35 research outputs found

    A flexible-dose dispenser for immediate and extended release 3D printed tablets

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    The advances in personalised medicine increased the demand for a fast, accurate and reliable production method of tablets that can be digitally controlled by healthcare staff. A flexible dose tablet system is presented in this study that proved to be suitable for immediate and extended release tablets with a realistic drug loading and an easy-to-swallow tablet design. The method bridges the affordable and digitally controlled Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) 3D printing with a standard pharmaceutical manufacturing process, Hot Melt Extrusion (HME). The reported method was compatible with three methacrylic polymers (Eudragit RL, RS and E) as well as a cellulose-based one (hydroxypropyl cellulose, HPC SSL). The use of a HME based pharmaceutical filament preserved the linear relationship between the mass and printed volume and was utilized to digitally control the dose via an input from computer software with dose accuracy in the range of 91-95%. Higher resolution printing quality doubled the printing time, but showed a little effect on in vitro release pattern of theophylline and weight accuracy. Physical characterization studies indicated that the majority of the model drug (theophylline) in the 3D printed tablet exists in a crystal form. Owing to the small size, ease of use and the highly adjustable nature of FDM 3D printers, the method holds promise for future individualised treatment

    A Novel Multilayer Natural Coating for Fed-State Gastric Protection

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    Several nutraceutical products require gastric protection against the hostile environment in the stomach. Currently marketed synthetic and semi-synthetic coatings suffer from major shortcomings such as poor gastric protection, slow-release response to pH change, and the use of artificial ingredients. The challenge of coating natural products is further exacerbated by the relatively high gastric pH in the fed state. In this work, a novel natural enteric coating is presented as a breakthrough alternative to current solutions. Two coating systems were devised: (i) a triple-layer coating that comprises a wax layer embedded between two alginate-based coatings, and (ii) a double-layer coating, where an overcoat of organic acids (fumaric or citric acid) is applied to an alginate-based coating. The multi-layer architecture did not impact the pH-responsive nature of the coating even when more biologically relevant Krebs bicarbonate buffer of lower buffer capacity was used. Interestingly, the gastric protection barrier of organic acid-based coating remained resistant at elevated gastric pH 2, 3, or 4 for 2 h. This is the first report of using an alginate-based coating to provide gastric protection against fed-state stomach conditions (pH 2–4). Being biodegradable, naturally occurring, and with no limit on daily intake, the reported novel coating provides a superior platform to current coating solutions for pharmaceutical and nutraceutical products

    Can filaments be stored as a shelf-item for on-demand manufacturing of oral 3D printed tablets? An initial stability assessment

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    3D printing of oral solid dosage forms is a recently introduced approach for dose personalisation. Fused deposition modelling (FDM) is one of the promising and heavily researched 3D printing techniques in the pharmaceutical field. However, the successful application of this technique relies greatly on the mass manufacturing of physically and chemically stable filaments, that can be readily available as a shelf item to be 3D printed on-demand. In this work, the stability of methacrylate polymers (Eudragit EPO, RL, L100-55 and S100), hydroxypropyl cellulose (HPC SSL) and polyvinyl pyrrolidone (PVP)-based filaments over 6 months were investigated. Filaments manufactured by hot melt extrusion (HME) were stored at either 5 °C or 30 °C + 65 %RH with/without vacuuming. The effects of storage on their dimensions, visual appearance, thermal properties, and ‘printability’ were analysed. Theophylline content, as well as in vitro release from the 3D printed tablets were also investigated. The filaments were analysed before storage, then after 1, 3 and 6 months from the manufacturing date. Storing the filaments at these conditions had a significant effect on their physical properties, such as shape, dimensions, flexibility and hence compatibility with FDM 3D printing. In general, the methacrylate-based filaments were more physically stable and compatible with FDM 3D printing following storage. Owing to their hygroscopic nature, cellulose- and PVP-based filaments demonstrated a reduction in their glass transition temperature upon storage, leading to increased flexibility and incompatibility with FDM 3D printer. Theophylline contents was not significantly changed during the storage. This work provides preliminary data for the impact of polymer species on the long-term stability of filaments. In general, storage and packaging conditions have a major impact on the potential of on-demand manufacturing of 3D printed tablets using hot melt extruded filaments

    Embedded 3D printing of novel bespoke soft dosage form concept for pediatrics

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    Embedded three-dimensional printing (e-3DP) is an emerging method for additive manufacturing where semi-solid materials are extruded within a solidifying liquid matrix. Here, we present the first example of employing e-3DP in the pharmaceutical field and demonstrate the fabrication of bespoke chewable dosage forms with dual drug loading for potential use in pediatrics. Legoâ„¢-like chewable bricks made of edible soft material (gelatin-based matrix) were produced by directly extruding novel printing patterns of model drug ink (embedded phase) into a liquid gelatin-based matrix (embedding phase) at an elevated temperature (70â—¦C) to then solidify at room temperature. Dose titration of the two model drugs (paracetamol and ibuprofen) was possible by using specially designed printing patterns of the embedded phase to produce varying doses. A linearity [R2 = 0.9804 (paracetamol) and 0.9976 (ibuprofen)] was achieved between percentage of completion of printing patterns and achieved doses using a multi-step method. The impact of embedded phase rheological behavior, the printing speed and the needle size of the embedded phase were examined. Owning to their appearance, modular nature, ease of personalizing dose and geometry, and tailoring and potential inclusion of various materials, this new dosage form concept holds a substantial promise for novel dosage forms in pediatrics

    The use of near-infrared as process analytical technology (PAT) during 3D printing tablets at the point-of-care

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    Fused deposition modelling (FDM) is one of the most researched 3D printing technologies that holds great potential for low-cost manufacturing of personalised medicine. To achieve real-time release, timely quality control is a major challenge for applying 3D printing technologies as a point-of-care (PoC) manufacturing approach. This work proposes the use of a low-cost and compact near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy modality as a process analytical technology (PAT) to monitor a critical quality attribute (drug content) during and after FDM 3D printing process. 3D printed caffeine tablets were used to manifest the feasibility of the NIR model as a quantitative analytical procedure and dose verification method. Caffeine tablets (0–40 % w/w) were fabricated using polyvinyl alcohol and FDM 3D printing. The predictive performance of the NIR model was demonstrated in linearity (correlation coefficient, R2) and accuracy (root mean square error of prediction, RMSEP). The actual drug content values were determined using the reference high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method. The model of full-completion caffeine tablets demonstrated linearity (R2 = 0.985) and accuracy (RMSEP = 1.4 %), indicated to be an alternative dose quantitation method for 3D printed products. The ability of the models to assess caffeine contents during the 3D printing process could not be accurately achieved using the model built with complete tablets. Instead, by building a predictive model for each completion stage of 20 %, 40 %, 60 % and 80 %, the model of different completion caffeine tablets displayed linearity (R2 of 0.991, 0.99, 0.987, and 0.983) and accuracy (RMSEP of 2.22 %, 1.65 %, 1.41 %, 0.83 %), respectively. Overall, this study demonstrated the feasibility of a low-cost NIR model as a non-destructive, compact, and rapid analysis dose verification method enabling the real-time release to facilitate 3D printing medicine production in the clinic

    Solvent-free temperature-facilitated direct extrusion 3D printing for pharmaceuticals

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    In an era moving towards digital health, 3D printing has successfully proven its applicability in providing personalised medicine through a technology-based approach. Among the different 3D printing techniques, direct extrusion 3D printing has been demonstrated as a promising approach for on demand manufacturing of solid dosage forms. However, it usually requires the use of elevated temperatures and/or the incorporation of an evaporable solvent (usually water). This can implicate the addition of a drying step, which may compromise the integrity of moisture- or temperature-sensitive drugs, and open the door for additional quality control challenges. Here, we demonstrate a new approach that simplifies direct extrusion 3D printing process with the elimination of the post-printing drying step, by merely adding a fatty glyceride, glyceryl monostearate (GMS), to a model drug (theophylline) and permeable water insoluble methacrylate polymers (Eudragit RL and RS). Indeed, rheological studies indicated that the addition of a combination of a plasticiser, (triethyl citrate), and GMS to theophylline: methacrylate polymer blends significantly reduced the extensional viscosity (to <2.5 kPa·Sec) at 90 °C. Interestingly, GMS demonstrated a dual temperature-dependant behaviour by acting both as a plasticiser and a lubricant at printing temperature (90–110 °C), while aiding solidification at room temperature. X-ray powder diffraction indicated incomplete miscibility of GMS within the polymeric matrix at room temperature with the presence of a subtle diffraction peak, at 2(Θ) = 20°. The 3D printed tablets showed acceptable compendial weight and content uniformity as well as sufficient mechanical resistance. In vitro theophylline release from 3D printed tablets was dependant on Eudragit RL:RS ratio. All in all, this work contributes to the efforts of developing a simplified, facile and low-cost 3D printing for small batch manufacturing of bespoke tablets that circumvents the use of high temperature and post-manufacturing drying step

    Creating Acceptable Tablets 3D (CAT 3D): A Feasibility Study to Evaluate the Acceptability of 3D Printed Tablets in Children and Young People

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    3D printing (3DP) has been proposed as a novel approach for personalising dosage forms for children and young people (CYP). Owing to its low cost and the lack of need for finishing steps, fused deposing modelling (FDM) 3DP has been heavily researched in solid dosage forms (SDFs) manufacturing. However, the swallowability and overall acceptability of 3D printed dosage forms are yet to be established. This work is the first to evaluate the acceptability of different sized 3D printed placebo SDFs in CYP (aged 4–12 years). All participants had previously participated in a feasibility study (CAT study) that assessed the swallowability and acceptability of different sized GMP manufactured placebo conventional film-coated tablets, and therefore only attempted to swallow one 3D printed tablet. The participants assessed the swallowability, acceptability, mouthfeel, volume of water consumed, and taste of the sample using a 5-point hedonic facial scale on a partic-ipant questionnaire. A total of 30 participants were recruited, 87% of whom successfully swallowed the 3D printed tablet that they attempted to take. Attributes of the 3D printed tablets were scored as acceptable by the following percentage of participants—swallowability (80%), mouthfeel/texture (87%), the volume of water consumed (80%), taste (93%), and overall acceptability (83%). Overall, 77% of children reported they would be happy to take the tablet every day if it was a medicine. Participants were also asked which tablets felt better in the mouth—the film-coated tablets or the 3D printed tablets, and the most popular response (43%) was that both were acceptable. This study shows that FDM-based 3D printed SDFs may be a suitable dosage form for children aged 4–12 years. The results from this feasibility study will be used to inform a larger, definitive study looking at the acceptability of 3D printed tablets in children

    Laser-cutting: A novel alternative approach for point-of-care manufacturing of bespoke tablets

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    A novel subtractive manufacturing method to produce bespoke tablets with immediate and extended drug release is presented. This is the first report on applying fusion laser cutting to produce bespoke furosemide solid dosage forms based on pharmaceutical-grade polymeric carriers. Cylindric tablets of different sizes were produced by controlling the two-dimensional design of circles of the corresponding diameter. Immediate and extended drug release patterns were achieved by modifying the composition of the polymeric matrix. Thermal analysis and XRD indicated that furosemide was present in an amorphous form. The laser-cut tablets demonstrated no significant drug degradation (<2%) nor the formation of impurities were identified. Multi-linear regression was used to quantify the influences of laser-cutting process parameters (laser energy levels, scan speeds, and the number of laser applications) on the depth of the laser cut. The utility of this approach was exemplified by manufacturing tablets of accurate doses of furosemide. Unlike additive or formative manufacturing, the reported approach of subtractive manufacturing avoids the modification of the structure, e.g., the physical form of the drug or matrix density of the tablet during the production process. Hence, fusion laser cutting is less likely to modify critical quality attributes such as release patterns or drug contents. In a point-of-care manufacturing scenario, laser cutting offers a significant advantage of simplifying quality control and a real-time release of laser-cut products such as solid dosage forms and implants

    Development of a Simple Mechanical Screening Method for Predicting the Feedability of a Pharmaceutical FDM 3D Printing Filament

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    Purpose: The filament-based feeding mechanism employed by the majority of fused deposition modelling (FDM) 3D printers dictates that the materials must have very specific mechanical characteristics. Without a suitable mechanical profile, the filament can cause blockages in the printer. The purpose of this study was to develop a method to screen the mechanical properties of pharmaceutically-relevant, hot-melt extruded filaments to predetermine their suitability for FDM. Methods: A texture analyzer was used to simulate the forces a filament is subjected to inside the printer. The texture analyzer produced a force-distance curve referred to as the flexibility profile. Principal Component Analysis and Correlation Analysis statistical methods were then used to compare the flexibility profiles of commercial filaments to in-house made filaments. Results: Principal component analysis showed clearly separated clustering of filaments that suffer from mechanical defects versus filaments which are suitable for printing. Correlation scores likewise showed significantly greater values with feedable filaments than their mechanically deficient counterparts. Conclusion: The screening method developed in this study showed, with statistical significance and reproducibility, the ability to predetermine the feedability of extruded filaments into an FDM printer

    Anti-glioma activity and the mechanism of cellular uptake of asiatic acid-loaded solid lipid nanoparticles

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    Asiatic acid (AA), a pentacyclic triterpene found in Centella Asiatica, has shown neuroprotective and anti-cancer activity against glioma. However, owing to its poor aqueous solubility, effective delivery and absorption across biological barriers, in particular the blood brain barrier (BBB), are challenging. Solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs) have shown a promising potential as a drug delivery system to carry lipophilic drugs across the BBB, a major obstacle in brain cancer therapy. Nevertheless, limited information is available about the cytotoxic mechanisms of nano-lipidic carriers with AA on normal and glioma cells. This study assessed the anti-cancer efficacy of AA-loaded SLNs against glioblastoma and their cellular uptake mechanism in comparison with SVG P12 (human foetal glial) cells. SLNs were systematically investigated for three different solid lipids; glyceryl monostearate (MS), glyceryl distearate (DS) and glyceryl tristearate (TS). The non-drug containing MS-SLNs (E-MS-SLNs) did not show any apparent toxicity towards normal SVG P12 cells, whilst the AA-loaded MS-SLNs (AA-MS-SLNs) displayed a more favourable drug release profile and higher cytotoxicity towards U87 MG cells. Therefore, MS-SLNs were chosen for further in vitro studies. Cytotoxicity studies of SLNs (±AA) were performed using MTT assay where AA-SLNs showed significantly higher cytotoxicity towards U87 MG cells than SVG P12 normal cells, as confirmed by flow cell cytometry. Cellular uptake of SLNs also appeared to be preferentially facilitated by energy-dependent endocytosis as evidenced by fluorescence imaging and flow cell cytometry. Using the Annexin V-PI double staining technique, it was found that these AA-MS-SLNs displayed concentration-dependent apoptotic activity on glioma cells, which further confirms the potential of exploiting these AA-loaded MS-SLNs for brain cancer therapy