4,976 research outputs found

    Compensating restrictive fisheries management measures: distribution of improved cocks to Kainji Lake communities 1997-2001

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    The Nigeria-German Kainji Lake Fisheries Promotion Project (KLFPP) promoted the distribution of genetically improved cocks to the Kainji Lake (Nigeria) fishing communities aiming to compensate for possible short-term income losses due to the implementation of fisheries management measures restricting the use of the Lake's resources and to provide alternative sources for income generation, especially for the women. Out of 5,075 cocks produced, 4,171 cocks were distributed at subsidized prices mainly to women in 116 fishing villages of Kainji Lake. During an impact survey carried out in 12 villages, 6-24 months after distribution, only 25% of the cocks distributed were seen. However, potential income for each beneficiary from the hybrid offspring was estimated at minimum 1,000 Naira per yea

    The dynamics of fish trade in North-East Nigeria: a case study of Doron Baga

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    This paper, which is based on field research in Doron Baga and Maiduguri, attempts to describe and analyse the main determinants of the fish trade in North-east Nigeria with Doron Baga as the main focus. Fish is a significant source of income and a principal trade commodity, bringing together the remote fishing community of North-east Nigeria with the major urban centres of the Southern part of the country. In order to get an insight into the workings of the fish trade, indepth interviews were conducted with fatoma (or dealers), traders and transporters in Doron Baga and Maiduguri. In addition, the authors utilised documentary sources to supplement the data collected from the field. For instance, a number of postgraduate dissertations, archival accounts as well as journal articles and books were consulted. After giving a brief introduction of the development of the long distance trade in fish, the paper discusses the role of the fatoma, means of transportation, value and volume of the trade. The study focuses on the period 1997-1999, during which substantial part of the data used were collected

    Marketing of fishing gear materials and fishing gear making in parts of Kainji Lake basin

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    The importance of fishing gear in fishing cannot be over-emphasized; as without it fish cannot be obtained. The method used to catch fish affects the condition in which the product is landed. This means that a bad-catching method would produced bad fish to the consumer. To achieve the goal of self-sufficiency in fish production in Nigeria, there is need to address the lingering problems of fishing gear and craft technology, especially in terms of availability of materials and their cost. The sale and making of fishing gear materials are two areas of fisheries, which are yet to be exploited by the general public as forms of businesses for livelihood. The study is conducted in villages around the lower part of Kainji Lake, towards the dam, including New Bussa. It reveals that only the fishermen themselves are involved in making their own fishing gears while those involved in the selling of fishing gear materials like the sheet netting, ropes, twines, floats, sinkers etc are business men and women who may not have any experience of fishing. Also considered in the study is the art of making fishing crafts like the canoe and gourd. Very few entrepreneurs are involved and they are so skilled that each is specialized in the making of only one kind of craft or gea

    Issues and challenges of technical and vocational education and training in Malaysia towards human capital development

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    To become a high-income economy, skilled workforce is vital. Under the concept of Human Capital Development (HCD), it is vital to provide effective training and education especially in technical and vocational education. The injection of education acquisition to the trainees will increase the performance, productivity and capability which translates into a good investment. As a result, it is important to increase the enrolment in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) and raise the overall training quality since TVET has become crucial in these recent years for industries and the economy as a whole. This paper will discuss the overview and the course of TVET in Malaysia. The main thrust of this paper is to highlight the challenges that overlay the implementation of TVET in Malaysia. Hence, the development of Knowledge Worker (K-worker) and human capital will be realized

    Parents aspiration and youth perception to sustainable fisheries development in Kainji Lake basin

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    Artisanal fisheries development in Nigeria, like in any other developing country of the world is characterized by subsistence level of operation using dugout canoe and paddle. This implies that parents and children constituted the labour in use since they only struggle for the upkeep of the family. A total of 240 questionnaires were used to solicit information from the respondents. This total was divided into 120 each for both parents and the youths respectively. Simple descriptive statistics such as frequency distribution and percentages were used to analyze their responses. Parents have strong aspiration for their children to succeed them hence, 78.3% of the parents expressed their aspiration for succession by the younger ones while 83.3% of parents tend to support their aspiration with persuasive strategies such as allowing their children to partake in fishing activities at will. On the part of the youth over 70% of them perceived fishing as a viable business where they can succeed their parents provided government can come to their aid in form of active involvement in the development of rural fisheries. It is therefore believed that fisheries development could achieve rapid improvement if the aspiration of the parents is balanced with perception of the youth and the government meets their expectatio

    Contribution of women to fisheries development in Kainji Lake basin

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    The study was carried to examine the contribution of women to fisheries development in the Kainji basin. The sample was drawn in some of the major fishing villages in the sub strata of the basin. A total of 120 respondents were used. The findings revealed that women were involved in fisheries activities most especially in the processing and marketing aspects. Many of the respondents happened to be wives of the fishermen. Few bought fishing equipment with a special arrangement for the supply of fish while some buy from fishermen. This revealed the willingness of the women to be empowered in the economic activities in the area to meet some basic household. Major constrains to the women in this area were the scarcity of fish, no support from the government or private agencies. Recommendations were made on how to enhance women participation in fisheries developmen

    Alternative income in Kainji Lake area: introduction of improved cocks to fisherfolk

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    Details are given of a study conducted in the framework of the Kainji Lake Fisheries Promotion Project to boost income from alternative sources. The project identified 'improved poultry keeping' as suitable for introduction around the Kainji Lake area. In the long term, the programme will assist increasing especially the income of female members of fishing families, since poultry is kept in the villages mainly by women. (PDF contains 35 pages

    Interaction effects on prediction of children weight at school entry using model averaging

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    Model selection introduce uncertainty to the model building process, therefore model averaging was introduced as an alternative to overcome the problem of underestimate of standards error in model selection. This research also focused on using selection criteria between Corrected Akaike's Information Criteria (AICC) and Bayesian Information Criteria (BIC) as weight for model averaging when involving interaction effects. Mean squared error of prediction (MSE(P)) was used in order to determine the best model for model averaging. Gateshead Millennium Study (GMS) data on children weight used to illustrate the comparison between AICC and BIC. The results showed that model selection criterion AICC performs better than BIC when there are small sample and large number of parameters included in the model. The presence of interaction variable in the model is not significant compared to the main factor variables due to the lower coefficient value of interaction variables. In conclusion, interaction variables give less information to the model as it coefficient value is lower than main factor

    The Legal Structure of the Police and Human Rights in Nigeria

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