24 research outputs found

    Power quality analysis using frequency domain smooth-windowed Wigner-Ville distribution

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    Power quality has become a great concern to all electricity consumers. Poor power quality can cause equipment failure, data and economical losses. An automated monitoring system is needed to ensure signal quality, reduce diagnostic time and rectify failures. This paper presents the analysis of power quality signals using frequency domain smooth-windowed Wigner-Ville distribution (FDSWWVD). The power quality signals focused are swell, sag, interruption, harmonic, interharmonic and transient based on IEEE Std. 1159-2009. The TFD represents signal jointly in time-frequency representation (TFR) with good frequency and time resolution. Thus, it is very appropriate to analyze the signals that consist of multi-frequency components and magnitude variations. However, there is no fixed kernel of the TFD can be used to remove cross-terms for all types of signals. A set of performance measures is defined and used to compare the TFRs to identify and verify the TFD that operated at optimal kernel parameters. The result shows that FDSWWVD offers good performance of TFR and appropriate for power quality analysis

    Development of Wireless Data Transfer System on Unmanned Underwater Vehicles Application

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    This paper presents the development of wireless system for data transfer on unmanned underwater vehicles (UUV) using Xbee Pro 60mWatt. Nowadays, wireless communication technology has become part of our daily life. However, research in underwater wireless communication has been active to design the methods for wireless data transmission underwater. In this system is very important to transfer data from UUV to vessel/platform or other UUV. The technology of underwater wireless communication can be used such as to detect fish or ship, identify the environment at bottom of sea and transmitting data from sea to land. Throughout this project, a few experiments have been done to develop a wireless system for data transfer from underwater vehicles to Computer based (CB). A transmitter (CB) will send a data to a receiver (UUV) that attached to a UUV (FKE-UTeRGlider). Hardware’s that has been used such as XBee Pro 60mW Antenna and XBee Pro Starter Kit that will function as a transmitter and receiver to transfer data using wireless systems respectively. The microcontroller used in this project is PIC microcontroller that functions as an interface with the computer. Graphical User Interface (GUI) by Visual Basic (VB) software has been used as a way to communicate with the PIC. All the results for data transfer will discuss in this pape

    Obstacle Avoidance System for Unmanned Underwater Vehicle using Fin System

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    An underwater glider is a type of an unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV). The movement of an underwater glider in the water is based on the buoyancy-propelled for float and fixed-winged for stabilizing the glider’s body. However, a fixed wing underwater glider has limitation to avoid hitting the obstacle in front of it. To overcome this problem, the application of fin system in underwater glider is needed. In this project, a methodology was introduced which is design a flexible fin system of an underwater glider for obstacle avoidance purpose. This project mainly focused on SolidWorks’s simulation and analysis of -30°, -45°, -60° for submerge and rise up at 30°, 45°, 60° to get the most suitable angle for the glider’s fin system to submerge and rise up. The UTeM underwater glider is modified from fixed to flexible wing. Hence, Peripheral Interface Controller (PIC) is used to program the movement of the glider’s wings for upward at 45°and downward at -45°in the water. Thus,a flexible fin system for obstacle avoidance is designed and applied in UTeM underwater glider

    Design And Development Of Auto Depth Control Of Remotely Operated Vehicle Using Thrusters System

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    Remotely Operated Vehicles are underwater robots designed specifically for surveillance, monitoring and collecting data for underwater activities. In the underwater vehicle industries, the thruster is an important part in controlling the direction, depth and speed of the ROV. However, there are some ROVs that cannot be maintained at the specified depth for a long time because of disturbance. This paper proposes an auto depth control using a thruster system. A prototype of a thruster with an auto depth control is developed and attached to the previously fabricated UTeM ROV. This paper presents the operation of auto depth control as well as thrusters for submerging and emerging purposes and maintaining the specified depth. The thruster system utilizes a microcontroller as its brain, a piezoresistive strain gauge pressure sensor and a DC brushless motor to run the propeller. Performance analysis of the auto depth control system is conducted to identify the sensitivity of the pressure sensor, and the accuracy and stability of the system. The results show that the thruster system performs well in maintaining a specified depth as well as stabilizing itself when a disturbanceoccurs even with a simple proportional controller used to control the thruster, where the thruster is an important component of the ROV

    Oil and Gas Offshore Pipeline Leak Detection System: A Feasibility Study

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    Pipelines leaks normally begin at poor joints, corrosions and cracks, and slowly progress to a major leakage. Accidents, terror, sabotage, or theft are some of human factor of pipeline leak. The primary purpose of Pipeline leak detection systems (PLDS) is to assist pipeline operators in detecting and locating leaks earlier. PLDS systems provide an alarm and display other related data to the pipeline operators for their decision-making. It is also beneficial because PLDS can enhance their productivity by reduced downtime and inspection time. PLDS can be divided into internally based or computational modeling PLDS Systems and external hardware based PLDS. The purpose of this paper is to study the various types of leak detection systems based on internally systemtodefine a set of key criteria for evaluating the characteristics of this system and provide an evaluation method of leak detection technology as a guideline of choosing the appropriate system

    Study of the Effect in the Output Membership Function When Tuning a Fuzzy Logic Controller

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    This paper describes a study of tuning process for fuzzy logic controller (FLC) design. In fuzzy logic controller design, there is no systematic procedure to tune fuzzy logic controller to follow a desired set point. The tuning process of Fuzzy Logic Controllers (FLCs) using trial-and-error approach is commonly done until satisfactory results are obtained. This is usually a tedious and time-consuming task but it has been widely employed and has been used in many successful industrial applications. The performance of the system can be analyzed. If the results are not as desired, changes are made either to the number of the fuzzy partitions or the mapping of the membership function and then the system can be tested again. This paper demonstrates a faster tuning process by adjusting the mapping of the membership function to get desired output. Through identifying and analyzing what will be done on adjusting mapping of membership functions by utilizing knowledge from the experts, it will be demonstrated in this paper that the tuning process of FLCs can be easily simplified

    Underwater Technology Research Group (UTeRG) Glider for Monitoring and Surveillances Applications

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    This paper describes a design and development of Underwater Glider for Monitoring and surveillances applications. An Underwater Glider is a type of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV). Underwater gliders are buoyancy-driven device. It can alternately reduce and expand displaced volume to dive or climb through the ocean. It has wings to control its motion from vertical to horizontal at very low power consumption. The motivation of this underwater glider is at its long range and high endurance for certain types of mission. Gliders are designed to slip through the ocean a fraction of meter per second to cover hundreds of meters for weeks. It can be used in commercial and military purpose. The design and development of this underwater glider have hydrodynamic characteristic, stability and buoyancy. The simple Microprocessor PIC is used to control the movement of the glider. There are three major phase in developing this glider which are mechanical design, programming and fabrication. The speed and power consumption of the glider in pool and lake are then measured and analyzed. This glider was tested on three types of differences testing area such as lake, swimming pool and laboratory pool. This paper also shows the performances of glider in term of speed and power consumption of three conditions. This glider is proven suitable for monitoring and surveillances application

    Power Quality Analysis Using Frequency Domain Smooth - Windowed Wigner - Ville Distribution

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    Power quality has become a great concern to all electricity consumers. Poor power quality can cause equipment failure, data and economical losses. An automated monitoring system is needed to ensure signal quality, reduce diagnostic time and rectify failures. This paper presents the analysis of power quality signals using frequency domain smooth-windowed Wigner-Ville distribution (FDSWWVD). The power quality signals focused are swell, sag, interruption, harmonic, interharmonic and transient based on IEEE Std. 1159-2009. The TFD represents signal jointly in time-frequency representation (TFR) with good frequency and time resolution. Thus, it is very appropriate to analyze the signals that consist of multi-frequency components and magnitude variations. However, there is no fixed kernel of the TFD can be used to remove cross-terms for all types of signals. A set of performance measures is defined and used to compare the TFRs to identify and verify the TFD that operated at optimal kernel parameters. The result shows that FDSWWVD offers good performance of TFR and appropriate for power quality analysis

    Oil and Gas Offshore Pipeline Leak Detection System: A Feasibility Study

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    Pipelines leaks normally begin at poor joints, corrosions and cracks, and slowly progress to a major leakage. Accidents, terror, sabotage, or theft are some of human factor of pipeline leak. The primary purpose of Pipeline leak detection systems (PLDS) is to assist pipeline operators in detecting and locating leaks earlier. PLDS systems provide an alarm and display other related data to the pipeline operators for their decision-making. It is also beneficial because PLDS can enhance their productivity by reduced downtime and inspection time. PLDS can be divided into internally base or computational modeling PLDS Systems and external hardware base PLDS. The purpose of this paper is to study the various types of leak detection systems based on internally system to define a set of key criteria for evaluating the characteristics of this system and provide an evaluation method of leak detection technology as a guideline of choosing the appropriate system