123 research outputs found

    Arpi. Formes et modes de vie d’une citĂ© italiote (ive‑iie siĂšcle av. n. Ú.) – Campagne d’étude 2022

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    Données scientifiques produites : Arpi. Formes et modes de vie d’une citĂ© italiote Chroniques de l’EFR :https://journals.openedition.org/cefr/1641 Introduction Le nouveau volet ouvert en 2020 sur l’aire de l’HypogĂ©e de la MĂ©duse a Ă©tĂ© approfondi cette annĂ©e grĂące Ă  trois missions de documentation dans les dĂ©pĂŽts de la Surintendance, via Arpi (15‑18 mars, 15‑19 mai, 12‑15 juillet 2022). Ce secteur situĂ© au SO du site est bien connu par la prĂ©sence d’un ensemble de tombes Ă  chambres publiĂ©es ..

    Palaeovegetational reconstruction of the Krios valley, northern Achaea (Greece): archaeobotanical analysis conducted as part of the Aegialia Survey Project

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    Since 2001 the Aegialia Survey Project (A.S.P.) has sought to reconstruct the dynamics of human occupation in Aegialia, northern Achaea (Greece). In doing so it has followed a multidisciplinary approach, with the involvement of various skills and institutions.Depuis 2001, l’Aegialia Survey Projet (ASP) a cherchĂ© Ă  reconstruire la dynamique de l'occupation humaine dans la rĂ©gion de Aegialia, dans le nord AchaĂŻe (GrĂšce). Ce faisant, on a suivi une approche multidisciplinaire, avec la participation de diverses compĂ©tences et institutions. La recherche dans la vallĂ©e de Krios impliquait aussi la reconnaissance et l'enregistrement de la flore actuelle dans la rĂ©gion

    Paestum dietary habits during the Imperial period: archaeological records and stable isotope measurement

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    In historical contexts, analyses of carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes can be useful to answer different question on dietary behavior and to crosscheck information, drawn from texts and classical archaeological investigations. In this study the Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry (IRMS) facility installed at the IRMS-SUN Laboratory of the Second University of Naples is presented. Moreover, results coming from application of stable isotope analyses to bone collagen extracted from human remains of the necropolis of "Porta Sirena" in Paestum will be discussed. Finally, a combined analyses of archaeological and historical record and stable isotope measurements permits to expand our knowledge on diet in Roman Paestum.</p

    Arpi. Formes et modes de vie d’une citĂ© italiote (IVe-IIe siĂšcle av. n.Ăš.)

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    Le texte de ces Chroniques prĂ©sente la troisiĂšme et derniĂšre Ă©tape prĂ©liminaire du programme de recherches sur Arpi : formes et modes de vie d’une citĂ© italiote, qui a dĂ©butĂ© en 2014 et vise Ă  produire une synthĂšse sur les formes de l’habitat d’époque hellĂ©nistique. La double particularitĂ© du projet se reflĂšte dans la composition de cette contribution : il prend appui, d’une part, sur l’étude topographique, stratigraphique et matĂ©rielle, des donnĂ©es de fouilles anciennes conduites sous la responsabilitĂ© de la Surintendance entre le dĂ©but de la seconde guerre mondiale et la fin des annĂ©es 1990, d’autre part sur la mise Ă  jour des dĂ©couvertes dans une base gĂ©orĂ©fĂ©rencĂ©e, sur une enquĂȘte d’archĂ©ologie des paysages, avec une approche archĂ©omorphologique, gĂ©omorphologique et gĂ©ophysique, et sur des prospections pĂ©destres. La recontextualisation qui en rĂ©sulte n’est possible que grĂące Ă  la complĂ©mentaritĂ© des expĂ©riences et des compĂ©tences rĂ©unies par la Surintendance des Pouilles, puis de Foggia, du Centre Jean BĂ©rard et de l’UniversitĂ© de Salerne. Elle a Ă©tĂ© conduite Ă  plusieurs Ă©chelles, de la maison au territoire, pour mieux dĂ©finir les contraintes, les ressources et l’évolution du paysage au sein duquel s’est dĂ©veloppĂ© ce phĂ©nomĂšne urbain de trĂšs grande envergure et encore difficile Ă  cerner sur l’ensemble de l’espace limitĂ© par l’agger

    Un sistema informativo archeologico: l'applicazione del Syslat a Fratte di Salerno

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    Some years ago, the chair of Archaeology of the University of Salerno, in cooperation with the Soprintendenza Archeologica and the Amministrazione Provinciale, began a methodical research program on the ancient settlement of Fratte. This settlement is situated on the hill of Scigliato, in the north-eastern part of Salerno on the Irno River, at the confluence of the Pastorano and Grancano streams. Since 1985 the archaeological area - partly rediscovered in the 50’s and immediately expropriated, enclosed and set aside as a park - has been the subject of a new systematic research project aimed at defining the chronology and the town-plan and understanding the monuments and their functions. Thanks to new scientific knowledge, since 1995 the research project, which is still in progress, has defined two principal aims. Firstly, strictly scientific, to acquire and organise as much information as possible in order to reconstruct the geo-morphological dynamics and human activity involving the entire territorial context of the ancient settlement. Secondly, to develop the archaeological park, which is considered a key element for the improvement of the neighbouring urban areas. As the information about the scientific methods and documentary records from the beginning of this century until now was not homogeneous, it was necessary to plan a new strategy for the management and systematic organisation of all the records that would guarantee consistent documentation. For this purpose we suggest using Syslat, which was created specifically for the recording of archaeological data, as the most reliable system for guaranteeing a standard of consistent documentation, description and global analysis of all records (e.g. Stratigraphic Units, map-making, photos, reports, etc.). This can also be used for the organisation and handling of all information which emerges during research projects using statistic and quantitative methods. Moreover, the possibility of connecting individual data-bases for different sites will make it possible to project each dossier on the largest scale, i.e., on a “regional” level. This information system, which has been tested since 1983 at the proto-historic site of Lattes (Herault, France) by a team of researchers from CNRS (M. Py, M. Bats, J.L. Fiches) was adopted by the Laboratorio di Archeologia using the earliest versions in order to test its effectiveness and to optimise the results. Continuous exchange of ideas and comparison of results between the French team, the “Centre J. BĂ©rard” and the Istituto Orientale of Naples have allowed us to elaborate a “personal” application, which is specifically suited to the theoretical organisation and to the specific and complex requirements of archaeological research in Fratte

    Abellinum, ricerche e studi sull’antico centro dell’Irpinia. Un quadro di sintesi per nuove prospettive di ricerca.

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    This paper aims to make a reasoned summary of the data collected during decades of research in Irpinia and to launch new research perspectives starting from the results of the Abellinum. Piano per la conoscenza, la tutela e la valorizzazione dell’antico centro irpino project, which is an example of fruitful cooperation between different institutions. The territory analysed corresponds to the western part of the Irpinian region and includes the upper and middle valley of the Sabato river. A synthesis and preliminary re-reading of previous studies provides a solid starting point, which is implemented with new emerged data. This research has allowed us to refine the dynamics of rural and urban structuring and settlement between the Republican age and Late Antiquity

    Salerno, Fratte loc.

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    L’insediamento antico di Fratte sorge alla periferia settentrionale della cittĂ  di Salerno su una bassa collina pianeggiante che corrisponde al toponimo di Scigliato (fig. 51.3). L’area Ăš parte di un piĂč vasto insediamento collocato in posizione dominante alla confluenza del fiume Irno con i torrenti Pastorano e Grancano (fig. 52). I primi indizi della presenza di un insediamento antico nella zona di Fratte risalgono agli inizi dell’Ottocento. PiĂč di un secolo dopo, tra il 1927 e il 1929, A. ..
