1,383 research outputs found

    The Application the Drill Method as an Effort in Improving Mathematics Learning Outcomes of Elementary Level Students

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    Learning mathematics is essentially doing mental activities.  In mathematics learning, students are required to prepare mentally in the process of receiving new knowledge. Facts in the field show that the lack of use of creative and innovative learning methods in the mathematics learning process has an impact on the low mathematics learning outcomes of grade V elementary school students.  Therefore, this research aims to apply the drill method as one of the creative and innovative methods to improve student learning outcomes. This research is a quantity research by applying pre-experimental design. Using one group pre-test and post-test, this study was conducted on grade V students of SD Negeri 2 Merauke in the 2022/2023 academic year. The total sample in this study was 32 students with the data collection method being a test. The results showed that there was a very significant improvement in student learning outcomes. The increase in the percentage of the average score of student learning outcomes from the previous pre-test of 56.78 increased in the post-test of 84.65. However, we cannot ignore the obstacles that occur. Some obstacles when implementing the drill method are inhibiting the development of students' initiative abilities, the formation of rigid and inflexible habits, the emergence of verbalism, and the emergence of boredom and boredom. For this reason, teachers must implement the drill method in a fun way, for example through games or combined with other methods

    Community Branding Kopi Anjis #Anjisforgood

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of job satisfaction and commitment to OCB on the employees of small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Data were obtained from questionnaires. Population at this penalitian is Employee at CV. Paradila as many as 150 Employees and CV. Stars while samples taken 25% obtained as many as 50 people or respondents. F test results obtained F arithmetic > F table (86.085 > 3.20). This proves that job satisfaction variable and commitment to organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) on employees of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) simultaneously influence while t test results obtained X 1 (job satisfaction) t count> t table (3.321> 1.667) while X2 (commitment) is at t count> t table (4.707> 1.667) so it is concluded that the influence of organizational commitment is more dominant than job satisfaction Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) on SME employees

    Proses Pembelajaran Memasak bagi Disabilitas Netra di SMPLB-A YPAB sebelum Pandemi

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    Kemandirian disabilitas netra dalam beraktivitas di kehidupan sehari – hari sangat penting diajarkan. Sebagai kerjasama YPAB dengan Universitas Petra, Mata Kuliah Service Learning Desain Inklusif memfasilitasi kegiatan tatap muka ini pada tahun 2018, atau sebelum pandemi Covid-19. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk menemukan metode belajar memasak yang efektif dalam desain dapur yang ramah bagi disabilitas netra. Metodenya ialah dengan desain partisipatif bersama disabilitas netra dan mengajar mikro untuk memasak bagi disabilitas netra. Kegiatan ini menghasilkan desain dapur yang aman, mudah ditemukan dan mudah dibersihkan bagi disabilitas netra. Kegiatan belajar memasak juga harus disesuaikan dengan jenis masakan rumah siswa disabilitas netra dan kemampuan memasak yang dikuasai. Kegiatan ini seharusnya dapat direplikasi pada masa pandemi Covid-19 dengan penggunaan game yang bermain peran dan juga media online seperti Youtube

    Outdoor Micro-Climate Analysis of Green Buildings on Environmental Affects Using PALM Software

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    This paper aims to analyse the effect of green buildings towards the environment, which is currently affected by climate change and other problems. Two kinds of comparisons are analysed in this study; 1) A comparison between an area with conventional buildings and an area with green rooftops and 2) A comparison between green rooftops and green floors. Both conventional buildings and green rooftops have as much as 25% of green areas out of a total area measuring 200m2 x 200m2. The results showed that the best microclimate area is case 2 with an average potential temperature of 300.64 K. It has the best performance for potential temperature because of the balanced condition between H/W ratio (0.3) and solar radiation in the area. Case 1 has full width that produces good air circulation, but excessive distance between buildings also allows more solar radiation in the area. Moreover, every material has the ability to retain solar radiation (U-value) which affects the value of potential temperature. On the other hand, case 3 has a closer distance between buildings which results in zero air circulation between buildings and a higher temperatur

    Color Changing Hydrogen Sensors

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    During the Space Shuttle Program, one of the most hazardous operation that occurred was the loading of liquid hydrogen (LH2) during fueling operations of the spacecraft. Due to hydrogen's low explosive limit, any amount leaked could lead to catastrophic event. Hydrogen's chemical properties make it ideal as a rocket fuel; however, the fuel is deemed unsafe for most commercial use because of the inability to easily detect the gas leaking. The increased use of hydrogen over traditional fossil fuels would reduce greenhouse gases and America's dependency on foreign oil. Therefore a technology that would improve safety at NASA and in the commercial sector while creating a new economic sector would have a huge impact to NASA's mission. The Chemochromic Detector for sensing hydrogen gas leakage is a color-changing detector that is useful in any application where it is important to know not only the presence but also the location of the hydrogen gas leak. This technology utilizes a chemochromicpigment and polymer matrix that can be molded or spun into rigid or pliable shapes useable in variable temperature environments including atmospheres of inert gas, hydrogen gas, or mixtures of gases. A change in color of the detector material indicates where gaseous hydrogen leaks are occurring. The irreversible sensor has a dramatic color change from beige to dark grey and remains dark grey after exposure. A reversible pigment changes from white to blue in the presence of hydrogen and reverts back to white in the presence of oxygen. Both versions of the sensor's pigments were comprised of a mixture of a metal oxide substrate and a hydro-chromic compound (i.e., the compound that changed color in the presence of hydrogen) and immediately notified the operator of the presence of low levels of hydrogen. The detector can be used in a variety of formats including paint, tape, caulking, injection molded parts, textiles and fabrics, composites, and films. This technology brings numerous benefits over the traditional hydrogen sensors: The technology has excellent temperature stability (4K to 373 K), it can be used in cryogenic fluid applications, it is easy to apply and remove; it requires no power to operate; it has a quick response time; the leak points can be detected visually or electronically; it is nonhazardous, thus environmentally friendly; it can be reversible or irreversible; it does not require on-site monitoring; has a long shelf life; the detector is very durable; and the technology is inexpensive to manufacture

    Garlic Increases Antioxidant Levels in Diabetic and Hypertensive Rats Determined by a Modified Peroxidase Method

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    Oxidative damage by free radicals has been implicated in the pathogenesis of vascular disease in diabetes and hypertension. In the present study, the total antioxidant status in diabetic and hypertensive rats before and after treatment with garlic (Allium sativum) was determined. The total serum antioxidants were measured by a modified method reported earlier by Miller and coworkers. The reproducibility of the assay was confirmed by determining standard curves for the known antioxidants: trolox (a stable analog of vitamin E), glutathione and vitamin C with interassay correlation coefficients (R2, n = 10 in triplicate) of 0.9984, 0.9768 and 0.987, respectively, confirming the reliability and reproducibility of the assay. This assay was then used to determine total serum antioxidant levels of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats and two-kidney one-clip hypertensive rats both before and after 3 weeks of treatment with an aqueous extract of garlic (500 mg/kg IP daily). The serum antioxidant levels of rats after 3 weeks of treatment were significantly higher (P < .001) than the pretreatment levels in both diabetic and hypertensive rats. The increased serum antioxidant levels were paralleled by a decrease in serum glucose in the garlic-treated diabetic rats and lowered systolic blood pressure in the garlic-treated hypertensive rats. We conclude from our study that (i) total antioxidants can be measured by a simple, reproducible, reliable assay and (ii) the total antioxidant status can be significantly improved by treatment with garlic

    Garlic Increases Antioxidant Levels in Diabetic and Hypertensive Rats Determined by a Modified Peroxidase Method

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    Oxidative damage by free radicals has been implicated in the pathogenesis of vascular disease in diabetes and hypertension. In the present study, the total antioxidant status in diabetic and hypertensive rats before and after treatment with garlic (Allium sativum) was determined. The total serum antioxidants were measured by a modified method reported earlier by Miller and coworkers. The reproducibility of the assay was confirmed by determining standard curves for the known antioxidants: trolox (a stable analog of vitamin E), glutathione and vitamin C with interassay correlation coefficients (R2, n = 10 in triplicate) of 0.9984, 0.9768 and 0.987, respectively, confirming the reliability and reproducibility of the assay. This assay was then used to determine total serum antioxidant levels of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats and two-kidney one-clip hypertensive rats both before and after 3 weeks of treatment with an aqueous extract of garlic (500 mg/kg IP daily). The serum antioxidant levels of rats after 3 weeks of treatment were significantly higher (P < .001) than the pretreatment levels in both diabetic and hypertensive rats. The increased serum antioxidant levels were paralleled by a decrease in serum glucose in the garlic-treated diabetic rats and lowered systolic blood pressure in the garlic-treated hypertensive rats. We conclude from our study that (i) total antioxidants can be measured by a simple, reproducible, reliable assay and (ii) the total antioxidant status can be significantly improved by treatment with garlic