198 research outputs found


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    Objectives: The study was designed to determine the effect of menopause and lifestyle factors on Serum Vitamin D levels in postmenopausal women. Methods: The present study comprises 100 healthy women treated as controls and was compared to 200 postmenopausal women as cases. Those fulfilling inclusion and exclusion criteria were enrolled for the study and blood samples were analyzed for Vitamin D and Estrogen. Results: Significant lower concentration of Vitamin D (p<0.001) and estrogen (p<0.001) was found in postmenopausal women when compared with healthy women. Conclusion: Vitamin D is a steroid hormone known for its essential role in maintaining calcium homeostasis, promoting and maintaining bone health, and improving immune function. During the menopausal stages, there is a gradual reduction in estrogen levels this decline in estrogen production promotes Vitamin D deficiency


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    Objectives: The study was designed to determine fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and lipid profiles in postmenopausal women. Methods: 200 postmenopausal women were enrolled for the study and were compared to 100 normal healthy women of the same age from the Outdoor Patient Department of LN Medical College and research center of Bhopal city. Those fulfilling inclusion and exclusion criteria were enrolled for the study and the blood samples were analyzed for lipid profile and FPG. Results: Significant higher concentrations of total cholesterol (p<0.001), triglyceride (p<0.001), low-density lipoprotein (LDL) (p<0.001), very LDLs (p<0.001), and FPG (p<0.001) were demonstrated in postmenopausal women when compared with normal healthy women. A significantly lower concentration of high-density lipoprotein (p<0.001) was demonstrated in postmenopausal women when compared with normal healthy women. Conclusion: Menopausal transition and the related changes in the hormonal milieu (e.g., decreased systemic estradiol (E2) levels) are linked with adverse changes in several indicators of metabolic health. For instance, during the menopausal transition elevated blood glucose levels and adverse changes in serum lipids have been reported

    Influence of the Different Carbon and Nitrogen Sources on the Production of Biodiesel by Oleaginous Fungi Aspergillus terreus, Aspergillus fumigatus

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    في الدراسة الحاليه  تمت المقارنه بين تاثير مصادر كربونيه ونتروجينيه مختلفه على النمو ومحتوى الدهون في عزلتين من الفطريات المنتجه للدهون    Aspergillus  terreus و Aspergillus fumigatus  . زرعت العزلتين الفطريه على اوساط زرعيه حاويه على مصادر كربونيه مختلفه السكريات الاحاديه والثنائية والمتعدده  ومصادر نتروجينيه متضمنه الببتون وخلاصة الخميرة  وكانت الاوساط الحاويه على السكروز / خلاصة الخميره  او السكروز / خلاصة الخميره اكثر تاثيرا على انتاجيه الدهون للعزلتين الفطريه خلال فترة حضانه اسبوعين حيث بلغت   اعلى قيمة للكتلة الحيويه المتمثلة بالوزن الجاف (19.6 , 18.8)   (25.8 , 30.5 ) ,   غم / لتر ونسبة الدهون  (1, 0.97 )g/L  , (0.65 , 0.65) غم / لتر لكلا العزلنين الفطريه Aspergillus  terreus   و   Aspergillus fumigatus  على الترتيب ثم تبعتها اوساط الغنيه  بالمالتوز/ خلاصة الخميرة واخيرا النشا  / خلاصة الخميرة . وفيما يخص تحليل الحوامض الدهنيه بواسطه جهاز كروموتوكرافيا الغاز Gas Chromotography   والمنتجه من قبل كلا  العزلتين الفطريتين لوحظ وجود انواع مختلفه تضمنت   Palmitic   Oleic acids , stearic acid   و linoleic acid   اي المشبعه والغير مشبعه. اظهرت النتائج تفاوت في تركيب الحوامض الدهنيه يعتمد على نوع مصادر الكربون والنتروجين , وجود الحوامض الدهنيه المشبعه الاحاديه والغير مشبعه في كلا الفطرين  A. terreus و  A.fumigatusيثبت كونهما مرشحان جيدين في انتاج الديزل الحيوي.In the present study, the growth and total lipid contents of two oleaginous fungal isolates Aspergillus terreus, Aspergillus fumigatus were compared in different nitrogen and organic carbon sources.  Artificially the fungi were cultured on media consisting of various mono- or di- or polysaccharides and  peptone or yeast extract as elementary sources for carbon and nitrogen, respectively. Media containing sucrose /yeast extract or glucose/ yeast extract were the most effective for lipid production from fungal, during  two weeks  incubation period, the highest biomass of dry weight was (19.6 , 18.8) g / L , (25.8 , 30.5) g /L  and  lipid yield (1, 0.97 )g/L, (0.65, 0.65) g/ L for two isolates Aspergillus terreus and Aspergillus fumigatus  respectively then followed maltose/ yeast extract then  starch / yeast extract .Analysis of fatty acid produced by two fungal isolates  using Gas Chromatography  showed the existence of a wide range of fatty acids, these fatty acids were together saturated and unsaturated. The results revealed that the unevenness in the fatty acids composition mainly depends on the type of carbon and nitrogen sources. The existence of saturated and mono saturated fatty acids in A.fumigatus, A. terreus prove that they are  good candidate for biodiesel production. The analysis of fatty acid from the fungal growth showed the existence of a wide range of fatty acids   Palmitic ,Oleic acids , stearic acid and linoleic acid     together saturated and unsaturated. The results revealed that the unevenness in the fatty acid composition mainly depends on the type  of carbon  and nitrogen sources. The presence of saturated and mono saturated fatty acid in  A.fumigatus , A. terreus prove that it is a good candidate for biodiesel production

    Importance of Spoken English Language in our Professional Development and Life

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     Spoken English Language has become the life blood of our professional development and social life. In the worldwide market place spoken English has emerged as the lingua franca. There is a huge and growing demand, for training in Spoken English skills from individuals and companies in all sectors and in all parts of the world. The Importance of Spoken English Language in this age of globalization is essential. English language is the most important language of communication between different countries. UN has recognized 5 languages as its official languages one of them English takes the 1st position. English is spoken by communities on every continent and on oceanic islands in all the major oceans. English is the dominant international language in science, business, aviation, entertainment, and diplomacy, and also on the Internet. In most fields of work your ability to speak English can help you advance your career; helping you get the job you want and earn more money. No matter what your area of expertise, skill in English will contribute substantially to your success. Speaking and understanding English will allow a person to communicate with each other, besides this it offers you more chances of doing professional jobs not in your own country but around the world

    The concept of self in modern and contemporary philosophy

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      This research tries to examine the concept of self within the framework of modern philosophy and contemporary philosophy, in an attempt to highlight the role of this concept in the formation of most of the philosophical doctrines from the Greek era to the contemporary philosophy, through modern philosophy. In this research, we will attempt to study the formation of this concept in the framework of modern and contemporary philosophy, to show the philosophers' interest in this concept and the extent to which the concept is linked to the clarify their own philosophy. Therefore, the research attempts to provide a follow-up reading of the concept of self in a comparative historical context, in which we demonstrate that this concept is still alive in contemporary philosophy, albeit with different names, such as reason, mind or feeling. We will conclude from this the importance of the concept of self in the philosophical context, which still occupies an important space in the thinking of modern and contemporary philosophers. Here we will try to ask several questions, including what is the dualism of the soul and body. How can the soul be a logical synthesis, an emanated mind, or a subjective feeling? In this research, we will try to answer these questions and other questions that will appear in the context of the research


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    Nilai pendidikan berkarakter toleransi penting ditanamkan kepada peserta didik. Salah satu alasannya adalah karakteristik masyarakat Provinsi Sumatera Utara yang plural (beragam) mulai dari agama atau aliran kepercayaannya, suku dan adat istiadat, bahasa, keadaan sosial budaya, ekonomi, politik dan sebagainya. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Desa Pegajahan, Kab. Deli Serdang, Provinsi Sumatera Utara. Desa ini dibagi menjadi beberapa Dusun. Salah satu yang menarik dari desa ini adalah berdirinya Pura, yakni tempat beribadahnya Umat Hindu di tengah masyarakat yang mayoritasnya Muslim. Selain itu sukunya juga beragam. Di desa ini masyarakatnya ada yang bersuku Batak Simalungun, Batak Toba, Batak Karo, dan mayoritasnya bersuku Jawa. Dari keberagaman yang ada di Desa Pegajahan ini, maka penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui nilai pendidikan berkarakter toleransi di desa tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan teknik deskriptif analisis dan pendekatan lapangan. Adapun nilai pendidikan berkarakter toleransi di Desa Pegajahan adalah: (1) Mampu hidup bersama dalam setiap perbedaan yang ada; (2) Membangun saling percaya antara satu sama lain dalam kehidupan bersosial; (3) Memelihara saling pengertian bahwa setiap ajaran agama memiliki perbedaan; (4) Menjunjung tinggi sikap saling menghargai.Kata Kunci: Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan, Toleransi, Karakte

    SRAM-PUF Based Entities Authentication Scheme for Resource-constrained IoT Devices

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    Introduction: Spirometry is important in the diagnosis and management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), yet it is a common clinical observation that it is underused though the extent is unclear. This survey aims to examine the use of spirometry in the diagnosis and management of COPD patients in districts of, Karachi. Material and Methods: It is a cross-sectional survey involving four clinic settings: hospital-based respiratory specialist clinic, hospital-based mixed medical specialist clinic, general outpatient clinic (primary care), and tuberculosis and chest clinic. Thirty physician-diagnosed COPD patients were randomly selected from each of the four clinic groups. All of them had a forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) to forced vital capacity (FVC) ratio less than 0.70 and had been followed up at the participating clinic for at least 6 months for COPD treatment. Results: Of the 120 COPD patients, there were 111 males and mean post-bronchodilator FEV1 was 46.2% predicted. Only 22 patients (18.3%) had spirometry done during diagnostic workup, and 64 patients (53.3%) had spirometry done ever. Conclusion: We conclude that spirometry is underused in general but especially by non-respiratory physicians and family physicians in the management of COPD patients. More effort at educating the medical community is urgently needed. KEYWORDS: Pulmonary function tests; Specialist; Forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1); Forced vital capacity (FVC)


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    Introduction: Spirometry is important in the diagnosis and management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), yet it is a common clinical observation that it is underused though the extent is unclear. This survey aims to examine the use of spirometry in the diagnosis and management of COPD patients in districts of, Karachi. Material and Methods: It is a cross-sectional survey involving four clinic settings: hospital-based respiratory specialist clinic, hospital-based mixed medical specialist clinic, general outpatient clinic (primary care), and tuberculosis and chest clinic. Thirty physician-diagnosed COPD patients were randomly selected from each of the four clinic groups. All of them had a forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) to forced vital capacity (FVC) ratio less than 0.70 and had been followed up at the participating clinic for at least 6 months for COPD treatment. Results: Of the 120 COPD patients, there were 111 males and mean post-bronchodilator FEV1 was 46.2% predicted. Only 22 patients (18.3%) had spirometry done during diagnostic workup, and 64 patients (53.3%) had spirometry done ever. Conclusion: We conclude that spirometry is underused in general but especially by non-respiratory physicians and family physicians in the management of COPD patients. More effort at educating the medical community is urgently needed. KEYWORDS: Pulmonary function tests; Specialist; Forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1); Forced vital capacity (FVC)