6 research outputs found


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    This study aims to find out the level of translation competence of the students of English Education Study Program of Sriwijaya University, to find out the strategies used by the students in translating texts from Indonesian to English and to identify the problems they encounter in translating texts. There were 36 students taken as the sample. A descriptive method was used in this study. The data were obtained by means of questionnaires, task, and interview. The findings showed that the subjects demonstrated pretextual level of translation competence. Spelling is accurate; source text is fully translated (only a few subjects did not translate it fully); text is long and strung-out because of use function words rather than lexicalizations; vocabulary is not varied; translation is structurally very close to the source text; and style is more “verby”. The findings of this study showed that most subjects tried to identify the main idea of the text before beginning to translate. They tried to understand the meaning of the words from the context first. If they could not grasp the meaning of that words, they consulted monolingual dictionaries, but if still did not get the meaning, they then looked for the words in bilingual dictionaries. Some of them did it the opposite. The findings of this study showed that most subjects thought that vocabulary, sentence structure, and word choice were the most difficult problems for them when translating. Some of them got problems when translating due to their knowledge background of the text to be translated and culture involved in the text


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    ABSTRACTOnline peer feedback has become common in university writing classrooms due to the availability of computer technology. This study aimed to explore EFL learners' experiences engaged in online peer feedback on writing through cloud collaboration. This study was an extension activity of the paragraph writing class for two weeks, in which ten participants voluntarily took part in it and were monitored by two instructors. The peer feedback exchanges, text revisions, and comments from interviews were qualitatively analyzed, and the emerging patterns of interaction were quantified. The results showed that the involvement of the participants in online peer feedback via cloud collaboration facility enabled students to detect and comprehend numerous writing problems, as well as revise and improve their work; both revision and non-revision-oriented feedbacks are part of the overall online textual interaction and communication that can be used to help them develop their second language; and the students also expressed different perspectives about whether they appreciated or disliked their online peer feedback experience. This study also provided some implications and recommendations for further research.ABSTRAKUmpan balik teman sebaya secara online telah menjadi hal yang umum di ruang kelas menulis di universitas sebagai hasil dari ketersediaan teknologi komputer. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi pengalaman pelajar EFL yang terlibat dalam umpan balik teman sebaya secara online dalam menulis melalui kolaborasi cloud. Penelitian ini merupakan kegiatan perpanjangan dari kelas menulis paragraf selama dua minggu yang diikuti oleh sepuluh peserta secara sukarela, dan dipantau oleh dua orang instruktur. Pertukaran umpan balik dari teman sebaya, revisi teks, dan komentar dari wawancara dianalisis secara kualitatif dan pola interaksi yang muncul dikuantifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keterlibatan para peserta dalam umpan balik teman sebaya secara online melalui fasilitas kolaborasi cloud memungkinkan siswa untuk mendeteksi dan memahami berbagai masalah dalam menulis, serta merevisi dan memperbaiki pekerjaan mereka; umpan balik yang berorientasi pada revisi dan non-revisi merupakan bagian dari keseluruhan interaksi dan komunikasi tekstual online yang dapat digunakan untuk membantu mereka mengembangkan bahasa kedua mereka; serta perspektif individu yang berbeda mengenai apakah mereka menyukai atau tidak menyukai pengalaman umpan balik teman sebaya secara online. Penelitian ini juga memberikan beberapa implikasi dan rekomendasi untuk penelitian lebih lanjut.How to Cite: Kurniawan, D., Jaya, H.P., Wijaya, A. (2023). EFL Learners' Experiences of Peer Feedback in Paragraph Writing Through Cloud Collaboration. IJEE (Indonesian Journal of English Education), 10(1), 37-62. doi:10.15408/ijee.v10i1.2513


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    This study is aimed at finding out the ability of students to use English collocation and its correlation with their academic achievements. The samples of this study are the 5th semester students of English education study program, UniversitasSriwijaya. Data were gathered by means of ability test using English collocation and academic achievements, GPA. The analysis results showed that there was a positive correlation between the ability of students to use English collocation and their academic achievements

    Running Dictation to Develop Students’ Listening Comprehension Ability

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    The aims of this research were to find out whether or not there was a significant improvement on students’ listening comprehension achievement after being taught by running dictation method and their perceptions on running dictation. The sample of this research was the second semester students of English Education Study Program at one state university in South Sumatera, Indonesia. The method of this study was experimental study with a one group pretest and posttest design. The data were collected by using listening comprehension prestest and posttest. T-test was used to analyze the data. The results showed that t-value was greater than t-table. It can be concluded that running dictation could improve students’ listening comprehension achievement. Some implications are also made for future research.

    A Survey on High School Students’ Preferences toward the Use of Social Media as Online Learning Tools

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    Along with the rapid development of technology, various kinds of social media applications are emerging and offering their users a variety of benefits. Social media such as WhatsApp, Instagram, YouTube, Telegram, and Google Classroom, to name but a few, are the ones that are often used by students for online learning because they can be used easily, anywhere and anytime. This study aimed at finding out whether or not the students used social media for learning, the kinds of social media mostly preferred by the students, and the reasons for their preferences. The population of this study was 625 students from two state senior high schools in Palembang. For the sampling technique, this study applied the probability-sampling technique. Then, to meet the standard number of samples in a survey study, the writers took 14% of the population. It meant there were 88 research samples, specifically 44 students from each school. To collect the data, the questionnaire and interview were used in this research. As the results, all participants showed that they have greatly exposed themselves to social media during the "School from Home" session during the pandemic situation. In addition, the majority of the students mentioned YouTube as their favorite tool to use, yet they somehow managed using WhatsApp, Google Meet, Blog, Zoom, and Google Classroom too. Lastly, students often use those social media in everyday activities, including learning

    HOLISTICS JOURNAL HOLISTICS JOURNAL HOSPITALITY AND LINGUISTICS: An Investigation of the Students’ Satisfaction with the Academic Services Given

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    This study was aimed at finding out the students’ satisfaction with the academic services given by the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sriwijaya University in the aspects of Tangibles, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, and Empathy. The samples were the students of English Education Study Program in the third, fifth, and seventh semesters of Inderalaya Palembang campuses. The data were collected using questionnaires and documentation. The data were analyzed using simple statistic computation. The results of the analysis were then described. It was found that the students of English Education Study Program were satisfied with the academic services given by the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sriwijaya University. The results showed that there was no student who fell into the UNSATISFACTORY category. 96% students were in SATISFIED category and only 4 % were in QUITE SATISFIED category. This group can also be categorised as SATISFIED. This finding shows that the students were satisfied with the academic services given by the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sriwijaya University