40 research outputs found

    Trade Reforms in a Global Competition Model: the Case of Chile

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    We use a global competition model of international trade to characterize the effects of trade reforms occurred in Chile at the end of the 70s. We calibrate the model and evaluate its results using a comprehensive plant-level dataset for the period 1979-96. The model is able to explain many of the effects of liberalization reforms on industry performance. We proceed by exploring the impact of preferential trade agreements negotiated by Chile in recent years with the European Union and the North American Free Trade Agreement.

    Hysteresis in Export Markets

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    This paper develops a dynamic monopolistic competition model with heterogenous firms to analyze the effects of uncertainty on international trade. We characterize a stationary equilibrium, with N symmetric countries, where firms’ productivities evolve stochastically over time. Our model retains the main results of previous recent papers like Melitz (2003) and Bernard, Eaton, Jensen and Kortum (2003) and provides additional new predictions. Reentry export costs generate hysteresis in export participation creating a band of inaction within the stationary distribution of firms’ productivities. The decision to export becomes history-dependent and new entrants and incumbent firms might sustain temporary negative profits before becoming profitable. Most importantly, the model is very amenable to estimation and simulation, therefore representing a useful tool for analyzing the effects of trade policies. Several moments, like average age, size and productivity of different categories of firms (exporters, entrants, exiters,incumbents), the hazard rate of exiting or of becoming an exporter as a function of age and others have closed-form solutions that are crucial for matching static and dynamic features of the data.Hysteresis, Heterogeneous Firms, Firm Dynamics, Zipf's Law

    A Theory of Entry and Exit into Exports Markets

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    This paper introduces persistent productivity shocks in a continuous-time mononopolistic competition model of trade with hetererogenous firms similar to Melitz (2003). In our model, the presence of sunk costs and uncertainty have three main consequences: first, firms export decisions become history-dependent. Second, the model generates firm dynamics and allows for substantial heterogeneity in export growth conditional on survival. Policy experiments modify the equilibrium along both the cross-sectional and time dimensions. Third, both the generated equilibrium firm size distribution and sales distribution of exporters into a foreign market are Pareto in the upper tail. All three consequences have been supported by empirical evidence. To solve the model we derive the stationary productivity distributions for exporters and non-exporters in general equilibrium. We point to the presence of a link between intra-industry firm heterogeneity and the degree of persistence in export status. Finally, we perform a numerical exercise to show how per-period fixed cost and up-front entry costs are differently related to persistence in export status for exporters and non-exporters.

    The Cross Sectional Dynamics of Heterogenous Trade Models

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    In this paper we propose a framework for studying export dynamics and market specific flows in a multicountry model of trade with heterogenous firms. Countries are asymmetric in terms of their size, the size distribution of potential entrants, properties of firms idiosyncratic shocks, and trade barriers. The model has predictions in terms of cross-sectional moments and exporters dynamics. We show that persistent productivity shocks are enough to account for, qualitatively, many features of the data. In particular, the model is consistent with observed patterns of entry and exit across markets, export sales distribution, and the life cycle of new exporters.


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    We examine the potential gains from cooperation in the withdrawal of water from the Hueco Bolson aquifer that provides a substantial portion of municipal water supplies in El Paso, Texas and Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. The aquifer lies beneath the international border, and both cities operate independently regarding pumping rates and annual withdrawals. The natural the rate of recharge has been less than the sum of annual withdrawals since the early 1900s, and the resource likely will be depleted if current pumping rates are maintained. Optimal pumping rates and depths are described using a model that maximizes the sum of net benefits obtained from municipal water supplies in both cities. Those results are compared with pumping rates and depths obtained using a dynamic game-theory model of strategic behavior involving the two cities.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    The Margins of Multinational Production and the Role of Intrafirm Trade

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    In this paper we provide a quantitative analytical framework for analyzing trade and multinational production (MP), consistent with a set of stylized facts for trade and MP, among them that both exports and MP adhere to a gravity model. We propose a heterogeneous firm trade model where firms choose endogenously whether to serve foreign markets through MP or exports, where headquarters and affiliates are vertically integrated, and where firms face stochastic entry and demand shocks in each market. Using a unique firm-level data set on production, trade and MP, we establish key regularities about the entry and sales patterns of multinationals that support the model building blocks. We develop a new maximum likelihood estimator that connects the theory directly to the data and that allows us to identify key parameters of the model, explore its plausibility and implications. Our main result is that intra-firm trade plays a crucial role in shaping the geography of MP. This conclusion is robust to any geographical distribution of fixed costs

    R&D Heterogeneity and Its Implications for Growth

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    This paper quantifies the determinants of heterogeneity in R&D investment and its implications for growth. Using a panel of Norwegian manufacturing firms we document a negative correlation between R&D intensity and firm size, driven mainly by small firms with high R&D intensity. We estimate a Schumpeterian growth model with heterogeneous firms, that differ with respect to innovation efficiency. The estimated model fits the shape of the R&D investment distribution as well as the negative correlation between R&D intensity and firm size. A larger selection effect contribution to aggregate growth is found when we include R&D moments in the estimation. Finally, we study the link between firm heterogeneity and R&D subsidies, and show that the growth effects of subsidies depend crucially on how the policy influences the equilibrium distribution of firms.publishedVersio

    OPEC's Market Power: An Empirical Dominant Firm Model for the Oil Market

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    In this paper we estimate a dominant firm-competitive fringe model for the crude oil market using quarterly data on oil prices for the 1986-2009 period. All the estimated structural parameters have the expected sign and are significant at standard test levels. We find that OPEC exercised its market power during the sample period. Counterfactual experiments indicate that world GDP is the main driver of long-run oil prices, however, supply (depletion) factors have become more important in recent years.publishedVersio