19 research outputs found

    Non-expanding universe: a cosmological system of units

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    The product of two empirical constants, the dimensionless fine structure constant and the von Klitzing constant (an electrical resistance), turns out to be an exact dimensionless number. Then the accuracy and cosmological time variation (if any) of these two constants are tied. Also this product defines a natural unit of electrical resistance, the inverse of a quantum of conductance. When the speed of light c is taken away from the fine structure constant, as has been shown elsewhere, its constancy implies the constancy of the ratio e2/h (the inverse of the von Klitzing constant), e the charge of the electron and h Planck constant. This forces the charge of the electron e to be constant as long as the action h (an angular momentum) is a true constant too. From the constancy of the Rydberg constant the Compton wavelength, h/mc, is then a true constant and consequently there is no expansion at the quantum mechanical level. The momentum mc is also a true constant and then general relativity predicts that the universe is not expanding, as shown elsewhere. The time variation of the speed of light explains the observed Hubble red shift. And there is a mass-boom effect. From this a coherent cosmological system of constant units can be defined.Comment: 8 page

    A Theory of time-varying Constants

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    We present a flat (K=0) cosmological model, described by a perfect fluid with the ``constants'' G,cG,c and Λ\Lambda varying with cosmological time tt. We introduce Planck\'s ``constant'' \hbar in the field equations through the equation of state for the energy density of radiation. We then determine the behaviour of the ``constants'' by using the zero divergence of the second member of the modified Einstein\'s field equations i.e. div(Gc4Tij+δijΛ)=0,div(\frac{G}{c^{4}}T_{i}^{j}+\delta_{i}^{j}\Lambda)=0, together with the equation of state and the Einstein cosmological equations. Assuming realistic physical and mathematical conditions we obtain a consistent result with c=constant\hbar c=constant. In this way we obtain gauge invariance for the Schr\"{o}dinger equation and the behaviour of the remaining ``constants''Comment: 15 pages, RevTeX

    The Speed of Light and the Hubble Parameter: The Mass-Boom Effect

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    We prove here that Newtons universal gravitation and momentum conservation laws together reproduce Weinbergs relation. It is shown that the Hubble parameter H must be built in this relation, or equivalently the age of the Universe t. Using a wave-to-particle interaction technique we then prove that the speed of light c decreases with cosmological time, and that c is proportional to the Hubble parameter H. We see the expansion of the Universe as a local effect due to the LAB value of the speed of light co taken as constant. We present a generalized red shift law and find a predicted acceleration for photons that agrees well with the result from Pioneer 10/11 anomalous acceleration. We finally present a cosmological model coherent with the above results that we call the Mass-Boom. It has a linear increase of mass m with time as a result of the speed of light c linear decrease with time, and the conservation of momentum mc. We obtain the baryonic mass parameter equal to the curvature parameter, omega m = omega k, so that the model is of the type of the Einstein static, closed, finite, spherical, unlimited, with zero cosmological constant. This model is the cosmological view as seen by photons, neutrinos, tachyons etc. in contrast with the local view, the LAB reference. Neither dark matter nor dark energy is required by this model. With an initial constant speed of light during a short time we get inflation (an exponential expansion). This converts, during the inflation time, the Plancks fluctuation length of 10-33 cm to the present size of the Universe (about 1028 cm, constant from then on). Thereafter the Mass-Boom takes care to bring the initial values of the Universe (about 1015 gr) to the value at the present time of about 1055 gr.Comment: 15 pages, presented at the 9th Symposium on "Frontiers of Fundamental Physics", 7-9 Jan. 2008, University of Udine, Italy. Changed content

    Cosmic Background Bose Condensation (CBBC)

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    Degeneracy effects for bosons are more important for smaller particle mass, smaller temperature and higher number density. Bose condensation requires that particles be in the same lowest energy quantum state. We propose a cosmic background Bose condensation, present everywhere, with its particles having the lowest quantum energy state, A c/lambda, with lambda about the size of the visible universe, and therefore unlocalized. This we identify with the quantum of the self gravitational potential energy of any particle, and with the bit of information of minimum energy. The entropy of the universe (similar to 10(122) bits) has the highest number density (similar to 10(36) bits/cm(3)) of particles inside the visible universe, the smallest mass, similar to 10(-66) g, and the smallest temperature, similar to 10(-29) K. Therefore it is the best candidate for a Cosmic Background Bose Condensation (CBBC), a completely calmed fluid, with no viscosity, in a superfluidity state, and possibly responsible for the expansion of the universe.Alfonso-Faus, A.; Fullana Alfonso, MJ. (2013). Cosmic Background Bose Condensation (CBBC). Astrophysics and Space Science. 347(1):193-196. doi:10.1007/s10509-013-1500-8S1931963471Alfonso-Faus, A.: Universality of the self gravitational potential energy of any fundamental particle. Astrophys. Space Sci. 337, 363 (2010a)Alfonso-Faus, A.: The case for the Universe to be a quantum black hole. Astrophys. Space Sci. 325, 113 (2010b)Alfonso-Faus, A.: Galaxies: kinematics as a proof of the existence of a universal field of minimum acceleration. arXiv:0708.0308 (2010c, preprint)Alfonso-Faus, A.: Quantum gravity and information theories linked by the physical properties of the bit. arXiv:1105.3143 (2011, preprint)Anderson, J.D., et al.: Indication, from Pioneer 10/11, Galileo, and Ulysses data, of an apparent anomalous, weak, long-range acceleration. Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 2858 (1998)Bekenstein, J.D.: Phys. Rev. D 23(2), 287 (1981)Bérut, A., et al.: Experimental verification of Landauer’s principle linking information and thermodynamics. Nature 483, 187 (2012)Drees, M., Chung-Lin, S.: Theoretical interpretation of experimental data from direct dark matter detection. J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys. 0706, 011 (2007)Eisberg, R., Resnick, R.: Quantum Physics of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei and Particles, 2nd edn. Wiley, New York (1985)Funo, K., Watanabe, Y., Ueda, M.: Thermodynamic work gain from entanglement. arXiv:1207.6872 [quant-ph] (2012, preprint)Hawking, S.W.: Black hole explosions? Nature 248, 30 (1974)Landauer, R.: Irreversibility and heat generation in the computing process. IBM J. Res. Dev. 5, 183 (1961)Landauer, R.: Dissipation and noise immunity in computation and communication. Nature 335, 779 (1988)Lloyd, S.: Computational capacity of the universe. Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 237901 (2002)Misner, C.W., Thorne, K.S., Wheeler, J.A.: Gravitation. Freeman, Reading (1973), p. 466 (“Why the energy of the gravitational field cannot be localized”)Scarpa, R., Falomo, R.: Testing Newtonian gravity in the low acceleration regime with globular clusters: the case of omega Centauri revisited. Astron. Astrophys. 523, A43 (2010)Sivaram, C.: Cosmological and quantum constraint on particle masses. Am. J. Phys. 50, 279 (1982)Susskind, L.: The World as a hologram. J. Math. Phys. 36, 6377 (1995)’t Hooft, G.: Dimensional reduction in quantum gravity. arXiv:gr-qc/9310026 (1993, preprint)Toyabe, S., et al.: Experimental demonstration of information-to-energy conversion and validation of the generalized Jarzynski equality. Nat. Phys. 6, 988 (2010)Unruh, W.G.: Notes on black-hole evaporation. Phys. Rev. D, Part. Fields 14(4), 870 (1976)Weinberg, S.: Gravitation and Cosmology: Principles and Applications of the General Theory of Relativity p. 619. Wiley, New York (1972

    Some Unique Constants Associated with Extremal Black Holes

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    In recent papers we had developed a unified picture of black hole entropy and curvature which was shown to lead to Hawking radiation. It was shown that for any black hole mass, holography implies a phase space of just one quantum associated with the interior of the black hole. Here we study extremal rotating and charged black holes and obtain unique values for ratios of angular momentum to entropy, charge to entropy, etc. It turns out that these ratios can be expressed in terms of fundamental constants in nature, having analogies with other physical systems, like in condensed matter physics.Comment: "Accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Science" 4 pages, 10 equation

    A few provoking relations between dark energy, dark matter and pions

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    I present three relations, striking in their simplicity and fundamental appearance. The first one connects the Compton wavelength of a pion and the dark energy density of the Universe; the second one connects Compton wavelength of a pion and the mass distribution of non-baryonic dark matter in a Galaxy; the third one relates mass of a pion to fundamental physical constants and cosmological parameters. All these relations are in excellent numerical agreement with observations

    Evidence for a disaggregation of the universe.

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    Combining the kinematical definitions of the two dimensionless parameters, the deceleration q(x) and the Hubble t 0 H(x), we get a differential equation (where x=t/t 0 is the age of the universe relative to its present value t 0). First integration gives the function H(x). The present values of the Hubble parameter H(1) [approximately t 0 H(1)≈1], and the deceleration parameter [approximately q(1)≈−0.5], determine the function H(x). A second integration gives the cosmological scale factor a(x). Differentiation of a(x) gives the speed of expansion of the universe. The evolution of the universe that results from our approach is: an initial extremely fast exponential expansion (inflation), followed by an almost linear expansion (first decelerated, and later accelerated). For the future, at approximately t≈3t 0 there is a final exponential expansion, a second inflation that produces a disaggregation of the universe to infinity. We find the necessary and sufficient conditions for this disaggregation to occur. The precise value of the final age is given only with one parameter: the present value of the deceleration parameter [q(1)≈−0.5]. This emerging picture of the history of the universe represents an important challenge, an opportunity for the immediate research on the Universe. These conclusions have been elaborated without the use of any particular cosmological model of the univers

    Escoliosis experimental por lesión vascular metamérica a nivel lumbar

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    Se ha realizado un estudio experimental en 25 híbridos de conejo californiano con conejo blanco gigante neozelandés de 37 ± 3 días, lesionando la vascularización metamé- rica que irriga las vértebras lumbares con el propósito de alterar indirectamente el desarrollo de los cartílagos neurocentrales (CNC). La lesión vascular se produjo por la destrucción unilateral a dos o tres niveles de los vasos metaméricos de las vértebras L3 a L5. Las columnas vertebrales fueron disecadas, realizándose estudios radiológicos, macroscópicos e histológicos. Se obtuvieron curvas escolióticas (13 ±4°) de convexidad hacia el lado contrario al intervenido, con rotación de los cuerpos vertebrales (12 ± 5o ) hacia la concavidad de la curva, y rectificación de la cifosis lumbar fisiológica de los conejos (5 ±7°). El ascpecto macroscópico de las curvas era similar al que se observa en la escoliosis idiopática humana. Estos hallazgos apoyan la idea de que una alteración del desarrollo del CNC por déficit vascular, de forma unilateral, es capaz de inducir la aparición de una escoliosis.We have damaged the vascular supply to the right neurocentral cartilage (NCC) to 25 growing rabbits, in order to induce scoliosis. The employed technique was the section of the right metameric artery and vein at two or three levels in the lumbar region (L3 to L5). The spine was studied histologically macroscopically and radiologically. We got slight curves (13 ±4°) with the convexity towards the opposite side to the operated zone, and with rotation (12 ±5°) and lordosis (5 ± 7°). These lesions are similar to human idiopathic scoliosis and may be explained because of the NCC's physiological properties. Those findings support the idea that any mechanic, metabolic or endocrine alteration that cause damage to the NCC or to its vascularization, unilaterally, will induced a scoliosis development

    Possible variations of the fine structure constant α\alpha and their metrological significance

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    We briefly review the recent experimental results on possible variations of the fine structure constant α\alpha on the cosmological time scale and its position dependence. We outline the theoretical grounds for the assumption that α\alpha might be variable, mention some phenomenological models incorporating a variable α\alpha into the context of modern cosmology and discuss the significance of possible α\alpha variations for theoretical and practical metrology.Comment: Latex, 17 pages, brief review. References updated, minor errors remove