20 research outputs found

    Analysis of Iron (Fe), Copper (Cu), and Zinc (Zn) on Param Traditional Medicine

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    Param is well known traditional medicine for keeping healthy and treating diseases used by Karo Ethnic groups in North Sumatera. Param is a powder made of various nutritious plants and therefore its contents of the heavy metal were determined by using Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES) for qualitative analysis and Atomic Adsorption Spectrophotometry (AAS) for quantitative analysis. The result obtained for the analysis param taken from two samples were 11.814mg/kg and 25.4 mg/kg for Fe, 0.658 mg/kg and 4.536 mg/kg for Cu, and 12.728 mg/kg and 15.184 mg/kg for Zn. Param used as external medicine the content of Fe was 29.36 mg/kg, Cu was 7.368 mg/kg, and Zn was 27.688 mg/kg. The content of all was found in metal, fulfilling the Standart of the Food and Drug Regulatory Agency

    Analysis of the Copper (Cu), Chromium (Cr), and Manganese (Mn) Levels from the Steel Industry Liquid Waste by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry Method

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    Liquid waste from the steel industry processing, washing machine, and kitchenware foundry that is disposed containing copper (Cu), chromium (Cr) and manganese (Mn) elements which is harmful to enviromental. The levels of elemental copper (Cu), chromium (Cr), and manganese (Mn) were analyzed using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS) method. The effluent samples were destructed with the addition of concentrated HNO3. Then determining of the concentration of the element copper (Cu), chromium (Cr) and manganese (Mn) using Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer with a calibration curve. The obtained results for the levels of copper (Cu) on the inlet samples were 0.9714 mg/L - 0.9719 mg/L, the outlet samples were 3.9990 mg/L - 4.0002 mg/L. Hence, the levels of the element chromium (Cr) on inlet samples were  0.0295 mg/L - 0.0297 mg/L, the outlet samples were 0.0399 mg/L - 0.0400 mg/L and the levels of manganese (Mn) in the inlet samples were  0.1269 mg/L - 0.1271 mg/L in a outlet samples were  2.9699 mg/L - 2.9701 mg/L. Then the steel industry wastewater for elemental copper (Cu) and manganese (Mn) has exceeded the limits that have been instituted by the Minister of Environment Decree No. 51, 1995, about the Liquid Waste Quality Standard for Industrial Activit

    Analysis of Copper (Cu), Chromium (Cr), and Manganese (Mn) Levels from Liquid Waste of The Steel Industry with Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS) Method

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    Liquid waste from the steel industry processing, washing machine, and kitchenware foundry contained the elements of copper (Cu), chromium (Cr), and manganese (Mn). The effluent samples were destructed using concentrated HNO3. Then determined the concentration of the elements copper (Cu), chromium (Cr), and manganese (Mn) using an Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer with a calibration curve. The results obtained for the level of copper (Cu) on the sample inlet was 0.9714 mg/L to 0.9719 mg/L, and the sample outlet was 3.9990 mg/L to 4.0002 mg/L. Levels of the element chromium (Cr) on sample inlet was 0.0295 mg/L to 0.0297 mg/L, the sample outlet was 0.0399 mg/L to 0.0400 mg/L. Meanwhile, the level of manganese (Mn) in the sample inlet was 0.1269 mg/L to 0.1271 mg/L in a sample outlet was 2.9699 mg/L to 2.9701 mg/L. Then the steel industry wastewater for elemental copper (Cu) and manganese (Mn) exceeded the limits that have been instituted by the Minister of Environment Decree No. 51, 1995, regarding the Liquid Waste Quality Standard for Industrial Activity

    Detection of Methamphetamine using Nanobentonite as a Novel Solid Phase Extraction Column Matrix Assisted with Gas Chromatography- Mass Spectroscopy

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    أجريت هذه الدراسة لتقييم تقنية جديدة لتحديد وجود الميثامفيتامين في الشعر باستخدام الممتزات النانوية البنتونايت كحشو عمود الاستخلاص. استند أحدث ما توصلت إليه هذه الدراسة على وجود السيليكا في النانو بنتونايت الذي يُفترض أنه يمكن أن يتفاعل مع الميثامفيتامين. تمت معالجة الشعر المستخدم باستخدام الميثانول لاستخلاص الميثامفيتامين في عينة الشعر باستخدام جهاز الامواج فوق الصوتية  . تم إجراء التحليل النوعي باستخدام كاشف ماركيش لتأكيد وجود الميثامفيتامين في عينة الشعر المستخلصة .أكدت العينات للشعر التي تم أخذها في فترات مختلفة أن طريقة التطوير الحالية يمكن استخدامها لتحليل الميتامفيتامين. هذه الطريقة لديها نسبة استرداد متوسطة بنسبة 104٪. تم دعم هذه النتيجة أيضًا من خلال نتائج  الدقة والخطية و LOD و LOQ، وكانت القيم  0.0775 ؛ 0.968 ؛ 0.00000256 و 0.000000775 على التوالي.          This study was done to evaluate a new technique to determine the presence of methamphetamine in the hair using nano bentonite-based adsorbent as the filler of extraction column. The state of the art of this study was based on the presence of silica in the nano bentonite that was assumed can interact with methamphetamine. The hair used was treated using methanol to extract the presence of methamphetamine, then it was continued by sonicating the hair sample. Qualitative analysis using Marquish reagent was performed to confirm the presence of methamphetamine in the isolate.The hair sample that has been taken in a different period confirmed that this current developing method can be used to analyzed methamphetamine. This method has an average recovery percentage by 104%. This result was also supported by the precision, linearity, LOD and LOQ, i.e. 0.0775; 0.968; 0.00000256 and 0.000000775, respectively


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    This study aimed to develop spectrophotometry method by double divisor ratio spectra derivative to determine the levels of dextromethorphan hydrobromide (DEX), doxylamine succinate (DOX) and pseudoephedrine hydrochloride (PSE) in tablet dosage form using ethanol as solvent. The method is based on the use of the coincident spectra of the derivative of the ratio spectra obtained using a double divisor and measuring at the wavelengths selected. Then, the method was applied to determine the levels of DEX, DOX and PSE in tablet dosage form. The selected wavelengths for determination of DEX, DOX and PSE are 277.0 nm, 243.0 nm, and 243.2 nm, respectively. The mean % recoveries were found to be in 100.88%, 100.05%, and 100.26% for DEX, DOX and PSE, respectively. The method is successfully applied to analyze DEX, DOX and PSE in pharmaceutical formulation with no interference from excipients as indicated by the recovery study. All validation parameters were within the acceptable range

    Modification of Mango Extract with Mixture of Chitosan, Glycerine and Tapioca to Produce Edible Film

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    Edible film by mixture of mango extract with chitosan, glycerol and tapioca has been produced. The homogeneous mixture formed on akrilik metal sheet and dried into oven at temperature of 30oC for 2 days. The result of physical test was tensile strength about 0,2285 Kg F/mm2 and elongation about 48,9100% and thickness about 0,2480 mm2 and base on SEM test to film that result the compatible film and showed a smooth and thin surface, FTIR test result the long wave is from 3230 – 3400 cm-1 that showed strecth of –OH and – NH groups. The long wave from 1800 – 2200 cm-1 is vibration of NH+ group. This is showing, there is interaction between glycerine, tapioca, chitosan from edible film. The nutrition test results that water degree about 17,1700%, protein degree about 5,500%, carbohydrate degree about 72,220%. Keywords: modification, mango extract, chitosan, glycerine, tapioca, edible film


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    Industri rumah tangga keripik ubi kayu Sanjai di Medan bahan bakunya 10 ton perhari dan 30% dari bahan baku tersebut dibuang yaitu kulitnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui berapa kadar HCN dalam kulit ubi kayu, bagaimana cara mengolah kulit ubi kayu menjadi kerupuk, berapa kadar nutrien (karbohidrat, protein, lemak, air dan abu), serta hasil uji organoleptik kerupuk. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kadar HCN kulit ubi kayu: 22,14 mg/kg. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa kulit ubi kayu aman untuk diolah menjadi bahan makanan. Kerupuk dibuat dengan mengolah kulit ubi kayu dengan tepung tapioka dengan perbandingan 1:2. Kadar karbohidrat, protein, air, abu, dan lemak kerupuk secara berturut –turut yaitu 82,90; 1,10; 13,00; 2,09; dan 0,10%. Hasil uji organoleptik menunjukkan skala 3 (suka)


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    The synthesis of chitosan-CuO composite and its application as an adsorbent in the removal of Fe, Mn, and Zn in Belawan river water has been conducted. Chitosan-CuO composite is synthesized by addition the Cu(NO3)2 into the solution of chitosan and NaOH 2M. This adsorbent is characterized with FT-IR and its capability to adsorb heavy metals is measured with ICP-OES. The preliminary result of Fe, Mn, and Zn level in Belawan river water are 0,3032; 0,3251; and 0,06402 mg/L, respectively, those value levels are above the PP No. 82 Tahun 2004 safety limit.  The optimum contact time of adsorbent to interact is found at 30 minutes, with Fe, Mn, and Zn adsorption is 69,71; 90,53; and 92,05%, respectively. The decrease of heavy metal levels in Belawan river water is influenced by the contact time of adsorbent to the sources of heavy metal.Dalam penelitian ini telah dilakukan penurunan kadar logam dengan menggunakan Kitosan komposit CuO sebagai adsorben.Bahan penyerap ini dikarakterisasikan dengan menggunakan FT-IR. Berdasarkan hasil uji pendahuluan  pada logam Fe 0,3032mg/l, Mn 0,3251 mg/l, dan Zn 0,06402 mg/l  berdasarkan PP no.82 tahun 2014 logam- logam tersebut berada di atas ambang batas. Pembuatan kitosan komposit CuO dengan penambahan Cu(NO3)2  pada larutan kitosan dan larutan NaOH 2M. Analisa pada kadar logam menggunakan teknik ICP-OES.. Untuk perlakuan perendaman terbaik, yaitu 45 menit dengan daya serap  Fe 69,71%, Mn 90,35% dan Zn 92,05%.  lama perendaman kitosan CuO sangat mempengaruhi penurunan kadar logam berat Fe, Zn dan Mn pada air sungai Belawan daya serap


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    The synthesis of chitosan-CuO composite and its application as an adsorbent in the removal of Fe, Mn, and Zn in Belawan river water has been conducted. Chitosan-CuO composite is synthesized by addition the Cu(NO3)2 into the solution of chitosan and NaOH 2M. This adsorbent is characterized with FT-IR and its capability to adsorb heavy metals is measured with ICP-OES. The preliminary result of Fe, Mn, and Zn level in Belawan river water are 0,3032; 0,3251; and 0,06402 mg/L, respectively, those value levels are above the PP No. 82 Tahun 2004 safety limit.  The optimum contact time of adsorbent to interact is found at 30 minutes, with Fe, Mn, and Zn adsorption is 69,71; 90,53; and 92,05%, respectively. The decrease of heavy metal levels in Belawan river water is influenced by the contact time of adsorbent to the sources of heavy metal.Dalam penelitian ini telah dilakukan penurunan kadar logam dengan menggunakan Kitosan komposit CuO sebagai adsorben.Bahan penyerap ini dikarakterisasikan dengan menggunakan FT-IR. Berdasarkan hasil uji pendahuluan  pada logam Fe 0,3032mg/l, Mn 0,3251 mg/l, dan Zn 0,06402 mg/l  berdasarkan PP no.82 tahun 2014 logam- logam tersebut berada di atas ambang batas. Pembuatan kitosan komposit CuO dengan penambahan Cu(NO3)2  pada larutan kitosan dan larutan NaOH 2M. Analisa pada kadar logam menggunakan teknik ICP-OES.. Untuk perlakuan perendaman terbaik, yaitu 45 menit dengan daya serap  Fe 69,71%, Mn 90,35% dan Zn 92,05%.  lama perendaman kitosan CuO sangat mempengaruhi penurunan kadar logam berat Fe, Zn dan Mn pada air sungai Belawan daya serap


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    Telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai pengaruh viskositas kitosan dari berbagai berat molekul terhadap pembuatan kitosan nanopartikel dengan menggunakan ultrasonic bath. Kitosan merupakan salah satu polisakarida alam yang diperoleh dari deasetilasi kitin. Dewasa ini aplikasi kitosan telah sangat banyak dan meluas. Perkembangan penelitian kitosan juga telah sangat berkembang salah satunya dengan memodifikasi kitosan menjadi berukuran nano. Banyak cara untuk memodifikasi kitosan menjadi kitosan nanopartikel. Dalam penelitian ini, pengubahan kitosan menjadi kitosan nanopartikel dengan menggunakan instrument ultrasonic bath dengan menggunakan TPP 1% sebagai pengikat silang dan asam oleat sebagai surfaktan dengan memvariasikan berat molekul kitosan, konsentrasi larutan kitosan dan lama penyimpanan larutan kitosan. Data menunjukkan viskositas larutan kitosan menurun seiring dengan lamanya waktu penyimpanan kitosan. Larutan kitosan dengan konsentrasi sama, penurunan viskositasnya lebih nyata terlihat pada kitosan berat molekul tinggi dibandingkan kitosan berat molekul sedang. Penurunan viskositas ini terjadi karena kitosan mengalami hidrolisis ketika bereaksi dengan larutan asam. Hasil foto SEM menunjukkan, larutan kitosan 1% dari kitosan berat molekul tinggi dengan penyimpanan 1 hari menghasilkan homogenitas partikel yang paling baik. Karena pada penyimpanan 1 hari kitosan belum mengalami hidrolisis dalam larutan asam. Spectrum FTIR menunjukkan terdapatnya semua gugus fungsi yang khas pada kitosan