prevention, control, and elimination of urogenital schistosomiasis in Zanzibar

    Telaah Tentang Kibijakan Ujian Nasional dan Kinerja Sistem Pendidikan Nasional

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    Kinerja Sistem Pendidikan Nasional (SPN) dalam kurun waktusepuluh tahun terakhir menunjukkan kegagalan demi kegagalan. Data dariUnited Nations Development Programme (UNDP) yang memantau IndeksPembangunan Manusia atau Human Development Index (HDI) sepertiyang terpublikasi secara luas bahwa posisi Indonesia diantara 174 negarapada tahun 1996 berada pada peringkat 102; tahun 1999 peringkat 105;dan tahun 2000 pada peringkat 109, kemudian tahun 2004 turun lagi keperingkat 111 dari 174 negara. Secara umum mutu proses belajarmengajaryang tergelar kurang menggembirakan oleh karena prosespendidikan telah terkebiri menjadi “perolehan informasi” dengan sistemtagihan berjangka pendek.Ketidakhirauan SPN terhadap praksis penerusan informasiberakibat lebih jauh lagi dan merosot menjadi konteks pemberitaan isi bukuteks (content transmission), lalu diperparah lagi dengan kebijakan evaluasiyang dikenal dengan istilah UN (Ujian Nasional). Secara kognitif modelevaluasi UN tersebut tidak dapat memfasilitasi perkembanganintelektualitas yang baik (authentic ability), karena tuntutannya bersifattebak-tebakan, sehingga pebelajar cenderung hanya mengerahkankemampuan artifisialnya, bukan kemampuan autentik. Bahkan lebih celakalagi jika untuk meraih prosentase kelulusan dibentuk “tim sukses” yangberoperasi secara ilegal
