15 research outputs found

    Colloidal Solutions with Silicon Nanocrystals: Structural and Optical Properties

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    In this work, colloidal solutions with silicon nanoparticles using different solvents were synthetized. Structural, morphological and optical characterizations were realized, and these were studied. X-ray diffraction (XRD) was used to measure the diffractograms of the colloidal solutions, which are composed of silicon nanocrystals (Si-ncs), with an average size of approximately 3 nm, and a preferential crystalline orientation (311). Atomic force microscopy (AFM) images show that the morphology of silicon nanoparticles (Si-nps) is agglomerated in a big amount, which is corroborated by means of the roughness. On the other hand, high resolution transmission electronic microscopy (HRTEM) images show on average size of the Si-nc ranging from 1.5 to 10 nm, which depends on the solvent used. Also, different preferential crystalline orientations of the Si-nc such as (311), (220) and (111) were obtained. A correlation between the optical and structural properties was realized in colloidal solutions with silicon nanoparticles and different solvents

    Synthesis of NiMo catalysts supported on Mn-Al2O3 for obtaining green diesel from waste soybean oil

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    International audienceThe influence of adding manganese to an Al2O3 support for preparing NiMo catalysts for the hydroconversion of soybean oil was herein evaluated. Two different Mn contents (1 and 5 mol % Mn) were used while Al2O3-Mnx (x = 1 or 5 % mol Mn) were obtained by sol-gel method. The NiMo catalysts were obtained by wetness co-impregnation of nickel and molybdenum precursors onto the as-formed supports considering two different pH of impregnation (5 or 9). Solids were then characterized at the oxide state at different stages of preparation before being sulfide at 400°C for 4 h with 10% H2S/H2. Catalysts were then characterized at the sulfide state and evaluated for the hydroconversion of new and waste soybean oil at 380°C, PH2 = 40 bars. Results show clearly the superiority of NiMo catalysts supported on Al2O3 with 1% mol Mn for the hydroconversion of new and waste soybean oil due to the stabilization of manganese oxide species on the alumina support helping to redisperse the Ni-promoted MoS2 active phase. This study shows that through a precise control of the addition of manganese to Al2O3, it is possible to obtain very highly active NiMo catalysts for the hydroconversion of vegetable oils

    MnPc Films Deposited by Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis at Low Temperatures: Optical, Morphological and Structural Properties

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    In this work, we report how manganese phthalocyanine (MnPc) films obtained using the ultrasonic spray–pyrolysis technique at 40 °C deposited on glass substrate subjected to thermal annealing at 100 °C and 120 °C. The MnPc films were characterized using UV/Vis spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The absorption spectra of the MnPc films were studied in a wavelength range from 200 to 850 nm, where the characteristic bands of a metallic phthalocyanine known as B and Q bands were observed in this range of the spectrum. The optical energy band (Eg) was calculated using the Tauc equation. It was found that, for these MnPc films, the Eg has the values of 4.41, 4.46, and 3.58 eV corresponded to when they were deposited, annealing at 100 °C and 120 °C, respectively. The Raman spectra of the films showed the characteristic vibrational modes of the MnPc films. In the X-Ray diffractograms of these films, the characteristic diffraction peaks of a metallic phthalocyanine are observed, presenting a monoclinic phase. The SEM images of these films were studied in a cross-section obtaining thicknesses of 2 μm for the deposited film and 1.2 μm and 0.3 μm for the annealed films at 100 °C and 120 °C. Additionally, in the SEM images of these films, average particle sizes ranging from 4 to 0.041 µm were obtained. The results agree with those reported in the literature for MnPc films deposited by performing other techniques

    Numerical Simulation of an Inverted Perovskite Solar Cell Using a SiOx Layer as Down-Conversion Energy Material to Improve Efficiency and Stability

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    Inverted perovskite solar cells (PSCs) have gained much attention due to their low hysteresis effect, easy fabrication, and good stability. In this research, an inverted perovskite solar cell ITO/PEDOT:PSS/CH3NH3PbI3/PCBM/Ag structure was simulated and optimized using SCAPS-1D version 3.3.10 software. The influence on the device of parameters, including perovskite thickness, total defect density, series and shunt resistances, and operating temperature, are discussed and analyzed. With optimized parameters, the efficiency increased from 13.47% to 18.33%. Then, a new SiOx/ITO/PEDOT:PSS/CH3NH3PbI3/PCBM/Ag device was proposed which includes a silicon-rich oxide (SiOx) layer. This material was used as the down-conversion energy material, which converts high-energy photons (ultraviolet UV light) into low-energy photons (visible light), improving the stability and absorption of the device. Finally, with SiOx, we obtained an efficiency of 22.46% in the simulation. Therefore, the device with the SiOx layer is the most suitable as it has better values for current density–voltage output and quantum efficiency than the device without SiOx

    Facilitated Adaptation as A Conservation Tool in the Present Climate Change Context: A Methodological Guide

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    Climate change poses a novel threat to biodiversity that urgently requires the development of adequate conservation strategies. Living organisms respond to environmental change by migrating to locations where their ecological niche is preserved or by adapting to the new environment. While the first response has been used to develop, discuss and implement the strategy of assisted migration, facilitated adaptation is only beginning to be considered as a potential approach. Here, we present a review of the conceptual framework for facilitated adaptation, integrating advances and methodologies from different disciplines. Briefly, facilitated adaptation involves a population reinforcement that introduces beneficial alleles to enable the evolutionary adaptation of a focal population to pressing environmental conditions. To this purpose, we propose two methodological approaches. The first one (called pre-existing adaptation approach) is based on using pre-adapted genotypes existing in the focal population, in other populations, or even in closely related species. The second approach (called de novo adaptation approach) aims to generate new pre-adapted genotypes from the diversity present in the species through artificial selection. For each approach, we present a stage-by-stage procedure, with some techniques that can be used for its implementation. The associated risks and difficulties of each approach are also discussed.This research was funded by SPANISH MINISTRY OF SCIENCE AND INNOVATION, grant number CGL2016-77377-R.Peer reviewe

    Fabrication and Characterization of a Flexible Thin-Film-Based Array of Microelectrodes for Corneal Electrical Stimulation

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    The electric stimulation (ES) of the cornea is a novel therapeutic approach to the treatment of degenerative visual diseases. Currently, ES is delivered by placing a mono-element electrode on the surface of the cornea that uniformly stimulates the eye along the electrode site. It has been reported that a certain degree of correlation exists between the location of the stimulated retinal area and the position of the electrode. Therefore, in this study, we present the development of a sectioned surface electrode for selective electric stimulation of the human cornea. The proposed device consists of 16 independent microelectrodes, a reference electrode, and 18 contact pads. The microelectrodes have a size of 200 µm × 200 µm, are arranged in a 4 × 4 matrix, and cover a total stimulation area of 16 mm2. The proposed fabrication process, based on surface micromachining technology and flexible electronics, uses only three materials: polyimide, aluminum, and titanium, which allow us to obtain a simplified, ergonomic, and reproducible fabrication process. The fabricated prototype was validated to laboratory level by electrical and electrochemical tests, showing a relatively high electrical conductivity and average impedance from 712 kΩ to 1.4 MΩ at the clinically relevant frequency range (from 11 Hz to 30 Hz). Additionally, the biocompatibility of the electrode prototype was demonstrated by performing in vivo tests and by analyzing the polyimide films using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). The resulting electrode prototype is robust, mechanically flexible, and biocompatible, with a high potential to be used for selective ES of the cornea

    Differential patterns of within- and between-population genetically based trait variation in Lupinus angustifolius

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    Background and aims Within-population genetic and phenotypic variation play a key role in the development of adaptive responses to environmental change. Between-population variation is also an essential element in assessing the evolutionary potential of species in response to changes in environmental conditions. In this context, common garden experiments are a useful tool to separate the genetic and environmental components of phenotypic variation. We aimed to assess within- and between-population phenotypic variation of Lupinus angustifolius L. in terms of its evolutionary potential to adapt to ongoing climate change. Methods We evaluated populations’ phenotypic variation of foliar, phenological and reproductive traits with a common garden experiment. Patterns of functional trait variation were assessed with (1) mixed model analyses and coefficients of variation (CVs) with confidence intervals, (2) principal component analyses (PCAs) and (3) correlations between pairs of traits. Analyses were performed at the population level (four populations) and at the latitude level (grouping pairs of populations located in two latitudinal ranges). Key Results Phenotypic variation had a significant genetic component associated with a latitudinal pattern. (1) Mixed models found lower specific leaf area, advanced flowering phenology and lower seed production of heavier seeds in southern populations, whereas CV analyses showed lower within-latitude variation especially in phenological and reproductive traits in southern populations. (2) PCAs showed a clearer differentiation of phenotypic variation between latitudes than between populations. (3) Correlation analyses showed a greater number of significant correlations between traits in southern populations (25 vs. 13). Conclusions Between-population phenotypic variation was determined by contrasting temperature and drought at different latitude and elevation. Southern populations had differential trait values compatible with adaptations to high temperatures and drought. Moreover, they had lower within-population variation and a greater number of trait correlations probably as a result of these limiting conditions, making them more vulnerable to climate change.This work was carried out thanks to the financial support of the EVA project (CGL2016-77377-R) of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and by the Community of Madrid in the framework of the Multiannual Agreement with the Rey Juan Carlos University in line of action 1, ‘Encouragement of Young Phd students’ investigation’ Project Ref. M2178 Acronym GAFE. Carlos Lara-Romero was supported by a Juan de la Cierva Incorporación post-doctoral fellowship (Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades: IJC2019-041342-I). Sandrá Sacristán was supported by a pre-doctoral contract (Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades: BES-2017-082317).Peer reviewe

    Population origin determines the adaptive potential for the advancement of flowering onset in Lupinus angustifolius L. (Fabaceae)

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    In the present framework of global warming, it is unclear whether evolutionary adaptation can happen quick enough to preserve the persistence of many species. Specifically, we lack knowledge about the adaptive potential of the different populations in relation to the various constraints that may hamper particular adaptations. There is evidence indicating that early flowering often provides an adaptive advantage to plants in temperate zones in response to global warming. Thus, the objective of this study was to assess the adaptive potential for advancing flowering onset in Lupinus angustifolius L. (Fabaceae). Seeds from four populations from two contrasting latitudes in Spain were collected and sown in a common garden environment. Selecting the 25% of the individuals that flowered earlier in the first generation, over three generations, three different early flowering selection lines were established, involving both self-crosses and outcrosses. All artificial selection lines advanced their flowering significantly with respect to the control line in the northernmost populations, but not in the southern ones. Selection lines obtained from outcrossing had a greater advancement in flowering than those from self-crossing. No differences were found in the number or weight of the seeds produced between control and artificial selection lines, probably because plants in the common garden were drip irrigated. These results suggest that northern populations may have a greater adaptive potential and that southern populations may be more vulnerable in the context of climate warming. However, earlier flowering was also associated with changes in other traits (height, biomass, shoot growth, specific leaflet area, and leaflet dry matter content), and the effects of these changes varied greatly depending on the latitude of the population and selection line. Assessments of the ability of populations to cope with climate change through this and other approaches are essential to manage species and populations in a more efficient way.We thank Cristina Poyatos for the help with the experiments. We also thank Carlos Díaz, José Margalet, and Victoria Calvo for the technical support in the CULTIVE facility laboratory greenhouse. We are in debt with Alastair Plant for language editing. This work has been carried out thanks to the financial support of the EVA project (CGL2016-77377-R) of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. Carlos Lara-Romero was supported by a Juan de la Cierva Incorporación postdoctoral fellowship (Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades: IJC2019-041342-I). This work was also partially funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union under grant agreement number: 774271 (Farmer's Pride project).Peer reviewe

    Spectroscopic Properties of Si-nc in SiOx Films Using HFCVD

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    In the present work, non-stoichiometric silicon oxide films (SiOx) deposited using a hot filament chemical vapor deposition technique at short time and simple parameters of depositions are reported. This is motivated by the numerous potential applications of SiOx films in areas such as optoelectronics. SiOx films were characterized with different spectroscopic techniques. The deposited films have interesting characteristics such as the presence of silicon nanoclusters without applying thermal annealing, in addition to a strong photoluminescence after applying thermal annealing in the vicinity of 1.5 eV, which may be attributed to the presence of small, oxidized silicon grains (less than 2 nm) or silicon nanocrystals (Si-nc). An interesting correlation was found between oxygen content, the presence of hydrogen, and the formation of defects in the material, with parameters such as the band gap and the Urbach energies. This correlation is interesting in the development of band gap engineering for this material for applications in photonic devices