29 research outputs found

    Production function and production cycle: specific features of municipal entities of the Perm territory

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    Objective: to identify the upward and downward waves of production cycle in the Perm region municipalities and to characterize fluctuations using the production function model.Methods: economic and mathematical modeling, correlation and regression analysis, time series analysis.Results: statistically significant models are constructed characterizing the dynamics of the volume of shipped goods of own production, works and services performed, for each municipality and the Perm region as a whole; the trend and cyclic component of each time series are identified; the production cycle duration is determined. Statistically significant production functions are constructed; the main indicators of labor and capital resources efficiency are defined; their values’ dynamics is analyzed in the context of the revealed cyclic fluctuations. The resources efficiency indicators, calculated by means of production function, showed that the amount of the produced goods in the Perm region municipalities is most influenced by labor resources consumption. It is found that the fluctuations of average and marginal efficiency of resource use, as well as the replacement rate, include a cyclic component, which is synchronized with a one-year lag with the cyclic fluctuations in the volume of shipped goods of own production, works and services performed.Scientific novelty: the combination of cyclicity analysis and production function modeling to identify the factors that have the greatest impact on the economic development of the Perm region municipalities. This aspect forms the novelty of the work, which consists in substantiated disclosure of trends in the economic development of the Perm region municipalities, based on economic and mathematical modeling.Practical significance: the main provisions and conclusions can be used by regional authorities in the development of the state regional anticyclical policy to ensure the coherence of regulatory measures and the formation of the necessary conditions for sustainable economic development of the Kama region


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    The article presents the results of a review of certification systems in Germany for products and services of a building profile. In the course of the review, a Russified description of certification systems was formed.В статье представлены результаты обзора систем сертификации в Германии на продукцию и услуги строительного профиля. В процессе обзора сформировано русифицированное описание систем сертификации

    Dialectics and Implications of Natural Neurotropic Autoantibodies in Neurological Disease and Rehabilitation

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    The role of natural idiotypic (Id-Abs) and anti-idiotypic (AId-Abs) autoantibodies against neuro-antigens observed in different neurological disorders is not fully understood. In particular, limited experimental evidence has been provided concerning the qualitative and quantitative serological response after acute injuries of the central nervous system or during chronic mental diseases. In this study, we analyzed the specific Id-Abs and AId-Abs serological reactivities against 4 neuro-antigens in a large population of patients with ischemic stroke, schizophrenia, as well as healthy individuals. Patients with ischemic stroke were tested at different time points following the acute stroke episode and a correlation was attempted between autoantibodies response and different patterns of functional recovery. Results showed variable and detectable Id-Abs and AId-Abs in different proportions of all three populations of subjects. Among patients with different functional recovery after ischemic stroke, a difference in time-related trends of Id-Abs and AId-Abs was encountered. Our observations suggest that changes in the production of natural neurotropic Abs may engender a positive homeostatic, beside a possible pathogenic effect, in specific neurological disorders

    Woman’s fulminant acne in the postpartum period

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    The article presents literature data on the epidemiology etiology and pathogenesis of a rare form of acne – fulminant acne. A clinical case of woman’s fulminant acne in the postpartum period during exacerbation of the disease, as well as during in the remission during the correction of cicatricial deformities of the skin is describedВ статье представлены современные данные литературы об эпидемиологии, этиологии и патогенезе редкой формы угревой болезни – фульминантного акне. Описан клинический случай фульминантного акне у женщины в послеродовый период в стадию обострения заболевания, а также в период ремиссии при коррекции рубцовых деформаций кож

    Сравнительная оценка результатов измерения емкости вдоха с помощью побудительного спирометра и метода ультразвуковой спирографии в раннем послеоперационном периоде у кардиохирургических пациентов

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    Incentive spirometry is one of the most common methods used for respiratory rehabilitation in the early period after cardiac surgery. Inspiratory capacity values, obtained by a patient using spirometer, are not reliably trusted.Objectives. To compare volumetric parameters measured with incentive spirometer and results obtained with bedside ultrasound-based spirometer to assure the feasibility of the use of incentive spirometry to assess the inspiratory capacity and effectiveness of postoperative respiratory rehabilitation.Materials and methods. The study included 50 patients after elective cardiac surgery. Pulmonary rehabilitation involved the use of various respiratory therapy methods. Spirography was performed before and after each session. Both approaches were used simultaneously to obtain the spirometry maximum inspiratory capacity (SMIC) with a bedside ultrasonic spirography and maximum inspiratory capacity (MIC) index using an incentive spirometer. Patient’s discomfort and adverse events during the procedures were recorded.Results. The absolute values of the MIC measured before and after each session by the two methods were dissimilar, however, the average increment values (6) did not show statistically significant differences. The correlation analysis revealed a strong positive statistically significant relationship between 6 SMIC and 6 MIC (R = 0.74 before the session, R = 0.79 after the session, R = 0.77 across the whole data set, P < 0.01), also consistent with the Bland–Altman analysis, evidencing that more than 95% of all values fell within ± 1.96 SD of the mean difference. The inspiratory spirometry method showed good diagnostic accuracy (sensitivity 87%, specificity 85%, area under the curve (AUC) 0.8 (95% CI: [0.76; 0.83]), P < 0.001). Refusals of procedure were more often documented with ultrasonic spirography.Conclusion. The increment in the inspiratory capacity index measured with incentive spirometer shows good agreement with ultrasonic spirography measurements. Therefore, incentive spirometry can be reliably used to assess the effectiveness of respiratory rehabilitation interventions in cardiac surgery patients during early postoperative period.Побудительная спирометрия относится к наиболее распространенным методам, применяемым для респираторной реабилитации в ранние сроки после кардиохирургических вмешательств. Процедура основана на самостоятельном измерении объема вдоха пациентом, однако остается неясным, насколько можно доверять результатам этих измерений.  Цель исследования. Сравнить волюметрические показатели, измеренные с помощью побудительного спирометра с данными прикроватной ультразвуковой спирометрии и оценить возможность использования побудительной спирометрии для оценки емкости   вдоха и эффективности послеоперационной респираторной реабилитации.Материалы и методы.  В исследование вошли 50 пациентов после плановых кардиохирургических операций. Реабилитацию проводили с использованием различных респираторных методов. До и после каждого сеанса выполняли спирографию с использованием прикроватного ультразвукового спирометра. Оценивали максимальную емкость вдоха (СМЕВд), одновременно определяли  показатель максимальной емкости вдоха (МЕВд) с помощью побудительного спирометра. Регистрировали  нежелательные явления и дискомфорт при проведении процедур.Результаты. Абсолютные величины максимальной емкости вдоха, измеренные до и после каждого сеанса с помощью сравниваемых методов, отличаются, однако средние значения их прироста (Δ) не имели статистически достоверных различий. По результатам корреляционного анализа выявлена сильная положительная статистически достоверная взаимосвязь между Δ СМЕВд и Δ МЕВд (до сеанса r = 0,74, после сеанса r = 0,79, по всему массиву данных r = 0,77,  р<0,01), которая имеет хорошую согласованность по анализу Блэнда–Альтмана, о чем свидетельствует то, что  более 95% значений  находились в пределах  ± 1,96 SD от средней разницы. Метод побудительной спирометрии показал хорошую диагностическую точность при ROC-анализе (чувствительность 87%, специфичность 85%, площадь под кривой (AUC) 0,8 (95% ДИ: [0,76;0,83]), р<0,001). Отказ от процедуры чаще наблюдали при использовании метода ультразвуковой спирографии.Заключение. Прирост показателя емкости вдоха, измеренной с помощью побудительного спирометра, хорошо согласуется с измеренным методом ультразвуковой  спирографии и может использоваться для оценки эффективности реабилитационных мероприятий в раннем послеоперационном периоде у кардиохирургических пациентов


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    The research is concerned with description of CT application aiming to approximate refinement of icon painting period using x-ray analysis of its material structure. Data received may provide the basis for works of art stratification.В данной работе описываются возможности применения компьютерной томографии с целью ориентировочного уточнения периода написания иконы путем рентгенологического анализа структуры ее материалов. Полученные данные могут быть положены в основу стратификации произведений искусства


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    The article views institutional transformations aimed at stable development provision; defines a number of basic institutional problems barring the efficient management of stable development; grounds the necessity of further institutional transformations aimed at economic growth provision alongside with ecological safety and social stability provision

    Few- Body Systems Building Scattering Cross Sections from Resonance Wave Functions *

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    Abstract. Comparative discussion is presented for methods to evaluate simultaneously both resonance and background contributions to scattering