56 research outputs found

    Paracoccidioidomicose do sistema nervoso central: análise de 13 casos

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    Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) is a systemic granulomatous disease caused by Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, prevalent in Latin America, particularly in Brazil. Central nervous system (CNS) involvement occur in about 10% of cases. Thirteen patients with PCM involving CNS were studied considering clinical manifestation, neuroradiology and treatment modalities. Age ranged from 30 to 71 years-old (M=47.1 +/- 11.6 Me=46). There were eleven men and two women. the most frequent symptoms were motor deficits (53.8%), cognitive disturbance (53.8%), weight loss (46.1%), headaches (46.1%) and seizures (46.1%). the diagnosis was confirmed by the demonstration of P. brasiliensis. Granulomatous forms were present in all patients. Four (30.8%) of them had also meningeal involvement (mixed form). Computerized tomography (CT) scans were obtained in all cases and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was used in one case. Serology for HIV was done in ten patients (76.9%), and all the tests were negatives. Amphotericin B was used in twelve patients (92.3%), one of them by intraventricular infusion. in eight patients (61.5%), trimethopim and sulfamethoxazole were used, and, in two (15.4%), sulfadiazine and pirimetamine. Fluconazole, ketoconazole and itraconazole were each one used in a different patient as well. Six patients died (46.1%) and seven (53.9%) had satisfatory outcome. the follow-up period ranged from 2 to 74 (M=30.9) months. in conclusion, the CNS involvement in paracoccidioidomycosis is more frequent and more serious than thought before. the clinical manifestations, CT scans and MRI findings are not specific of paracoccidioidomycosis.Clin Neurol & Neurocirurgia Santa Casa Belo Horiz, Belo Horizonte, MG, BrazilMestre Med Santa Casa Belo Horizonte, Belo Horizonte, MG, BrazilUNIFESP, Escola Paulista Med, São Paulo, BrazilServ Neurocirurg Santa Casa, Belo Horizonte, MG, BrazilUniv Fed Minas Gerais, Dept Bioquim & Imunol, Inst Ciencias Biol, Belo Horizonte, MG, BrazilPrograma Pos Grad Santa Casa, Belo Horizonte, MG, BrazilUNIFESP, Escola Paulista Med, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Proliferação de células do baço durante e após miíase por Dermatobia hominis

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    Spleen cells from mice were examined at 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 days post-infection (dpi) with Dermatobia hominis larva and at 5, 10, 15, 30 and 60 days post-larval emergence (dple). Cell proliferation in vitro assays were carried out with RPMI-1640 medium and larval secretory product (LSP) of D. hominis at 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 days. When each group of mice was tested against each medium, significance was only seen for 25 dpi, with increasing order: LSP-10 d, -25 d, -5 d, -20 d, -15 d and RPMI. Significant results were also observed when each medium was tested against mice at each dpi or dple. Each dple group vs. each medium produced significant results only for 10 dple, with increasing order: LSP-5 d, -20 d, -25 d, -10 d, -15 d and RPMI. Comparative tests were also carried out between groups to refine certain observations. The LSPs were also analyzed using SDS-PAGE. The results prove that myiasis caused depletion of spleen cells, particularly under the effect of the LSP-10 and -15, but the cells tended to increase up to 60 dple. This in vitro assay may represent the real systemic immune response in the relationship LSP-D. hominis-host.Células do baço de camundongos foram examinadas aos 5, 10, 20 e 25 dias pós-infecção (dpi) com Dermatobia hominis e examinadas aos 5, 10, 15, 30 e 60 dias pós-emergência da larva (dpel). As células foram cultivadas em meio RPMI-1640 contendo, ou não (controle), produtos de secreção das larvas (PSL) de D. hominis com idade de 5, 10, 15, 20 e 25 dias. Em cada grupo com cinco camundongos testados nos meios de cultura, o número de células foi significativo para 25 dpi, com crescente aumento na seguinte ordem: PSL-10 d, -25 d, -5 d, -20 d, -15 d e RPMI. Resultados significantes foram também observados nos testes entre cada meio contendo células tanto de camundongos dpi ou dpel. Em cada dpel grupo versus meio significância foi somente verificada para 10 dpel, na ordem crescente: PSL-5 d, -20 d, -25 d, -10 d, -15 d e RPMI. Testes comparativos foram também realizados entre grupos. O PSL foi analisado sob SDS-PAGE. Os resultados provam que a miíase causou depleção de células do baço, particularmente sob efeito do PSL-10 e -15, mas ocorreu normalidade do número de células aos 60 dpel. Este ensaio in vitro pode representar uma resposta imune sistêmica na relação PSL-D. hominis-hospedeiro

    Effect of Semisolid Formulation of Persea Americana Mill (Avocado) Oil on Wound Healing in Rats

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the wound-healing activity of a semisolid formulation of avocado oil, SSFAO 50%, or avocado oil in natura, on incisional and excisional cutaneous wound models in Wistar rats. An additional objective was to quantify the fatty acids present in avocado oil. On the 14th day, a significant increase was observed in percentage wound contraction and reepithelialization in the groups treated with 50% SSFAO or avocado oil compared to the petroleum jelly control. Anti-inflammatory activity, increase in density of collagen, and tensile strength were observed inSSFAO 50% or avocado oil groups, when compared to control groups. The analysis of the components of avocado oil by gas chromatography detected the majority presence of oleic fatty acid (47.20%), followed by palmitic (23.66%), linoleic (13.46%) docosadienoic (8.88%), palmitoleic (3.58%), linolenic (1.60%), eicosenoic (1.29%), and myristic acids (0.33%). Our results show that avocado oil is a rich source of oleic acid and contains essential fatty acids. When used in natura or in pharmaceutical formulations for topical use, avocado oil can promote increased collagen synthesis and decreased numbers of inflammatory cells during the wound-healing process and may thus be considered a new option for treating skin wounds