7 research outputs found

    Mechanism For Lo-phonon Temperature Overshoot In Gaas

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    Carrier relaxation and LO-phonon dynamics are investigated in GaAs crystals illuminated by picosecond laser pulses. It is evidenced that an overshoot of the LO-phonon quasitemperature above the electron quasitemperature can occur in the absence of intervalley scattering. This effect is ascribed to the screening of the polar optical interaction. © 1994 The American Physical Society.49117257726

    Time Evolution Of Nonequilibrium Photoexcited Plasma In Polar Semiconductors

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    The nonequilibrium thermodynamics and kinetics of evolution of relaxation processes in polar semiconductors under high levels of optical excitation is studied. This is done using a first-principles theory that allows for the determination of the nonlinear transport equations which describe the irreversible processes that develop in the media in typical pump-probe experiments. Numerical calculations are presented which permit a comprehensive discussion of measurements of ultrafast-time-resolved optical spectra of GaAs. © 1983 The American Physical Society.27127563757

    Nonlinear Transport In Photoexcited Plasma In Semiconductors: Non-ohmic Mobility And A Generalized Einstein Relation

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    Resorting to a theory of responses to thermal and mechanical perturbations, based on statistical irreversible thermodynamics for systems arbitrarily away from equilibrium, we obtain the diffusion and mobility coefficients in a highly photoexcited plasma in semiconductors in the presence of an electric field. They are dependent on the evolution of the nonequilibrium thermodynamic state of the system. From these transport coefficients we derived a generalized Einstein relation for ultrafast transient regimes and for non-Ohmic conditions. In all cases this generalized Einstein law acquires values that are field dependent and larger than those in its original form only valid in steady-state conditions and the limit of weak fields. Numerical results appropriate for the case of a GaAs sample are presented. © 1995 The American Physical Society.5219139361394

    Ultrafast Phenomena In The Photoinjected Plasma In Semiconductors

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    We present general considerations and a summarized discussion of the question of the very rapid relaxation processes that follow in the photoinjected plasma in semiconductors, phenomena that can be experimentally studied via ultrafast laser spectroscopy.262543552Alfano, R.R., (1984) Semiconductors Probed by Ultrafast Laser Spectroscopy, 1-2. , Academic, New YorkAlfano, R.R., (1982) Biological Events Probed by Ultrafast Laser Spectroscopy, , Academic, New YorkAlfano, R.R., Frontier of Femtosecond and Picosecond Optical Measuring Techniques (1986) New Techniques and Ideas in Quantum Measurement Theory, 480. , edited by D.M. Greenberg Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, New YorkShank, C.V., (1984) Science, 219, p. 1027Brito Cruz, C.H., Fragnito, H.L., Fenômenos Ultra-Rápidos (1992) Notas de Física No. 3, , IFGW-UNICAMP, Campinas, São Paulo, BrasilLuzzi, R., Vasconcellos, A.R., Relaxation Processes in Nonequilibrium Semiconductor Plasma, 1, pp. 135-169. , Ref. 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