40 research outputs found

    Precision fish farming: a new framework to improve production in aquaculture

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    Aquaculture production of finfish has seen rapid growth in production volume and economic yield over the last decades, and is today a key provider of seafood. As the scale of production increases, so does the likelihood that the industry will face emerging biological, economic and social challenges that may influence the ability to maintain ethically sound, productive and environmentally friendly production of fish. It is therefore important that the industry aspires to monitor and control the effects of these challenges to avoid also upscaling potential problems when upscaling production. We introduce the Precision Fish Farming (PFF) concept whose aim is to apply control-engineering principles to fish production, thereby improving the farmer's ability to monitor, control and document biological processes in fish farms. By adapting several core principles from Precision Livestock Farming (PLF), and accounting for the boundary conditions and possibilities that are particular to farming operations in the aquatic environment, PFF will contribute to moving commercial aquaculture from the traditional experience-based to a knowledge-based production regime. This can only be achieved through increased use of emerging technologies and automated systems. We have also reviewed existing technological solutions that could represent important components in future PFF applications. To illustrate the potential of such applications, we have defined four case studies aimed at solving specific challenges related to biomass monitoring, control of feed delivery, parasite monitoring and management of crowding operations

    Sjøauren i Lærdalselva; vekstmønster og fjordvandringar før og no

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    Forsknings- og utgreiingsarbeid knytt til behandlingar mot Gyrodactylus salaris i Lærdalselva har framskaffa interessante data på sjøaurestamma sin biologi. Telemetristudiar av vandringsåtferd i elv og fjord er gjennomførde. Det er i tillegg innsamla skjelprøvar av all merka fisk. Samstundes eksisterar unike historiske data frå fjordsystemet. Frå byrjinga av 50- til midten av 60-talet er merke-gjenfangsstudie og skjellanalysar utførd. Vekst i ferskvatn og alder/storleik ved smoltifisering synast å ha endra seg mellom dei to periodane, med ein betre vekst og høgre alder/storleik ved første gongs sjøvandring i dag. Vandringane i sjøen er lange, og til dels lengre enn rapportert i andre studie på aure. Store delar av bestanden nyttar seg av ytre fjordstrøk og fjordmunningen som sitt marine fødeområde. Vandringsfarta kan være høg. Opphaldstida i det marine miljø er varierande, og ein ser døme på fisk som oppheld seg i sjøen i vinterhalvåret. Resultata viser at Lærdalsauren nyttar seg av store delar av fjordsystemet og kystnære strøk, og at tiltak knytt til å ivareta stamma bør omfatta vurderingar av heile Sognefjorden med tilgrensande områd

    Rømmingssikring av settefiskanlegg for laksefisk. En studie av dagens teknologi og nye alternativer for å hindre rømming

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    I 2008 ble det innført krav om at alle landbasert akvakulturanlegg skulle ha sekundær sikring av avløp. Målet for dette prosjektet har vært en gjennomgang av dagens systemer for rømmingssikring av settefiskanlegg, identifisere kritiske faktorer og en vurdering av hvilke metoder som egner seg best for videreutvikling. Resultatene viser at av de anleggene som hadde installert sekundær rømmingssikring, benyttet samtlige mekaniske barrierer. Ingen av disse anleggene hadde systemer for oppsamling av store mengder fisk fra den mekaniske sekundærsperren. Vi har pr. i dag ikke oversikt over hvor mange av anleggene som har gjennomført områdesikring, men ser dette som et svært viktig supplement til sikring av avløpene. Vi anbefaler at det utvikles klare retningslinjer fra myndighetene om hva som kreves når det gjelder mekanisk sikring/områdesikring. Basert på vår gjennomgang er det klart at bruk av elektrisk strøm vil kunne være et supplerende tiltak for å hindre at levende fisk slipper ut fra et anlegg. Videre ser vi det som svært viktig at det gjøres uavhengige tester av dagens mekaniske alternativer til rømmingssikring, og at fiskevelferdsmessige forhold inkludere i disse testene

    Hydraulic-habitat modelling for setting environmental river flow needs for salmonids

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    There is an increasing demand for tools to assist in the management of environmental flows in rivers. Changes in river discharge act on biota through a hydraulic template which is mediated by channel morphology. Hence environmental flow assessments also need to consider channel morphology, especially if morphology has been altered by human activities. Computer models describing the preferences of fish for hydraulic microhabitats have been applied to environmental flow problems since the mid 1970s. Salmonids have been a particular focus for these methods. Other reviews have provided comprehensive coverage of the basic features and principles of such models. These are briefly discussed before focusing on developments that have occurred in the last 15 years and whose application has so far been infrequent. These include improvements to the representation of hydraulics at reach-scale and of longer river sections, and improved representation of interacting physical variables that describe habitat. The central theme is the spatial coverage and fundamental granularity of such models. Despite a broad literature, there is a lack of documented examples of the application of hydraulic-habitat models through all stages in the environmental flow decision-making process. The review concludes with four short examples which illustrate the use of model output

    Modelling of environmental flow options for optimal Atlantic salmon,Salmo salar,embryo survival during hydropeaking

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    Recent findings on the causes of Atlantic salmon embryo mortality during winter in a hydropeaking river suggest that long duration drawdowns during very cold periods are the most likely cause of mortality in the ramping zone. This paper presents a framework in which thresholds for optimal embryo survival at the microscale are linked to physical habitat requirements at the mesoscale and integrated into alternative hydropower operations at the catchment scale. The connections within this framework are derived from a one-dimensional hydraulic model at the mesoscale and a hydropower simulation programme at the catchment scale. The economic costs and feasibility of several alternative options for hydropeaking operation that would comply with ecological requirements for optimal survival of embryos were evaluated. A method to assess a wide range of alternative hydropower options that considers key factors to mitigate the conflicting requirements of ecological targets, technical feasibility and economics is presented. Targeted alternative environmental flow releases to meet specific ecological objectives are often more effective than general operational rules to comply with legislation. The development of well-informed and targeted mitigation strategies is important for future environmental hydropower management