320 research outputs found

    Advanced Minimally Invasive Techniques for Treatment of Complex Chronic Pain in Pakistan

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    Chronic pain is not only agonizing for the patient but also has both physiological and psychological adverse effects. In addition, chronic pain also results in burdening a person financially and limiting his/her ability to complete his/her work hours. The complex nature and types of chronic pain cannot be managed by any single treatment. There is always addition of new modalities and ideas for management. Epiduroscopy and adhenolysis , RFA though are used for few years in developed countries with success but are relatively new in Pakista

    Usage and Awareness of Cloud Computing Applications by Library Professionals of Sindh Province

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    The aim of the study is examine the usage and awareness level of cloud computing applications by library professionals of Sindh province. Methods- This study was quantitative survey based. The population of the study was library professionals who are working in different types of libraries likewise academic, special and community libraries of Sindh province. Sampling technique was random simple sample size was 165 library professionals (library assistant, assistant librarian, deputy librarian, librarian. Questionnaire was prepared in google form and distributed by email to selected respondents. Results- The result declared that knowledge and awareness of library professionals regarding cloud computing application is not very significant. Majority of library professionals are using cloud computing applications for their personal purposes not publically due to security of data. Practical Implication(s): This study will helpful for university administration as well as welfare department of government and development sectors to implementations of cloud computing and level of knowledge of library professionals

    Temporality of Law

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    Agentive Apprenticeship of Observation and English Teacher Identity: A Pakistani Case of Learning to Teach English

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    An exploration of literature on second/foreign language (L2/FL) teaching suggests that the phenomenon in question has been investigated either by examining classroom processes or by exploring teachers’ lived experiences. Situated in the latter area, this paper reports a qualitative study that understands how Pakistani primary school teachers learn to teach English—the subject mandated in recent curricular reforms—and develop their English teacher identity. The findings problematize the apprenticeship of observation concept and demonstrate that the teachers agentively draw upon their favorite English learning experiences. They teach English not the way they were taught, rather, they teach the way they loved learning English. Thus, they develop the English teacher identities they adored while they were students. The paper presents pertinent implications.Une exploration des écrits scientifiques sur l'enseignement des langues secondes/étrangères (L+) suggère que le phénomène en question a été étudié soit en examinant les processus de classe, soit en explorant les expériences vécues par les enseignants.  En adoptant la dernière approche, le présent article rend compte d'une étude qualitative qui examine comment les enseignants du primaire pakistanais apprennent à enseigner l'anglais - la matière prescrite dans les récentes réformes des programmes - et développent leur identité de professeur d'anglais. Les conclusions problématisent le concept d'apprentissage d’observation et montrent que les enseignants s'inspirent de leurs expériences d'apprentissage de l'anglais préférées. Ils n'enseignent pas l'anglais comme ils l'ont appris, mais plutôt comme ils ont aimé l’apprendre. Ainsi, ils développent les identités des professeurs d'anglais qu'ils adoraient lorsqu'ils étaient élèves. L'article présente des implications pertinentes

    Advocacy Under Islam and Common Law

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    This Article shows that both Anglo-American and Islamic legal traditions have been highly sophisticated in supporting advocacy as a doctrine of justice. And both traditions must save this doctrine from distortions that have corroded the doctrine\u27s normative foundation. This comparative study will hopefully provide insights into jurisprudential recesses of each tradition. It might also inform lawyers, judges, and academics of the two traditions, possibly generating mutual respect and learning

    A Study on Occupational Stress Among Faculty Members in Private Institutes of Hyderabad, Sindh

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    The topic “Occupational Stress among faculty members in Higher Educational Institutions of Hyderabad” was selected with the overall purpose of understanding the phenomenon of stress among faculty members and to find out how they combat stress operatively and strategically in higher educational institutions. The questionnaire was used as an instrument to collect data from 130 faculty members of different higher educational institutions in Hyderabad. The sample was taken by the stratified random sampling among the institutions of management, information technology, engineering, law, science and other faculties. The sample of research study included all teaching positions who were related to teaching with different designation as a Lab Instructor, Lecturer, assistant professors, associate professors, and professors. Seventy six percent of the respondents were women. The respondents’ responses were measured by the following Stressors: workload, situations at work, and relations with colleagues at work, efforts for students, work for organization benefits, and social acknowledgment with his status. The results exposed that the determining factor of stress between the administrators and teaching staff, with compiling of results, time burdens, infrastructure, student’s indiscipline and poor pay prospects are high ranked stressors. The conclusions also exposed that the administrators experienced, on a normal a low to moderate level of stress and this did not negatively affect their performance. This research will benefit the faculty in deal with work related stress. Keywords:Work stress, academic administrators, Stressors, job satisfaction, stress managemen

    Information and Communication Technology Practices in Public Sector University Libraries of Sindh Provence

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    The effectiveness of library services depends on a large extent of the information and communication technology (ICT). This effective study happens to explore the gradual advancement of modern technologies in libraries science through difference of old and new technologies in the world. The study is able to identify the various elements of information and communication technology which is used or being used in libraries and information systems. However, the study identifies the exact reasons for the use of computer technologies and related libraries. It also determines opportunities, jobs, impact and challenges being faced by library management system based on information and communications technology. Keywords: ICT, MARC, CDs, DVDs, DVD-ROM, CDS/ISIS, GENISIS, OPAC, Teleconference, Artificial Intelligence and internet

    Protection of Languages and Self-Expressions under Islamic Law

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    Islamic law recognizes two distinct divine rights, one applying to speech communities and the other to individuals. The divine right to language allows each speech community to preserve and celebrate its native language free of coercion and disrespect from other speech communities. Native languages are the assets of speech communities. Islamic law prohibits coercive degradation of native languages while at the same time it interposes no barriers in learning other languages. Closely related to the right to language is the divine right to individual self-expression or self-determination. Each human being is unique because God, the Master-Artist, shapes each human being with special attention. Social, economic, and legal barriers that suppress special talents or refuse to accommodate disabilities are incompatible with Islamic law. When individuals are given the liberty allowed under Islamic law to pursue sciences, arts, knowledge, sports, and spirituality, Muslim communities prosper. When Muslim states are oppressive, they undermine individual initiatives. This study recommends that Muslim states should recognize linguistic pluralism and the right to self expression in their positive law, including national constitution

    Factors Effecting the During Online Shopping: Case Study of Hyderabad City

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    This research is involved to know the behavior or attitude of Hyderabad consumers concerning online shopping. In this research, researcher fined the behavior or attitude of consumer when they are using the online shopping at Hyderabad. This research helps us to find out the issues (product guarantee, servicer/product cost, and varieties of product, product / service value, suitability, social norms and website design)    which are act as a factors of online shopping in Hyderabad and Hyderabad customer to accept online shopping as their primary mode of shopping.Results specify that high perceived risk is the most important and significant factor as compared to all other factors. Clients with lower level of education, trainings, income and who are female find it more difficult to accept online shopping. Barriers are also found complex for the clients without any prior online shopping experience. The study not only found the current online shopping trends, but also provided an insight into the future of online shopping in Hyderabad
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