368 research outputs found

    Advanced aerodynamics and active controls technology

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    The results, status, and plans of NASA sponsored advanced aerodynamics and active controls technology activities are reported. Development of subsonic, energy efficient transport aircraft technologies is emphasized

    Variable sweep wing configuration Patent

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    Variable sweep wing configuration for supersonic aircraf

    Aerodynamic-center considerations of wings and wing-body combinations

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    Aerodynamic center shifts of rigid wing-body combinations at increased Mach number

    An outlook for cargo aircraft of the future

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    An assessment is provided of the future of air cargo by analyzing air cargo statistics and trends, by noting air cargo system problems and inefficiencies, by analyzing characteristics of air-eligible commodities, and by showing the promise of new technology for future cargo aircraft with significant improvements in costs and efficiency. NASA's proposed program is reviewed which would sponsor the research needed to provide for development of advanced designs by 1985

    Foreign civil aviation competition: 1976 summary and implications

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    A summary assessment is made of foreign civil aviation as it relates to the posture of the United States civil aviation industry. Major findings include: (1) Main competitors - European Economic Community (EEC) and Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). (2) Largest commercial market - Transport aircraft. (3) Current market status and projections - U.S. currently dominates the civil aviation market but foreign markets show greater growth trends. (4) Competitive comparisons - Status comparisons are made in technology (aerodynamics, structures and materials, propulsion, avionics, systems, design coordination, and manufacturing); production runs; marketing; and postsales support. The U.S. generally leads except in aerodynamics and propulsion. (5) Multinational ventures - Joint U.S. industry/foreign government development of advanced technology engines is well developed; airframe industry discussions are now underway. (6) Implications - Although the U.S., is currently preeminent in most areas, this may be only a temporary condition. Past U.S. success in aviation has provided many benefits to the nation. These benefits may be lost

    Future long-range transports: Prospects for improved fuel efficiency

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    A status report is provided on current thinking concerning potential improvements in fuel efficiency and possible alternate fuels. Topics reviewed are: (1) historical trends in airplane efficiency; (2) technological opportunities including supercritical aerodynamics, (3) vortex diffusers, (4) composite materials, (5) propulsion systems, (6) active controls, and terminal-area operations; (7) unconventional design concepts, and (8) hydrogen-fueled airplane

    Wind-tunnel Studies at Subsonic and Transonic Speeds of a Multiple-mission Variable-wing-sweep Airplane Configuration

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    Wind tunnel studies at supersonic and transonic speeds to determine aerodynamic characteristics of variable sweep wing aircraft - configuratio

    Subsonic and supersonic aerodynamic characteristics of an airplane configuration utilizing double-pivot variable-sweep wings

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    Subsonic and supersonic aerodynamic characteristics of aircraft configuration using double pivot variable sweep wing