308 research outputs found

    Dones grans i quasiprostitució a Espanya

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    Aquest treball completa un estudi iniciat l’any 2013 (Ballester, Perelló, 2013): la mostra sobre Mallorca s’ha ampliat amb una anàlisi d’àmbit estatal. Objectiu: Conèixer les motivacions expressades, les característiques sociodemogràfiques, les condicions de treball i les conductes de risc en un grup de dones grans, d’entre 45 i 60 anys, que exerceixen la prostitució a Espanya a partir de contactes a les webs d’anuncis. Mètodes: Estudi transversal d’una mostra de 39 dones que exerceixen la prostitució a partir de contactes web, al llarg del primer semestre de 2014. Se n’analitzen les motivacions, les característiques sociodemogràfiques, les condicions de treball i les pràctiques de risc amb els «clients». Es va utilitzar un procediment específic, exclusivament basat en entrevista telefònica, per poder seleccionar la mostra intencional i realitzar les entrevistes amb les dones. Es va utilitzar un guió semiestructurat ja provat en anteriors estudis del mateix tipus (Ballester, Perelló, 2013). Resultats: La mitjana d’edat és de 47,9 anys; el 43,59% eren espanyoles i el 48,72% procedia de Llatinoamèrica. L’edat mitjana d’inici en la prostitució és de 37,4 anys, i el 56,41% havia començat per la crisi de 2008-2014. L’últim mes, el 82,05% havia utilitzat sempre el preservatiu, però només el 15,38% en les seves relacions privades. Conclusions: Les condicions socioeconòmiques són la principal motivació de la dedicació a la prostitució. Es declara un ús generalitzat del preservatiu amb els «clients». L’anàlisi permet identificar la seva activitat com a quasiprostitució, per l’orientació a la complementació d’ingressos insuficients, així com prostitució deslocalitzada, per l’ocultació de tots els àmbits públics (carrer, clubs) i la gairebé exclusiva activitat en pisos privats, amb contactes a partir dels anuncis en pàgines web.Este trabajo completa un estudio iniciado el año 2013 (Ballester, Perelló, 2013), ampliando la muestra sobre Mallorca con un análisis de ámbito estatal. Objetivo: Conocer las motivaciones expresadas, las características sociodemográficas, las condiciones de trabajo y las conductas de riesgo en un grupo de mujeres mayores, entre 45 y 60 años, que ejercen la prostitución en España a partir de contactos en las webs de anuncios. Métodos: Estudio transversal de una muestra de 39 mujeres que ejercen la prostitución a partir de contactos web, a lo largo del primer semestre de 2014. Se analizan las motivaciones

    An efficient decision rule-based system for the protein residue-residue contact prediction

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    Protein structure prediction remains one of the most important challenges in molecular biology. Contact maps have been extensively used as a simplified representation of protein structures. In this work, we propose a multi-objective evolutionary approach for contact map prediction. The proposed method bases the prediction on a set of physico-chemical prop erties and structural features of the amino acids, as well as evolutionary information in the form of an amino acid position specific scoring matrix (PSSM). The proposed technique produces a set of decision rules that identify contacts between amino acids. Results obtained by our approach are presented and confirm the validity of our proposal.Junta de Andalucía P07-TIC-02611Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2011-28956-C02-0

    APP R-ALERGO: allergy-healthy routes in Valencia

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    On the urban areas there are sources of information about the exposition to environmental allergens and others potential factors of allergies, such as: weather conditions, vegetation, urban morphology, etc. For the last two years we have been developing, together with the “La Fe” Hospital of Valencia, the Cartography Institute of Valencia (Instituto Cartografico Valenciano), and the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), a mobile phone App to help citizens to avoid high environmental allergens exposure areas while they are walking around the city. The App uses modified grid calculations where impedances have been calculated based on the variables that affect allergens exposure: temperature, humidity and wind direction, pollution level, trees, pollination, season period, pet areas, fountains and water surfaces. People’s allergy information and the factors that have effects on the allergens exposure were agreed by a group of specialized doctors. The design follows the recommendations of the Agency of Health Quality of Andalucia (Agencia de Calidad Sanitaria de Andalucia). R-ALERGO is the first App to avoid the exposure to air allergens in Spain. The App works following 4 steps: 1st Patient profile; 2nd Definition of the origin-destination of the route; 3rd Calculation of the route with the lower exposure to allergens; 4th Specific recommendations for users. The App R-ALERGO is developed following the concept of other applications dedicated to improve life quality of citizens and recovering, by using the idea of Smart Cities, the link between medicine and health, with the purpose of achieving more responsible cities towards their citizens

    Propuesta de plan de mantenimiento preventivo de la caldera de la empresa Walter Ferreti - ENABAS

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    Presenta un plan de mantenimiento preventivo basado en experiencia tanto del personal de mantenimiento como del personal de apoyo y de operación. Este trabajo puede usarse en todo momento como manual de mantenimiento del generador de vapor dado que reúne todas las características del mism

    Physiological and genetic response of olive leaves to water stress and recovery: implications of mesophyll conductance and genetic expression of aquaporins and carbonic anhydrase

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    8 páginas, 2 figuras, 18 referencias.-- XXVIII International Horticultural Congress on Science and Horticulture for People (IHC2010): International Symposium on CLIMWATER 2010: Horticultural Use of Water in a Changing Climate. Lisboa, Portugal.Drought is considered to be the main environmental factor limiting photo-synthesis (AN) and, consequently, plant growth and yield worldwide. During photosynthesis, the pathway of CO2 from the atmosphere to the site of carboxylation in the chloroplast stroma has two main components: stomatal (gs) and mesophyll (gm) conductances. Both are finite and dynamic, responding to many abiotic factors, therefore reducing CO2 concentration. However, little is known about gm regulation in the short term, where a possible role of aquaporins (AQP) and carbonic anhydrase (CA) has been proposed. Five-year-old olive trees growing in 50 L pots were used to evaluate the acclimation and recovery of AN to drought and subsequent re-watering. Control trees were well-irrigated, while in stressed trees irrigation was withheld for 13 days and then resumed. We made a simultaneous analysis of the genetic expression of two AQP, OePIP1.1 and OePIP2.1, and of CA, on the one hand, and leaf water status, leaf gas exchange and shoot hydraulic conductivity on the other. This is the first time that genetic expression in olive is related to main physiological variables. Two days after withholding irrigation (a.w.i.), the gs and gm values in Stress tress were lower than in Control trees. This limited photosynthesis. Leaf water status decreased from day 4 a.w.i. Midday leaf water potential dropped from -1.2 on the day before withholding irrigation to -6.0 MPa on day 9 a.w.i. CA expression decreased during drought and there was a peak on OePIP1.1 expression on day 4 a.w.i. Leaf water status recovered in ca. 36 h after resuming irrigation. Both gm and AN did not fully recover until 46 days after rewatering. Stomatal conductance, however, did not recover in that period, probably because of an irreversible loss of shoot hydraulic conductivity. Both OePIP1.1 and OePIP2.1 peaked 36 h after rewatering. We found significant correlations between gm and both OePIP2.1 and CA expression.This work was partly supported by grants for projects AGL2005-00220/AGR and AGL-2009-11310.Peer Reviewe

    Datos para el conocimiento del patrimonio minero de la comarca valenciana del Valle de Cofrentes – Ayora (Valencia, Comunidad Valenciana, Sistema Ibérico)

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    En este artículo, nos centraremos en el Patrimonio Minero de la comarca valenciana del Valle de Cofrentes - Ayora. Se trata de una comarca interior de la provincia de Valencia., situada cerca de la provincia de Albacete Por otra parte se halla de un territorio plenamente ubicado dentro del Sistema Ibérico, entre afloramientos de materiales mesozoicos, que fundamentalmente pertenecen al Cretácico y al Jurásico; aunque los afloramientos Triásicos son también muy abundantes. Dentro de esta comarca existen diversos elementos del Patrimonio Minero de la Comunidad Valenciana, aunque las actividades mineras no han gozado nunca de gran desarrollo. Estos elementos se hallan relacionados fundamentalmente con las Salinas y con los Hornos de Yeso. En esta comunicación, nos centraremos fundamentalmente en estos elementos del patrimonio minero.Postprint (published version

    Datos para el conocimiento del patrimonio minero de la comarca valenciana de Los Serranos

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    En este artículo, nos centraremos en el Patrimonio Minero de la comarca valenciana de los Serranos / els Serrans. Se trata de una comarca situada casi en el centro de la Comunidad Valenciana, ubicada totalmente dentro del Sistema Ibérico, entre afloramientos de materiales mesozoicos, fundamentalmente del Cretácico y del Jurásico. Dentro de esta comarca existen interesantes elementos del Patrimonio Minero de la Comunidad Valenciana, aunque las actividades mineras no han gozado de gran desarrollo. Estos elementos se hallan relacionados fundamentalmente con Tejeras y con Hornos de Yeso. En esta comunicación, nos centraremos especialmente en los diferentes elementos, de los dos grupos acabados de mencionar. This article will focus on mining heritage in the valencian region of Los Serranos / Els Serrans. This county is located almost in the middle of the Valencian Community. It is located entirely within the Iberian System, surrounded by Mesozoic materials, mainly from the Cretaceous and Jurassic. Within this region there are many elements of the mining heritage of Valencian Community, although mining activities have not ever been so important. These elements are mainly related with tile furnaces and gypsum kilns. This paper is focused on these two types of elements of the mining heritage.Postprint (published version

    Datos para el conocimiento del patrimonio minero de la comarca valenciana de la Plana de Utiel

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    En este artículo, nos centraremos en el Patrimonio Minero de la comarca valenciana de la Plana de Utiel. Se trata de una comarca interior de la provincia de Valencia, situada junto a la provincia de Cuenca, a la que antaño perteneció. Por otra parte se halla de un territorio plenamente ubicado dentro del Sistema Ibérico, entre afloramientos de materiales mesozoicos, que fundamentalmente pertenecen al Cretácico y al Jurásico; aunque los afloramientos Triásicos son también muy abundantes. Dentro de esta comarca existen diversos elementos del Patrimonio Minero de la Comunidad Valenciana, aunque las actividades mineras no han gozado nunca de gran desarrollo. Estos elementos se hallan relacionados fundamentalmente con las Salinas y con los Hornos de Yeso. En esta comunicación, nos centraremos fundamentalmente en estos elementos del patrimonio minero. This article will focus on mining heritage in the valencian region of Plana de Utiel. It’s a county of the Valencia province, located by the Cuenca province, where it belonged in the past. Moreover, it is located entirely within the Iberian System, surrounded by Mesozoic materials, mainly from the Cretaceous and Jurassic, although triassic outcrops are also abundant. Within this region there are many elements of the mining heritage of Valencian Community, although mining activities have not ever been so important. These elements are mainly related with salines and gypsum kilns. This paper is focused primarily on these elements of the mining heritage.Postprint (published version

    Contact map prediction using a large-scale ensemble of rule sets and the fusion of multiple predicted structural features

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    Motivation: The prediction of a protein’s contact map has become in recent years, a crucial stepping stone for the prediction of the com-plete 3D structure of a protein. In this article, we describe a method-ology for this problem that was shown to be successful in CASP8 and CASP9. The methodology is based on (i) the fusion of the prediction of a variety of structural aspects of protein residues, (ii) an ensemble strategy used to facilitate the training process and (iii) a rule-based machine learning system from which we can extract human-readable explanations of the predictor and derive useful information about the contact map representation. Results: The main part of the evaluation is the comparison against the sequence-based contact prediction methods from CASP9, where our method presented the best rank in five out of the six evaluated met-rics. We also assess the impact of the size of the ensemble used in our predictor to show the trade-off between performance and training time of our method. Finally, we also study the rule sets generated by our machine learning system. From this analysis, we are able to estimate the contribution of the attributes in our representation and how these interact to derive contact prediction

    Datos para el conocimiento del patrimonio minero de la comarca aragonesa del Somontano. II Salinas, Hornos de Yeso, Balnearios

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    En este artículo, nos centraremos en el Patrimonio Minero de la comarca aragonesa del Somontano. Se trata de una comarca situada en el centro de Aragón, repartida entre la Depresión Geológica del Ebro (entre afloramientos de materiales cenozoicos) y el Sistema Pirenaico (entre afloramientos de materiales mesozoicos). Dentro de esta comarca existen interesantes elementos del Patrimonio Minero de la Comunidad Aragonesa. En este caso nos centraremos en el patrimonio minero relacionado con las salinas, los hornos de yeso y los establecimientos balnearios.Postprint (published version